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AI vs Player

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Why is it that the AI always takes the first shot and always gets a hit or knock out? AI also appears to reload faster and take twice as many shots.

I have noticed when playing against the AI that most of my tanks (either allied or german) miss by several feet on numerous shots they take, while the AI damages or knocks out each one without a miss. I realize in previuos posts that BTS had said the AI has no more advantage than the player. This can't be true, the AI has no problem finding a hairline opening in the terrain while the player has great difficulty. The AI rarely misses a shot. It is very difficult to make minute adjustment when making an LOS assessment. Also, as of yet, I have not been able to manuever an armored unit into a hulldown position. Any comments on this? Why do the player controlled soldiers have such a difficult time when scoring hits on enemy armored units?

In one battle of VoT, I had gotten a panzerschreck within 50m of a sherman for a flank shot. It missed 5 times and ran out of ammo. A german platoon was beside the panzerschreck, holding off an allied platoon across the road.

I have given an armored unit a firing order on an enemy armored unit in its LOS. Instead of carrying out the firing order it retargets an infantry platoon and gets knocked out by the enemy armored unit.

I find this most prevelant in the CE scenario.


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in vot the 75mm pillbox got my shermans everytime the poked their head out. finally after playing it over and over my tanks got of quite a few rounds before my 105's took out the pillbox. i think its a roll of the dice for the AI.

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Guest grunto

-I find this most prevelant in the CE scenario.-

remember those pzks in ce are green/volkstrumm.


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Strat wrote:


In one battle of VoT, I had gotten a panzerschreck within 50m of a sherman for a flank shot. It missed 5 times and ran out of ammo. A german platoon was beside the panzerschreck, holding off an allied platoon across the road.

I have given an armored unit a firing order on an enemy armored unit in its LOS. Instead of carrying out the firing order it retargets an infantry platoon and gets knocked out by the enemy armored unit.


Don't forget that with the penetration capacity of german anti-armor weapons and the suckyness (technical term) of American armor frontal shots are often best. This is because you are going to penetrate if you hit anywhere and its much harder to hit a target moving across your line of sight (as oposed to moving towards you).


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Perhaps I'm not doing it correstly ut to get in a hull down position I just roate the vechile. I saw a reviewer writing this monthes ago in a preview, but I can't understand how there is a problem in gaining hull down postions.

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Sounds like you've had your share of bad luck. But I do think that is what most of it is. As others have stated, one of the key determinates of chance of success with virtually any order is the experience level. Green units, and volksturm units, are generally not likely to hit their targets often.

The targeting thing, yes some tweaking has been acknowledged by BTS to make it stickier. I don't know if that is to be patched or if it was done before the gold went out the door.

About hull-down positioning, and it is critical to consistent success with armor: Practice so that you learn to identify where the good ridges are, not too tall or too steep; when you are behind one, but well below the ridgeline so that your los is blocked, use the 'u' (hunt) command marked near the crest and your unit will slowly advance until it spots an enemy, and viola, you're hulldown.*Credit to Fionn Kelly on this little trick.

The Stug, and I imagine the other turretless German vehicles, are tricky to get into hulldown positioning because their guns are so close to the top of the vehicle. And in Chance Encounter the Shermans will often be elevated against the stugs thereby producing angles that negate much of the positioning.

Combat Mission is trickier than most games in terms of hulldown positioning because you are dealing in much small increments, no abstract blanket hulldown modifier here. But with practice, and remember to use view 1 A LOT, you'll have those guns looking like they're buried!

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