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Howdy Gang,

I noted a post called "Abbreviations" on the CMBB forum and it was extremely helpful. It's got a little buried now, so could I please ask about one of them here? I've seen TRP mentioned numerous times. Could someone tell me what that stands for?

Also, is there a location anywhere here on the website, or in the CMBB/CMBO manuals (I'm still waiting on mine because of the backorder) where there is a complete list of abbreviations? If so, I'll just wait and refer to that before taking up bandwidth with a repeat post.

Thanks guys!


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I don´t know about a list of frequently used abbreviations in CM. Many of them are either used in real life too, mostly by the military, or in many other (strategy) games.

TRP stands for Target Reference Point, a point on which all calculations for artillery fire has been done before and so it takes much less time to get fire there. There are also benefits for guns (towed as well as vehicle mounted) if they fire at a target near a TRP.

I´m not sure which edition of CMBO you possess, European or US, I also don´t know if the US manual is the same as the European, but in the European manual there is an index included where TRP can be found and is explained.

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Hi Glenn,

I don't know if there is a abbreviation glossary in the CMBB manual, but there isn't one in the CMBO manual.

You will surely stumble over many acronyms used in this forum, so a short list here:

AA - Anti Aircraft gun

ATR - Anti Tank Rifle

FT - Flame Thrower

FLAK - Flieger Abwehr Kanone (see AA)

MLR - Main Line of Resistance

HKL - Mauptkampflinie (same as MLR but German)

MBT - Main Battle Tank

APC - Armored Personal Carrier

AFV - Armored Fighting Vehicle

ATG - Anti Tank Gun

PAK - Panzer Abwehr Kanone (same as ATG)

KwK - Kampfwagen Kanone (vehicle mounted Gun)

PF - Panzerfaust

MG - Machine Gun

lMG - light MG

hMG - heavy MG

SMG - Sub Machine Gun

MPi - Machinenpistole (same as SMG)

FO - Forward Observer (artillery guy)

FG - Field gun (or Feldgeschütz)

lFG - light Field Gun

hFG - heavy Field Gun

HD - Hull Down (refering to the cover of a Tank)

TRP - Target Reference Point

SC - Scout Car (reccon vehicle)

SdKFZ - Sonder Kraftfahrzeug (all types of german war vehicles)

FJ - Fallschirmjäger (Parachute Troops)

PG or PzGren - Panzergrenadier

OPFOR - Opposing Forces

KG - Kampfgruppe also: Karnevalsgesellschaft ;)

VF - Victory Flag

MEHRttF - Map-Edge-Hugging-Rush-to-the-Flag

AP - Armor Piercing (shell round)

HE - High Explosive (shell round)

PzGra(XX) - Panzergranate (date) german shell

MV or V0 - Muzzle Velocity (of a shell)

BNH - Brinell Hardness (determines armor quality)

Schreck - short for Panzerschreck

CAS - Close Air Support

FB - Fighter Bomber

Jabo - Jagdbomber (see FB)

TC - Tank Commander

HT - Halftrack

mot - short for motorized

TTV - Tarnen, Täuschen und Verpissen (avoiding trouble)

SS - Schutz Staffel

VG - Volks Grenadier

XX KwK L YY - XX is the gun caliber YY is the multiplier number to get the barrel length, so

75 KwK L 70 (the Panther cannon) means the gun has a caliber of 75mm and the barrel has a length of 70 time it's caliber (here 5250mm). Almost groggish

ETO - European Theater of Operations

TD - Tank Destroyer

JPz or JgdPz - Jagdpanzer (see TD)

Stug - Sturm Geschütz (Assault Gun)

StuH - Sturm Haubitze (Assault Howitzer)

Bat - Battery

Btl - Battalion

FFE - Fire For Effect

Stuka - Sturz Kampf Bomber (Dive Bomber)

by no means complete, but a a start at least.

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