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BTS: Rethinking Fionn's Ban

Guest Zulu1

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Steve, I hope you rethink Fionn's ban.

Your reasons were:

"This is not the first time that Fionn has taken a leave of absence for an inability to act like a civil member of society, especially towards Scott. He was let back on after repeated promises that he would not have any posting activity with Scott. This thread demonstrates that Fionn is incapable of controlling his temper and grudges."

The way I read the altercation was it was started by Scott sticking the knife in by insinuating that Fionn might delete the post in question out of "spite". He then accused Fionn of acting childish for objecting to this slight.

IMHO Fionn has a lot to offer for this forum, insite into CM plus a wealth of historical military knowlege.

Ya, he maybe should have walked away, but how many times does someone need to be kicked before they fight back? I would have reacted the same, and have done so a few times in the past.

I would like to see Fionn back in here if he wants to return.

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Sorry, I disagree completely with the previous post.

I totally support the ban based on the liberal use of offensive profanity in his latest posts.

This type of indulgent behavoui should not be tolerated here and I TOTALLY support the BTS decsion to BAN in this case.

It was a tough call no doubt, as Fionn has been a long time contributor here and is deeply and knoweldgable and keen and commited to the historical correctness of WWII military facts and data, but I don't really think that gives him the right to break the rules of the forum with regard to the use of profanity to insult another member here.

Sorry, but I think the decsion to ban him was the right one. I support the action of Steve on this one.

I suspect this thread will be locked up soon, thats just a hint smile.gif

-tom w


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> "Remember that no dumb bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."

G. S. Patton


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I agree as well.

While I admit that Fionn is a knowledgeable fellow with some good historical insights, I have been finding his contributions to the board increasingly haughty, arrogant and intolerant lately.

I've seen many posts where Fionn could have responded in a kindly guiding manner, and indeed, as a senior member it was his responsibility to do so. Instead he allowed the discussion to degenerate from the theoretical to the personal, and I was sorely tempted to rebuke him for this myself on occasion.

Fionn has been involved in the development and test of CM in a quasi-official capacity for some time. His recent posts have been such that if I were Steve or Charles, I would not want this fact advertised however.

Here's to keeping it calmer and more enjoyable for all,


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Guest Big Time Software

Sorry, but this is not the first time that Fionn has been removed from this BBS, or at least warned in public and private, for abusive behavior. If it were he would still be on here if he appologized to everybody.

As someone who has had to watch the bitter fight between Fionn and Scott over the last year, I have to tell you Zulu1 that you have missed quite a bit. Even if Fionn was the innocent victim of the evil Scott, he has repeatedly chosen to go ballistic contrary to the guidelines of this BBS. There is no excuse for this. Because I can't get Fionn to stop this behavior (even after hours of private emails and "second" chances) I am left with no choice. The fact that I think Scott is the victim and not Fionn also has a lot to do with it.

Yes, Fionn is valuable to CM and wargaming in many ways. And in fact I do think of him as a good friend. But there are larger issues involved and I can NOT look the other way and treat Fionn differently than someone else simply because I like him. He has blown several "second" chances to refrain from unwarrented and over the top abusive behavior. As sad as I personally am about it, there is no other option other than to bar his posting on this BBS.

Case closed, as well as this thread.


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