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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A little Gravy for the Team...

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A few days ago I noticed a gamespot review of CM:BO which happened to receive a 9.1. Now, anything above a 9 is pretty rare on Gamespot so of course I had to read the review. Well seeing as how WWII simulations are one of my favorite things in the world and the magic words "true 3d" happened to go with it well, one thing led to another and I ended up trying out the demo.

Incredible!! I must admit that I was skeptical when I first fired it up seeing as how it isn't sold retail in stores. But much to my elation the 3d engine is absolutely superb! I remember when I was really into the Close Combat series thinking "whoa! this is so realistic!" Everything I despised about CC has been addressed directly in CM. Namely -- RETARDED tanks, poor LOS simulation, and inaccurate weapon simulation. I can remember my blood would absolutely boil during tank fights because they were so stupid and always ended up dying for some poor reason. And of course that would seal defeat on the map because tanks were pretty much the only way to win in CC.

So I'm having my first tank fight in CM right? And I notice text appears above the tanks that details every shot! Amazing! My sherman ACTUALLY wasted a panther!

I could go on an on! I felt so strongly compelled to congratulate the design team on a job well done that I even signed up for this message board. It is TRULY an AMAZING accomplishment that a company with as little muscle as Battlefront (compared to giants like Activision/Eidos/Interplay) can produce such a superb game with an engine that looks and plays so well. Combat Mission is bursting at the seams with scrupulous detail -- I never DREAMED I would play A World War II game THIS enjoyable! There is truly some personal care and attention packed into CM and anyone who has played other WWII simulations (or games in general) should be able to appreciate it. I, of course, have already ordered my copy, and I hope the development team enjoys a great deal of success because they've earned it. Combat Mission competes easily with and outperforms SO many other games out there on the market. What a GREAT engine!


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Spread the word high and far.

Vacation days have been spent to aid the call to battle! smile.gif

A warning:

Cancel your order now or abandon all hope of having a normal social life again. biggrin.gif

Seriously, welcome aboard and enjoy an instant classic.


BJ Simpson

Visit www.arrl.org for information about Ham Radio.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hawkeye:

It is TRULY an AMAZING accomplishment that a company with as little muscle as Battlefront (compared to giants like Activision/Eidos/Interplay) can produce such a superb game with an engine that looks and plays so well.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This deserves particular emphasis. When I consider the huge teams of people that took years and millions of dollars to crank out crap like Daikatana (or Interstate 82, or the entire Test Drive series, or Gunship!, or any Army Men game, or Force Commander, or Messiah, or the aptly-named Abomination, or good God don't make me go on) I go from bemused to appalled when I see what Steve and Charles have done on a shoestring. Even the "good but not great" games that do OK then disappear beneath the waves of new products (like Soldier of Fortune, or Pharaoh, or Nox, or Mechwarrior3) seem like staggering monuments to inefficiency. Despite lacking all of the usual mechanisms of the game industry, BTS made their critics into liars and created a revolutionary wargame. On the side, they may also be leading the revolution back to the garage developers. Well done, gentlemen; the industry should tremble at the sound of your footsteps!

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Yeah so much money has poured into the gaming industry that the focus has become churning out games with cutting edge graphics that are either a rip off of a previous game command and conquer, quake etc... or have a licence like star trek. The problem is these businesses are so focused on cashflow they release game after game that is half finished and then offer next to no support for it, prefering to focus the team on the next big money making piece of crap. Over the past 2 or so years I have never seen so many rubbish, buggy, plain crappy games.

CM proves that a small team with limited resources but a very real PASSION for what they are doing can produce games better than the big boys... and provide continued support for their customers.

While im on this band-wagon... I find most review sites rate games far too highly. The average game should score an average mark, somewhere around 60. However it seems the average for game review sites is 75-80. Do they get paid by the companies for reviewing their games or what?

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