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Who's a kraut??

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Me, at least wink.gif

I'm quite curious. Germany accounts for the "second largest market" for wargames after the US market.

So, anyone from germany here? smile.gif

I'm from the city of Hamburg, northern part.


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Not really a Kraut, but well, I've been one. smile.gif(Dad used to be a kraut). I'm officially Dutch since my 15th birthday or so.


Combat Axiom #6. Incoming fire has the right of way.

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Guest Username:

I am a US citizen and half irish and about a third german. Kraut is somewhat derogatory to some people. I know my grandparents that lived and served in the military during WWII (for the US) would sometimes throw the word around jokingly (the german ones would!).

Just wonder if anyone takes offense at the word or is it just a thing you hear in WWII movies? An archaic insult if you will..


PS When I went to a trade show in Stuttgart there was a german company named Kraut. Forgot what they did but they were giving away beer and cookies.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Username::

Just wonder if anyone takes offense at the word or is it just a thing you hear in WWII movies? An archaic insult if you will..


I don't mind being called a schnitzel-eatin' beer-guzzlin' Kraut ... lol


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I am a third-generation American of German descent (actually, mostly Irish and English). Kraut doesn't even register as an insult with me, and it is not in common use. You could call me a Kraut all you want, and the best you will get is a bemused look. The last time I actually heard it in conversation was several years ago from my father-in-law, who fought with Patton's army. He was showing me a new pistol he had purchased, and said matter-of-factly, "I like the action; it reminds me of the P-38 I took off a dead Kraut once." Yowza, what do you say to that? "Umm, yeah, me too."?

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Guest Username:

Yeah Super I hear ya. In New York someone calls me a mick and I am "Hell yeah and proud too".

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Arnstadt (Thüringen) - Noch jemand aus der Zone hier?

I don't take offense about 'Kraut'. Kraut can be very tasteful(natürlich nur nach orginal gut-ehrwürdig-alt-eingesessenen-thüringischen Hausrezept) - Rotkraut, Sauerkraut[mit Kümmel und Schinken!], Weiskraut etc. wink.gif

Greeting to all

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I'm a Kraut too. I lived in Cologne for nearly 20 years, well, to be brutally honest on the wrong side, the so called "Schääl Sick". I was forced to leave my beloved city as i've found employment in a small city between Bonn and Cologne called Siegburg. To be fair, it is a precious little town with some medieval flair, but i'm eager to teturn to my "roots" as soon as possible.

Schugger aka Schuggerbaby


Es gibt Tage da verliert man und Tage da gewinnen die anderen.

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I'm an American, but almost half German by lineage on my dad's side of the family. Does this count? wink.gif

From research my Great Uncle and my Aunt have done the family originally migrated to USA back in later part of the 1800's from some little town in Bavaria if a remember correctly (can't think of the name of it right now). They were all farmers, so I assume it was just a small farming village/town.

Mike Dittmer

aka Mikester

PS: I don't find being called a kraut derogatory either. Not much different in my mind than calling an English soldier a Limey in my book. smile.gif

[This message has been edited by Mikester (edited 05-30-2000).]

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Moon! Is it possible that you're a "Porzer Jung" too? I've grown up in Wahnheide near the Airport ( suffered serious brain damage from those starting and landing airplanes D: ).

It's a small world indeed!


Es gibt Tage da verliert man und Tage da gewinnen die anderen.

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From Stuttgart!

Near to the "Highlands" where the "Filderkraut" is growing. Near to Esslingen, where the "Hengstenberg Sauerkraut Factory" is produsing this amazing Sauerkraut (i hate Sauerkraut).

Viele Grüße an alle aus Deutschland! Bin richtig froh, daß es auch in Deutschland ein paar Leute gibt, die Militär und Politik auseinanderhalten können - ich meine unsere Geschichte und die Wehrmacht, und das alles im Freundeskreis, deren Kommentare usw., usw. - au weia.


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Smaragdadler I was stationed in Fulda and spent much time touring Thuringen. I have been to Jena, Auerstadt, Cospeda, Weimar, and virtually every small town between Fulda and Dresden. Great place that Thuringen.

Lindan I once participated in the Hochsauer Land Marsch. Was that in your town?

As for me, I am Half German on my mothers side. She was born and raised in Ost Preussen in a town called Rehhof (sp) now called Riejevo as a part of Poland.

My German grandfather fought in WWI as a cavalryman in Kaiser Wilhelm's Guard Currassier Cavalry. He fought exclusively on the Eastern Front, and made it so far as Schmolensk. In WWII he was a Colonel, assigned as a Veterinary Officer during the invasions of Poland and France (germany had mostly horse transports during the war). After France, he was finally retired and allowed to enjoy the short few years of peace he would have.

Both my German uncles fought for the Wehrmacht in WWII. One was in the 3rd Mot Infantry, the other in the 26th Inf Dom Division. The one in the 26th was captured by the Russians in 1943. He was not released until 1948. The one in the 3rd Mot survived the war, amazingly, since the 3rd Mot went down in Stalingrad (he had been evacuated long before the encirclement though). He finished the war on the Western Front fighting our brave American lads. At War's end, he simply abandoned his acht rad and walked to the nearest farm and hid out for a while.

Anyway, My dad, is american, my mon German. German was my first language, as Dad was away fighting in Viet Nam at about the same time I learned to speak. That of course changed once he got home smile.gif

I decided to follow in all their footsteps and am a cavlaryman in the US Army. My fondest memories to date are of my time in Fulda.

"Bis zum Bitteren Ende"

Die Toten Hosen

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Hi Blackhorse!

Whuuu, a very traditional military family - you are in.

Funny thing, my grandfather fought in the "Prinz Eugen" Waffen-SS Division. He was forced to go to the army by his "free will". All Germans, who lived outside The Reich, as "Volksdeutsche", (near to Hungary Austria and Yougoslawia), were by their "own will" at the Waffen-SS. He fought against partisans in Yougoslawia and at the end of the war against the US. He was a POW under american forces and was sent to the yougoslawians, he came back from them in 1955 as an ill and broken man. He always told me, never to go to the army - but, perhaps because of that, i was very interested in all military things.

In my family i am to only one, who likes the army, so i am very happy to find people in this forum, who think in the same way, as i do - what a good feeling.

O.k. - thats enough now.

Greetings to all


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Hi Jochen

Your grandfather endured a very tough and harrowing experience. That is a great many years in captivity by a tough group of people.

At least he survived it, and at least you had the chance to get some grandfatherly advice from him. You will always carry the memory of him with you.

I agree with you regarding this forum. It is a great place, with many good people.

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Guest Germanboy

Uh, obviously a Boche/Kraut/Fritz. But I can't listen to Wagner, I always get the urge to go and invade Poland (sorry Woody...)

Andreas (back in Coventry, and jet-lagged...)

PS. Who was it again that had a farm in Saskatchewan? The province looks great from 35,000 feet!

No smilies in honour of Mr.Peng.

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