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POV and Superman

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One of the things I was trying out last week was all of the camera angles, hence Superman. A question occurred to me about POV. I did a SEARCH and found many discussion around first-person perspectives, god syndrome, and the following: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/007557.html

My question is that you can play the game from looking over the enemy's shoulder, esp. in looking at movements and for targeting. Is this considered gamey and therefore, you don't use these views? Seems to me even with full FOW, it would be cheating(?) fight a battle from the enemy's perspective.

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Let me add another dumb question. What exactly is the difference between 'Free to place units' and 'Stick to scenario default'? I read what the manual said but the difference seems to be subtle. How would the AI know how to place troops differently?

I did a search on 'free to place' and 'setup' but didn't find any good answers.

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It is gamey but it is a necessary caveat, much like the ability to command all of your squads, to make up for the fact that you don't have a command staff and trained officers to assist you in defeating your enemy.


You wouldn't know the dust of Thermopylae if it came up to you, handed you a business card reading "Dust of Thermopylae, 480 B.C.E.", then kicked you in the shins.

-Hakko Ichiu

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To me, the looking over the enemy shoulder is borderline gamey, but it's just so cool to tab view onto an enemy tank while your troops are pounding it and watch it go boom!

As for the "free to place" vs "scenario defaults" deference...

When someone designs a scenario, he also sets up the starting locations for all the units on the map, for both the axis and allied players.

When you choose the scenario default option, your troops, and your enemies, will start wherever the designer thought they should go. This placement may or may not be optimal, especially when you consider everyone has a different philosophy on play style.

If you choose the "free to place" option, you and your opponent are free to place your troops anywhere you wish on the map, within the limits of the color coded setup zones.

When playing a scenario, esp a historical based scenario, it's nice to try an play using the default setup.

As you probably can tell now, there is a huge difference between the two.

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