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Having just finished another marathon session with the game...I was just wondering to myself if anyone else here remembers a game called Kampfgruppe by SSI. This was my first wargame for the computer and I played it on my Atari {yes it's true} 800xl. It was a game set in the eastern front, pitting you against either the German or Soviet army, depending on your preference. Basically you had only icons that you moved around a map with circles and lines drawn to represent rivers, hills, valleys and the like. Artillery barrages were represented by the cursor flashing red over the unit icon briefly....

I guess my question would be to you all, what do you think the next step will be in computer wargaming? This game has obviously raised the bar for realism...but what do you think the next step will be? I'm just curious....

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Well I don't remember that game, but I do remember my 800XL with fondness. Looking back, it is funny to think how slow that system was, and yet I loved the thing. I played Blue Max quite a bit as well as many other "cartridge" games...man am I old smile.gif

[This message has been edited by ACTOR (edited 08-13-2000).]

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ah how I loved my Atari 800, the game I remember being my favorite was a space shooter but I can't for the life of me figure out what it was called.

My Atari is no more though after my dad tried to make it a 1000, it melted :P

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yup Kampfgruppe on the Atari was a classic.

As for the "next level" of wargames its a really interesting question. I beleive that within a few years there will be a new breed of game designers whose inspirations are different from the current ones, allow me to explain.

Most computer game designers dont really have new ideas, it is their intenion to take an enjoyable experience from thier past and convert it or enhance it for the computer. This could be playing squad leader as a youth, recreating those glorious long sunday afternoons playing minature wargames or being able to play that monster boxed wargame you never punched out the counters for.

The success of computer wargames is in many ways a tribute to the original inspiration. However that very success now means that the emulation of those classics is more popular than the originals themselves.

This means that there is now a generation of wargame programmers coming of age who have never played a minatures wargame or squad leader. What elements they will seek to emulate is somewhat questionable, at worst they will want to turn wargames into some aweful Doom meets SPR meets RTS gore fest but at best they will finally discard all the wargamey conventions which are part of the boardgame inheretence and come up with some truly new and novel systems for dealing with battles.

We shall see.


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I also remember Chris Crawford's "Patton vs. Rommel" from around 1987. It was a division-level game that I encountered on my old Tandy 1000EX (1.5x the speed of an IBM PC! wink.gif ). It had true "pre-plotted orders/simultaneous execution" WEGO movement along with morale, and I enjoyed it greatly. I also bought MicroProse's "Crusade in Europe" (another "semi-realtime" game). While both of these were strategic (my preferred scale), I'm enjoying the heck out of CM! Whatta game!


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Hell, yes, I remember. First computer wargame I ever played. On the old Apple II. Amazing what they could do 128KB of RAM (tell THAT to the kids today). I still have the game, and the computer.




"The truly great thing is not to lose your nerve." --Unknown.

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"Amazing what they could do 128KB of RAM (tell THAT to the kids today)"

Damn straight! wink.gif My first computer had 16K of RAM (1981 TRS-80 Color Computer) - much more than the basic 4K model! Later I expanded it to 64K (128K if you count both "banks"). Woo-hoo! It had some pretty good games, too - including a couple of wargames.

Though I love the new technology (my 128 megs of *memory* is over twice the size of my first hard drive from 1989), tell me again how modern software isn't bloated and I'll laugh all the harder. smile.gifYou know...


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Yup I had Kampfgrouppe on my Amiga 500 - it was a cool game for the time...actually it was a great game.

The future - well I'm still hoping for a decent VR solution. I mean imagine being able to play the part of a battlefield commander - where you can actually walk the terrain - or a Tank Commander in a true 3d world - to me that would be gaming.

With puters passing the gigaflop in processor speed and motherboards reaching relative data rate - well I hope this sort of game gets off the ground in the next 5-10 years.

But CM fills a niche at the moment - so I am sated biggrin.gif


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