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#$@$#@ Ground Pressure of Allied Vehicles

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Now I generally don't complain - but bloody hell when 4 out of 5 starting Tanks (Sherman/M-10's) get bogged in a PBEM which technically stuffs up your entire battle plan - well ya get a little pissed I can tell you.

The game is played in dry but overcast conditions and as the US player I was thinking - OK Craig lets throw a nasty suprise - well the nasty suprise turned out to be on me - cause as soon as I went off-road well you guessed it - bogged!!! not one not 2 but 4 of my starting 5 vehicles. Now the Shermans were M4A3 76'ers and 1 M-10 Wolverine and well I'm not 100 percent sure but I do believe these vehicles did go off-road from time to time historically frown.gif.

Anyone had this happen to them - or have I just lucked out big time. And before you ask only one of these vehicles were going through terrain other than clear.

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Guest KwazyDog

Just to double check with you my fellow Aussie the ground conditions are definately Dry?

If so, youve have been HUGLEY unlucky there as I cant remember the last time I saw a vehicle bogged down in dry conditions.

Out of interest, did you definately see them labeled as 'bogged' and not just 'immolilised'?

[This message has been edited by KwazyDog (edited 08-13-2000).]

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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KwazyDog:

...I cant remember the last time I saw a vehicle bogged down in dry conditions.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Unfortunately, I can. frown.gif


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Yup - dry....October 1944 is the game month.

2 of them started as immobilised so I tried reversing them out - you guessed it - they then got bogged frown.gif.

In the end its by and by but jees its bloomin annoying - I'll be setting all future games -late 44 to mid 45 so I get the HVSS Shermans or Hellcats etc.


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Hmm. Did you start the scenario with the tanks dug-in? If so they won't be able to move rest of the game. Also, did you start them in swampy ground by chance? The germans would bury mines 6 feet deep or so so that several allied tanks would have to roll over the area before it went off from the constant tank traffic (it'd be buried and the ground would be moistened up a bit before they left it). maybe it was one of them buggers wink.gif


ps~ as an afterthought, the only luck I have had getting bogged vehicles unstuck so far is to have them fast move straight forward. Worked 2 times so far for me. Failed about 4 times in a row trying to reverse out of a bog. Who knows.

[This message has been edited by Tiger (edited 08-14-2000).]

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I've seen vehicles bog in dry terrain too (a couple in a single scenario even), but this sounds more like some five-sigma bad luck.

There will be other games played underwater in which no vehicles will bog, which will also be a rarity, but nobody will write to complain about that.

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On the other hand, I've successfully moved four Sherman M4A3(75)W's (a mix of veteran and regular, some moving fast) through scattered trees (which the manual states has "considerable risk of bogging down") in Overcast, Damp, June weather. They only went through small patches but some of them went through more than one patch. Not one of them bogged (no bogging on open terrain either, though several of them traveled pretty good distances, including up and down slopes). I did stay out of the lower-elevation areas of the map, though.



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