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How is PBEM????

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For me, email fits in perfectly with my schedule. I work during the day and have various things to do during the evening, so I have to squeeze in game time when I can grab it. Also, I may be interrupted in the middle of a move/game, and have to answer the phone or go attend to something else for a while, then go back to the game. Can't do this conveniently with another player sitting in front of his screen waiting for my next move.

Out of curiosity, why would you want to play a game like CM "real time?" You have to sit and wait for each other to plot your moves for about the same time it takes to email something (or use ICQ or some such). And where's your LAN? Do you get to play at work, or do you have two (or more) computers hooked up at home?

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Well, I for one completely go for the network play. PBEM is slow, and a pain. I love CM and against the computer, it is a great game. Against humans, it gets tiresome fast. I now play CM against the computer and have had to return to Steel III for human play frown.gif. I am having a hard time getting my Steel III friends to even look at CM due to lack of network play. And before you say it, none of us are click and twitch types. Many a grognard in my playing ring. Just differnet tastes in gameplay.

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To answer your question, the PBEM option works very well in CM. The turn sequence is a bit odd to those of us used to pure turn based games but you get used to it quickly. The only quibble I have is that outgoing files are automatically saved into the general PBEM directory. Since I have several sub-directories, each for an opponent, I have to remember to put the outgoing file into the right directory before I ship the turn. Being older than dirt, I have messed up on more than one occassion. smile.gif

As for TCP/IP, I too look forward to that option. Not because PBEM is bad, but simply because it offers another way to play the game and gives it a different flavor. IIRC, the TCP/IP patch will have a timer attached to the simultaneous orders phase and the simultaneous movie phase. This should speed up the process considerably and add an element of time pressure as well. If you haven't tried PBEM, may I suggest that you give it a shot? It's a different approach than real time games but it has it's own charm.


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PBEM is very good if you have limited time to play. I have no problem commiting to a couple of hours to play CM via network. My feeling is, CM will be vastly superior to Steel III in both gameplay and time to complete. The point I was making above is that there are a lot of harcore wargamers outthere who will either continue to play Steel III or stick with CC type games and will not move to CM until network play is available. The only reason I bought CM was because I was under the impression that network play would be coming soon. It does not look like that is the case. I love CM, but against a human, with PBEM as my only option, its back to Steel III. Just my $.02.

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Steel said:

The only reason I bought CM was because I was under the impression that network play would be coming soon. It does not look like that is the case.

Steel, pleaase refrain from making statements like this, as it is totally innaccurate. BTS stated all along that they would be releasing the patch for TCP/IP in 6-8weeks after we recieved the game. As far as I know nothing has changed, if it has please direct me to the thread stating the update smile.gif




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Search function is good...search is your friend...

BTS asked the users here if we preferred the game release asap, with tcp/ip two months after the release, or to hold the game until it was ready. Over-whelmingly voted for release of the game followed by TCP/IP in a patch.


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Hehe, Panzer, you just said what I was saying. I know that BTS said network play would not be in the initial release, and I was OK with that. What I am hearing now is that it will be a couple of months from the 1.03 patch at least. I understand stuff slips, and that there are many competeing priorities in the development. My point is, and I dont feel that there is anything wrong with this,is that there are customers out there who will not buy without networking and some who would not have bought if it was going to be a protracted period of time. I am not unhappy that I bought now, it is a fun game and the AI is good. Just putting my opinion out smile.gif

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Guest Scott Clinton

Anyone who thought TCP/IP was included on the orginal game disc did not read the site well.

Anyone that expected it to be released in less than a month after the game shipped did not read the updates posted by BTS well.

Just my two cents (from someone who has yet to read all of the manual wink.gif )


Please note: The above is solely the opinion of 'The Grumbling Grognard' and reflects no one else's views but his own.

[This message has been edited by Scott Clinton (edited 07-10-2000).]

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I'm anxiously waiting for TCP/IP in order to re-experience years of table top micro armor battles smile.gif

PBEM is a good hold over until I'm able to engage my long term friends in direct warfare. This game is going to be grander because of the simultaneous orders and execution. No more UGOIGO, which dominated in the table top world.


"Conducting opportunity fire."

-Pull out tape measure-

"Damn, can't see him"

"/Keep moving/"


Although it brought me years of entertainment, I'd much rather lose a bit of 'game control' in order to fight entire battles within a few hours (instead of all day Saturday battles).

[This message has been edited by FFE (edited 07-10-2000).]

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I've come up with 2 good reasons why PBEM is my choice.

1) Real life commitments and responsiblities. Just like Frenchy, i too am a husband and father of three, and we don't have the luxury of setting aside an hour or two of uninterrupted free time for gaming. Even if that time did become availible, it isn't something i can reserve a week in advance.

2) With PBEM, you get to play people from around the world. Right now i'm playing a very intense game with a friend in Egypt. By the time i get home from work, unwind, eat dinner, family time, and then put the kids to bed it is 9:30-10PM at night, which puts it around 3am in Cairo.

Also consider that some of the overseas folks have to pay per min/hour to be on-line. You're not going to find too many that will stay up that late and pay that much just to burn thru a scenario.


The dead know only one thing - it is better to be alive

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Here's another 2c (We'll soon have a dollar). I find I can't take the game seriously enough against the AI. I don't spend enough time studying the terrain. I use group move too much. And I just want to get into contact with the baddies.

On the other hand, I love pbem. There is the element of real as opposed to virtual humiliation (and I've my fair share of it) and you can be sure I bloody well study that terrain before I start ordering units around. Competing against a human is so much better because:

1. they're smarter (bastards!)

2. they snigger when I do something stupid (bastards!)

3. They tell me lies (BASTARDS!)

I don't know if I will be able to handle tcp/ip - I might end up spontaneously combusting.


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Glad ya cleared that up - it sounded as you were upset to me smile.gif At any rate where did ya here it will be two more months past the vers 103 patch ? I havent heard that could ya link the thread plz?

As far as PBEM goes, its fun but I must admit Im ready for TCP IP - I dont like the slow pace of pbem. I like to play my games in an evening if possible and as far as ladder games go I wont be playing any of those until TCP/IP comes out. I'm not upset I love the game expecially head to head I just want to play more and have less down time smile.gif



[This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 07-10-2000).]

[This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 07-10-2000).]

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I can't believe I am posting to two TCP/IP threads in under an hour. And I also can't believe I am agreeing with SS_Pantyhose...But two things were mentioned in this thread that are important.

1)I play PBEM via file transfer pretty often which is much quicker than email but SS you are right. All that downtime waiting for the file would be better spent playing the game.

2)"I find I can't take the game seriously enough against the AI." NP said. I beat the AI so bad every game that it doesn't feel like a challange....it's still fun but I never worry about losing because I don't. Should I change the settings in premade scenerios? I have not done that because I am afraid to mess up what the designer designed. Anyone have any thoughts on that?


"To conquer death you only have to die" JC

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>All that downtime waiting for the file would be better spent playing the game.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's right Elvis PBEM is only for those with the mental capacity to remember to send the files.


"Pink Floyd, a load of old twaddle"-John Lydon

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PBEM IS A BLAST! Right now my 2nd SS Girl Scouts are losing their PBEM cherries to a rogue by the name of Berlichtingen-whama-lama-ding-dong, and I must say that having your ass handed to you on a plate happens even quicker versus a human than the AI.

Good Fun! And, its not bad doing a turn or two a day when I get home from work, thinking strategy during the day makes the work go quicker!


CrapGame out

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I think its just a question of scale. PBEM for larger scenarios and TCP/IP for smaller ones.

I thought that VOT and the others were too small to be enjoyed via email but the large scenarios are very playable because you have lots of time to plan.

Small battles will probably be most popular via TCP/IP because you don't have to wait as long. The smaller battles are going to be fun with time limits.


Try playing a large scenario via email when you get the game. I thought pbem was boring too until I started playing a huge one. At least that might keep you occupied until the patch comes out.


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