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Help Wanted ! (Anyone interested in CM should read this)


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Hi everyone,

At The Gamer's Net's Combat Mission site we really want to get there "firstest with the mostest" (and indepthest ... if there is such a word wink.gif ).

With a game of Combat Mission's breadth and depth ( Printing out a list of ONLY Wehrmacht unit types results in about 60 different unit types. Add in Gebirgsjaegers, SS, Volkssturm, Falschirjaeger, the Poles, the French, the US, UK, Airborne, Free French etc and you get some idea of just how big a job it is to simply catalogue the unit data.) this is far too large a job for just Pat and myself SO I'd like to invite anyone and everyone who feels they might have something to add to our coverage of Combat Mission to email me.

I'm currently hard at work on some articles, scenarios and weapons databases to help tide everyone over during the time between when the AARs end and the game comes out but there is SO much more I want to cover but don't personally have the time to do.

Specifically, I'd love to hear from anyone with any knowledge of html, artwork, creating game utilities (coding ability IOW) or scenario design.

I'd also love to hear from anyone who would be interested in writing tactics articles (either based on real life experience or just their understanding of tactics from reading books), historical articles or in just proofreading what others write. (I personally prefer to have all my work proofread prior to posting and would like to continue that tradition throughout the whole CM site.)

If you have your own ideas about something which you'd like to do at the site which I haven't touched on then please contact me and fill me in and we'll see if we can't work something out. What I've listed above are just the primary areas I'd like to organise coverage of.

We have a lot of plans in the works and I have identified some things which I think the whole CM community would really enjoy and benefit from BUT we need your help to make them a reality.

I know many of you have, independently been planning scenarios, researching for them, planning to create minor artwork mods or even wondering about making utilities of use to CM players. I hope that you will see the wisdom in joining together under one banner where we can all support eachother and benefit from a close liaison with Steve and Charles so as to bring out the best articles, scenarios etc possible.

On a slightly related note I'd like to also mention that I'm looking for contributors to help me with TGN's history site (which I manage also)... I'm looking to carry out a major expansion of the coverage of the conflict between the Germans and Allies in the ETO during World War II to coincide with Combat Mission's release and I'd really like to hear from ANYONE who is interested in writing articles or covering weapons systems in that region and timeframe (or indeed any region and timeframe.. I just imagine most people here will be focussed on dealing with CM-related history for quite some time wink.gif ).

If you have any interest in any of this at all just email me at fionnk@thegamers.net

(Despite being grumpy due to the loss of ALL those beautiful Panzers *sob* I'll answer each and every email wink.gif ).

Take care,



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Alright, I can code C/C++, Win32Api, MFC (preferred). I'm currently busy on The Ardennes Offensive Scenario Editor, and I also plan to work on the TAO game itself,(remove copy protection and allow game to run on NT 4 / Win2000) but after that I'm willing to help on writing some utilities if necessary. Though if some opinion/help is needed right away for some coding etc I'm there...


PS: Game like this deserves support

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Read your message for help and, although I'm still at work, decided to

research a little for you. You may have already seen these sites, but it

was worth a shot.


(Info and photos: The Second Panzer Division: Vehicles and Equipement:

The Second Panzer Division: Information on other German units: Topic of

the Month, Comments: History of the 2nd Panzer Division, Links, etc.


(Europe, Africa and Mediterranean Theater Links, Units, Ships, People,

Places, etc. Links, Veterans and Miscellaneous Links, Pacific Theater

Links, Collector's Links, Holocaust Links)


(links to other world war 2 sites)

I can't go any further (like emailing some of the people running these

sites for a contact person who was actually in the European fight, but I

bet it would be possible.)

Good luck - anything else just mention it and I'll try and jump on it!

Steve Girten

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I'm interested in making some scenario's. But I'm having trouble finding good topographical maps of the various areas in W. Europe. What are you, Martin, BTS, and others using as ref. material to make good maps? For example, where did you get the data you are using to make the Villers Bocage scenario you are working on that is accurate enough to make a decent 3D map from??? I've got some maps on order that are 1:100,000 scale of the Normandy area in France and 2 others at 1:100,000 scale of southern and east central Belgium, but havn't gotten them yet to see if they are any good. Over here in the states we can get excellent and highly detailed maps of many areas across the country that are put out by the US Geological (geographical?) Survey that many people use for hiking, etc. Are there similar maps available for France, Belgium, W. Germany, Holland, etc.??? Seems like there must be such maps of Europe too, if so, where can we get a hold of them???


Mike D

aka Mikester

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I second what Mike D said. I'd love to do some maps but I'm a real hard ass when it comes to historical accuracy. I can't find any contour maps of Europe that have the accuracy of U.S.G.S. Quad maps. Good qualtity Aerial photos (from the war) would be awesome, but there is no source that the general public can download these photos. I know they exitst, the allies must have taken thousands of Aerial photos during the war...but where are they?

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I would think that the US National Archives, US Army Archives, etc. should have those photos. Problem is many/most of them probably are not scanned into the computer to just post somewhere for folks like us to download. Others may still be classified, although I think this is getting to be pretty rare. In any event, I would like to go through what they have at the National Archives, but most of it is back in the Washington DC area from what I understand. And that's a pretty long 3+ day drive for me. smile.gif So I don't think I'll be seeing anything there anytime soon. Not sure where the Army would have theirs hidden, maybe at West Point?

Mike D

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"Not sure where the Army would have theirs hidden, maybe at West Point?"

They probably have lots at the Army War Collage in Carlile(sp?) Pennsylvania also.

I live in New Orleans where Stephen Ambrose tought at UNO. He's heading the effort to build the National D-Day museum here in New Orleans. I'm hoping that this will become a good source for this type of information. The museum will open June 6, 2000.

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There ARE very accurate 1:25000 maps from all of NW Europe as well as aerial photgraphs from shortly after the war (1947 - however, SOME areas are still classified). The National Geographic institutes in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany offer these. The maps are contemporary, but still very useful because the elevation lines didn't really change and although there might be some new roads and highways, the old roads are still there. Especially in France, it is amazing how little changed in 55 years.

It is not easy for you "Amis" to get these, though, since e.g. the french maps and photos do not ship to US as far as I know. If you send a few emails to Steve and Charles and beg them to offer the maps through BF.C, however, then there might be a solution wink.gif

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"It is not easy for you "Amis" to get these, though, since e.g. the french maps and photos do not ship to US as far as I know. If you send a few emails to Steve and Charles and beg them to offer the maps through BF.C, however, then there might be a solution."

Dearest Steve and Charles,

Let the begging begin here and now. smile.gif Have any of us ever mentioned what a swell couple of guys you two really are.........? wink.gif

I know you guys probably don't want to start a map sideline business at BTS. So, do you know some way, perhaps over the internet, that we can order the maps Martin is talking about directly from some source in Europe? Or, is there an importer here in the US that we can get these maps from? If all else fails maybe one called "BTS World Map Importers Limited", or something like that. wink.gif I would like to be able to get some decent quality topographical maps of Western Europe, but can't seem to find them anywhere over here in the States.


Is there some kind of numbering system on these maps? A master index of them? The reason I'm asking is if I can find out exactly what they are called, how they are identified by number, etc., then I might be able to get a local map company here in Denver to order them for me. I just need to know the exact details so they know what I'm trying to get a hold of, e.g. National Geographic institutes Map #3423-23G, Map of St. Lo and surrounding area.

Thanks much for your help in this matter,

Mike D

aka Mikester

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I've been very happy with the response so far but I just wanted to put a call out for anyone who has experience working with art programmes, textures and so on and so forth.

We have some cool ideas in the pipeline but I want to be sure we can deliver the quality you all deserve and so the call goes out as it were wink.gif.

If you are interested or know of someone who is (where are all the Close Combat improvers who I know hang around here ? wink.gif )



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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I'm pretty handy with photoshop and can do some textures. Trees, uniforms, vehicles... etc. Sorry, not much programming experience, though.


I think I found the book on www.barnesandnoble.com:

St. Lo

Historical Section European Theater of Operations Staff (Editor)

It doesn't say much about it, but It sounds like to book to me. You're best bet, I would think, is to find it at a major univeristy's library. And pray that the maps for the book havn't been stolen.

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Last month I started courses in programming but am as yet lacking in ability. I will be taking classes in C++, visual basic as well as some database stuff, so I should be able to help in the future...

Sorry I cant offer more support now.

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I'm writing you an email now wink.gif.


There's always CM2 The Eastern Front (drool). You're able to do 20 times more than me wink.gif. I'm good at organising this kind of stuff but I'd rather walk out a 5th story window than mess with paint programs, coding or html. I do history and games but everything technological is like black magic to me, "I've heard about it but have no idea how to do it" wink.gif.


No, I didn't get that mail. *Sigh* Every so often I get an email from someone asking me if I got a certain mail which I never got. The WORST thing with email is that I don't know how many emails I'm being sent which I never see because of the vagaries of the net. People then think I'm ignoring them when I never even saw the mail.

Sometimes I wish we could all just talk in real time online. It'd be so much easier.

Anyways, Thorsten I'm sending you an email now.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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I have and like ICQ BUT my contact list gets WAY too long.. It's great for organisational meetings when you want to get an entire group together to discuss future plans etc.

There's another program which allows anyone who visits a site to see and chat with anyone else who is present at that time.

I'm trying to remember where it can be found. (I used to have it before I had to reformat my HD frown.gif )

I'll post it here since many people here would probably like it.. Drop by the message board and get involved in an impromptu chat wink.gif



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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I'd love to help, but my computer skills aren't quite suited. I program in RPG/IV for the AS/400.

My skills are more on the technical, information analysis side. I can thake a pile of numbers and information and sort it any which way you like.

But I couldn't create a nice bit of artwork to save my life.

Although I am tempted to get some fabric paint and paint some kind of waffenfarbe on my new 12" Ultimate Soldier WWII German guys.


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there is a free program called PINO. When installed ya can use it as a "realtime-chatboard". The "host" needs the server- version and the guests the normal-version (both versions are under 200 kb). Ofcourse i have them both (don't remember where i got them though). If yer interested i'll mail it to ya.

To all the other peeps: If the program is going to be used..i'll try to remember the official-site where i got it. Otherwise i'll mail it to each and everyone who wants it (friendly not? smile.gif ).

Take Care y'all


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