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Does anyone know anything about CM2

Guest Shatter50

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it has been several years since my magister drilled latina into me with pointy things...

however, if my substance addled brain has anything left to it there is something that rears its head and sez:

column 1 singular

column 2 plural

a ae

ae arum

ae is

am as

a is

which doesnt help my case but these I think feminine noun endings and masculine endings are different...


m... I

s... you

t... he she it

mus... we

tis... you

nt... they

however, none of these endings go with any of the actual words i remember, neither nouns nor verbs...

the one thing I DO know, is that fine fellow, and again I offer my humble gratitude to Fionn, has correctly used the singular 'datum' and the plural 'data' while writing about the Jagdthingy's rate of fire.

Now I may just be an old potheaded acid dropping pile of wombat's doo, but I am almost close to being somewhat a little on the verge of having a memory that Forum and Datum were in the same thingy gouping ....declension? or is that verbs? oh hell...


It is Forum and Fora and Datum and Data and your puny little sniping ratbag ways are merely a boil on the bottom of this thread.


All smilies within 3 Plank-lengths of this thread have been transmogrified from zero dimensional point-particles to single dimensional vibrating strings. and then i ate them.


was remembering f v. m and other stuff. dammit do i have to go to my mother's attic and break out my old latin primer?

[This message has been edited by MrPeng (edited 08-22-2000).]

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Fionn is not actually a member of this forum or any fora related to combat mission (thank you, Fionn for being one of the only humans I have ever seen use the plural, 'fora' instead of the horrid americanized 'forums' so often seen.) he is instead a small smoothly furred rodent-like creature with a fantasmagorical win/loss ratio not to be confused with gerbiltoy who is not at all a rodent and is also a big fat liar esp about his win loss ratio



U can dish it out but u sure can't take it lol






sunt...if u want the whole thing..

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fox:

sunt...if u want the whole thing..<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

We don't, cause you'd have to post the whole of bloody Cassell's before you got to the nouns. You are posting verb forms. "Fora" is a noun. Actually, several of them.

Horum fortissimae Pengae sunt. eek.gif

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Fox you old gloating sod...so it seems neither of us can remember all of out latina...no big deal.

and i most certainly can take it - check out some of the things people have said about me here, and then have a go at me yourself.

Do your worst...come on have at me!

uh anyway, I am relatively sure that fionn and others take my posting in the spirit: that is, with tongue planted firmly in cheek.

if you keep yours there as well we will all have a big hearty laugh. if you decide to get pissy, well then you know what happens? nothing. we go our separate ways. I am not here to have flame wars, I am here to have fun. I hope you are too, and i hope you have bought the game and are playing it to death and are woozy from lack of sleep because you

cant play enough of the damn thing. OK?

good enough.

HOWEVER! you will fnd that I am a tenacious git and do not consider this fora/forum question settled by any means...someone should consult the book of armaments and make a final determination...There must be at least one learned fellow around here who will have the proper reference handy to settle this...



A Journey of a thousand miles starts with a single gunshot wound to the foot.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fox:

U can dish it out but u sure can't take it lol






sunt...if u want the whole thing..<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, I am not a learned fellow, I am merely a low fellow, so my contributions would not be considered drawing room fashion at all, at all.

Fox, you burbler, when inky schoolboys and base fellows like yourself parade a supposed knowledge of a language while trafficking in horrid internet useages such as 'u', and awing us with witty rejoinders as posted above, well, I am moved to write poetry.

When Fox arrived upon the Board

he quickly drew his mental sword

and upon Peng set with repartee

disguised as rather dull cliché

The Peng himself showed great restraint

and let Fox his own wit attaint

Mark IV murmured a passing 'git'

Fox's argument it seemed was—-

not what we would hope to see

and delivered with discourtesy

Dear Fox, if you should mistake 'u'

for proper useage, take this clue

should some young woman you desire

and to her body you aspire

your sloppy useage could lead to

your sleeping with a buxom ewe.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

[This message has been edited by Seanachai (edited 08-22-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

That's a chummy bit of verse, there MrS'Tea! U Rulz!



Binjamin, we must make him cry 'Peccavi!'


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

Dammit man, what is the answer we seek?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Peng (you oaf): What part of "several of them" did you fail to understand? A plural is a number >1.

Forum is a 2nd declension (neuter) noun, and its Latin plural is fora.

Since we're an American board (we'll come into your town, we'll help you party down...), the American Heritage shows either forums or fora as acceptable, a sure sign of the decline of the West. But that's what Rome gets for losing the war.

Poor Fox was conjugating when he should have been declining. Sad, to have one's conjugal failures paraded before the forum.

[Edit] Impressive, Mr. Carey. Why a Latin major, may I ask?

[This message has been edited by Mark IV (edited 08-22-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

a sure sign of the decline of the West. But that's what Rome gets for losing the war.

Poor Fox was conjugating when he should have been declining. Sad, to have one's conjugal failures paraded before the forum.


True, and history, then, is written by the Barbarians

Mark IV, always a gentleman, as I've said before, your summation left me proud to have witnessed it.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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[Edit] Impressive, Mr. Carey. Why a Latin major, may I ask?


Why a Latin Major?

Well - why not?

I work as a java geek, and I can't learn that in school, so I figure I might as well study something else that's cool. Latin qualifies. smile.gif

How are you acquainted with our grandmother tongue? It's comforting to know I'm not the only one out there.

Romanes eunt domus!?

- Bill

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Not the dative, sir! Romani ite domum! Romani ite domum! Romani ite...

Latin is VERY cool. Unfortunately I've forgotten most of it (Catholic school, which also led to my abhorrence of PENGuins). Caesar was excellent, and I liked Livy and Tacitus, which should show about how far I got.

I would love to find the complete works of Polybios (in English) somewhere, incidentally, because he was about as close to an eyewitness account of the First Punic War as we have. I loved Great Battles of Hannibal (yeah, I know he was in the 2nd, but some first war battles were included in the game)... would be nice in 3D, wouldn't it?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

Not the dative, sir! Romani ite domum! Romani ite domum! Romani ite...

I would love to find the complete works of Polybios (in English) somewhere, incidentally, because he was about as close to an eyewitness account of the First Punic War as we have. I loved Great Battles of Hannibal (yeah, I know he was in the 2nd, but some first war battles were included in the game)... would be nice in 3D, wouldn't it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Quite appropriately, PENGuin Classics does an edition of Polybius's "Rise of the Roman Empire"; I'm sure Loeb Classical Library does too, possibly in facing translation.

Now write it up on the wall 500 times or I'll cut your balls off with a spear.




Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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arma virumque cano...

is about all i remember from Virgil.

except of course the line Springsteen stole... forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit (with some possible spelling errors)

people called the romani, they go the ouse?

big thanks to Mark IV and BillCarey for chiming in with the correct response. could almost squeeze a smile (not a smiley) out of this horrid febril pod thing. almost


[This message has been edited by MrPeng (edited 08-22-2000).]

[This message has been edited by MrPeng (edited 08-22-2000).]

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Few things are as amusing as good old-fashioned go at the pig latin... or should that be hamster latin...

Thank u gentlebeings, u have all made my day... or as Col. Klotz told me when I challenged him to a QB:


- Derfel


The only problem for a cobra attacking small furry animals is that occasionally one of them will turn out to be a mongoose...

[This message has been edited by Derfel (edited 08-22-2000).]

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