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Coolest deaths

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Pbem'ing "All or Nothing" as the UK.

My Churchill has spotted an MG-pillbox about 5-600 meters away.

First shot *BOOM* = slit-hit! KO!

Took me a while to figure out who done it. When I localized the sniper-tank, I replayed the incident 5-6 times just to hear the comment from the gunner (or perhaps TC):

"Stick that in your pipe, Fritz".

Nearly fell of my chair laughing, this is sooo cool! biggrin.gif

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This probably won't sound very impressive but it made me laugh pretty hard when I saw it, and I think Mr. Tankersley too:

I'm playing him in a PBEM game and he sends this armored car at full speed down a road. My SPW hits it and we see the "knocked out" message displayed, yet the armored car continues on at the same speed, on fire no less, down like 100 yds of road and disappears off the edge of the map. =)

tee hee.

Guess you had to be there. =/



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I just finished a game wherein, an M10, and MarderII squared off in a duel at about 300 to 400 meters, both on hilltop crests. Both fired a first shot which missed, on the second round of fire, both shells passed each other in mid-air, and both shells hit the target. The M10's turret was knocked off kilter of the chassis, and the MarderII exploded in a ball of flame. Bringing up the question in my mind, what if the shells had met in mid-air? Would CM replicate this accurately and we'd then see an explosion in the air mid-way between the respective targets? It was cool though. Ya hadda be there. smile.gif


"Wer zuerst schiesst hat mehr von Leben"

Moto-(3./JG11 "Graf")

Bruno Weiss

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Wait till you hear this one. I was playing a battle in a city, as Allies, and my Priest assault gun was driving down the street, rounds a corner, and suddenly, his gun is touching a Panther's front armor! The Priest fires, get's front hull penetration, BUT, KILLS ITSELF FROM THE BLAST!

Listed in the Priest's "Kills" section was:

1 Priest

I also had that happen with an M10 TD shooting at Axis infantry at close range. The shell from his gun landed too close and he killed himself!

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Playing a QB , I load a .50 cal and 155VT on a M18 hoping that the M18's speed would be able to relocated them in a hurry.

The M18 was ripping across a wheat field when it was hit by a hidden AT gun. The flaming hulk continued to roll right off the map along with it passengers. frown.gif

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Guest Offwhite

In my current PBEM with Major Tom (and where's my turn Major?!) I boldly - okay, foolishly - sent a volksgrenadier platoon rushing toward the enemy treeline after several turns' worth of preparatory bombardment. They were within spitting distance of the trees when two enemy squads popped up in their faces and started pouring lead into them. About ten seconds later, two lonely survivors fled back from whence they came... sure, they were my guys, but watching the unit get plastered was awe-inspiring.

Fortunately, my other charging platoons had better smoke cover and better suppression on their targets, and they cleared the foxholes a few turns later.

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I LOVE the fact that vehicles in this game continue momentum when knockedout. It is such a tiny little thing but adds a ton to the realism. I had a Sherman knocked out by a Panzerfaust as it was turning. The flaming sherman after being nailed, continued it's turn for a few seconds then stopped.

I also had one knocked out on a hill and it slid a few feet..side ways before comming to a halt. It wasn't rolling, no treads were moving, and as I said it was side ways! I don't know if that was meant to happen or not but it was very cool!

Anyway you guys continue inspiring me with your excellent stories. It seems like it is going to be forever before I get this game...ahh maybe one day.


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Guest Captitalistdoginchina

I was palying a pbem game, i had a whole platton hiding at the side of the road expecting a convoy to come along, panzerschrecks loaded and waiting for an ambush and some easy kills. As the movie started i saw 4 shermans coming full speed up the road, when the lead sherman was about 20 meters from my hiding men the entire platoon panicked and legged it away from the road!! They never fired a single shot! But as they were running away the Sherman MG gunners cut down half the platoon.....i can just imagine them filling their pants at the sight of these shermans charging right towards them at full speed! Awesome.


"Death solves all problems - no man no problem"

J.V.Stalin, 1918

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I just had the coolest thing happen...well they were my guys getting wasted but it was righteous!

One of my Shermans was moving quick around a clump of trees, I was zoomed all the way in 'cause I was trying to figure out what happened to the tank and crew in the first place, anyway as the tank goes by this clump of trees I see a grenade come tumbling out of the corner of the screen. It lands underneath the Sherman and KAPOW immoblizes it. Next thing I hear is the hatch popping and the crew, all unhurt, begins to crawl out, just as they are about to stand POWPOWPOWPOWPOW! They were dealt a massive dose of german death lead! It was SO COOL!

I watched it like five times just from the angle of the Germans in the trees. Then from a couple different perspectives. One time I clicked on the crew and their health jumped over to the casualty box so quick it was almost instantaneous.


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I am playing a PBEM against a friend and we came across something quite cool.

I am playing germans in a meeting engagement. I decided to rush one of my SPW 250/7 Mortar Halftracks down the left side of the map. All of a sudden I see a M8 Greyhound shooting at my SPW. I emmediately give it a reverse order, hoping this will save the poor sods. Right as I am about to get out of his LOS I take a hit to the gun, destroying it completely.

At this point I'm pretty sure my SPW is toast but about 2 seconds later his M8 exploed. I ahd no idea of what happened before I checked the kill stat of my SPW. Apparently it had fired a single mortar round right before the gun was knocked out.

Now that is luck : )


< All gave some, some gave ALL>

Owner of MiNa's CMBO Page


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I like the one about the Priest. Here is a similar adventure. I was in a battle for a village in a valley at a crossroads VC, and my opponent had positioned a Bazooka team in a house at the crossroad, then hid the unit. I let it sit there for a while, then when it became annoying, I used a 251/1 with a Pioneer squad to race down the road next to the house, and had the Pioneer squad jump out, run up to the house whereupon they tossed a sachel charge into the building. KABOOM!, and suddenly the house exploded into a ball of flame. Well, the Pioneer squad lost it's bladder and took off running for some rough terrain near by, and the Bazooka team, short a feller, began to run back and forth in the building like the AI couldn't figure out which way to go (all avenues of escape were covered by enemy fire), so after the guy raced around in the building for a while, he pops outa the house and ofcourse, was mowed down by the Pioneer squad that originally caused the problem. It was funny to watch the AI in it's confusion.


"Wer zuerst schiesst hat mehr von Leben"

Moto-(3./JG11 "Graf")

Bruno Weiss

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One of my favorites, was when I had a US 40mm bofor set up in a town covering 2 road aproaches at the junction. The OPFOR could not see the 40mm as it was elevated at the junction, so they had to drive literly up to it to see it, they couldn't manouver at all because of the houses around the street, I had another hidden 40mm that had the 1st 40mms flanks covered.

So a PzKpfw IV shows up and gets pasted, soon another PzKpfw IV, then another etc, the 40mm's racked up like 5 kills and caused a trafic jam smile.gif. Suddenly another PzKpfw IV climbs the hill rounds the corner, and charges the 1st 40mm, the flank 40mm takes it out with a side turret penetration, the burning hulk rolls on & crushes the 1st 40mm biggrin.gif.

Regards, John Waters


"We've got the finest tanks in the world. We just love to see the

German Royal Tiger come up on the field".

Lt.Gen. George S. Patton, Jr. February 1945.

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I told my Panther G to move out into a street and then hit reverse to the other side while keeping his front towards the enemy. As soon as he pulls out, an AT gun hidden about 300 meters down the street starts firing. The first shot ricocheted off the front turret and destroys a 20mm flak vehicle I had parked behind a nearby building. The second shot apparently knocked a track off the Panther, it started doing doughnuts in reverse right in the middle of the street! The AT gun took another 2 or 3 shots that hit and finally hit the rear and the Panther blew up real good. cool.gif

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I perforated a Kubelwagon with a .50- the driverless (but some sort of passenger int there) vehicle rolls straight down the road before smacking into some daisy-chain AT mines. Passenger bails, must have spotted the mines. I could just picture my opponent saying *whew*, damn glad I didn't drive my buttoned up King TIger over that!

King Tiger leaves the road to cross the intersection, and runs into the buried AT mines next to the road (immobilized), gets hit by a Hellcat main gun round (turret penetration), and a Jabo nails it (all in the space of about 5 seconds). Amazingly one crewmember survives this, bails and runs for cover, only to get zapped by a AP minefield.

I felt so sorry for that last poor bastard.

(Yes, it was a *very* mine heavy map)


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One of the coolest (and most heroic) thing I have seen, was once, when an enemy bazooka team wiped out one of my King Tigers from about 30m and the crew did what they had to do.

I was really angry after the loss of my tank, but then I've seen, that my crew got out of the tank, ran towards the bazooka team, killed them both and then the crew died two seconds later of HMG-fire... this was awesome to watch.

The bad thing was, that I lost this tank...


War is in my heart

Death is by my side!

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My coolest death was that of a heroic (foolish) StuGIII.

It was in a custom scenario where a combined british & american armored force were moving to take a small village in heavily wooded terrain.

Naturally, my German forces got decimated and I was in quite a rut. My last remaining vehicles were a Wirbelwind and my trusty StuGIII.

Suddenly a Sherman Jumbo (+ others) pop out from behind a stand of trees and start taking shots at my tanks. The Wirbelwind is fried instantly, but the StuG holds on.

Knowing it'll take a miracle to knock out that Jumbo at its current range, I rush a Pioneer squad across the main road in front of the Jumbo to distract it. Then, I rush my StuG at full speed to point blank range of the Jumbo.

The Stug is just about ready for a pointblank flank shot when the Jumbo finishes off the Pioneers. I watch in horror as the Sherman slowly rotates to face my Stug (who's crew is no doubt loading their drawers). They get off a shot which ricochets off the Jumbo like nothing then get annihilated. No survivors. The Jumbo just calmly turned and smashed my tank like it was a bug.

Oh well.


Check out my B-17 fiction story at:


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I've got two good ones

I was playing the "breach the west wall" operation. The krauts had 2 Panthers that were also covered by a 88mm pillbox.

These Panthers are just about to have a field day on me, my tanks don't have LOS on 'em and their just a hammerin away on my Arty Spotter squad that had its jeep blown out from under it. I know I need some heroics to take 'em, so I have a M4A3 75, an M4A3 105 and an M8 greyhound charge 'em to a POINT BLANK side shot. The 88 pillbox got my Sherman 75 in the charge, but my Sherman 105 crests the hill right infront of them when their turrets are traversed to the side to pop my arty spotter. the Sherman runs between them, and rotates that little stub cannon and NAILS one panther in its side, causing it to cook off. The other Panther starts rotating its turret, but I watch in glee as its turret isn't gonna beat my Sherman to the draw. However, it is at this time that that 88mm pillbox poped it. However, fateis still with me, as the Panther's turret is traversed the other way, my M8 comes roaring up, again point blank and puts a 37mm round right through the bottom hull knockin the fellow out. He then proceeded to try to reverese from the maw of that 88mm pillbox, but he didn't make it.

However, by killing those Panthers (which I did in turn 2) the krauts had lost all their mobile firepower. I then proceeded to pour troops across a bridge on his right flank, with only a slight pause required to knock out the 4 pillboxes he had right at the bridge. After that, it was a simple matter of having my light tanks zip up behind their damn pillboxes and poping their doors until they died. I had the battle surely won by turn 5. I was pretty proud of my skill, guts, and plain luck!

My second one: I was playing the "Canyon Escape" mission that some genus made (great fun, that scenario) and I had one squad of French troops on the first cliff facethat the kraut armor had to go by. Well, a nearby bazooka and arty was wrecking havoc, so the armor had to just press on. However, the kraut infantry got the great idea of charging up the hill to silence the infantry on the crest. My principal squad and their commnand squad were in a small cluster of trees, with another suqad on their flank. The Germans sent aprox. 6 full infantry squads, 3 squad leaders, and the crews of 4 knocked out vehicles to try to take my cluster of trees. Combined with the grenades, hand o hand combat, and the withering fire as they crested the hill, they all died. The Germans gave up on simple, direct assault, so they had a stug begin to bombard my position. The second shot set the fron of the cliff on fire, blocking off their line of sight!

That squad was low on ammo now, so I ordered them and their surviving buddies fron nearby to withdraw to a nearby house. Now, the Germans simply marched up the hill, so I ordered them off the map to savor their victory rather than get killed. A short time later a squad of American infantry came on the map from the same way they went off. I can just imagine how cocky theywere... I think in total they caused some 90 casualtiues with a loss of maybe 4 of their own...



CO, 99th Dragons

A Warbirds Squadron

'We will heat you up'

"It is well that war is so terrible, else we would grow too fond of it."

-Robert E. Lee

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Playing a quick battle. My opponent had a Sherman hiding behind a building. My Tiger couldn't easily do a flanking maneuver to get the Sherman so I decided to blow the building up. After a few shots from the Tiger, the building collapses exposing the Sherman. The Sherman took off like a dog with it's tail between it's legs toward another building to hide behind. Well it found cover from the Tiger, only to expose itself to a flank shot from a hidden SdKfz 251/9. The halftrack took the Sherman out first shot. biggrin.gif



"Once a Diceman, Always a Diceman."

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I'm glad you enjoyed 'Canyon Escape' busboy. I think it's pretty unique. If anyone else is curious, you can get it from my site:


Heh, the AI really isn't that smart on that one. It's better PBEM.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by busboy:

I've got two good ones

My second one: I was playing the "Canyon Escape" mission that some genus made (great fun, that scenario) and I had one squad of French troops on the first cliff facethat the kraut armor had to go by. Well, a nearby bazooka and arty was wrecking havoc, so the armor had to just press on. However, the kraut infantry got the great idea of charging up the hill to silence the infantry on the crest. My principal squad and their commnand squad were in a small cluster of trees, with another suqad on their flank. The Germans sent aprox. 6 full infantry squads, 3 squad leaders, and the crews of 4 knocked out vehicles to try to take my cluster of trees. Combined with the grenades, hand o hand combat, and the withering fire as they crested the hill, they all died. The Germans gave up on simple, direct assault, so they had a stug begin to bombard my position. The second shot set the fron of the cliff on fire, blocking off their line of sight!

That squad was low on ammo now, so I ordered them and their surviving buddies fron nearby to withdraw to a nearby house. Now, the Germans simply marched up the hill, so I ordered them off the map to savor their victory rather than get killed. A short time later a squad of American infantry came on the map from the same way they went off. I can just imagine how cocky theywere... I think in total they caused some 90 casualtiues with a loss of maybe 4 of their own...




To download my scenarios: go to


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My batallion HQ, flamethrower, and a fallschirmjager squad were advancing through brush on the heels of the retreating American glider squads after a fierce firefight. I had eliminated 3 of the 4 enemy squads I encountered and the remaining elements has retreated towards a nearby treeline. Just when I thought it was safe to advance, 14in shells started dropping from the sky and one landed right these 3 units were standing and killed them all instantly. Man that hurt.

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