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Should I Buy this game...

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I have been deliberating on buying this game for awile now. I enjoy Talonsoft's campaign series for good Brigade level warfare, but there seems to be no good company-battalion level game out there than this. CC is good, I like it, but it is repetitive, and Talonsofts battle generator is weak, I need something new.


Does CM have a good battle Generator {the computer makes one for you)

What I want out of this post is too get convinced to buy it, Convince me. Although I probably already will.

p.s Is the AI smart....Thanks

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Smack - when you browse through the last few threads in the forum here, you'll find at least a dozen topics along the line of: "I love Quick Battles"

Quick Battles is CM's term for a Battle Generator. It's in, it's quick, and it's surprisingly versatile, giving you a good deal of options (random terrain, random forces, points to buy your units or have the computer buy them etc.)

As to the AI: it's the best I've seen in a wargame, and I've played quite a few (CC and Talonsoft included)

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If you have ANY interest in company/battalion level WW2 ground combat, you simply MUST own CM. All other games in this genre are totally outclassed.



It was a common custom at that time, in the more romantic females, to see their soldier husbands and sweethearts as Greek heroes, instead of the whoremongering, drunken clowns most of them were. However, the Greek heroes were probably no better, so it was not so far off the mark--Flashman

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I know of no other game in which I can experience all the following emotions over the course of a battle/scenario:












What's really amazing is that the above sequence was experienced while playing against the AI! Your money will be well-spent.


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and if the quick battle goes a bit cold (doubt it will) then it is a fairly easy task to make your own battles.

I have drawn up several maps and made up several battles just messing around. and if you want change one of them, easy, so easy.

This has got to be one of the best scenario editors I have ever fiddled around with.


this is pathfinder's evil twin

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This has got to be one of the best values for my money that I can remember. The random battle generator is incredible!! I give the game an enthusiastic thumbs-up!!


Always with the negative waves, Moriarty.

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C'mon, this guy has to be a GOOD troll doesn't he smile.gif You know, a bad troll comes in and says, "Hey Dodz, Combrat Mishun SUX!" and sits back. I think this is Steve and he's feeling a need for a group hug or something.

Seriously, I can only add to what has been said. I've been playing organized wargames since 1969 and computer wargames since the Atari 800. This is the best wargame I've seen ... hands down, period.


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I am not a huge war fan but i LOVE this game. I have killed major hours with it. Well worth the $$$.

The quick battle creator is great. The only thing I wished it had was the ability to set the weather as random and maybe the time of day.


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As you can tell, objectivity is the last thing you can expect here.

The only question I have of you, why in the heck don't you have the game already? wink.gif

Don't worry, trust me and the over 60K+ posts you'll find here, order now! They have already sold out the first batch. What was supposed to last a month or two was gone in a week!

This is about as close to wargaming nirvana you will ever find. Many of the people in this forum have been following the game's progress for over two years, so sure we are biased. But BTS, who btw is just two guys who have a passion and talent for creating outstanding software, is one of the 'good guys.' They chose to create this game for the wargamer, rather than a large publishing company's bottom-line. All wargamers should reward these guys so as to ensure this will the start of a trend toward quality over net profit.


"Sometimes you eat the bar and sometimes the bar eats you. Take it easy, Dude." -- The Stranger

The Dude abides.

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have you tried the demo? You will have a good idea how the game plays using it, although much is left out (like weather, night scenarios, air support, and hundreds of different weapons).

As for the battle generator, it is very good, as people say (I still dont have my copy).


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This is hands down the best wargame I've played. I only have the gold demo so far but even so the AI is full of surprises. I've never seen an AI better at coordinated attacks than the CM AI! And it's a pretty good active defender as well.

BTW, considering your first post here, I'm surprised you don't have CM already. Does this thread mean that you've reformed?


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Smack, without a doubt this is the most versatile wargame ever made. It outclasses anything that has come before it by far. The game is so immersive I cant get enough.

You want me to tell ya why to buy I will tell ya why not to buy

1. Dont buy if you like crappy games because this isnt one

2. Dont buy if you like playing games where there are no thought processes involved

3. Scratch number two- you can still have fun without using your brain, although you will get your butt kicked allover the place by the AI.

MAN you are doing yourself the WORST disservice by NOT purchasing this game. It is responsible for my divorce, house being forclosed on, my car being towed and my dog leaving me what more could a guy want in a game????

The above was a lame attempt at humor biggrin.gif




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I've played the vast majority of WWII computer games out there (not to mention miniatures games, ASL, and even the Crusade in Europe CCG!). To make a long story short, I used to think that some of them were good.

Combat Mission is the one.


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/me gets shifty eye look

I ordered yesterday, I was hoping I could get CM before I left for Myrtle Beach so i could read the manual on the 5+ hour flight and play CM on my laptop, now im beginning to get a bit nervice frown.gif


The names Ash, Housewares

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Allrighty...so you know CM is truly stellar (and it is...ask my wife who is rapidly forgetting what I look like) let me offer one other take. BTS software is not a "corporation" in the mad-organization-of-bad-people-who-want-to-take-over-the-world sense. It's a bunch of guys who took a risk and, with a lot of elbow grease, have cranked out one of the best PC/Computer (my TRS-80 had a tape drive) games EVER created. They are a hard slap to the side of the gaming industry's head. There is a level at which I NEEDED them to succeed. I'm genuinely glad they have.

BTW: My personal tally is 2 copies bought, 5 friends converted...what's yours? smile.gif




"Watching others make friends, as a dog makes friends. I mark the manner of these canine courtesies and say, 'Thank God, here comes another enemy'" -- Rostand

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No. Don't buy it. It sucks. Go buy "Fruity-pants Love Duckies". Now that's a REAL good game. It's about these cute baby ducks who swim around in this little pond. Great immersion there (when they bob for weeds). And when Snuggle-bunny hops over to tell them about the new baby that Mr. & Mrs. Robin had! Oh, thats great too. But the best part is when Ubersturmfuhrer Von Hapsdorf leads his 2nd SS panzer battalion into the farm and blasts the place all to hell! Oh, wait, I think that's part of CM... I get these two games confussed...


(just go buy it...now. You won't be sorry!)

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Tuesday, June 27, 2000

Combat Mission Sells Out In Record Time

Reported by Joe Osborne at 2:08AM EDT

The good news from Battlefront.com is that demand for the company's new 3-D squad-level tactical simulation, Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord, has been tremendous. The bad news is that demand has outstripped supply and Battlefront.com is temporarily sold out of Combat Mission!

"Gamers have rushed on board at five times the rate we expected," says Stephen Grammont, President of the company. "We made what we thought were modestly optimistic projections and planned to have enough inventory for the better part of two months, but it lasted barely more than a week. Combat Mission has had much more crossover appeal than we figured it would."

Just days after Combat Mission's public launch over the Internet, it was clear to Battlefront's planners that orders were coming in much faster than anticipated, and a shortage was already looming. So a new print run - double the size of the original - was set into motion almost immediately. But despite putting the new run on the fast track, Battlefront's warehouse will be empty of Combat Mission for at least several days, perhaps as long as one week.

"We're a little embarrassed at having underestimated demand by so much," said Charles Moylan, Combat Mission's lead programmer. "But if something has to go wrong, this is the kind of problem we like to have. We'll have new stock in shortly, and it will be the new version 1.02 as well."

All existing orders have already been honored and shipped out, and Battlefront will continue to take orders for Combat Mission through the interim period. "We just wanted people to know what's going on," says Grammont, "so they can make an informed decision."

Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord is sold exclusively over the Internet at Battlefront.com

Maybe that should help you in your choice.


(Clipped from TGN)


Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

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Gee, Ithink Ill order it NOW! The demo was good but I have an odd feeling that the real game is alot better, with all different units and such. Anyway thanks for your replies I really appreciate it!

Thanks again smile.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Zamo:

No. Don't buy it. It sucks. Go buy "Fruity-pants Love Duckies". Now that's a REAL good game. It's about these cute baby ducks who swim around in this little pond. Great immersion there (when they bob for weeds). And when Snuggle-bunny hops over to tell them about the new baby that Mr. & Mrs. Robin had! Oh, thats great too. But the best part is when Ubersturmfuhrer Von Hapsdorf leads his 2nd SS panzer battalion into the farm and blasts the place all to hell! Oh, wait, I think that's part of CM... I get these two games confussed...


(just go buy it...now. You won't be sorry!)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Okay, this was a great thread, because the guy's going to buy the game, and Zamo's post actually made me laugh out loud. smile.gif


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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