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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von shrad:

She was banished to the 'Land of Eternal Heat'


Oh ye of stereotyped brainset, this vast land of ours has snow and ice and floods etc.

Mind you, only in the more southern dorkier states..

Up here in gods own state, its sunshine and palm trees all year round, which goes a long way towards explaining my sun bronzed, Aussie demi-god-like appearence.

Oh yeah, read it and weep, even the crocodile man averts his gaze in respect when the stukmeister is in town. Around these parts, the fixing of a siren to ones undercarraige is the mark of a sexual warrior. (not to mention a pretty damned fine skydiver)


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Don't know about you Mace, but I have 22 games going... and I still have time to point out that you are a Pommie<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I only have about 19 currently going, Bumlightem, not including those Wild Bill and Rune thingies that I'm testing, or the odd Steel Beasts or Rogue Spear shoot-em-ups I get involved with.

But I can always make time for you chum, especially if you call me a pommie, because I'll need that time to pull your arsehole so high over your head, so that you'll look like a tired monk at midnight!

Now excuse me, I have to go insert those discarded Gewehr 98's far up the backsides of those retreating "ear, stomach and no brains" Krauts of yours.

No, don't thank me Berli, you know it's for the good of your men....it'll give 'em a bit of backbone!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally spewed forth by GI Tom:

In other news, the complete and utter (or udder in chup's case) destruction of chup and morse is in progress. The setup files have been sent<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

They have? Er, no they haven't.

Ah, perhaps I see the problem. Git, you silly git, when moving to a different continent, it is generally customary to change one's email address. Mefinks your snickerworthy little setup is most likely languishing away in a forgotten AOL account somewhere.

Try this, my beamish boy - wipe the drool off your mouse, and shake it around. Whee! Shaking things is fun, isn't it? Now, did you notice that when you did that, the white pointy thing on the screen moved? OOOOOH! I know it's exciting, but stop humping my leg.

I said stop it.

Now. Move the mouse so that the white pointy thing is over my little profile thingy. You're almost there, tiger! Now! Press on the clicky thing on the mouse. Do you notice anything? Like, say, where it lists my email address?

3l33t uSoRz TIp: Use that email address, not the old one.



Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

Oh, Mr. Geier, the dinner bell has just sounded.

Your garnish is waiting, about 1.6Mb worth.


Why hello there you despicable little person.

I downloaded the thing but it will have to be played the old way since I run W2K. And I couldn't be bothered to stay awake for a Kalifornian anyway so no tcp/ip crap.

But I hear you look slimmer in this new version, say it isn't so.

I really find our new premises useless and boring I must say, particulary the "you can make me go to school but you can't make me learn anything" little robsies. Oh well, I suppose we all deserved it.

I also know that we are making him very happy and his life filled with meaning just by acknowledging the fact that he exists so I suggest we stop doing that.

In other ready-made graves:

Sheepshagger: I've never seen a more careful (lethargic) attack in my life. Makes Monty look like a Napeolonic general. He's attacking but has waited until turn 17 of 30 to move his main infantry force from the back of the map. The 17 turns has been well spent though, he's decimated an mg with two full turns of fire from a Churchillosomething and, uh, yeah that's about it. My ploy of leaving a flock of sheep in his setup area has proved worthwhile since there can be no doubt about what he has spent his time doing.

PawFrenchperson: Night, fog, he's dead.

Pancreas: Who knows who cares? A great lovely smiting awaits him. All very hush-hush, mum's the word asf. I'll let rune have a peek from my perspective and let him laugh his pants off at Andreas ineptitude.

"EthanI'll tell you where Hoffa is as soon as I'm done in Florida": Boom boom and quite possibly boom. Still waiting to see the results of my Master Plan Mk2, appendix:1a.

He's got an elite Hetzer by the way.

Moriarty and I has decided to employ Berli to setup a battle of Pure Unadulterated Evil for us. Snow, rain, tanks in the town, infantry outside, boom boom.

It will be fun.

Piss off,



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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OGSF, or the Tinkler aka hell spawn, who unusually for the time of Ramadan is running around outside of hell, has Had the impudence to ask for my surrender just because he has eliminated all my armour and infantry so that I’m down the to one platoon. Well he’ll get his comeuppance from the mighty British infantry sections mark my words.

Germanboil has run off after my announcement that I’d deployed in an assault fashion has gone off about seminars and whinging about deadlines, apparently something he does with everyone when he realises that he’s not fighting the AI.

Oh and dear sweet Kitty has decided to play me after I generously allowed him to choose whatever as long as I was restricted to Conscript Volkstrum, of Being Order of the realm I snuck in a green platoon, mhahahah his veteran Americans are in for a big surprise.


From the jshandorf

"Why don't we compare reality to the game like Bastables likes to do all the time?"

Mr T's reply

"Don't touch me FOO!"

"Yes that's right Jerry, RUN, Run for your little lives because Tommy's gotten close enough to assault mhahahahah."

Nizam al-Mulk, (Order of the realm) In speaking of his superb disregard of maneuver warfare, in the destruction of OGSF hamsters who then carried on to flee the battle in their own notion of maneuver warfare. Tally HO!

[This message has been edited by Bastables (edited 11-29-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

…SOME OTHER WANKING LITTLE TURDS IN A PUNCH BOWL COME IN AND POST WITH GODDAM SMILIESattached. For christ's goddam sake can't anyone do anything right?



your absolutly right pengkomon! I choose you as my Pengkomon to battle those evil smilies!


if you don't like it I hope your kids fall in love with Barney and watch it 24 hours a day!.... wheres my round you peanut brain.. huh to busy working on your Chi Kung?? channeling your Chi to your fingers to push a few keystrokes and mouse clicks and mail me my GOD DAMN ROUND... I WANT TO SEE WHO WINS!!! MY KITTY or that damn 17pdr of yours!!!!!!!!!



Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

I'm posting too little too late so please feel sorry for me.


To quote you (when you were good at taunting):

"I don't give a flying intercourse"


An another thing...Ah've go' ten gams on at the moment, boot Ah've sain more mooves out o' a geriatric Japanese peasant lassie! If'n mah opponent's nae climbin' Ben Everest, they're gaddin' aboot some tank museum in Moscow! Yoo that are laift, send mae a bloody turrrn, ye cowerring swine! - OGSF

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rob/1:

No I don't have to so the joks on you! tongue.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I have to admit you are correct Rob/1. The joke is on me. I feel like I'm standing in front of the monkey cage at the zoo.

Ever get to do that Rob/1? Do you get suprised when they throw their feces at you? Or, do you initiate that sort of behavior? How big was the bus that took you to school each day? Was it smaller than normal?

I'm usually pretty polite, so let me stay true to form and encourage you to help yourself to a hot, steaming cup of Shut the hell up!

Have a nice day! (elsewhere)


An another thing...Ah've go' ten gams on at the moment, boot Ah've sain more mooves out o' a geriatric Japanese peasant lassie! If'n mah opponent's nae climbin' Ben Everest, they're gaddin' aboot some tank museum in Moscow! Yoo that are laift, send mae a bloody turrrn, ye cowerring swine! - OGSF

[This message has been edited by Hiram Sedai (edited 11-29-2000).]

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Peng has called.

I have answered.

I hereby assume charge of the thread until someone more senior than I can verbally topple me. Until then...


I have to hate you down to the hell of being skinned alive and cooked on the George Foreman grill, you Aussie, Pommie, Yank-Wanking, Wank-Yanking, dumber than fly ****e, knuckle-shuffiling bag of douche drippings. You're wonderful idea of bringing the MuthaBeautifulThread down under has turned it into a joke. All of Loserville has now found it's way in here. Before we know it, Pillar will wash up wanting to know if anyone wants to discuss better packaging for the K-Ration.

This is pathetic.

You caused this debacle.

You have instigated the topplement of the Peng Thread.

I have no choice but to punish you.

A setup will find its way to you sometime soon.

My suggestion to you: cancel your ISP account and go on a walkabout, never to return, else you will suffer.

As for the rest of you,


Not one of you is worth the bloody toothpaste I spit from my mouth this morning. You are not funny. You are not vicious. And most likely you're all ugly, overweight, balding men facing midlife crises and just wishing they could tag the high-school girl next-door. You think that sticking your nose in the fabled CessPool will help to make you young again.

It won't.

It will only serve to introduce a worldwide audience to the waste of genetic matter that you call your life.

I made a post towards the end of the second iteration of this thread. It was about how to hurt, maim, and kill with words. I'm quite sure none of you dip****s read it, being as it was on a page number higher than your IQ, and used polysyllabic words to convey my point. If you care to post in here, read it and have it tatooed on your wife's ass so you can do some heavy reading next time your putting the screws to her.

As for the few who are attempting to keep up the tradition, I applaud you. As for those who think that talking about Australia is:

A) funny

B) remotely interesting

C) going to have any impact on the world other than raising your post-count by 1

go eat a shovel full of ****e and kiss your mothers. I don't like you and never will, but you can at least attempt to make like you have wit or intellect or at the very least a forking dictionary and thesaurus at hand. Otherwise, start plagiarisng posts from the old threads. It won't be original, but at least it will be nostalgic and well written.

So in summation, if you can't die really really soon, I hope then that you just die really soon.



- Senachai

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Is this thing on?

I'm reminded of a song (of course) that goes something like this: "Hang down your head, Tom Dooley. Hang down your head and cry..."

or perhaps another song for Mr. Croda: "Don't bring me down, Bruce"


An another thing...Ah've go' ten gams on at the moment, boot Ah've sain more mooves out o' a geriatric Japanese peasant lassie! If'n mah opponent's nae climbin' Ben Everest, they're gaddin' aboot some tank museum in Moscow! Yoo that are laift, send mae a bloody turrrn, ye cowerring swine! - OGSF

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methinks what this new thread-spawn really needs is Professor Doctor Hamster X and his fecking flamethrower (8 corners, one roof). I haven't been insulted by him in quite some time. Hmmm....


An another thing...Ah've go' ten gams on at the moment, boot Ah've sain more mooves out o' a geriatric Japanese peasant lassie! If'n mah opponent's nae climbin' Ben Everest, they're gaddin' aboot some tank museum in Moscow! Yoo that are laift, send mae a bloody turrrn, ye cowerring swine! - OGSF

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

methinks what this new thread-spawn really needs is Professor Doctor Hamster X and his fecking flamethrower (8 corners, one roof). I haven't been insulted by him in quite some time. Hmmm....


Methinks you're a moron!

What this thread needs is the cyber version of the L.A. riots: Looting, and Pillaging, and kicking the crap out of truck drivers, and above all, HATRED. There is too much damned free love in Australia. Now that may suit the French just fine, but we Americans have too many diseases to worry about now (stoopid Green Monkey!) so that's not an option.

What this thread needs is Peng, it needs GermanBoy, it needs Meeks to come back from the Antarctic. You have noticed, I hope, that all of the veteran (read as "quality") posters have given up on this fledgling thread due to it's utter lack of anything formerly resembling the threads of old. Lorak is gone, PawBroon doesn't bold as many words, when was the last time somebody told Bauhaus to sit his ass down? A plague on the lot of yee, and especially you, Hiram, you schismatic wannabe! Your kindness is spreading. Get up here and taunt the living **** out of Rob/NoOne right now! Everybody start hating each other again for the love of god!

Berli is all that remains of the old old guard. Morse and Chuppa seem to be fighting still, though Elvis is gone and mensch is fading out. Poor pathetic Marlow whom I despise like a ****-stain in new undies has put up as good a fight as can be expected from a slack-jawed Virginian. Where have all the good men gone and where are all the gods? Where's a streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds? Isn't there a white Knight upon a shiny steed that we can tear down and defile?

All we are left with are Pommie jokes.

I may petition BTS to see if they'll allow one more useless thread on this forum so that those who actually care to hate each other and talk of public eviscerations can get together and do so, while the rest of you on vacation down under can continue your circle-jerk here.

Now I've claimed bloody charge of this bloody thread, and if some of you don't come up to snuff I'll beat you to death with your own bloody family dog! I demand a post from each of you berating your current opponents, and if you don't have any, then tell me how you carved out your neighbor's cat's eye with a pen knife! NOW GET TO IT, you loathesome bastards!



- Senachai

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Sometimes the croda inside just needs a hug.


An another thing...Ah've go' ten gams on at the moment, boot Ah've sain more mooves out o' a geriatric Japanese peasant lassie! If'n mah opponent's nae climbin' Ben Everest, they're gaddin' aboot some tank museum in Moscow! Yoo that are laift, send mae a bloody turrrn, ye cowerring swine! - OGSF

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Sometimes the croda inside just needs a hug.


Now that, Hiram, is evil

Good one mate (note: the term mate is used in honor of the new owners of the pool. It is somehow appropriate that the Cesspool is now down under). Now, kindly Piss Off!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Sometimes the croda inside just needs a hug.


Now that, Hiram, is evil

Good one mate (note: the term mate is used in honor of the new owners of the pool. It is somehow appropriate that the Cesspool is now down under). Now, kindly Piss Off!

The Master of Evil-->Baron Von Berlingin (bad spelling) has noticed me. Should I be frightened?


An another thing...Ah've go' ten gams on at the moment, boot Ah've sain more mooves out o' a geriatric Japanese peasant lassie! If'n mah opponent's nae climbin' Ben Everest, they're gaddin' aboot some tank museum in Moscow! Yoo that are laift, send mae a bloody turrrn, ye cowerring swine! - OGSF

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Croda: Wipe that saliva off your screen, boy, and let yer old Mark IV tell ya a fink or two.

I posted more clever and hateful things in the first 30 pages of the original Pengodrome than the collected works of CrodaMeeksaOFGSetc combined will equal when our sun goes supernova. I used up a lot of hate on the deserving back then, and while hate is a renewable resource I had extensive reserves in those days.

Now, we've seen these rubbernecking newbies come and go and we will again. The sheer novelty of an Aussie theme brought them back for another gawk, many under assumed names so their groggy pals wouldn't recognize them in the morning paper, with their trench coats draped over their cuffs, hiding their faces from the cameras.

They live in the shadow of the Mountain and every shift in its weather causes them awe and consternation. Their little necks hurt from looking up at our monstrous Thread, their tiny ears ache from the thunder that flashes from our Peak.

There are untapped well springs of hate, contempt, and scorn which we have only begun to explore. Fear not, little one.

So there, there... everything's gonna be alright.

But you're not in charge of sh*t.


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I assumed that if I was presumptuous enough, someone would grow a backbone. I didn't expect it to be Hiram...I kind of expected more from Berli...but lo! I forgot about MarkyMarkIV.

I went back and re-read several of your posts in this thread, and admit that I mistakenly left you out of the few who have maintained the tradition of feeding rat droppings to others.

But don't delude yourself. This is a time of crisis. These are indeed the times that try men's souls. The quantity of quality posts has shriveled like NZer after a sheep, and the quantity of drivel has reached epic proportions. And if veterans like Mace want to become freeloaders, then they need to be run off the same Rob/NoOne.

As for calling me a punk...






I will be forced to leave your cyber-soldiers writhing on the cyber-battlefield, watching their cyber-blood flow between their cyber-fingers trying to plug the cyber-holes in their cyber-bellies. I will leave you kicking and screaming in agony as your bones are removed one at a time and used like lincoln logs to build a Texas A&M style bonfire. Then, when the bones are gone, and your softer innards are nice and exposed, I will kick you. I will kick you in your liver, I will kick you in your spleen, I will kick you in your transcending colon. And when all of your softer parts have been kneaded into a soft maleable ball by my kicking, I will roll you out with a rolling ping and set you to bake in the sun. And when you have baked half-way, I shall flip you and bake you on the other side. And when you are nice and crispy done, I will take you to the top of the Sears tower and drop you overboard and guffaw as you hit the pavement below and shatter into inumberable little bits that cars will drive over, people will step on, dogs will chew, and pigeons will use to build their nests. At that point in time, you will regreat calling me a punk.



- Senachai

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ha ha

Croda is a punk

Nanner Nanner boo boo


An another thing...Ah've go' ten gams on at the moment, boot Ah've sain more mooves out o' a geriatric Japanese peasant lassie! If'n mah opponent's nae climbin' Ben Everest, they're gaddin' aboot some tank museum in Moscow! Yoo that are laift, send mae a bloody turrrn, ye cowerring swine! - OGSF

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

Blah, Blah, Blah … Croda spewing a feeble attempt at a PEng inpersonation … Blah, Blah … I'm taking over the 'pool ... Blah, Blah...


Choada, you pimple on a boil on a sore on a herpes lesion on the tit of a syphilitic crack whore. You have the time to rage against the thread, to have delusions that you alone can save the Peng, to spout on about how we should all be a-tauntin, disemboweling, dismembering, thrashing, and otherwise inflicting random unpleasantness upon one another, but you can't be bothered to send me a turn? Come on me lad, don't drag out the inevitable. I want your tattered ears as the first of many on my Cesspool trophy necklace. I'd use your testicles instead, small and diseased as they are, but I believe that Morse has dibs on them.

And enough with the "Marlow cheats." An armored wing that is forward of your main force, and hanging unsupported (sort of like that line of drool from the corner of your mouth) deserves death. The sentence of righteous destruction was carried out as the Gods of War demand. To prevent this from happening in the future, come a little closer and let me squeeze the puss out of your head to make a little more room for the little brains you retain.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally bleeted by PeterNZer:

New thread and it's turning into a pile of crap.

Folks, if you're not going to post paragraphs of vitriol about GAMES you're PLAYING then, seriously, sodd off!


Toomai of the Sheep, I'd love to post paragraphs of vitriol about GAMES I'm PLAYING, but your damn sheep shaggers can't seem to find the VL. The only thing I can report about our game is that the crickets are still singing. Grow some balls man! Send forth your dogs of war so that I might crack their bones and suck out the marrow, and use their entrails as fishbait. My God, I think your trying to bore me to death. If your game had half the venom of your post, there would be much death and destruction. So come into the warm embrace of my bullets Brave Sir Peter, for death awaits you with nasty big pointy teeth.

A little sing song:

Bravely bold Sir Peter, rode forth from Camelot. He was not afraid to die, o Brave Sir Peter. He was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways. Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Peter! He was not in the least bit scared to be mashed into a pulp, Or to have his eyes gouged out, and his elbows broken. To have his kneecaps split, and his body burned away, And his limbs all hacked and mangled, brave Sir Peter! His head smashed in and his heart cut out, And his liver removed and his bowels unplugged, And his nostrils raped and his bottom burned off, And his penis...


We are fierce historical inaccuracers

- PawBroon

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There should be some kind of disclaimer on entering this thread:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Choada, you pimple on a boil on a sore on a herpes lesion on the tit of a syphilitic crack whore.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Can't you people be genuinely witty without resorting to language like that?? To think that there are children participating in this forum.....

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