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Go away or I shall taunt you a second time!


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Call to arms! (Sort of . . .) Let's hear you favorite lines from your favorite movies and such! Lines like "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries!" (Close enough) are priceless and bear to be repeated. Over and over again. Until we hear some information from BigTime. Yeah, that's it. So, give us "a frickin bone" or you'll hear all of the old movie lines in my arsenal (African or European - your choice).

Signed, Chocolate Mousse

"Thanks, I just had it stuffed"

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OK, I'll start it off (seeing as yous guys are all shy and stuff).


"He spit on me!"

"Oh, he must think the sun shines out your arse! He's never spat on me."


". . .and what floats besides a duck?"

"Small rocks!"


Some call me . . . Tim.

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Blazing Saddles

"The sherrif is a Nig..."

"Teutonic Twa@" (just can't bring myself to type that word in full)

"Let's face it, everything below the neck is kaput."

"Is it twoo what they say about Schwartzes?...Oh, OOOH, it's twoo, IT'S TWOOOOOO...."

History of the World Part I

"You run with Mucous"

"The jig is up, AND GONE"

"You do it. Everybody does it. I just did it and I'm ready to do it again. So come on, which is it, hump or death? Hmm? Hump, death, hump, death, hump, death!!"

"My people love me -- PULL!!"

Kelly's Heroes

"Hey, nobody said nothin' about no Tigers."

"Hey, I just drive 'em baby, I don't know what makes 'em go."

"That's paint!!"

"Woof, woof"

Apocolypse Now

"Saigon, sh--"

"Terminate, with extreme prejudice"

"Charlie don't surf!"

"Okay, I'm going in myself. These people never give up"

"Someday this war's gonna end."

"What happenened to your mission captain? Sh--, I've been tryin' to forget all about you, heh heh!"

"It may have been my mission, but it sure as sh-- was the chief's boat."


By the way, anyone notice a young Harrison Ford in that movie?

That's all for now. I look forward to some others' offerings.



The enchanter may confuse the outcome, but the effort remains sublime.

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Are we gonna bury them fellers?

The Hell with them fellers, buzzards gotta eat same as worms.


Do you have anything to eat?

All I got is this piece of hard rock candy. But it ain't for eating, just for looking through.


Jon Johnson

Steel Lightning Productions

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"I know it's a crappy deal, buddy, but it's the only one you got!"

- some Clint Eastwood movie

"Enough with the negative vibes, baby! You think beautiful bridge and it'll be there!"

- Kelly's Heroes, excellent choice, by the way. . .

"Excellent cornflakes, Mrs. McDunna."

"Her womb was a barren desert where my seed could find no purchase."

"Mind yourself, Mordicay! - You see, doctor says I got this problem with my semen. . . "

- Raising Arizona

"Charley don't surf!"

"Who's in charge here, soldier?" "Ain't you?"

"You either surf or you fight!"

- Apocalypse Now

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Ooooh baby, hard harder, uhhuh like that... smile.gif

...because I'd kill ya. I'd kill ya and your f*#@ing parents would sue me and I don't care enough about you to bother -breakfast club

I love the smell of Napalm in the morning -Apocalypse Now

I'll swallow your soul!! Ash- Swallow this..BLAM!! -Evil Dead2

Ohhh yeah, O.K., Alright, Who's Laughing NOW??!! AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH -Evil Dead2

Groovy. -Evil Dead2 and Army of Darkness smile.gif

Awwww, that's just pillow talk baby. -Army of Darkness

Mr.Pink?! Why does everyone else get a cool name? -Reservior Dogs

Oh My God, he cutt off my ear?! That sick F*&%K!! -Reservior Dogs

They mostly come out at night, mostly -Aliens

F%$#ing A man, game over! -Aliens

GREAT, put her in charge! -Aliens

That's no moon, that's a spacestation -Star Wars

Watch your mouth kid or you'll find yourself floating home -Star Wars

I have a bad feeling about this -every Star Wars movie

Sorry son, but they got us -Raiders, last Crusade

If I were Human, I believe the term I that I would use would be "To hell with them" -Star Trek, undiscovered country

[This message has been edited by Das Baron (edited 10-01-99).]

[This message has been edited by Das Baron (edited 10-01-99).]

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Steve, if this thread is not enough evidence for you, I don't know what will be......you got to help us. I don't know how much longer we can hold out.......We need the demo........please.

"The horror, the horror"---Marlon Brando, Apocylpse Now

"Those aren't pillows!"---Planes, Trains and Automobiles


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Did you know that floridation is the most monstronsly concived and dangrous comminust plot we ever had to face?- DR. Strangelove.

See we like to think that we can get out of trouble just as fast as we got into it. K. Heros

My mind body are as one.....


Big Trouble in Little China

That's what i got for now sorry but i don't have time for spelling.

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"Nuts!"...I think you know who that is...

"Tell him to goto Hell" Bridge To Far

"There's such a fine line between stupid, and clever. " Spinal Tap

"Cheese, I gotta take a leak so bad I can taste it! " Strange Brew

... I'll get back to you on some more later.


Sgt. Rock Says " War is Hell, but games are fun "

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"You don't actually blow on it...uh oh, gotta go honey!" - Chevy Chase on Weekend Update

"Warriors, come out to plaaayyy!"

"It's the smell, you know... that gasoline smell (big pause) smells like...victory"

"Get the f*&$ outta here. Any soldier brave enough to fight with his guts spillin' out can drink from my canteen anytime"

"What'sa behinda me isa nota importanta"

"No No!! She wantsa me now. I cannota deny her!"

"You F*$%ed up, you trusted us"

"Mine's bigger"

"Thank you God!"

"A PPPledge PPPin, on your uniform?!!!!"

"Now drop and give me twenty"

"See if you can guess what I am now....I'm a zit, get it?!!"


The enchanter may confuse the outcome, but the effort remains sublime.

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Guest Mikeman

"Excuse me miss, but I seem to have misplaced my Medal of Honor around here. Have you seen it?" BLAST FROM THE PAST

"Death? What do yall know about death? Me, I am death!" PLATOON

"Sing it, Heiny!" "Sing it!" Can anybody guess what movie this is from?

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"He was horrible, the Lone Biker of the Apokalypse..." Raising Arizona

"I preminisced no return of the salad days." Raising Arizona

"Tagged a couple cops, did you kill anybody?"

"A couple cops."

"No real people?"

"Just cops." Reservoir Dogs

"Again, Upham, I feel strangely aroused by you." Saving Private Ryan

"I'm praying to you! Look into your heart! I'm praying to you! Look into your heart!" Miller's Crossing

"And I guess that's your accomplice back there in the woodchipper." Fargo

"It's time to embrace the horror!" Armageddon

"When I order coffee, I want it filled six times." Reservoir Dogs

"You know what? I'd kill him. Shoot him in the face. Put him down like a dog."

"I can't believe what you're asking me to do"

"Every pimp in the world gets shot. Cops will throw a party, man. As long as you're not standing there, smokin' gun in your hand, you'll get away with it. I like you Clarence, always have, always will." True Romance

"You shall tast the black semen of my vengance!" Beyond the Valley of the Dolls

"His mind is bold, his wit uncanny, give him youre gold, or he'll whip your fanny!" Zorro the Gay Blade

""Ohh, man. I think I shot Clarence in the face." Pulp Fiction

"No, ma'am, we're musicians." The Blues Brothers

"Pardon me while I whip this out." Blazing Saddles

"Over? It ain't over 'till we say it's over! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?"


"Forget it, he's rolling."

"And it ain't over now! Cause when the going gets tough... the tough get going! Who's with me? Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!" Animal House

"The Nazis are the enemy! Wade in to them! Spill their blood! Shoot them in the belly!" Patton

"I don't know if you know this, but Sicilians were spwawned by n******."

"Come again?"

Dennid Hopper and Christopher Walken in True Romance

"What I'm talking about, is a massacre. You son the cowboy, it is told, came in blazing. He snatched my narcotics! He would have gotten away with it, too. Except that your son, f*** head that he is, left his driver's license in the dead man's hand." True Romance

"You... the American Army."

"No, baby, we ain't." Kelly's Heros


Climb to Glory!

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You the man!


Friend 1: What ya doing?

Person: Just checking the web.

Friend 1: Anything new?

Person: Nahh, I've been waiting and

waiting and nothing new.

Friend 2: What are ya doing?

Person: I'm, umhmm, well I'm playing my

games that I used to play.

Friend 2: Why?

Person: Why what?

Friend 2: Why you doing that?

Person: Doing what?

Friend 2: You said......

Person: Don't ever tell me what I said or

didn't said!

-----{suddenly gunshots are heard and friend 2 is dead}-----

Friend 3: Why did you just shoot Friend 2?

Person: Look man I'm busy - I gotta check

the web, maybe the demo is ready.

Or better yet, maybe a new AAR.

....bBlahh blahh blahh

Richard Kalajian

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