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Quick Battles - Coolest Feature Ever

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This feature alone makes this the best game ever. I have only played 1 scenario that came with the game. All the other games I have played have been made by others or the quick battle. I did 2 battles last night, 20 turn ones with the settings identical both times, and in the first game, the computer picked the Americans. In the second, it picked the Brits. They were totally different battles, even though I picked all the same units for my side, and all other settings were identical both games. Awesome!

In the second, I saw a Kangaroo Flamethrower vehicle hit by an AP round from a hidden 88mm Flak gun at roughly 200 meters. Catastrophic explosion! I watched that 3 seconds of film about 50 times. The cool thing was watching camera 1 locked on the Kangaroo viewpoint. Just driving across this field, and BLAM!!!!!! Everything is on fire, and everyone is dead. No idea where the shot came from or anything.

My hat is off to you BTS. Much gratitude.


CrapGame out

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It randomly generates the battlefield. It asks if you want village, farms, rural, etc, small hills, hills, big hills, how much vegetation, etc. I put the same settings on last night, and the battelfields were totally different. Really cool.


CrapGame out

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Guest Germanboy

A Kangaroo flamethrower ?! Are you sure it was not a Wasp, a flame-thrower based on the universal carrier?



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Andreas, you might be right. I know I killed a number of both of them in that battle, and there were numerous erroneous vehicle recognitions by my troops in the rainy dusk weather. I think I probably have them mixed up. It was probably a Wasp, judging by the catastrophic explosion, though. Can't think of anything in a Kangaroo that would explode like it did.


CrapGame out

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CrapGame:

Andreas, you might be right. I know I killed a number of both of them in that battle, and there were numerous erroneous vehicle recognitions by my troops in the rainy dusk weather. I think I probably have them mixed up. It was probably a Wasp, judging by the catastrophic explosion, though. Can't think of anything in a Kangaroo that would explode like it did.


Scotsman after drinking too much Whisky before the attack, maybe?



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Amazing how the Talisker has the aroma of the remains of a large fire. It was the perfect addition to a tense battle. Looking forward to repeating the experience again soon. Hopefully with some Lagavulin, if I can find it.


CrapGame out

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Guest Madmatt

You can not edit a DYO map. Its on the 'LIST' from what I hear.

You CAN edit any "designed" (non DYO) scenario/operation map in the editor...

You can also design a battle or operation and have the AI automake the map for you if you would like or you can hand edit one. You can even let the AI autobuild one and then edit parts of it.

The DYO module is really intended for quick and dirty fights.

As much fun as DYO's can be you really need to try your hand at designing your own full fledged sceanrio or operation. They will blow you away! biggrin.gif



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[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 06-21-2000).]

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I totally agree that the Quick Battles are a blast to play- worth the price of admission alone. I've found that it is fun to let the computer pick both sides units- you never know what you will get- (although it seems to LOVE stugs smile.gif )


No matter where you go, there you are.

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I haven't had the courage to let the computer pick my units for me. I just don't trust that it won't give me 97 panzerschreck teams and a mortar to fight the 3 companies of infantry. The StuG's really seem to be a lot of bang for the buck though, so I can see why the PC picks 'em. I still have yet to see an air attack, though. Has the PC picked that for you, or is it too hard to get with the 1000 point limit?


CrapGame out

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Guest Imperator

You can't edit a Quick Battle map, but the editor has a feature to automatically generate maps. It appears to be the same code as the Quick Battle generator uses, and works quite well.

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I think that air attacks would be very rare when the computer generates the forces. They are very expensive about ~300 points in the artillery section IIRC, and usually the limit for artillery is less then that. I was trying that last night smile.gif. The easiest way to try out air attacks is to make your own battles in the editor, that was fun. Had 7 elite american planes with some Jumbos attacking a king tiger, 4 wirblewinds and a whole bunch of quad 20mm. They killed my tiger but I killed all the planes. Its a little hard to tell when the planes got hit or not, since there was just so much fire going around. The rocket(?) expolsions look like minature catastrophic explosions on the ground, plus they make huge craters, very well done.

Too bad there wasn't a DYO operations, now that would be just too cool. Too bad there is just so little time in a day to play this game.

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In the beginning I liked to pick units myself. But I soon discovered that I rarely chose certain units. Nowdays I always let the computer chose for me. It doesn't pick 97 'schrecks, and I get to know all those units I'd never choose myself.

But most importantly, picking units yourself makes a Quick Battle a pretty easy win, if you pick the most efficient troops for the job at hand.



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I see what you mean. I was playing mechanized versus mechanized last night, and really was not overwhelmed by my options as the Germans (no heavy armor). I ended up picking up 3 Pumas (which performed admirably - the long cannon eats up HalfTracks) instead of trying some vehicles which I didn't really know about. Definite bias on my part. Although, knowing the most efficient tools for the job is difficult without seeing the map or opposing forces beforehand to know what I'm up against. I will try it out tonite when I get home, as the Germans of course.


CrapGame out

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