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Coolest deaths

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Tell me about the coolest deaths you've seen

in the game. This subject has probably come up before but I'd love to hear your stories.

I don't have the full game yet and talking about it with you guys helps to keep me from flipping out. I can only describe the awsome fights I've witnessed in the demo to my glazed eyed girlfriend so many times you know?

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Guest Madmatt

Ok, before someone comes over here and gets all preachy on this poor guy I am certain he means "Coolest Deaths In Combat Mission!", and not in general. Somehow I just get the feeling that point was going to be missed by some.

Now to answer the question, well lets see, there was the time Fionn's Panther was taken out by a Jabo in the Alpha AAR, that was pretty cool. And then there was the time Fionn rushed his solitary Mark IV against my Sherman Ambush, that was cool. wink.gif


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I was playing the "A Day in the Cavalry" op, one of my Greyhounds had been taken out by a Panzerschreck team,so the single surviving crewman goes after the Schreck,offs them and is wasted by an MG-42 hidden in the woods nearby.Talk about heroic deaths! biggrin.gif


Nicht Schiessen!!

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I had the last man of a German MG42 HMG squad killed just as the building he was in burst into flames. I kept him selected as he died, and it switched from 1-5 to 0-6 "eliminated", then he suddenly stood back up, ran out the back of the building, and the leftover gun now said "abandoned".

It may be a bug, but I prefer to think of it as zombie troops.


Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.

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Very cool stories guys.

I had two squads of US Infantry holding back three german rifle squads who were trying to get over this hill to push back the allieds who were being routed.

Well for three or four turns they were pinning my guys so finally I said enough and rushed them. They were under a copse of trees

where my guys hit them like a train. There were shots fired, grenades thrown and that unmistakable sound of hand to hand combat. In a matter of about ten seconds my little german buddies wiped out all of them except one who had headed out. About a second before

the turn ends he comes out the other side of the trees haulin' butt, and I hear a gunshot, see a tracer, he grunts and hits the grass dead as all hell.

I watched this little scene three or four times before I caught this and I was just blown away. No pun intended.

Part of the beauty of this game is how even a tiny little exchange such as what I just described becomes a vignette of battle. Even though there was much more fighting going on, that little scene sticks in my mind as the highlight. And I suppose there are probably alot more that I overlooked.

Great game!

[This message has been edited by Mord (edited 10-24-2000).]

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In the final stages in my game vs Ubermac I rushed a halftrack over open terrain deep into his setup zone.

He decided the same turn to withdraw a crew and the remnants of a squad. So they all moved in formation close to each other in percect synchronicity (sp?). OH and the halftrack gunned them both down on the way..

huge fun! (for me)



Croda: "You hang out with a guy named "Warphead?"

"Nuts!" "

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In the Tuturial mission "Fire and Maneuver" -SORT OF A SPOILER-I had a German halftrack with full squad hit the AT mine, guys hopped out, nearby allies started shooting them, whole squad who survived AT mine hit ran like hell over the small slope - panicked of course- only to find out AP minefield, three explosions and they were all dead. Interesting to watch probably AI was having fun not me.

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*Not much of a spoiler*

I was playing Big Red Omaha, and after hitting the beach my naval FO called in a 14" fire mission to try to take out some pillboxes. Good idea? Well, after getting my somewhat shot-up boys together for an assault, I hear the first round coming in and thought to myself "great, the timing couldn't be better". Only problem was that it landed dead square on the beach in the middle of my troops. If you've never seen what a 14" shell can do to men in exposed ground, let's just say that I lost over 120 men in the blink of an eye. The dead were literally strewn across the beach. Needless to say that on that day, the D-Day landings were not successful! Moral of the story: 14" shells are bad news.

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1.) Brit F.O. team sneaking through some woods approx 40m behind a rifle platoon. The rifle platoon reaches the treeline and takes fire from a 75mm PaK in another treeline about 250m away. The first round sails over the rifle squads, threads its way through the trees, and pulverizes my F.O. team. D'OH!

2.) U.S. Jeep dashing from behind a building towards a treeline about 100m away. A large caliber near miss halts the jeep, and the crew frantically reverses. The next round hits close and the shock wave spins the jeep 90 degrees. The crew bails out; alive, but with soiled fatigues.

3.) A StuGIII moves up too close to support some infantry during a hot firefight in a Normandy village. Bazooka round flies overhead. Ut-oh. StuGIII and Baz team fire at the same time. Baz team sent to cyber-heaven by 75mm HE round. StuGIII blow'd up, blow'd up reeel good by the baz round (the new fire/explosion mod is coool).


"Really they’re quite fearful—that’s my theory. They see us on stage with tight trousers. We’ve got, you know,

armadillos in our trousers. I mean it’s really quite frightening...the size...and and they, they run screaming."


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German tank trades simultaneous shots with a British Firefly tank.

Both are knocked out by the other's shot!

Imagine the scene, I'm locked onto the view from the German towards the British tank. I see in the distance the flash from the British tank just as my tank fires.

Boom, both are hit and both crews bail.

You gotta love that!

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One of em happened last night - jeep with arty spotter pulls up a road and stops just inside tree cover...arty spotter gets out and does his thing...minutes later, as the arty barrage is hitting a small town and the jeep driver is just sitting there having a smoke, the spotter yells "Run for it!!" all of the sudden, gets about 1/2 length away from the jeep and a short shell lands DIRECTLY on the jeep. Jeep is dead, driver is wounded (how'd that happen?) and spotter is shocked (rightfully so). Pretty hilarious.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dfgardner:

German tank trades simultaneous shots with a British Firefly tank.

Both are knocked out by the other's shot!

Imagine the scene, I'm locked onto the view from the German towards the British tank. I see in the distance the flash from the British tank just as my tank fires.

Boom, both are hit and both crews bail.

You gotta love that!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ooops, forgot my second best.

Playing "Fear in the Fog". At the end of the game, the open and wooded areas surrounding the village look like a Matthew Brady photograph of Antietam!

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Jeep with platoon HQ in back race across a bridge at "fast" speed. Long range small arms fire take out the driver. The jeep continues racing down the road with no driver behind the wheel and the HQ unit kneeling in the back. Eventually, the jeep drifts off the road and stops. The HQ unit calmly exits the jeep and goes on its way. It was quite a ride.

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German tank trades simultaneous shots with a British Firefly tank.

Both are knocked out by the other's shot!

Imagine the scene, I'm locked onto the view from the German towards the British tank. I see in the distance the flash from the British tank just as my tank fires.

Boom, both are hit and both crews bail.

You gotta love that!

Funny you should mention this, as I had the exact same thing happen in a scenario with a British Firefly and a German tank (a StuG I believe). I saw it from the Firefly's perpective. The StuG fired off just a split second before the Firefly fired and both tanks were knocked out.


It wasn't MY company..It was the Armys' or so they told me.

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In one battle a buttoned M4 drove past one of my Pz-IV, that was in scattered trees. As the M4 passes the German tank crew calmly rotated the turret and fired at a range of 4m. The Sherman went exploded nicely and caused the Pz-IV to button-up.

When I zoomed in on this it, looked like the barrel of the Pz-IV was touching the turret of the Sherman as it fired.



"I am determined to prove a villian..."

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It seems that Fireflies have bad habit of getting killed in this way. I too managed to get my Firefly killed at same time when it knocked out enemy Panther.

My Firefly was coming behind building and was ready to shoot at Panther from side (distance about 100m), but I don't remember what unit Panther targetted and I think it started rotating its turret in to wrong way and when my Firefly came behind building and targetted Panther, enemy was already pointing its gun straight at it :P

So there went my surprise and hope to get shoot at Panther without it having time to turn its turret.. so Panther shoots first and when round is on the way my Firefly gets it round on way before exloding.



[This message has been edited by jKMkIII (edited 10-24-2000).]

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I appreciate all your responses to this post I am thoroughly enjoying your war stories. I don't currently have the full version and I'm not quite sure when I'll be able to purchase it. I just moved to FLA and money is tight. So I have been filling the void with swapping what mods I can in the Demo, playing the Demo OVER AND OVER AND OVER and reading all the great topics on this BB.

So thanks again fellas! And please keep the kills commin'! I am diggin' the hell outta them. smile.gif


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Once, when I was playing a hotseat game with a friend, we were playing a quick battle with Random time/weather and it ended up being in the snow with practically zero visibility. (at night?) Anyway, he had a tiger coming up a rise (the Tiger was buttoned) and I had a bazooka guy hiding in the trees not 110 meters away just WAITING for the Tiger. Well, as the Tiger starts to crest the hill, my bazooka guy is shaking like a leaf in sheer fright as this HUGE metal monstrosity creeps EVER closer... Finally, he gets a shot off and boom! Upper hull penetration... But wait!! The Tiger crew didn't seem to mind too much, cause the tank stopped, turned, and blew my bazooka guy to smithereens!!! Talk about hardcore crewmen!!!

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I once had a Chaffee find itself in the middle of three Tiger I's at 20 meters that came in as reinforcements and appeared out of nowhere. The Chaffee took out 2 of them with side and rear shots before getting skewered by the third. Silver Stars for that crew, albeit posthumously, their tank brewed up and no one made it out.

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I had a Tiger and a Sherm105 kill each. The Tiger was pivoting to face the Sherm and bring its gun to bear, but the Sherm got off the 1st shot and immobilized the Tiger nearly broadside-on. The Tiger's turret continued to creak around as the Sherm reloaded. But again the Sherm fired first. The huge shell sailed slowly through the air in a high arc, clearly visible against the sky. When it had come about 1/3 of the way, the Tiger finally fired, and its high-velocity round hit the Sherm and blew it sky high. But a split second later, the 105 round penetrated the side of the Tiger, also resulting in a catastrophic explosion. No survivors from either vehicle. I just thought it was cool that the 88 round beat the 105 round even though giving it a long head start smile.gif



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