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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

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Two Years. biggrin.gif

They are working within the limits of their business model and have enough funding for CM2. Those who missed out will just have to wait.....


also read that CM has been a sellout. Sorry for those who are still waiting, but it bodes well for the future. Congrats to Battlefront - may have a bigger winner than we all thought and rightly deserved.


CDMag.com said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The company says that they did not anticipate that demand would be so high for the game... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So I guess it would be fair to say the game did better than you expected smile.gif Hot damn, well done guys. Bring on CM2.


Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kuroth:

Oh Great!!! Now what is the wait time to

receive the game?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Kuroth, I think Steve said somewhere that the fulfillment company found one copy saying 'Capt.Manieru's copy' on it, and they did not know where to send it, so if you email him quick, you can still get it... It is a bit torn, because they used it to wedge open the door, as someone pointed out in another thread...

Congratulations Steve and Charles - good to hear that you have been positively wrong in your assessment of demand.

Please note that all smilies on this iBook are on a field-trip to Hades.



Guest Big Time Software

Yup, it is a bit of good news and bad news. The good news, of course, is that Combat Mission 2 is going to happen biggrin.gif The bad news is that the MUCH higher than expected demand has caused us to run out of stock. We had made some "rosey" sales predictions (or so we thought!) and they were blown away by a factor of about 5 or 6. We started another production run about 3 days after we started shipping, but the planned two months worth of stock was wiped out this weekend. We have the fastest production cycle possible going for us, extra costs included smile.gif

NOTE!!!!! Contrary to what the CD Mag blurb says the delay is about one week. I've already sent a correction in to them and hopefully they will fix it soon. I have no idea where they found "one day" in the press release we sent out wink.gif


Guest SS Peiper

Great new guys smile.gif and keep up the good work

SS Peiper


Congratulations on the fantastic sales levels BTS!

I'm glad to see you are being rewarded for a superior product and service.

As to CM2 going to happen: Woohoo!

(I only wish that CM1 arrives before CM2 ships [ack! I'm beginning to sound like Manieri with all my whining] :P )



And the gaming industry thinks wargames won't sell? Maybe if they stopped candylanding wargames and release more games like CM, they would actually make some good profit rather than appealing to neither the grog or quake head.


Congratulations BTS. You have proven that a great product coupled with superior customer service equals massive sales.

You are one squared away company, and seem to be the only one out there that really "gets it".

Way to go and hurray for the good guys!



Congratulations Guys.

And someone argued that computer wargaming was dead in a thread a few months ago. NOT!! All the mass marketing nay-sayers may now eat crow. biggrin.gif

To anyone who doesn't have the game: the wait is well worth it.

The scenario editor rules.

Finally, someone did it right!!! biggrin.gif




WOW thats GREAT!!

I hope that will mean maybe some extra money hire some top of the line graphics artists (maybe like some of the folks who worked on Graphics for Myth or Panzer Elite) so the Combat Mission and CM2 can have more Eye Candy and really state of the art 3D graphics.

YES the underlining code and game engine are new revolutionary and the code does not crash or cause crashes at all it is VERY solid code and it is very cool in its own right BUT, I would like to see some REAL 3D eye candy in the game, similiar to games like Myth II and Panzer Elite. Myth II is particularily visually stunnning.

Keep up the good work!

And for the record yes, I think you should hire Colin (ColCoolJ) as a part time contractor as is mods are inspired and VERY good.

Thanks again BTS I'm glad things look so profitable!!!!

-tom w

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

Yup, it is a bit of good news and bad news. The good news, of course, is that Combat Mission 2 is going to happen biggrin.gif The bad news is that the MUCH higher than expected demand has caused us to run out of stock. We had made some "rosey" sales predictions (or so we thought!) and they were blown away by a factor of about 5 or 6. We started another production run about 3 days after we started shipping, but the planned two months worth of stock was wiped out this weekend. We have the fastest production cycle possible going for us, extra costs included smile.gif

NOTE!!!!! Contrary to what the CD Mag blurb says the delay is about one week. I've already sent a correction in to them and hopefully they will fix it soon. I have no idea where they found "one day" in the press release we sent out wink.gif



<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> "Have you thanked BTS by buying your SECOND copy of CM yet?" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Posted by somebody else a long time ago:

It's already being whispered that PC Gaming is done in five years. By MAJOR players, not by me. When stockholders and investors think "hmmm .. a company that makes PC Games or a compnay that makes XXXXXX games." Somebody, somewhere is going to bring up this whole Combat Mission fiasco and farce. Because, we all love wargames. They don't, they love units and dollars and return. And they are the ones who run the store, gentlemen.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sorry but I could not resist. It seems that our little marketing specialist should look at improving his skills in clairvoyance. As the old saying goes: "It is notoriously difficult to make predictions, particularly if they concern the future."

I thought today is a fitting day to dredge this one up. WTG BTS!!!!




I was curious about how well CM would sell, seeing as how BTS doesn't have the big advertising bucks.

I am absolutely thrilled that your sales are far exceeding your expectations. The game is exceptional and your attention to the customer is unparalleled. Nice to see the good guys win.



<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

WOW thats GREAT!!

I hope that will mean maybe some extra money hire some top of the line graphics artists (maybe like some of the folks who worked on Graphics for Myth or Panzer Elite) so the Combat Mission and CM2 can have more Eye Candy and really state of the art 3D graphics.

(stuff snipped)

Thanks again BTS I'm glad things look so profitable!!!!

-tom w


Actually one thing I think they should spend all that extra cash on is a nice 2 week vacation with their wives to Hawaii or [insert favourite exotic locale]

Enjoy the fruits of your labours BTS!



Where can I pre order CM2?

Now that I've soothed you...

Do you plan on bundled sending me the first one with it?


Congratulation on your sales.


Either he's dead or my watch has stopped


Thanks and congratulations on the great sales figures BTS! Received my game on Saturday and it has far exceeded my expectations. So glad to see the HUGE sales numbers. This game is truly a masterpiece. Looking foward to CM2 "Beyond Barbarossa". Just a suggestion as a name. wink.gif



So Barbararossa says:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Looking foward to CM2 "Beyond Barbarossa". Just a suggestion as a name.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I protest, how come he gets his name used? I demand that CM2 be called ... {wait for it} ... Beyond Joe!


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