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*Not-so-Superbowl Player Match-ups*

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Well the action is ready to begin. The list below is final and there is no room for any more players this time around. Throughout the process of compiling these players there have been problems contacting a few of those who signed up early on. I posted on the forum that I needed confirmation and we couldn't touch base. I am truly sorry for anybody that tried to contact me and could not make it in, I was running out of time and took the first to e-mail me.

We will be using version 1.04 to start now instead of 1.03. I have not used it yet so I am unsure to how it has changed. If you are still using 1.03 in ongoing games you can just swap the exe. files between tourney and established ones.

We all should start around the same time(Early Sept.) and plan to have our games finished no longer than 2 months, although many games will be much shorter. Please keep in mind that Labor Day is Sept. 4th for us Americans and some will be out of town. If you have to leave make sure your opponents know beforehand to minimize confusion.

But here are the match-ups;

Note that the * denotes the initiating player

All sides were determined with a flip of the coin. Allies= (al) Axis= (ax)


Group A:





A1*gaffertape(al) vs. tss(ax)

A2 *gaffertape(ax) vs. Pawboon(al)

A3 *gaffertape(al) vs. Jadayne(ax)

A4 *Pawbroon(ax) vs. tss(al)

A5 *Jadayne(ax) vs. Pawbroon(al)

A6 *Jadayne(al) vs. tss(ax)


Group B:




Von Brizee

B1 *Allan(al) vs. BasilD(ax)

B2 *Allan(ax) vs. Peter(al)

B3 *Allan(al) vs. Von Brizee(ax)

B4 *BasilD(al) vs. Peter(ax)

B5 *BasilD(al) vs. Von Brizee(ax)

B6 *Peter(ax) vs. Von Brizee(al)


Group C:



von lucke


C1 *Mensch(ax) vs. Stuka(al)

C2 *Mensch(al) vs. von lucke(ax)

C3 *Mensch(ax) vs. Sledge(al)

C4 *Stuka(ax) vs. von lucke(al)

C5 *Sledge(ax) vs. Stuka(al)

C6 *Sledge(al) vs. von lucke(ax)


Group D:




Pvt. Pike

D1 *Cubes(ax) vs. Preacher(al)

D2 *Cubes(ax) vs. Melloj(al)

D3 *Cubes(al) vs. Pvt.Pike(ax)

D4 *Melloj(ax) vs. Preacher(al)

D5 *Melloj(ax) vs. Pvt.Pike(al)

D6 *Preacher(ax) vs. Pvt.Pike(al)


Group E:

Blue Macs




E1 *Blue Macs(ax) vs. Ted(al)

E2 *Blue Macs(al) vs. Sneaky(ax)

E3 *Blue Macs(al) vs. THumpre(ax)

E4 *Sneaky(ax) vs. Ted(al)

E5 *Sneaky(al) vs. THumpre(ax)

E6 *Ted(ax) vs. THumpre(al)


Group F:




von shrad

F1 *CrossBar(al) vs. Lorak(ax)

F2 *DefBungis(al) vs. Lorak(ax)

F3 *Lorak(al) vs. von shrad(ax)

F4 *CrossBar(al) vs. DefBungis(ax)

F5 *CrossBar(ax) vs. von shrad(al)

F6 *DefBungis(al) vs. von shrad(ax)


For this round the map will be set to;


Moderate Tree Coverage

Modest Hills

Also, in this first round players can choose what branch or nationality(or no restriction if surrise is desired) within a given side.

The initiating player should send 1 e-mail to their opponent before the game begins, as per rules, stating his nationality/branch (or no restriction) and ask their opponent the same.

They should also ask in this e-mail if they want to pick their own forces or let the computer do it for them.

***Remember to check the rules to set the paremeters of this round.***

Below is an Updated E-mail list. Please tell me if your addy has changed.

Any Questions?


1) von shrad stuka@jcn1.com

2) Lorak lrmcgarvey@yahoo.com

3) Stuka glenna@fan.net.au

4) Preacher regray@mindspring.com

5) Allan allanp@flash.net

6) mensch gregory.mudry@mailcity.com

7) gaffertape shaun_sayer@hotmail.com

8) Sledge sledge@mediaone.net

9) tss tommi.syrjanen@hut.fi

10) Melloj adam-66@home.com

11) BasilD bdavis@abstract-art.com.

12) Peter pzima@bigpond.net.au

13) Def Bungis DEFBUNGIS@aol.com

14) PawBroon marcel.vie@wanadoo.fr

15) Cubes justdoit44@bigpond.com.au

16) CrossBar cjh131@psu.edu

17) sneaky thfamily@sprynet.com

18) Ted tramos@fnol.net

19) Jadayne dougk@volny.cz

20) Blue Macs rich.t@btinternet.com

21) Private Pike private_pike_da@yahoo.co.uk

22) Von Brizee HerrLeutnant@yahoo.com

23) THumpre aewert@Home.com

24) von Lucke blane2@flash.net

[This message has been edited by von shrad (edited 08-25-2000).]

[This message has been edited by von shrad (edited 08-25-2000).]

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Um, what sort of battle shall these be and how many points? Or is it up to us?

Question two, I assume now we will be using 1.05?

And third, let me be the first to publicly state to von shrad: Thanks for your time and effort and for coming up with a good idea such as this!


As the victors define history, so does the majority define sanity...

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right on! now the battle begins... biggrin.gif um since 1.05 just came out are we doing it on 1.05 or should we hold on to our 1.04 versions?

BTW Jaydane is off for holidays for two weeks so group A is going to have a little problem getting though.. np though I hope

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 08-25-2000).]

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Yes we should use 1.05 then.

BasilD, I have just sent you a copy of the rules. It explains the process. Sorry I must have missed you when I was giving them out.

Does everyone else have a copy?

Well it is going to be so hard to have all people together at one time, all the time. We will just have to make do with it. Post to players you can't get a hold of and Please ask any questions you need.

PS Jadayne...Do you still wan't to participate when you get back from vacation?

Von Shrad

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Yep I have ICQ it must be somewhere in my profile.

What with me having ADSL, I am almost always online.

So you can bug me anytime.

BTW Von Shrad, having changed my comp, the rules ended up MIA.

Please send em' back.


I'll kick some Czech asses and take names (S panem Jadaynem?)...


Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 08-25-2000).]

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To the guys in my group-

Due to a strike of my phone company, I'm without internet access (for the most part). I'm hoping to get a phone line by the end of next week (or maybe a cable modem) Sorry guys and I'll contact you when I get back on the net.

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LETS GET IT ON! Did everybody read this I hope. We can really start anytime.

Def, trying to blame an absence on 'The Army'? That is very sad. You will not get away so easily. Start them now and and play like there is no tomorrow.

Lets see who gets to the top. or is that bottom...oh nevermind.


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OK, no problem.

I will start my games and play as much as possible before I deploy.

I am trying to get my laptop at work partitioned with WIN 98 so I can possibly get one or two turns in during my deployment.

But don't expect to see anything from me from 7-20 SEPT 00.

After that, I will just have to play my arse off to get caught up.

Thanks all.


Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all

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got me going finaly with all my people in my div section, just to say you all can surrender now if you want there is no discrace. Foward HO! got some nice hill action going in some of the PBEMs.. worth seeing if all that sneeking in valleys are going to pay off! although Stuka I have about as much tree coverage on my side of the map as if a LumberJack wanted to hit his quota for the month..grrr going to feel like a charge of the Light Brigade for a turn or two..

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