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operations again

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i know that this has been raised before, but the way the computer draws up the lines after a battle ,is well for me the biggest glitch.Ive been playing various operations and no matter how i do seem to be losing ground steadily.

In the case of the arnhem14 operation (great map) i completly routed any german holding forces and got shoved into one hell of a tiny position

Infact i ended up with less than i captured

and my forces where crammed in tight.

Is this going to changed, can i change it?

ID rather that and im no computer expert that the AI drew a line around my forces at the end of the battle.

Just the only thing thats spoiling for me a great (ok the best) game going

............................................. overclocking.gif

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Check 6

I think for Arnhem 14 the no mans land has already been set to zero. In line with what Ironcross stated, it always appears no matter how much ground you capture, the way the battle line rules work, you still seem to loose ground. In this respect operations only seem to work well for "get to the other end of the map" ops. Whereas battles like Arnhem (my obsession smile.gif) are not suitable for ops, even if you set them up as destroy operations. For destroy ops it would be nice for battle lines not to be set straight across the map, but to be plotted based on a zone of control for the territory lost or gained. That way "I'm surrounded" ops like Arnhem that spanned a number of days could be better simulated.

Another addition for destroy ops would be the ability to set more than one attack direction for the attacker, but I have to admit that I haven't really thought to deeply into the practicalities of that one.



"Surrender? Tell them to go to hell."

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The line drawing isn't particularly good in "get to the end of the map" operations either. I played Mortain as the Germans(great op btw) and the computer kept just approaching my line as the game finished so it was able to push me back 3 times without really engaging (or out flanking!) my defenses.

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Yep, know what you mean. In an op I was playing, I was totally decimating attack after attack. German squads were being reduced to 1 or 2 men, but it seemed that if just one of these squads managed to advance just bit further than the previous battle, then I could be wrong but that was the set position for the new battle line.

I'm sure this subject has been discussed many times before (I didn't get a chance to check the search), but as far as I know there haven't been any changes to the way next battle set up lines work so far. Maybe it ain't practical from a coding point of view. If all this has been answered before, could someone point me in the right direction and I'll leave it there.



"Surrender? Tell them to go to hell."

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for you i,ll finish this thread smile.gif.IM going to Arnhem a week on thursday for the memorial weekend,my first visit there,i got a lot of stuff from the public records office in london,stuff like the staffs reports which havent been published,some good pictures which show how up n down Arnhem really is.

This op thing is bugging me,id like this no mans land thing to be removed,i know this would effect reinforcments but their should be a variable system allowing placement of reinforcments

outtahere.gif ............................

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Ditto on the op thing.

Darn, if there's one place I have to go before I die it's Arnhem. The wife and kids might not find it too interesting though smile.gif. Be sure to give us an after action report and some pics when you get back. I've heard there's a wealth of battle info that you can get from the museums that you can't pick up anywhere else. I'm a Brit overseas, been here 8 years, so when I go back to UK to visit(Suffolk), I don't get a chance to travel in Europe. Anyway it's 12.53am and I've got an early meeting, better hit the sack.

Thanks for staying on for the thread. I hope you reconsider your tactical withdrawal. You might be one of the only posters who understands British humour. smile.gif

Have a great time.



"Surrender? Tell them to go to hell."

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If you're going to Arnhem I would really recomend the Oosterbeek museum.


Its the house where the aid station was (I think). I found it really moving. Particularly the attitude of the Dutch staff who still 50 years latter were grateful to the British for trying to liberate them.

I spent 6 months working in Wageningen which is about 20 miles down the road from Arnhem. It was all new built after the war as the Germans destroyed it in 1940 and the British in 1944 (or so the locals told me).

The John Frost bridge


Is also new and now has a large roundabout at the end held by Frost. I assume all the building were destroyed during the war.

I also found the cemeteries both British and Dutch in that area very moving, they seem to go on for miles. Enjoy (if thats the appropriate word) your stay.

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all i need to do is get my scanner working,im also a friend of the airborne museum (you can join at their website).Im going with some veterans should make interesting listening.Ive never been able to remain emotionable at the military graveyards especally at some like menin gate or tyne cot.anyway ill try to get what i can

any spare stuff like leaflets etc ill get and if you want ill send snail mail.#

............................................ bandit.gif

hamsters on dutch tobacco (high hamster)

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