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Buy this game (one more question)?

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Hi, I find that the game is soooooo gooood that the multiplayer part is not a issue. They are working on multiplayer as an addon free patch. There really is no set eta because they (BTS and the testers) want to get it right and bug free before they release it. There is play by Email ane hot seat. My best advise is GET THE GAME. The AI is going to kick your booty some of the time.



<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>When CM arrived, all other land based war games became crap.


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TCP/IP (and, by extention, LAN) play is in the works and will be done within two months. All major bugs are now fixed (I'm going to get so flamed by saying that, but its true, what remains to fix are eye candy and a few minor issues) and no more bugs are being worked on until TCP/IP is up and running. Look at it this way, if you buy the game now you will have some time to get good so you can kick your friends buts smile.gif

And yea, as said above, the AI is pretty darn good.


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Ok about about this?

buy now

it will take some time to ship, you can only get in the mail, maybe a week depending on where you are?

by the time you are finished your first, (and if you are lucky), your only Play by e-mail PBEM, game (may sound arcahic but it works well), we suspect there WILL be a TCP/IP patch available for download.

hows that?

-tom w

Don't quote me now, I may be a legitimate canidate for the largely ficticious position of Gamey Tactics Specialist of the Dept. of the Devil's Advocate, smile.gif but I'm NOT posting here in ANY offically sanctioned BTS capacity. Now if MadMatt or KwazyDog post that is to be taken as the real DEAL!

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TCP/IP has not been implemented yet. When the game was close to release, Steve and Charles asked the community if we wanted released sooner (with TCP/IP coming as a patch) or later, when it was complete.

Most voted sooner.

With the current system, a player does his turn, then emails a file to his opponent. The opponent loads the file, does his turn and a movie is generated. This movie is then forwarded to the player, who looks at it, and sends it back to his opponent. His opponent views the movie, then does his next turn. It may sound troublesome, but it works very well.

I've played numerous PBEM games now, and I'm not sure I would ever go to network play. I can take upwards of 20 minutes to do a move, especially on a large game. Viewing the movies from different angles, plotting lines of sight, and coordinating troops can take time. With PBEM, I feel comfortable taking time to plan my strategy carefully.

With a LAN game, there are some situations, particularly attacker/defender, where one player is moving all his troops, and the other player is only moving a few. You would have to sit there and wait every turn for your opponent to finish. With PBEM, I can take my turn, go have dinner, and come back to the computer later. I average 1-2 turns per day.

Now if they introduce simultaneous plotting, that could be interesting for a rainy Saturday....

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I've played numerous PBEM games now, and I'm not sure I would ever go to network play. I can take upwards of 20 minutes to do a move, especially on a large game. Viewing the movies from different angles, plotting lines of sight, and coordinating troops can take time. With PBEM, I feel comfortable taking time to plan my strategy carefully.

I agree with above comments 100%. In PBEM situation you take time to plan your moves, etc. In fact, I find playing against a PBEM opponent infinately more challenging than the AI. "Real" people are much more cunning, resourceful, careless, etc (whatever adjective or adverb you can think of) than AI.

Buy this game now, you'll not regret it.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I wanna know about the multiplayer now. I probably wont buy it if it doesnt have internet or LAN play. Someone enlight me about the multiplayer stuff it has on it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I understand your concern about LAN and/or internet play (although PBEM is done over the internet wink.gif). Personally, I also enjoy fast-paced games such as Unreal Tournament or Team Fortress for a quick and mindless adrenaline fix. Please, no flames! smile.gif

But trust me, CM has a completely different type of excitment that's just as thrilling as fast-paced LAN games!

The planning stage does take awhile-if you want to develop a good plan. There is a "luxuriousness"-for lack of a better word to refining your strategy, going over the ground, deciding on formations, etc.. You really give your all of your reasoning skills a work out.

But afterwards during the execution/playback stage there is a helpless feeling which comes from having to sit back and watch to see whether or not your plans and your troops carry things out. For me this is edge-of-the-seat excitement, almost like a baseball game - no matter how smart your managing decisions are it the end it up to the execution of your players. Additionally, as I watch the replay from various angles I am often amazed at the little things I see, friendly fire, damage from ricocheting shells, etc. These "small" discoveries will impress you with just how much consideration went into making the game.

So in a nutshell...I understand your desire for LAN/intenet play. However, THIS game is so good, you may not(IMHO should not)have LAN/internet component be the PRIMARY criterion by which you decide to purchase the game.

Just my 2 cents.....


"Do not needlessly endanger your lives until I give you the signal"

Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Well my understanding is that they are working on it. The CC series being what they were, real time-real mouse environment, meant one sort of had to play online if you wanted a live opponent, and they lead ever one in that direction. Didn't hurt Microsoft's investment in the Zone either. But now that turn based seriousness is back (how's that for a planted word), online play, for me anyway, is an unnecessity. Now it's just me, not everyone feels the same ofcourse. But I find meself desiring to study the field as it were, for a while prior to launching my most brilliant plans, and then seeing them smashed to bits before me very eyes, rather than engage an opponent live in something of a 3D shooter brawl gone organizational. The wonder of pondering over a map and planning a strategy, studying my little cyber army and my opponent is back. Besides, when I have a hankering to meet some assorted characters, I just drop into the forum. smile.gif


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Moto-(3./JG11 "Graf")

Bruno "Stachel" Weiss

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