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Of Cabbages and Kings

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I got about half way through the autosurrender thread when my head just exploded. I SWEAR TO GOD. MY HEAD EXPLODED! I couldn't read another goddam word from anyone.

OK, I know I haven't been around lately. No posts and maybe a bit of lurking. and my poor PBEM opponents are all cursing me for sitting on turns forever. So be it. this is for reasons of my own. I didn't even get to the thread in question until this afternoon. read a few posts and promised myself I'd be back to comment later today.

Well, i didn't get through the seven goddam pages of swill so there are bits I know nothing about. WHO CARES? from the tone and quality of the first 4 pages i have everything i think i need.

SS, You are a CABBAGE! you are green and leafy and you smell bad when you are cooked too long. Salting and marinating in oak barrels is too good for you, and no one will ever top you off with some nice white wine. I think massive amounts of alcohol might help to mellow you somewhat and perhaps give you a more pleasant taste. But essentially you are sour and spoiled and not fit for human consumption, except in the most dire of circumstances.

Even when concilliation is rubbed generously on your broad green leaves and into your stems like a savory paste, you reject it on grounds that it is actually a lump of cold poisonous evil, as the use of smilies obfuscates bad intent.

In My Humble Opinion, you are a nit-picking, bad-tempered, grudge-harboring, humorless, thin-skinned, hyphenated, girly-man. I for one will avoid you and your posts.

Since this post is supposed to be aboout cabbages and kings, and the vegetable has been served. on to the kings....

to hell with them too.


Official Notice: No smilies were used in this post. However, during the composition of this post several smilies were tortured to death, by me, with great huge pointy sticks and jolts of electricity and hot pepper extracts rubbed into their naughty bits.


Peng sez "die a lot now."

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Guest Captain Foobar


I love you, man!!! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

(I dont know if its worse to be a Mr. Peng, or a Mr. Peng admirer...)

Foobar still laughing, but beginning to well up with self-loathing........

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Guest tom w

Demarkation That what this space needs!

Anyway I am not the moderator

and I would not want to step in and

post where Steve might but,


did we not all read and AGREE to the same code of

posting conduct.....

(a reminder here for Mr. Peng....)

"These discussion boards are here for you to enjoy, so long as you follow a few simple rules. They are pretty straight forward and will make for a better experience for all. Itwill also, undoubtedly, make for better games!

The major rules are as follows:

1. No Flaming and/or Baiting. If you have a strong opinion, that is fine. But express it in such a way that is non-abusive and not emotionally charged. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by

email. We like to think our gamers are mature, rational people. Please help us keep this opinion of you!

2. No foul language. Standard decency request here. If people ignore this we do have the technology to block any word we want from being posted. Try and keep us from flipping the "censor" switch, will ya? We don't really want to use it.

3. Be constructive. We do not want these boards to be a waste of people's time. Therefore we ask that content be in some way related to our games.

4. Negativism is a real turn off. Big Time Software believes in the freedom of speech in a big way, but that does not mean we have to provide a service so someone can irresponsibly attack us or our games. However, this does NOT mean we don't want to

be criticized. Far from it! If you have an opinion that is not complementary to us, we encourage you to post so that we can hopefully address the problem, or at least challenge its assertions. What we don't want are unsupported rants. Here are two examples of expressing an opinion:


end quote

Get it?

That "Auto surrender " Thread was closed for this

Very reason, Why start all over?

To me this:

"SS, You are a CABBAGE! "

Is a personal attack and while

I strongly believe in freedom of speech and

freedom of expression, Mr. Peng's personal

attack on a member of this community

has no place here.

I believe an apology is in order.

-tom W

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:


I got about half way through the autosurrender thread when my head just exploded. I SWEAR TO GOD. MY HEAD EXPLODED! I couldn't read another goddam word from anyone.

SS, You are a CABBAGE! you are green and leafy and you smell bad when you are cooked too long. Salting and marinating in oak barrels is too good for you, and no one will ever top you off with some nice white wine. I think massive amounts of alcohol might help to mellow you somewhat and perhaps give you a more pleasant taste. But essentially you are sour and spoiled and not fit for human consumption, except in the most dire of circumstances.

Even when concilliation is rubbed generously on your broad green leaves and into your stems like a savory paste, you reject it on grounds that it is actually a lump of cold poisonous evil, as the use of smilies obfuscates bad intent.

In My Humble Opinion, you are a nit-picking, bad-tempered, grudge-harboring, humorless, thin-skinned, hyphenated, girly-man. I for one will avoid you and your posts.

Since this post is supposed to be aboout cabbages and kings, and the vegetable has been served. on to the kings....

to hell with them too.


Official Notice: No smilies were used in this post. However, during the composition of this post several smilies were tortured to death, by me, with great huge pointy sticks and jolts of electricity and hot pepper extracts rubbed into their naughty bits.


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Tom (if that is your real name)I see you are junior member so you may not have seen too many of Pengs posts (or some others of us) that poke playful fun at each other. I would bet (stop me I'm wrong SS) that SS read that and had a very hardy laugh . That was maybe the best Peng post ever. I'm still laughing. "But essentially you are sour and spoiled and not fit for human consumption, except in the most dire of circumstances." he he he he...come on that's good stuff.

But to give you an idea of what you're dealing with here, I went to the Phillies game last Sunday with Peng, his wife and three daughters. The three toddlers each have more maturity then Peng and I combined (and I stiil can't believe we are close to 40).


"Tryin to be so so bad is bad enough, don't make me laugh by talkin tough" EC

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Sorry, eveyone for deliberatley being mean to SS, who after all has made so many positive contributions to the CM community while I on the other hand do nothing but snipe and piss and moan and cause fine upstanding citizens with solid moral upbriningings, backbones of steel, hearts of gold and razor sharp minds, to take the time to repost the rules of engagement.

I hang my head in shame.


PS several more smilies bit the dust while writing this, I can't get the bloodstains out.


Peng sez "die a lot now."

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PenG I was simply stating my case for what I believed in. I wasn't crrying nor whining about anything _ and fended of several PERSONAL ATTACKS during that thread WITHOUT t retaliating in kind - which believe me I"M VERY capable of doing. Obviously I CAN TAKE whatever is dished out unlike some before me - so you addition here wont phase me in the least.

I have played against you and have never done ANYTHING to offend you and lost our first game graciously and we are currently in the middle of another. I have waitied patiently for you to return files and you hav done likewise. If you feel it necessary to jump on the bandwagon led by somebody else over something that had NOTHING to do with you, so be it, that is entirely up to you as shallow as it may be.

We hav discussed numerous things at length and I considered us to be friends of sorts but I slept before I knew ya and I'm sure I won't lose any sleep over this

Take care man

Hmmn _ i Just woke up and you have an email with your turn! - So If ya aint serious please disregard the above as I have no HUMOR in me when I crawl out of bed tongue.gif



[This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 04-22-2000).]

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Oh SS...


do you suppose...?

fer cryin out loud! Get a grip. One of my finest taunts ever and you go and get your panties all in a wad. sheesh.


almost forgot. i think you have the file now eh?


Peng sez "die a lot now."

[This message has been edited by MrPeng (edited 04-22-2000).]

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Yeh Elvis I thought it was humorus until I got to the avoiding post line and then I was no longer sure eek.gif

You posted simoultaeneously to me so I didnt see your post Until I went to reread mine tongue.gif

at anyrate I Just woke up - eek.gif so forgive my lack of enthusiasm at this juncture :o



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Guest tom w


Thanks for the update

Tom is my real name it was (junior) major_tom but I changed

it at (member) Major Tom's request.

I am a junior member, true and if SS_PL really did laugh and

Mr. Peng's post was all in fun then I do appologize for

over reacting.

Now lets Talk about all the GOOD no, GREAT features

in this game....

-tom w

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

Tom (if that is your real name)I see you are junior member so you may not have seen too many of Pengs posts (or some others of us) that poke playful fun at each other. I would bet (stop me I'm wrong SS) that SS read that and had a very hardy laugh . That was maybe the best Peng post ever. I'm still laughing. "But essentially you are sour and spoiled and not fit for human consumption, except in the most dire of circumstances." he he he he...come on that's good stuff.

But to give you an idea of what you're dealing with here, I went to the Phillies game last Sunday with Peng, his wife and three daughters. The three toddlers each have more maturity then Peng and I combined (and I stiil can't believe we are close to 40).


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Guest tom w

Good Morning Mr. Peng,

Now I'm laughing, very witty.

I understand it is VERY very easy to

miss or lose sight of what is actually

being written when communicating

via e-mail.

I do appologize for over reacting

(as Elvis pointed out) having never

read any of your posts I did not

know you were such a witty and

humourus correspondent.

Look forward to your future

posts, for a good laugh :)

Again sorry for the somwhat

unbalanced reaction on my

part with the rules of engagment post.

I do LOVE sarcasm and I can see you are a


Sarcasm can be sooo..... tricky in e-mail

oh well keep up the funny posts

-Tom w

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

Sorry, eveyone for deliberatley being mean to SS, who after all has made so many positive contributions to the CM community while I on the other hand do nothing but snipe and piss and moan and cause fine upstanding citizens with solid moral upbriningings, backbones of steel, hearts of gold and razor sharp minds, to take the time to repost the rules of engagement.

I hang my head in shame.


PS several more smilies bit the dust while writing this, I can't get the bloodstains out.


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I think what elvis meant to say is that just one of my 4 and a half year old twins is more mature than elvis and me combined, which is true. He simply has a poor grasp of the english language, and i'm sure all of the heroin he did this morning isn't helping him keep his thoughts in order.

another dead smilie


Peng sez "die a lot now."

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I wondered how long it would take OBG to show up here. You just can't leave it alone, can ya?

Neener, neener, gotcha last? You should be spending your time researching the answers you're dishing out, not re-opening unpleasantness you've already been asked to stop.

frown.gif smiley beginning to listen to the voices in his head...

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

You should be spending your time researching the answers you're dishing out<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If you hadn't noticed, every one of my ideas have been backed up by Steve himself. Both my ideas on terrain FOW and SS's Auto-Surrender gripe have been confirmed by Steve.

It is SS that never listens to the "opposite" side, he just nit-picks on the methodology of which the idea comes across. That, my friend, is a sign of saying, "I don't care what you say, 'cause my crap doesn't stink." It took Eight freakin' pages for Steve to finally jump in and confirm what alot of us were trying to tell SS, and he is still refusing to see the point. Hell, Steve's the one that brought up the "Weenie play" issue.

I applaud all of what BTS has done with this game and their openess to implement consumers ideas. It's just what do you do for someone that just won't see the "light"?

[This message has been edited by Ol' Blood & Guts (edited 04-22-2000).]

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Guest tom w

well put Mark IV

I suspect that was (in case anyone missed it)

a reference to his "using a AFV as cover "

a responce by OG&G's in the,

"Assault Movement with AFV's a la ASL" in CM too?

thread as posted by spook.

just in case any of you were keeping score :)

Now I can't wait for the ladder to start

with the release version of CM so we can all

get down to the business of shooting up each

others AFV's and cyber warriors ON the Battlefield.

I want first crack at OB&G's in a scenario

that gives us (or just me :) FLAME-THROWERS!

Again I say...

I can't wait for the introduction of

cyber flame throwers so we can keep the

flaming to the battlefield and off the

discussion board.

-Tom w

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

I wondered how long it would take OBG to show up here. You just can't leave it alone, can ya?

Neener, neener, gotcha last? You should be spending your time researching the answers you're dishing out, not re-opening unpleasantness you've already been asked to stop.

frown.gif smiley beginning to listen to the voices in his head...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tom w:

I suspect that was (in case anyone missed it)a reference to his "using a AFV as cover "a responce by OG&G's in the, "Assault Movement with AFV's a la ASL" in CM too?

thread as posted by spook.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oooo, gee I missed one. So sue me!

I just answer'em as I see'em. I answer according to logic sometimes, rather than what may or may not already be a feature.

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Peng, don't know if you managed to see my other posts regarding my lack of PBEM reply. Well, my e-mail was down for almost a month. I could receive e-mails, but, couldn't send it out (wrong STMP server!) It is fixed now, but, I am home for Easter. So, starting Monday all you lucky bastards will be getting your long delayed PBEMs. Sorry for the inconvenience.

OB&G, I don't think Steve backed up 'your' idea of Canadians and Canada either...

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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Major Tom:

OB&G, I don't think Steve backed up 'your' idea of Canadians and Canada either...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, OK, a second one. wink.gif

But my views on Canadians came from one itself. Maybe that's generalizing too much, just like a foreigner classifying all Americans based on Jeffrey Daumer I guess. biggrin.gif

Sorry about that. smile.gif

I come from a well out-spoken family so I come by it honestly I guess. wink.gif

All I know, also, is that whenever my family and I traveled to Canada, we found their "customs" to be very odd, including restaurant hours and hotel reservation keeping.

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