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Infantry Blowing themselves up

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Infantry conducting close assaults/attacks sometimes blow themselves up. This evening while playing an Operation, one of my infantry platoons closed within 10 meters of a Halftrack. The infantry platoon knocks out the halftrack, but at the same time my 10 man platoon vaporizes. I attacked the halftrack from its rear quarter, thus my platoon was entirely out of the halftracks firing arc.

When this occurred I thought it a fluke. But later on in the scenario, I conducted close range attacks at the REAR of a pillbox. This time I lost THREE ENTIRE platoons of infantry. The pillbox ignored the carnage.

Here's what I think is happening: The infantry are strapping grenades to their forehead and ramming the target. I do have sceenshots... but the last time I posted them, folks went ballistic :P

It appears Infantry Tossing Grenades don't care if they are within the blast radius or not AND they don't care if a friendly is within the blast radius. I can understand and errant grenade causing friendly fire. However... the blast radius of a grenade is limited by the undercarriage and or deck of a halftrack. Assaulting a pillbox from its hind is entirely too lethal when several of your units are within the blast radius.

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How on earth did you lose three platoons of infantry? Are you SURE no hidden Germans were firing on them?

I've assaulted countless pillboxes with engineers and line infantry and never lost a single man to blast. You must be doing something wrong.. Do you have a movie?

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Three Squads, correct. I wasn't thinking rationally...

[second glance shows not three, but FOUR squads. However, the bunker could have exploded? It's hard to tell]

Here are the links to the screen shots and my saved game, Beginning.cmc. Oh for those who just HATE SPOILERS, don't click on these links. But for those who want a chuckle, feel free.



Saves game == Movie?


[This message has been edited by Apoc (edited 06-23-2000).]

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Lorak, I was manuevering behind the pillbox to get in position. My Squads decided it was a good time to go suicidal. The AI made the decision for me. We're not talking about green troops, either! These are the Cream of the British Army...

None of those Squads had sachels. They had grenades, but that's it. My engineers never made it across the bridge.

[This message has been edited by Apoc (edited 06-24-2000).]

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Guest Big Time Software


I haven't been able to reproduce what you describe, but I added some defensive coding to v1.02 (coming soon) to help ensure that it doesn't happen.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Oh for those who just HATE SPOILERS, don't click on these links. But for those who want a chuckle, feel free.


I think the earlier uproar about you posting the pictures came from the fact that they should have been posted in a different forum.

Also, my guess as to what happened was this:

You have a whole bunch of guys standing very close to the backdoor. Everybody throws their grenades and BOOM!!! I can only imagine what would happen if you had 30-40 guys standing in a very small area and they all decide to put a bunch of shrapnel in the air. Just my guess.



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In VoT I always use the leftmost platoon to assault bunkers after I smoke the route. I position the entire platoon outside of the bunkers fireing arc and then move them right next to the bunker. They toss grenades in and cause the crew to bail. The three times I have done this successfully no freindly fire casualties have resulted. Always the squads are right next to the bunker.

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Charles, the link above with my saved game duplicates the problem on my machine. Download it and hit Go to start the turn. The Squads will maneuver behind the Pillbox, then blow themselves up. I've run the saved game twice and it occurred in both trials. Duplicating the effect should be rather simple with a saved game that does it everytime.

Redleg, I dunno but something is not-quite-right with my infantry. As I mentioned before, I assaulted a half-track from its rear quarter with a full squad of infantry just to have them all die in one bang. Perhaps the problem is with British Airborne and their use of Gammon Bombs.

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