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The locked thread, sorry.:)

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Without starting another bout of stupidity, I felt I had to comment only because I thought most people on this forum were well informed, and objective. Obviously I was wrong. The thread in question started off asking why people liked playin Germans. Strangely it changed into a platform for self obsessed Americans harpin on about their might. Without writing a research paper can I just put a few quick points to Cavscout, Jeff H etc.

The UK was the ONLY viable logistic base in Europe where an Operation the size Overlord could have been launched. Furthermore it took the best part of THREE years to get all those US troops and equipment into a position to make a feasible assault on "Fortress Europe". Even this was not enough, why do you think the Allies were so desprate to liberate the french ports in the summer and autum of '44. Oh but hold on you don't need Britain you could of gone via N Africa/Ireland etc right? LOL!! North Africa/Ireland has the logistical capacity to handle and sustain 90+(ah u gotta make up for the commonwealth shortfall) 110+ US divisons right?LOL!! Ok lets go along with your argument, lets say N Africa could have managed such a feat, how are you gonna get all those boys n their toys over there? By sea right? Wrong.LOL. Er alot of you bloody Americans forget, the Atlantic war was, for the most part won in a little place called Bletchly Park........in England. Ultra and the BRITISH cracked the German enigma machine (abeit through German carelessness). Before the German U boat codes were cracked in May(?) 1942, an AVERAGE of 500,000 tonnes of Allied shipping was being sunk every MONTH. It was not the reduction of the air gap, it was not the advancements in ASW technlogy that won the battle of the Atlantic, it WAS ULTRA. Allied shippin was simply REROUTED AROUND the U boat concentrations. If Britain had fallen in 1940 you Yanks wouldn't have had Ultra. In fact British intellienge expertise and proceedure would have probably been used against you. Hmm, to put it bluntly those U boats would have torn your transports to bits. You could NEVER have built up a force capable of liberating Europe, let alone sustain it LOL.

Have you no concept of the importance of geography, geopolitics, logistics and intelligence in War?

Cavscout, u cite US submarine operations against the Japanese as THE prime example of an effective prosecution of submarine warfare.


Oh the Japanese used the convoy system effectively? LOL They had air cover? LOL The Japanese merchant navy was efficent?LOLLOLOL.

You support your overall argument with R Overy and his book "Why the Allies Won"? OLIOLOLOL

I suggest you read more than just one book on a subject. If you had done, you would realise that many of his contempories consider this book flawed and nieve, to say the least.

The US invented the A bomb?LOL actually with- out the Britsh work by err...can't remember his name, you would have got NOWHERE by 1945.

How many plain IDIOT arguments were there in that thread? Sorry don't have the time or the will to address/destroy them all.

The outcome of WW2 CANNOT be explained away by one variable, ie the intervention of the US. Many many many factors, orginating from many many many sources brought Germany to her knees.

But hold on, what do i know? My BA War Studies degree from Kings College London and my research work at the Strategic Studies Institute and my current work for Janes publishing group can't of taught me much eh. After all Jeff their just bits of paperLOL.

I just feel sorry for Chupar-wos his name and J. Walters et al. Christ you guys are patient, how much time and effort did you spend on that thread? Its a shame to see logic and reason get swamped by a barrage of nonsense.

Its amazin how history can be warped.

BTS by all means lock this thread if you wish, I just had to comment sorry.


[This message has been edited by Londoner (edited 10-11-2000).]

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I'm sure I speak for all the Americans on the board when I say that your brilliant use of the phrase "LOL" (and some variants you aparently made up yourself) has convinced us of our basic inferiority. We'll just go back to being the wealthiest, most powerful and influential nation now. Bye.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Londoner:

Sigh, have you missed the point entirely u clod.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No, I believe it is you that missed the point made by BTS in the other thread:

"So please, nobody take offense by me slapping the padock on this. I am doing everybody a favor. This thread will never, ever die unless I close it up tight. Trust me biggrin.gif"

Have a nice day...



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Londoner:

Cavscout, u cite US submarine operations against the Japanese as THE prime example of an effective prosecution of submarine warfare.


Oh the Japanese used the convoy system effectively? LOL They had air cover? LOL The Japanese merchant navy was efficent?LOLLOLOL.


LOL... it was where the submarine actually ACCOMPLISHED its mission. Don't be mad because the US submarine service accomplished where the Germans failed. Fact is the American submarine effort in the Pacific was far more succesful than the German's in the Atlantic. The Germans failed at it, the US won at it.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Londoner:

But hold on, what do i know? My BA War Studies degree from Kings College London and my research work at the Strategic Studies Institute and my current work for Janes publishing group can't of taught me much eh. After all Jeff their just bits of paperLOL.


It has taught you to use "LOL" I see.

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Londoner, closed threads are closed for a reason, opening another one just means the mod goes "bad boy!" and closes it again.

BTW, what do you do at Janes? I have an interest (and some study) of Private Military Companies amongst other things, and enjoy the Janes news brief I get.


(in London.. cheering on the Finns tonight biggrin.gif )

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Londoner:

You support your overall argument with R Overy and his book "Why the Allies Won"? OLIOLOLOL

I suggest you read more than just one book on a subject. If you had done, you would realise that many of his contempories consider this book flawed and nieve, to say the least.


Really? What "contempories" would that be? What do they say are flaws? Have YOU read the book? What do you disagree with? That Allies out-produced the Axis? That Allies were much better at harnessing their economies for war that the Axis? What is he wrong at?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Londoner:

But hold on, what do i know? My BA War Studies degree from Kings College London and my research work at the Strategic Studies Institute and my current work for Janes publishing group can't of taught me much eh. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Let me guess ... you're an editor, right?


Leland J. Tankersley

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Please lock this up.

Londoner - I'm happy you agree with me, but this kind of vitriol isn't exactly conducive to an intelligent discussion.

Incidentally, I'm American, and glad to be so. I do believe that victory in WW2 required a combined effort, and I stick to that belief. I will also be the first to admit that many Americans can be patriotic to the point of jingoism. But to characterize and stereotype Americans the way you are is mildly insulting. I say mildly because I get it all the time, and I'm used to it, and that's a shame.

And before the rest of you start jumping up and shouting USA! USA! (yes, Major Bosco, this means you), the "America is the best at everything just 'cuz we rock like that" attitude isn't any better.

There's a lot more to the world than just one's own country. There is no one country that is "the best" at anything.

Oh, and did I mention, please lock this up?


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

[This message has been edited by Chupacabra (edited 10-11-2000).]

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I never understood why certain folks are insulted by the notion that the US had the means itself, if it had been neccesary, to fight Germany alone. Some say it is, or would have been, possible and some say probable. How is this an insult to the other Allies?

My guess is that certain nations feel they lost influence in the world after WWII. England and France were world powers then. I suppose the loss of that stature is hard to take.

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Guest Der Unbekannte Jäger

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

I love posting to threads that are about to be locked.

Hi Mom!!




"I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the death, your right to say it."

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That's the kind of nonsense you have when you are from some place else than France.

For there is absolutely NO doubt whatsoever that we could have lost that one alone.


A friendly advice from someone culturally prone to early surrendering:



Will you trade your Peng for a box of Seanachai?

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PawBroon you are hillarious. Speaking of early surrended, I noticed your armored car break away and head for the hills last night, and I think your .50 cal guy gave up. Anyone else you want to have surrender now, or do you want to wait untill I get to within 1000m before you throw your hands up and run? tongue.gif



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Peter, you meant the funniest thing from France since...mimes! Those guys crack me up. Always making arses of themselves trying to open windows and such. Now mimes are funny. Almost as funny as chocholate cake. Boy does that chocholate cake crack me up, with it's chocholate icing and everything. Now Chocholate cake is funny.



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