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Another 'post your email for PBEM' thread

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Given that the last one was posted to last in November of '99, leading to grave doubts about its currency, and we've seen a fair number of 'looking for people to PBEM' threads lately, I think it's probably a good idea to start another one of these.

So, folks looking for PBEM opponents, post up your email here, and any comments about ability and preferred types of game you'd like.

And to start it off, I'm jhough@bellatlantic.net. I've had some experience with pbems, mostly with the beta demo, and am a thouroughly mediocre player, having won every attack, lost every defence, and drawn every meeting engagement I've played. I'll play anything, but prefer fairly small battles.

-John Hough

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I can stand to be whupped by a couple more opponents. I can manage an average of one move a day (evening) cos of school and work and stuff. I prefer to play as Germans, QBs' and small to medium maps. But any and every variation is fine.

First two or three to contact me get the honor of slaughtering my hapless troops.



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I strongly suggest all of us also post their ICQ numbers in this thread, those of us who have ICQ that is.

Now, as for myself.

E-Mail: sword_lover@hotmail.com

ICQ: 26953512

I prefer to play as the Germans or as the Brits, although anything else is just as good. I enjoy random generated map. The more randomness, the more fun IMHO smile.gif

I also don't mind choosing my own men, so if you like it that way I'm all up for it.

I am a mediacore player myself. Right now I'm in the middle of a few PBEMs which are seemingly hanging in the ballance so far as I can tell.

I am looking for players who can play more then 1-2 turns a day. Even if it's over the course of 12 or so hours, I like players who can devote a sitting of time to play CM and exchange files quickly.

Then again, with the amount of PBEM games I'm running, someone is ALWAYS online which makes waiting for other people's files easier. So even if you are a slow player, send ahead!


"...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

- Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

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My current email is: bilekbp@hotmail.com

I will play any side, any type of battle. I consider myself fairly proficient, though I have had few opponents other than the AI to cut my teeth on. However, I have so far faired quite well in those battles. I am looking forward to playing some veterans, in fair and honorable combat.

My PBEM frequency varies: Some evenings, I can play for hours at a time, some evenings not at all.

My ICQ: 1229135



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I am looking to be a contender for Worst Tactician. Hopefully when CM2 comes out I'll have an excuse for all the headlong charges (Three Cheers for the Glory of the Soviet!), but until then I tend to specialize in getting my Americans out of breath and/or precious bodily fluids.

First 2 or 3 comers get a chance to whup ass:


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In Half-Life, I'm the guy named "Player" with his pistol pointing feebly at the ground;

In Age of Empires I'm the guy who gets all his farms geometrically placed around the Town Center about the time my opponent shows up with 8 catapults;

And in CM...well, you'll find out, but I am currently 0-4. I don't know why I waste my time, but I truly suck at all video games. Not more than 1000 points, otherwise I get confused. Other than that, what does it matter, I'm gonna lose anyway. Ah well, I tend to come up with good self-depreciating jokes when I'm losing, so all is not lost. Ask PeterNZer.


ICQ : 7227124


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Hello all

Currently with the superbowl and outside PBEM's I am involved in 8 PBEM's and I still have spare time.

But I wouldnt want to start another one just yet. However Please keep my Email and ICQ number on Record.

Also the trick to keeping track of these things has been to set up multiple inboxes, and create rules that automatically place each email into an appropriate inbox based on who sent it. This is the only way I can keep track of so many games.'


ICQ: 8217706

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Guest Pershing Predator

I'm still a relatively new gamer with... I dunno, 2 or 3 scenarios under my belt? Either way, i'll play any side, with any point limit, and I promise to be a good loser. wink.gif My current adress is Pred242@aol.com

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Wow. This has turned into the 'Confessions of a Miserable CM Player' thread. Show a little confidence people! 8)

I'll add myself to the confessional. I've played a few scenarios and quick battles, I'm pretty average, and I can manage about a turn a day due to work and family. And once when I was a kid I snuck into my neighbor's yard to retrieve my frisbee, and accidently knocked over a small potted plant. (Feels good to get that off my chest.)




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I'm really new to this kinda thing and my skills arent that great but I do love to pbem I prefer quick battles, any size, I play either side, any conditions, any time period, I will do attack, assault, probe, and meeting engagement, I can attack or defend.

I can do 1-3 turns a day, I am a new player so I need someone with patience in putting up with many mistakes of their opponent.

my email is Belisirius@townsqr.com

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Anyone interested in joining a ladder or two? For those who are, you can find a couple of good one's at




Great places to find opponents and to see how you rate. I'd leave my address but i'm all booked up at the moment. Have fun!! smile.gif

[This message has been edited by Richlop (edited 08-31-2000).]

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