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Australia, Australia, Australia, Australia, we love you amen

Good, get the damn thing out of the States. It was lowering property values.

Oh and for you:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by coslaw:

[Dipping a toe in the 'pool for the first time...]


Come back later for a proper "get the hell out" you devolved protosimian. We're still getting used to the new digs.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>rune spoketh from on high:

Marlow, Marlow, you putrid cesspooliam want a be...I sponser you, give you scenarios to play...the least you can do is keep your Knight informed. Don't make me slap you down like the un-wanted boil that you are.


(Knuckles to forehead) Oh brave sir rune, if you had taken some time away from picking at your ass, you would has seen my earlier posts that there is killin aplenty being carried out in your name.

Capt. Croda, (ret.) is teaching his troops a new technique: fair catch of a mortar round. Between the shelling and machinegun fire, I imagine that a platoon or two of his ill lead troops are in rough shape. Three of his tin cans and a halftrack are scrap metal. One more panzer is dead meat soon. Meanwhile, I have suffered no infantry casualties to speak of. Unfortunatly, two Ronsons are burning because Croda cheats. The VL lies in no mans land; however, I will claim it soon enough. His bits will be adanglin from my pointy stick forthwith.

JDMoron has taken the only casualties in our little dust-up. A platoon creeping up the edge ate some 50 cal. Otherwise, not much going on. His snipers need to go back to school. They couldn't hit the water from a boat. However, I feel some apprehension in this fight, as his use of smoke in heavy fog clearly demonstrates true tactical mastery.

Still have yet to see Toomai of the Sheep's men. Only a random explosion or two at the edge of some woods. I sincerely hope it was his braut munchers playing catch with hand grenades.

No action yet with Hiram. The neighborhood watch complained, and Eagle Boy has stopped shelling an empty town. I can see some of his confused little girls wandering around in the woods, but I'll let him live for a while longer.

Have defeated Nijis, he just doesn't know it yet.


The enemy advances, we retreat.

The enemy camps, we harass.

The enemy tires, we attack.

The enemy retreats, we pursue.

- Mao Tse Tung

[This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-28-2000).]

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What the hell is this? You freaks have turned the thread into a damned gimmick! There's a new thread so all the cool newbies come out to take a quick dip so they can go back to the 88mm Penetration thread and say to their Grog buddies: "You know where I just was? Smell me...I was in the Peng Thread. I even Posted." "Wow! You're so daring! But you've also lost all credibility now." "DOH!" GET THE HELL OUT! I'd like to put worms up your noses, so that they can slither up and drop down into your sinuses. I would be fantastic to see Rob/NoOne running around clawing at his face because there were worms wiggling inside his face. That would bring meaning to my now dreary life.

If the rest of you think that we're just down in OddStralia for a bit of a walkabout, then you're sorely mistaken. We're down there to skin the Joey's alive, and hop around wearing their hides screaming :"Look at me! I'm a Joey!" Then we'll take that Scottish wannabe OGBSHFRAJSDLKFSD and feed him to the Aboriginees. We'll send PawBroon and Seanachai to the Opera House, because they like to pretend they have class; I'll go to the nude beaches, and ... DAMMIT! Now you've got me doing it!

Everybody here had better start spewing some friggin hatred, or this will be the lamest waste of ATP since a Frenchman picked up a gun with the misconception that he might use it for something other than bushwhacking bunny wabbits behind the house.

A few personal messages:

Rob/NoOne: Please visit the 7th level of Hell, and set off the metal detector on your way in so that you're subject to a body cavity search by one of Berli's henchmen.

Waffen Stomper: I doubt you'd score high enough on the moron test to be classified a full-fledged moron, so hurry up and die so we can recycle your carbon.

Smell Smegma:A stupid name for a stupid person...how fitting.

MikeD aka Mikester aka Douchebag:Just Die. We won't bother to recycle your Carbon, but will instead pack your body in **** and launch it into the Andromeda Galaxy so that no one ever need bear witness to your sorry excuse for an existance ever again.



- Senachai

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Hear what the average man on the street has to say about the Peng Thread!


You heard it here, folks, 9 out of 10 T's think the Peng Thread rules Joey Lawrence's damn mullet world!

What do you think, Tarzana?


Bully for Peng!


Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.

[This message has been edited by Chupacabra (edited 11-28-2000).]

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted elsewhere by the pimply teenager otherwise known as der Bob:Bloody Pang!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now I wonder whether that would be the same as the pangs suffered by the men of Ulster, leaving Cuchullain, aka the hound of Ulster to deal with Queen Medb (pronounce Maeve for those incapable of dealing with foreign languages - i.e. the majority of you sorry lot), her of 'peeing in a corner and creating a new stream' fame? Inquiring minds want to know.

For those of you who think I talk rubbish (especially David A.), not so. Please check with Thomas Kinsella's translation of 'The Tain' (full name 'The Tain Bo'Cullainge') for further info, but only if your brains have not been ruined by watching 'Friends' reruns to a degree that anything more complicated than the instructions on how to use a sugar sachet are beyond you.

Now for our Australian friends, I shudder at the thought that this thread has been taken over by a bunch of loonies whose greatest achievement is the sinking of the Kleiner Kreuzer Emden through the use of a superiorly armed cruiser by shooting from a distance while the Emden crew was valiantly raiding a heavily defended coastal fort (shurely this should read - unarmed radio transmission station? ed.), and whose idea of jokes consists almost entirely but not quite of 'Hows the Cricket, mate? - He's alright.' If you get this one, you need help. Also, you gave the world Foster's and Skippy the Kangaroo, and for that your whole country deserves whatever can be dished out, up to and including invasions by elderly Japanese tourists who think that stroking Koalas (who then subsequently develop stress from being stroked too much) is a fun activity. What kind of animals develop stress syndroms from being stroked anyway? Peter is doing far worse things to the sturdy British sheep, and they don't mind.

Now for the rest of you sorry blow-ins who seem to show up here encouraged by the low number of posts. Go away. We are working on this. If you have nothing spiteful to add, just go to the intellectual wastelands that are the home of some of the more insufferable characters and braindeads on this board, and discuss the utter unsuitability of using CM for a WW2 combat simulation because of its lack of horses, bicycles, the Philly Eagles, or the intellectual appeal of basing your understanding of WW2 history solely on Stephen Ambrose or the ASL game manual. If you find yourself agreeing with any of these aberrations of humanity, you also need help. Alternatively, enter into a discussion with you-know-who about why Steve is an evil censor who is far too short-tempered. Whatever takes your fancy, but feck off.



<a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a >

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 11-28-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

And now for a bit of a sing song.

Being a chauvinistic bastard and because I just fulfilled a public service, the French National Anthem!!


You Friggin French Looney (I know, redundant) No wonder your simpletons never get anything worthwhile done, your too busy singing that bloody interminable anthem. Doesn't it ever end. And another problem, its in French. How do you expect the important parts of the world to understand it.

Time for Babelfish:


Let us go children of the Fatherland,

the day of glory arrived!

Against us of tyranny,

the bloody standard is raised,

Entendez you in the Mugir

campaigns these wild soldiers?

They come until in your arms

Egorger your sons and your partners!


With the weapons, citizens,

Form your battalions,

Marchons, go!

How one impure blood

Waters our furrows!


What wants this horde of slaves,

Of traitors, entreated kings?

For which these wretched obstacles,

These irons as of prepared a long time?

French, for us, ah! what a insult

Quels transport it must excite!

It is us whom one dares to contemplate

to return to the antique slavery!


What! foreign troops

Would make the law in our homes!

What! these phalanges mercenaries

Would embank our proud warriors!

Large God! by connected hands

Our faces under the yoke are ploieraient

With cheap despots would become the

Masters of our destinies!


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious

opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects

finally will receive their prices!

All is soldier to fight you,

If they fall, our young heroes,

the ground in product the new ones,

Against you any loans to be fought!


French, as warriors magnanimes,

Carry or retain your blows!

Save these sad victims,

A regret being armed against us

But these sanguinary despots,

But these accomplices of Bouillé,

All these tigers which, without pity,

Déchirent the centre of their mother!


Crowned love of the Fatherland,

Lead, supports our arms Liberté avengers,

Most cherished liberty,

Combats with your defenders!

Under our flags that the victory

Runs to your males accents,

Which your expiring enemies

Voient your triumph and our glory!


We will enter the career

When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust

And the trace of their virtues

less jealous Bien to survive to them

Than to share their coffin,

We will have sublimates it pride Of

There, much better this way. Still doesn't make any sense, but it least its pseudo-English gibberish.

Hope this makes your little Gaul brain swell with righteous indignation, and causes your head to explode.

Now go get some pommes frites at McDo. Glad the pools in Ozzy land rather than France. The wine is better.

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is it me or is this new pengkomon thread going through some growing pains... Chupacabonga is posting pics of his girl..er boyfriend.. damn .. I went temporaly blind... my god man there are Aussi's in this room! if your going to post pics post Mace's photo collection of all those girlfriends of his... I found it in a very very very lost thread of his... or was that from Interpol.. oh well


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

Now I wonder whether that would be the same as the...Philly Eagles,


Listen up, you cheeky buggers. The arrogant one has spoken. The topic for today will be the "Philly Eagles".

First question posed:

Andy Reid - Cherubim, Seraphim, or Demi-God?


An another thing...Ah've go' ten gams on at the moment, boot Ah've sain more mooves out o' a geriatric Japanese peasant lassie! If'n mah opponent's nae climbin' Ben Everest, they're gaddin' aboot some tank museum in Moscow! Yoo that are laift, send mae a bloody turrrn, ye cowerring swine! - OGSF

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rune:

Mister Morse, I hope you are prepared to be trounced by me. [sit down Bauhaus, I said trounced, not pounced] Since you may be getting the patch tonight or tomorrow, are you game? Or do to prefer to beat on helpless, pleading, nose dripping newbies like Croda? I await your answer...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Rune you pussilliamous quotidian marsupial sucking git. Why should I play a game with "I'm a beta God, see me prance"? Because you deserve to flayed and filleted, sliced and diced and thrown out back on the midden, or is it out in the outback [tying to keep up with our Aussie settings, ya know]. Your time is past old one, you have been to long from the the test of public vile combat. As I am doing to that misbeggoten mesuggah you call a squire I shall do to you. I await your pleasure and have gotten out my whetstone......



If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Eagle Boy:

Andy Reid - Cherubim, Seraphim, or Demi-God?


Neither. He must have sold his soul to Berli for the Philly Pigeons to be winning anything. Really, when was the last time they won the Superbowl? Oh, thats right, NEVER.

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Hiram, let me take you back to that classic American World War III epic, Red Dawn. I know you've seen it, so don't even pretend. It's a guilty pleasure that all of us hide deep inside.

In the movie, a character (who shall remain nameless since the movie wasn't quite enough of a guilty pleasure for me to remember character names, but I think he later became Turk 182 and played volleyball in SideOut...oh ya, C. Thomas Howell) is meek and tame. He then goes on a deer hunt, and after they kill the deer, the Patrick Swayze guy says: "Someday I will dance naked with Jennifer Gray and pretend boink Demi Moore, but for now this is my career, so listen close...an ancient Indian legend that I may well be making up here on the spot in order to get you to do something gross, states that you have to drink the blood of your first kill to honor the spirit of the animal. Naturally my Call-girl-loving movie-brother, Charlie Sheen and I have both done this before, so we don't have to do it again. So, un-nameable guy, let me thrust the cup from my mess kit into the steaming deer and fill you a nice draught of unleaded...heh heh heh. Bottoms up!" The stoopid moron drinks the cup of hot deer-blood. Swayze then continues fabricating Indian legends: "You know, guy who's name eludes me so let's call you HIRAM, it is said that he who drinks the hot steaming blood of a deer who isn't quite dead yet, will be changed forever, and it may even inspire a man to go head to head with a Russian gunship, with only an AK-47 (the prefered weapon of your enemy, which makes a distinctive sound when fired) of his own." Naturally elusive-name-guy continues on and kills thousands of Russians and Mexicans (Mexicans?) before meeting his own demise by trying to out gun a gunship with an AK-47.

So, Hiram, I'm sure you've guessed by now that I didn't tell this long exciting story just to entertain everyone. The point is that, while we all appreciate the fact that you are the nice guy in this now Aussified 'Pool (does this trip to Aussie land make the 'Pool feel like an MTV Spring Break or Real World season to any of you now?), where was I, oh ya, nice guy, appreciated, ya, stop being so damned nice and go drink some hot animal blood and get mean and crazy like the rest of us futher muckers! Got it?



- Senachai

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Gay Croda:

I'm just Thooper!! Thanks for athskin!!


Impressive movie memory tough guy. Now tell me about Joliet Jake.


An another thing...Ah've go' ten gams on at the moment, boot Ah've sain more mooves out o' a geriatric Japanese peasant lassie! If'n mah opponent's nae climbin' Ben Everest, they're gaddin' aboot some tank museum in Moscow! Yoo that are laift, send mae a bloody turrrn, ye cowerring swine! - OGSF

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Mace If the IOC/BTS/Pool are going to let you host this iteration of the thread, you got to upgrade your security. Really, now I see why Merrie Ole England dumped the load of you down under. Seems like you are letting every Aussie on the board wander through for a look see. This is serious stuff (snorkle gag) ah hem as you well know, wouldn't do, propietary ya know, NDA's and all that [waiving the holy writ]

And a report on our game.....seems that Mr. M's Chaffee's are Dieing alot now™ under the thread and tred of my KT's. Bugger has managed to immobolize 3, but lost 10+ in the process. Rune, "The prancing little beta god of Evil"™ created this little Bulge Movie abortion of a scenario. Gave me a slew of KT's, Mace all the Chaffee's in the world, it seems (as haven't seen anything else) and says "Ya see those flags waaaaaaaaay down there? Go get them." So it's lumber, Blam, clean the treds , lumber blam, clean the treads and the Summer heat must have affected Macker's brains as he ever so nicely trots them out for target practice, much like the shooting range at the carnival arcade....


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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You little MONGREL!

Now you are officially my bYOTCH since you lost to me in a most horrible fashion I think it's time i instruct you to post funny stuff about your games instead of abusing poor Hiram. I mean, the guy is already being slaughtered in our VoT2 matchup, he's under enough pressure already!


oh, almost forgot. Hammersmith


"I can be quite pleasant, you know" - Andreas


[This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 11-28-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Goanna lifted his chador and hissed coyly:

Welcome to the Fatal Shore lads...blahblah interminable travelogue filled with lies about uninteresting places...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Right. Here's the truth, lads.

I have been to Australia. There are no kangaroos, which are merely cartoon characters. I was in Sydney, Melbourne, and Ballarat and never saw a single one.

Next, Australia is an island. Remember that "sub-continent" is a marketing term used by travel agents. An island is an island and any stout American youth could chuck a rock over the whole thing.

Australia has only one significant resource: breasts. You read that right, men. From the breast mines of Bendigo to the breast fields at Wollongong, and the famed breast coasts of Tasmania, Australia has been blessed in a special way. In a land where the men consider one another "mates" this is very good news. Like shooting fish in a barrel.

the actual quote is "He who was born to hang will never drown", but in Rob/1's case we can always hope can't we?

Another error. The actual actual quote is the theme of the saloon "Dick's Last Resort" in San Antonio and other fine American cities which you may verify at http://www.dickslastresort.com/ . Anyway, drown, hang, what's the difference if it ends well.

[This message has been edited by Mark IV (edited 11-28-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

BTW....Shandorf!!!!!!!There had better be a file in my inbox or so help me, you are in trouble, Mister Shandman. "You want a fresh one?"


Well, if you are so raring to go then send me a setup you ragga mop. Otherwise sit and stew until I get the free time to kill you.

Whoa.. I am poet and I didn't even know it. Hey! This get easier as you go!

BTW, no one has mentioned this unbearable HEAT! Geezus! Is it always this hot on this rock! We should put a sauna add-on in here. I am sure it would be just super after a troll in the pool.

Did someone mention Joliet Jake?

Cruuud-da, you sniveling little worm. You failed to mention your utter ineptitude on the battle field in our engagement!

Do you really think those tanks will survive without the infantry support they require?

Using the immortal words of Mr.T you are hereby called a fool.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

Well, if you are so raring to go then send me a setup you ragga mop. Otherwise sit and stew until I get the free time to kill you.

Whoa.. I am poet and I didn't even know it. Hey! This get easier as you go!


Shandorf has irritating timing

Isn't it funny how we still haven't send a damn setup yet? Not funny ha ha. More like funny-fraid of little ol'Hiram. What's that smell? Did my incontinant opponent to - be poop himself again??


An another thing...Ah've go' ten gams on at the moment, boot Ah've sain more mooves out o' a geriatric Japanese peasant lassie! If'n mah opponent's nae climbin' Ben Everest, they're gaddin' aboot some tank museum in Moscow! Yoo that are laift, send mae a bloody turrrn, ye cowerring swine! - OGSF

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

Do you really think those tanks will survive without the infantry support they require?


First of all, that infantry wasn't supposed to be there. So if you had designed your damned defenses according to my plans, we wouldn't be having this innane discussion.

Secondly, you cheated by entreating the gods of artillery to come and play for your side only. That's not fair, and the price will be 1 VL immediately transferred to my posession, thank you.

And Lastly, you seem to be of the opinion that I don't have any infantry left. Keep thinking that way, Sparky.

NZer, you little stump of a man, you product of your father's overindulgence, you slimy malanoma, when you can produce proof that you do not now, nor have never had sex with animals, then and only then will I devote a fraction of a second to considering whether or not to pay the slightest bit of attention to any of your demands.

Berli-Q, our fray commences! Let your ignoble corpses commemorate the field for generations to come! Or, just Die A Lot Now .

YK2 - Where are you my sweet thing? The new 'Pool needs your big bum and little bubbies to freshen it up a bit, eh love?

PawBroon - We aren't playing right now, so let me thank you for posting that message that you copied off of the wall in that public bathroom in Avignon. Alsom understand that none of the derogatory comments that I make about French people are aimed at you. They are simply intended for your family, friends, neighbors, countrymen, women with armpit hair, men who haven't bathed since Jerry Lewis stopped making films, children who drink wine, people who aren't scary when they get mad, people who run away at the first sign of conflict, invented kissing with their tongues (well those people are ok), people who cook and eat snails, the guy who made monkey noises at me and my friends when we were in Paris, mimes, and Gerard Depardieu. So there is absolutely no reason for you to take offense.

Anubis, as you are aware, all that smoke can mean only one thing...fire. Heh Heh.

Oberst & Hiram & Stuka (oh my!) - I'd swear we're fighting the same standoff

Chuppie & Mensch - I'd swear you two are working together to accomplish the same non-goal. "Let's blow up houses. We know we can't really assault him without getting spanked like one of NZers sheep, so we might as well just make it look like a battle was fought here." Either that, or these two read the Fionn/Claymore AAR and think that they're tactically sound now because they're recycling documented tactics. Bravo, men, bravo!

I'll not talk about Meeks because he's playing secret agent man in the snow. By the way, doesn anyone actually believe that he went with the National Science Foundation to Antarctica? Not bloody likely. A safer bet is that the Cantonese girl dumped him and he's laying in bed sobbing and wanking. The chances of him being in Antarctica are about the same as they are of him finding this thread when he gets back from his vacation at mom's house.

And I really hate jdmorse. You've got to despise a bastard who uses VT on the dead and dying. I have 2 routed troops (not squads) holding 2 VLs and he hasn't the scrotal tissue to use infantry to take them out. I only wish I wasn't playing against you so I could laugh about this.

Oh ya, I hate Marlow too. Douchebag boy pulls an M8 up behind 2 MkIVs and KOs them. I'm sure history supports the broad unsupported flanking manuever by a scout car pays huge dividends mode of thought.

I also hate Peng and Germanboy, but for no particular reason.



- Senachai

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally ranted by Croda:

Oh ya, I hate Marlow too. Douchebag boy pulls an M8 up behind 2 MkIVs and KOs them. I'm sure history supports the broad unsupported flanking manuever by a scout car pays huge dividends mode of thought.


Wrongo, Not-Rommel. The M-8 only got one of your panzers. The two Ronsons that briefly peeked over the hill on my right got the other. And anyway, my M-8 was not doing some sort of wild flanking maneuver, just a careful probe of the left side of your line , oh worthless one, (and not the edge of the board either, but about midway between the edge and the middle) where it found no, nada, zero, zilch in the way of Jerry's kids to shoot at. If you had even a Geriatric one-eyed watchman on a mule on that side, you wouldn't have been surprised. Your tank presented way to good a target, I would have been a poor commander not to go for it. Also, the shot came from a dead stop (all the better to kill you), this was not a drive by. What are you going to tell the widows and orphans?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse:

the Summer heat must have affected Macker's brains as he ever so nicely trots them out for target practice, much like the shooting range at the carnival arcade....


My dear Morsey, It would appear that you are as confused as a Florida pensioner in a voting booth. Your little marksmen (and I use the term loosely) did nothing but mar the paint on my war machines.


The enemy advances, we retreat.

The enemy camps, we harass.

The enemy tires, we attack.

The enemy retreats, we pursue.

- Mao Tse Tung

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

Oh ya, I hate Marlow too. Douchebag boy pulls an M8 up behind 2 MkIVs and KOs them. I'm sure history supports the broad unsupported flanking manuever by a scout car pays huge dividends mode of thought.


Well.. if ya would have had some infantry with those AFVs, oh but wait! You've heard this before.


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Holy Combat Mission. Yet a third thread.

This one being an apparent Aussie thread, does this mean I can bring the Combat Wombat line back into play??

Oh, a great story line was missed there my friends. If anyone recalls, I believe we barely scraped the surface of that lovely little gem of a topic. Looks like it could be a fitting time to re-enter discussions of the effective and proper usages of the Combat Wombat. Or, more importantly, why Peng insists on buggering them. (My re-introduction plug to use the word Peng)

Yes, my absence has been long, however it does not prevent me from still despising each and everyone of you as I did before:

Markme4aloss and his stinky pronoun usage.

Senility and his damn, windbagging 8000 word posts.

Peng, well...just Peng.

JDmorsel and his legal slander.

Shaw..shaw the useless twit.

Berli..satanspawn himself.

Chuppa..the glorious 93-7 loser to me. Oh yes, 93-7. If you kids didn't see that right the first time, read it again. Ninety three to seven. A lovely win that was.

And to all others I have met and not listed, and to all others I will meet in the future, I scoff at you all, or all of you, whichever ending is proper. Ask Mark for assistance.

Now, go about your business, nothing to see here. Oh, and if any of you slathering wastes of space would like a game, feel free to let me know.

Carry on with your pathetic, meaningless lives.

(Take note of the misspelling of my sig, that is to merely upset MarkiactasifIV).

GI Tom


To a New Yorker like you, a hero is some type of wierd sandwich.

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