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Nationalities in CM2

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I saw some worrying info that Finns might not make it. It would be really bad imo. They did take part in the continuance war so I think BTS should strike two flies at the same time and do 39 as well.

Nationalities that I want to see in CM2.

-Germans/Russians (of course)

-Spanish blue brigade





CM2 is actually the CM I am looking most forward to due to my interest in the East(ern) Front.


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Guest herbjorn

What about Japan, it would sure bode well for all those "what if" scenarios, had Japan invaded Russia from the South East etc. The solution would be to add a platform editor, that we may make fundamental changes, not just textures etc. BTS could "outsource" the blue brigade, the finns etc. to qpe`s (qualified platform editors) which would have to be experts/have access to a lot of info regarding one particular nations weaponry.

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and sweden campaigns...

Except that Sweden was one of the few countries in Europe that didn't participate in the war, unless you mean an what-it scenario where either Germany or Great Britain tries to seize the iron mines. (Both countries prepared plans for such operation and actually came close to implementing them).

- Tommi

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When the groundwork for CM 2 begins...the first item on the agenda will be what period to cover. Keeping it historical; probably 1941 - 1945. Based on that what forces...?

1) Germans

2) Soviets

3) Rumanians

4) Hungarians

5) Italians

6) Spanish

7) Partisans

8) Japan

1 and 2 obviously. 3 and 4 likely, because of their participation in the south. 5, same as 3 and 4 but not many troops were involved (I think) and I wonder if it's worth the coding. Same with 6.

7...I hope. Russian Partisans were instrumental in tiing down German assests and were a big nuisance to them. 8...I don't think we will see this happen. Russia attacked Japan very late in the war and I can't see the coding being done for what was a one-side fight.

All of the above comments are based on the idea that CM2 will be historical in nature. To clarify, they will not put troops in so one could do "what if " scenarios. I hope I made myself clear.

I guess we shall see





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The Italians had very large (several divisions) forces involved in the Eastern Front.

I think the Romanians/Hungarians could be put together into a "Axis Minor" generality.

The Finns? How could you possibly say you have an Eastern Front game without the Finns?

The Spanish were unimportant in the long run. Definitely need the Poles though, and you defintely want some partisans.

Jeff Heidman

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Frenchy:

When the groundwork for CM 2 begins...the first item on the agenda will be what period to cover. Keeping it historical; probably 1941 - 1945. Based on that what forces...?

1) Germans

2) Soviets

3) Rumanians

4) Hungarians

5) Italians

6) Spanish

7) Partisans

8) Japan


I vote for the Finns before 6) and especially 8). Maybe even before 3) and 4)? It should be fairly easy to include them , since much of their heavy equipment was of German/Russian origin. I actually would vote against including "what if" countries, since there's more than enough "it really happened" to go around, IMHO.


"Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb ;)

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Polish must be present too.

Why? Polish army in the east (under soviet control) was larger then the one in the west.


Yeah, but the Russians also fought the Poles, I remember the infamous murder of Polish officers in the woods at Katin, by Russian soldiers.

Also on the sceneriao page Wild Bill Wilder says that there may be a Italian module as an addon or in a seperate game release

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Lets clarify. Polish did not fight Russians in WWII. Soviet Union entered Polish Teritory after it was 100% clear that Poland lost (17 September)

Some Polish officers surrendered to Soviet army and were killed by KGB sometime after the Poland surrendered to Germany. There were prisoners - but they did not fight Soviets.

There were no battles with Soviets until after the war. Polish units wer told to avoid confrontation with Soviets and Soviets did not fight Polish army.

There was cooperation between Soviet and German army. My grandfather lead 800 soldiers toward the Rumanian border. They were spotted by the Soviet plane in the forest. My grandfather forced his tired troops to move to another place. An hour later German bombers bombed the area where Soviet plane spotted them. But they were gone...

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Well thanks for pointing out the error of my words...

I mis-stated that, but I get somewhat emotional on that topic, as a family member was a corporal in one of those surrendered and disposed of forces.

Of course with this game, we can always create a What If scenario...like what if the Poles were able to dole out some revenge.

Once again thanks.

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Let's also not forget the Slovaks.

As far as the Spanish & Croatians, these operated under the direct control of the German & Italian armies, respectively, and IIRC, would be using the TO&E. It would only mean adding the appropriate voice wave files.

Come to think of it ,it would be pretty cool to add some of the SS non-german nationalties(dutch, flemish, etc.)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by marcusm:

I saw some worrying info that Finns might not make it. It would be really bad imo...


Where did you see this? Is there a CM2 page somewhere? Are BTS already talking about what will be in CM2? if so could you point me to the page or chat or whatever?


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