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CM joins my classic games of all time list(slightly OT)

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Might & Magic I

Ancient Art of War

Ancient Art of War at Sea

XOR NFL challenge

Captain Blood

DUngeon Master (Amiga)

Gone Fishing (amiga)

Wayne Gretzky Hockey (amiga)

EMPIRE (intersel awesome)!

COmbat Mission

Sea DOgs

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Seal Team by Electronic Arts was one of the most engrossing military games I ever played. It was set in Nam and a pretty darn accurate portrayal I felt. From the gear you carried, to the planning of your missions, down to searching villages, fleeing civilians, and the NVA and VC, it was cool.

If and when a fire fight started if you and your squad of three other guys didn't have the upper hand you usually didn't make it out. I can remember many a night hunched up close to the monitor looking for VC as my men slunk through the bush. And I can remember all the semi heart attacks I had when missions went bad and I had to pop smoke and wait desperately for a dust off.

It was an intense gaming experience.

I've always felt this was an underrated game and had always hoped it'd get a remake to bring the graphics and game play up to date. It's a top notch Vietnam wargame, one of the only ones I know of actually. It was well worth what I paid for it.


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For me, some of the best games were in Microprose's heyday. They could do no wrong (unlike now -- they've totally changed, starting around 1992 or so):

Silent Service


Sword of the Sumurai (I hope I have that title right -- It's a game that is rarely remebered, but a wonderful, versatile game that concentrated on a subject rarely explored in PC games)

M1 Tank Platoon -- Probably my most-played mil sim. It had everything -- battalion-level control, great graphics for the time, great gameplay, and it was very versatile, covering a whole range of Soviet post-war equipment. I played this for years. To me, M1 was the king of ground combat sims, and it was hard for me to ever return to air combat.

Railroad Tycoon


Thus, in a few short years, Microprose had cranked out several great games. At some point after 1992, they either got lazy, too preoccupied with graphics, or both, and games suffered. Thank goodness Battlefront is here to re-establish the tradition of hand-crafting solid, dependable games.

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*Civization (i cant belive i memorized the tech tree so i wouldnt have to look in the manual every time i played)

*Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe (it was just too fun shooting down B-17s


*Empire Deluxe (I still want to PBEM this one)


*Ultima Online (I hate it, but its addicting)

Combat mission is getting on this list, doesnt beat Civilization though

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Agree with almost all selections for classic games. Surprised though that no one mentioned Summer Games by Epyx for the old Commodore 64. What a hoot wiggling that rubber covered joystick at 4000 Hz for the track and field events against a human opponent. That game blurred the line between a mere computer game and a mighty physical contest -- gave me my first bout of carpal tunnel syndrome!

Also deserving of mention is Lucasfilm's Battle of Britain with it's killer graphics for a flight simulator of it's generation. No flight simulator can compete though with the old F-15 Strike Eagle for durability -- I mean you could take 50+ hits with Iraqi missles, reach your triangle shaped target, drop your oval bombs from the HUD and fly home (although the plane would be bucking like a bull). And let's not forget Sublogic's Flight Simulator -- that made it all possible.

BTW does anyone remember the name of a Commodore 64 game where an Indiana Jones clone goes to an underground tomb? I have fond memories of having to use dynamite to get this guy out of a flooding level.


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Master of Magic

Master of Orion 1 & 2

Civ 2

Fallout 1 & 2 (with fond memories of wasteland)

Brigade Commander (only available on the Amiga)





Longbow 2

EF2000 (especially after doing a runway supression mission on Leningrad/St Petersburg)

Steel Beasts

Rainbow 6 / Rogue Spear



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I would have to place any Mudd or Mush on the classic list, for introducing telnet internet games.

Utopia was a classic, Civ .5 as Sid Meyer calls it.

And all the ones mention belong on my list, I would like to include Lemonade stand on the old apple. That great 'we're in the money' song made me smile everytime.


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Close Combat 2 (Mac)

Rogue Spear (Played on my friends PC)

Civilization 2 (Mac)

Castles : Seige and Conquest (Mac)

CM beta demo (Mac)

I played the CM beta demo more then I play the full game simply because it had lower system requirements!


And if we abandon any platform, I can assure you it will not be the Macintosh.


My website!

A major source of Wild Bill scenarios!

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First I have to say that you guys are all very old. I've never even seen a Commadore 64. Though I did meet an Atari once.

Now for the list.

Warlords II

Warcraft II



Caesar III

Red Baron


and my all time favorite

Hellcats Over the Pacific

God I wish I still had that. The disks are dead at this point and I'm not sure if it would work anyway, but I still miss it.

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I was really lucky with video games. Somehow I bought the right ones most every time.

Starting with Flight Simulator (Atari 1040). The manual was just so damm big (Sigh...those were the days)....so many options...and through it all I could say to myself, 'This is sorta what it's like to really fly a real plane'. It was a life changing revelation. (Before that I was interested in music.) smile.gif

Glad somebody mentioned M1 Tank Platoon too. God, what a great game that was. Infinite replayability, and a precursor to the RTS craze. Funny, me and my friend were playin CM and he chatted 'M1 Tank Platoon' I wrote back, 'better'. He wrote back, 'much'.

Railroad Tycoon: I remember playing for 18 hours straight, going to bed, and suddenly thinking of a brilliant strategy just as I was falling asleep, and getting up again to test it out. Much as I love CM, it's never done THAT to me (but maybe I'm just getting older).

Duke Nukem 3D: That first level deserves to be in the Smithsonian. Shooting that monster sitting on the pot...I literally fell off my chair laughing. I made it about halfway through the game, then found the map editor Build. I spent an ungodly amount of time with Build, I thought it was MUCH more interesting than the game, and I thought the game was great. This was to start a trend:

1) I am not very good at video games. smile.gif

2) I like messing around with video games better than I like playing with them.

CM: A special mention because CM is probably the deepest video game out there, yet when it really boils down to it, it's a crap shoot, know what I mean? Like backgammon. The best backgammon player in the world doesn't win every match, even against an average player. Now think of Kasparov against an average chess player...he would cream him every game! So CM has chess-like depth but backgammon-like outcomes...for me, that's a killer combination. I think that's what gives rise to the taunting, because you see a similar behavior in backgammon. The guy getting the lucky rolls is usually convinced that it is his superior tactical skill that is carrying the day, while the superior player is wondering why God hates him so much. smile.gif

Most of all I like talking about video games, cuz boy oh boy do I love 'em.



CM interface mods: http://mapage.cybercable.fr/deanco/

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Let's see here. There's been many games I've enjoyed but here's the ones I've played most: In chronological order:

"Bard's Tale" (Apple)

"Might and Magic" (Apple)

"Battle of Britain" or something to that effect by Lucas Arts.

"Doom" (PC) (the reason I dropped the Amiga format)

"Empire Deluxe" (PC)

"Steel Panthers" series (PC)

"Quake II"

"Baldur's Gate"


I'd like to have 8% compound interest on all the junk I've bought I can't even remember the name of.



"Once a Diceman, Always a Diceman."

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Atari could also boast the most useless peripheral ever. Does anyone remember the dial? I forget what the official name was, but it was essentially a big round dial (well, more precisely it was a potentiometer) stuck on a square plastic block with some buttons on it. It worked with one game, some god-awful Jedi Lightsaber Duel thing. What a fantastically bad game. What an utterly ridiculous piece of hardware. What a golden age of video games.

Although to be fair, Nintendo did release some spectacularly crappy peripherals during the NES days. Anyone remember the robot?


Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by W.Osler:

BTW does anyone remember the name of a Commodore 64 game where an Indiana Jones clone goes to an underground tomb? I have fond memories of having to use dynamite to get this guy out of a flooding level.


I believe that game was called Aztec. I remember playing that one too...great fun!

Anyhow...here are some of my most-played:

Xevious & SpyHunter (Arcade)





Battles of Destiny (an Empire clone)

Adventure (Atari 2600)

WarRoom (Colecovision)

Final Fantasy I thru VII

Chrono Trigger (gosh I wish I kept that cartridge...I hear it's worth a small fortune now!)

Baldur's Gate II



"You can't fight in here, this is the War Room!"

--Dr. Strangelove--

"We are all Heroes...you and Boo and I...Rangers and hamsters rejoice!"

--Minsc, Baldur's Gate II--

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Emos:

Battles of Destiny (an Empire clone)


My wife bought me that for Christmas one year. I tried to like it, I really did, but I never did. I don't know why.


Jeff Abbott

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Ahhh..memorrrieeees smile.gif

Here's some classic c64 games(for me anyway)


Airbourne ranger


blue max


Dragon lance champions of krynn

final fight



Last ninja


Skate or die

Zac mc kraken

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by W.Osler:

Also deserving of mention is Lucasfilm's Battle of Britain with it's killer graphics for a flight simulator of it's generation. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It was known as "Their Finest Hour : Battle of Britian". It is rare (or may be the only) PC flight-sim let you pilot German bombers like Stuka, "Flying Pencils", He-111, etc out the box.



"When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

"Can't get enough Tank?"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Roborat:

Haven't seen Tie Fighter mentioned too often, I consider it a top ten classic, regardless of genre. I went out and bought the win95 copy when the original wouldn't run after an upgrade.


Yeah! Anyothe TIE Fighter fans! There is a DirectX upgraded version of X-wing and TIE Fighter (iirc, with all mission expansion) plus demo of "X-wing vs. TIE Fighter) which uses "X-Wing Alliance" engine. From what I have read, looks like LucasArts repackages the whole stuff into "X-Wing trilogy" and will be on sale around Xmas.



"When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

"Can't get enough Tank?"

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Rygar (arcade)

Pole Position (arcade)

Commando (arcade)

Punchout (arcade)

Operation Wolf (arcade)

Bruce Lee (datasoft apple IIe)

Minor 2049er (apple IIe)

Microleague Baseball (apple IIe)

One-on-One: larry Bird vs Dr. J (apple IIe)

F-15 Strike Eagle (apple IIe)

Karateka (apple IIe)

Lode Runner (apple IIe)

Castle Wolfenstien (apple IIe)

Wings of Fury (apple IIe)

The Oregon Trail (apple IIe)

Defender Of the Crown (apple IIgs)

Space Quest (apple IIgs)

Liesure Suit Larry I (apple IIgs)

TV Sports Football (amiga)

TV Sports Basketball (amiga)

OmniSports Basketball (amiga)

One-On-One Larry Bird vs Dr. J (amiga) (amazing grphics for its time...better then anything ever done on a PC at the time)

One-On-One Larry Bird vs Micheal Jordan (pc)

F-16 Fighting Falcon (mac plus)

Airborne! (original mac black and white)

Acient Art of War (mac)

MS Flight Simulator (mac)

NFL X and O game for (mac)

Mac Attack (old mac tank game)

PGA Tour Golf (mac II)

Panzer General (mac)

Myth I,II (mac)

CMBO (mac)

Phantasy Star (Sega Master System)

Gangster Town (Sega Master System) One of the greatest light gun games ever made period.

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Ok here are a bunch for the Intellivision the most underrated console of all time. These guys were so advanced that they had plans for modem head to head gaming around 1983 I think. They also had the first games for a TV that talked! It always cracks me up that Intellivision was always over shadowed by the WAY inferior Atari. I have some fond memories of Atari but it was never as good..NEVER!

Advanced Dungeons and Dragons

Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Treasure of Tarmin: (the very first First Person view game I ever saw, it included hit points, armor class and going up in levels) This game came out in 1982!

Sea Battle: great naval strategy game my brother and I use to have a blast with this. I can remember many a day kicking his ass with my PT boats. You could lay mines, sweep for mines and even take damaged ships back to port for repairs.

Any of the Intellivision sports games. Boxing, Football that had actual Defensive and Offensive plays that you could run! Baseball, Tennis, Skiing, Bowling, being my favorites.

Microsurgeon: A really cool game where you went inside the human body and killed diseases and tapeworms and tumors with a little robot, kinda like Fantastic Journey or Voyage whatever that movie was.

Astrosmash which I got over a million points one day in a marathon session.

Dracula: You had to find victims and drink their blood. Each night you had to drink more blood. If you turned into a bat you used up blood quickly. You had to get so many victims before the sun came up. If you weren't back in your grave by then you died.

These are just a few of the great games this system had. All classics! I could go on and on. Intellivision is definately one of my great memories of being a kid. anybody interested can check out this link. It's a real blast from the past


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Here's my list of games that had me playing until early in the morning more than once. (you know the feeling...."its 2:00 am got to get some sleep so I can go to work/college/school tomorrow....just another half hour..." or is this just me)

In no particular order:

Rainbow 6 franchise (especially multiplayer)

Combat Mission

Baldurs gate

Sid Meyers Gettysburg


Doom I + II

Castle Wolfenstien

Dune II

Operational art of War (This worked on NT in my office at work which was bad news)

Action Stations (a very low graphic, but high realism naval war game)

Fields of Glory ( a RTS game of Waterloo, once you stopped the artillery from charging it was very good for it's time)

Then I go back a bit. Did anyone have a Sinclair spectrum in the early eighties and remember "Hungry Horace" and "Jetpack Willy". Fun games considering the computer only had 16k of memory and half of that was taken up by the OS

Sorry about the typos

[This message has been edited by Private Pike (edited 12-04-2000).]

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