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Hey Croda You Little Sissy Boy

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I'd like to publicly note your cowardice and lack of a sent set-up. Not only are you a little girly-man but you have no sense of ettiquette. That's right, not only are you ugly, you're ill-mannered. So, take your little ranting, raving, jumbled posts and start putting them in the Cesspool, where they belong, and leave the rest of the board (The carrot-chomping, khaki-wearing, camo-creatin', Seanachai-hatin', Grognard-satiatin', JP-batin' rest of the board) and get your butt into there, now!

Don't post a response, here, soldier! The Cesspool, now, now, now!

And for god's sake, serpentine!


Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less.

-David Edelstein

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Guest Mirage2k

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>At least throw us a frickin' smiley Elijah.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hmm...sounds familiar.




Throw me a frickin' smiley, people!

Your one-stop-shop for gaming news is www.SiegersPost.com ! Hit it!

BLAH IN 2000!

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Under orders from the General Secretary, all Smileys in the western sector have been sent to the camps. Thus, I have no smileys to give. You corrupt Easterners may have smileys to burn, with no regard as to what the smiley means to the people, but we have none and if we did, we would turn them in like good citizens.


Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less.

-David Edelstein

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Guest Mirage2k

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Peiper the 2nd:

hey Meeks,

You really hate this CORDA guy.


I believe a well placed MrWinky ( wink.gif, for the smiley-illiterate) would have reinforced the (I think) tongue-in-cheek almost-humorous, mildly ticked-off nature of his post. But as he explained in his second post to the thread, Elijah has no smilies to spend, as the survivors in his territory are dead or hiding underground from his ruthless persecution.

But the revolution is coming. Oh yes, there will be revenge. mad.gif




Throw me a frickin' smiley, people!

Your one-stop-shop for gaming news is www.SiegersPost.com ! Hit it!

BLAH IN 2000!

[This message has been edited by Mirage2k (edited 09-06-2000).]

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no freek'n smiles here but lots of grin'n


"wipe that smile off your face private! no? ok Johnson you stand here while the rest of the troop does 80 push-ups and then four times around the compound"

-"1001 ways on how not to make friends in your unit" by Pvt. Ima Dufus

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In defense of Meeks... no, let me start over.

This is Officer IV, Cesspool Police (CPs), and we understand you've seen a fugitive here. Mr. Meeks was actually given a fairly benign mission (not by me) to recruit Mr. Croda, who's talent for creative invective was noticed by others, in an unrelated thread.

That Mr. Meeks has exceeded his authority, slipped off his meds, and bungled the whole thing is obvious. Now he is yet again bothering normal people. He is only annoying, not dangerous.

If you can just point me to him we'll be dragging him back, AGAIN, to the Dark Place. Thanks for your cooperation, netizens.

And Master Bates, let's see some ID while we're here. Better have a look at those palms, as well.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by infohawk:

Yeah, I used to think Elijah was cool, but now I'm starting to think he's a troll.

I could be wrong though.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Or, you could just be very confused. Perhaps it is the other way around....

Rock on, Elijah, rock on


[This message has been edited by Freyland (edited 09-06-2000).]

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Mr Meeks, as noted above was simply extending an invitation to Mr Croda who seemed to exlemplify the spirit of the cesspool. He is one of the few ever to be extended an honor of being recruited. Sorry if Meeks gave the wrong impression, we do try to keep him under control, but then again he has several personas

[This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 09-06-2000).]

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I knew there would be trouble when I saw the title of this thread.

To those of you unfamiliar with the ways of the Cesspool, its denizens apologize for any mistaken impressions that Mr. Meeks may have left. All was in jest as Mr. Croda is doubtless aware, having been a recent visitor and contributor to the Cesspool.

MEEKS! Get home, please. And I loved the "serpentine" reference. Great movie.


"Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?" — Oddball

"Crap." — Moriarty

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

In defense of Meeks... no, let me start over.

This is Officer IV, Cesspool Police (CPs), and we understand you've seen a fugitive here. Mr. Meeks was actually given a fairly benign mission (not by me) to recruit Mr. Croda, who's talent for creative invective was noticed by others, in an unrelated thread.

That Mr. Meeks has exceeded his authority, slipped off his meds, and bungled the whole thing is obvious. Now he is yet again bothering normal people. He is only annoying, not dangerous.


Hey, Mark IV, I'm sorry. Hitting Meeks in the head just doesn't seem to have any damn effect any longer. Peng's busy, and I was away today, so he got free again.

MEEKS, YOU HORRIBLE LITTLE MAN! How many times do I have to tell you, you half-witted squeeky toy, we don't proselytize? They have to want to come to the Cesspool. Now stop annoying good folk by starting your lunatic threads and giving Steve pointless work to do shutting them down.

Oh, and Bates Minor, Meeks is harmless, unless you're locked for hours and hours in a sewer with him. Then he's a right nutter. Still, a little charity, young Bates. We all have to look at your handle, after all, and the joke was pointless before you even signed up.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Guest Peiper the 2nd

You poele with the freakin' smillliies are like kids or 14 year oldz. The last time I used one of thoese were whan I was 14.

I though most of you here were mature grown ups.

Oh if I have any gramar errors, well I just did that for your pleasure so you can people have a good time writing them down and pointing them out. I'll leave some for you!!!

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Guest Mirage2k

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Peiper the 2nd:

You poele with the freakin' smillliies are like kids or 14 year oldz. The last time I used one of thoese were whan I was 14. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So that makes you what? 16?




Throw me a frickin' smiley, people!

Your one-stop-shop for gaming news is www.SiegersPost.com ! Hit it!

BLAH IN 2000!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mirage2k:

Hmm...sounds familiar.



Ah, erm, that's cos it's your sig, right. Thanks for borrowing it. Still in one piece too! No harm done, I hope. smile.gif


Der ver zwei peanuts, valking down der Strasse, and von vas...assaulted! peanut. Ho-ho-ho-ho.

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Mr.Meeks...I've been called a lot of things in my day (and ugly is most certainly one of them), but a girly-man? Now pardon me for making my trip home from work. I see that you misunderstood my delay in responding as cowardice and lack of ettiquette, but let me say this now...your pathetic chest beating is more reminiscent of Dennis Miller talking in his sleep than a sign of tactical genius, strategic forethought, or even the simplest of military minds. So if you can stop drooling in your wheaties for a minute or two, why don't you do something you haven't done in a long time...THINK! Are you honestly trying to convince the masses here that you have the stones in your tighty-whities to challenge the likes of Sun-Tsu himself? You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!! Son, we live in a world where the cream rises to the top, and milk clumps like you sink to the bottom only to get scraped out of the jug later on by some fat milkmaid wearing your daddy's shirt. So, Meeks, if you're truly interested in feeling the cold embrace, you just let me know. I'll be happy to accommodate you. But mull it over in that spatious cranium of yours first. I'd hate to have it said that I whipped you without you realizing what you were getting into.

As for your goldfish beating Spine...I remember that. Goldfish had a bazooka hidden in some Pine Trees that took out Spine's last Puma. Man was he pissed!

I will throw in a smiley smile.gif

And one more thing...can someone explain the cesspool to me? I'd go myself, but I may have another psychotic episode and beat the hell out of everyone in there too!

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(emeeks@oilbased.com not that damn hotmail address)

You pick any QB settings you want and I will demolish you! You cannot compete with fortitudinous! You cannot compare to my taxitude! You cannot contain my armorosity! My infantraneous injections will tear apart your strategiousity! This won't be a fight, it'll be a massacre! There'll be 3000 hits, 2999 of mine hitting you, and you hitting the ground!

Bring it on!!!!!

Oh yeah!


Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less.

-David Edelstein

[This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 09-06-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

Son, we live in a world where the cream rises to the top<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As a matter of fact, so does scum. wink.gif


Der ver zwei peanuts, valking down der Strasse, and von vas...assaulted! peanut. Ho-ho-ho-ho.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Son, we live in a world where the cream rises to the top, and milk clumps like you sink to the bottom only to get scraped out of the jug later on by some fat milkmaid wearing your daddy's shirt.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Actually there's a school of thought which states that any bureaucracy is very much like a cesspool, in that the really big chunks rise to the top. Apropos of nothing at all of course.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

can someone explain the cesspool to me? I'd go myself, but I may have another psychotic episode and beat the hell out of everyone in there too!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Needs work, that's entry-level 'tude, but no substance.

Seek "Peng, I take Our Challenge Public".

"He was our last hope."

"No. There is another...".

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