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Expansion Pack Ideas

Guest Grant

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I would like to see the following included

in future CM expansion packs, these are the features I'm willing to pay for. Yes, I know

there is a limited number of tile sets and sizes, maybe have each expansion sets access a specific tile set. I know some features would have to be have to be optional for users with higher end pcs/macs.

New Scenario Types

- Object Mission, the ability to tag a unit, building, supply dump, or bridge that must be destroyed/defended at all cost. Points awarded for the specific unit destroyed or saved).

- Rescue Mission where a unit (downed pilot,

lost officer, resistance fighters, supply drop) remains hided on the map until it's spotted by a friendly unit and points are awarded to find and exit unit from the map, or capture/destroy the unit. The unit would only be able to be controlled by the player when it's close to other player's units (like captured units).

New Features

- Report enemy losses after each operational battle, at least give some indication.

- Go to command (type some key then A1 to go to unit A1), the +/- keys just don't do it with operations with lots of units.

- Allow viewing of map after each operational battle.

- Remove or increase unit limits for operations (for us with high end pcs/macs)

- Report on the number of replacements received between operational battles.

- Ability to have random or additional faces for unit picture (Sgt, Lt, etc.)

- Indirect fire for on map arty including SPA's.

- Some indication that engineers are doing something like clearing mines etc, currently you can place an engineer squad over a mine field, but get no indication they are doing something. I've placed engineers over a roadblock to see if they can clear it, but how can you tell when you get no indication?

Special Abilities

- Ability for engineers to blow things up, buildings, railroad tracks, roadblocks, bridges, trains, etc.

- Ability for Engineers/Special Forces to drop AT-mines against tanks

- Ability to add/select different weapons and/or special weapons (AT mines, AT-rifle, smoke grenades, etc.) for special units like Engineers and Special Forces with the unit editor.

New Units (infantry)

- Resistance/ freedom fighters (maybe even female)I know I'll catch flak on this one smile.gif,for Rescue Missions.

- US Rangers (US Special Forces)

- US SMG Squad/platoon (w/grease gun)

- British Special Forces

- High Ranking officers

- Kubel Wagon, Jeep, Staff Car with high ranking officer

- Downed Pilot / air crew

New Graphic Titles and or Units

Would like to create scenarios around a train station with possible arriving train, and capturing/defending airfields.

- Supply Dump (things to blowup)

- Guard Towers

- Brackets

- Airfield

- Warehouse

- Tents

- Garage were you could hide a gun or vehicle

- Factory Building

- Rail yard

- Train Station

- Train Bridge

- Gun Emplacements (sandbag emplacements)

- Aircraft Parked / Landed Gliders (more things to blow up)

- Crashed / downed aircraft

- Troop and armored trains

New Units Vehicles


- Schwimmer Wagen with MG (w/ability to move over water)

- Kubel with MG

- Brummbar

- Mobelwagen

- PzKpfw III flame

- Maus


- Covered Truck


- Covered Jeep


- Halftrack w/20mm AA or Halftrack w/Quad MG

- Halftrack w/75mm How

- Halftrack w/75mm AT

- M16 MGMC

- M3A1 Stuart Flame

- Bridging units

- Jeep with 57mm RCL


- Staghound

- Crusader AA

Thanks for a Great Game

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Guest Michael emrys

Many of those things I and others would be happy to see. But a couple things need to be kept in mind.

One is that there is only so much any game engine can bear before it cracks under the strain and becomes buggy as hell.

The second thing is that the person who codes the program (Charles), like the rest of us poor mortals, has only so many hours in a day. If he is constrained to write in goodies such as the ones you list, something else has to be pushed aside. That other thing may actually be more important.


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There was talk of a possible CM expansion pack a while back. I don't expect something for nothing and hope there is enough interest in one or more CM expansion packs for BTS to justify adding additional resources to work on CM expansion packs while Charles and company begin work on CM2.

I have seen many requests for additional CM features but how many are willing to pay for them? I'm some what surprised by the lack of comments and requests for expansion packs.

Buggy code is poorly structured code and has little to do with the size of it. The main issue is performance on PCs/MACs of less then 600MHZ and/or video cards with less then 32MB of RAM. My guess is it would take 4 to 6 months to create a CM Expansion pack and if we would like to see something before CM2 now would be the time to ask for it.


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I personnaly am sick an tired of having to see corner's cut that keep a game from truly being outstanding just because some cheapskate refuse's and or keeping there cpu somewhere near below average an then you gotta here'm bitch about how slow it run's as well as what the game lack's as far as i'm concerned 128 mb should be minimum!

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Grant:

My guess is it would take 4 to 6 months to create a CM Expansion pack and if we would like to see something before CM2 now would be the time to ask for it.


This is a bit fallacious. Let's say that it will take 18 months to do CM2 (for the sake of the argument). Let's also say it will take 2 months to do TCP/IP and some minor fixes that are being talked about and that Charles has picked up. All in all 20 months. Since Charles is doing the coding alone, doing an expansion pack for 4-6 months will mean that we see CM2 that much time later. Now if I have to choose between having an expansion pack in 6 months or CM2 in 20 months, I know what I am going to want. The latter. Also, don't forget that a paid expansion pack can well create a two-tier system. Many scenarios that use new tiles or new vehicles could only be played by people who forked out the money to get the pack. For a new customer, the barrier to buy CM will be higher, since he/she is now looking at having to buy two packs to get full functionality. So that could work as a deterrent to buy. Just some thoughts. I personally think all these things you ask for are neat, but not essential. I would probably pay for them, but I would rather that it does not delay CM2.

Audace, North Africa will be in CM3, Mediterranean. Do a search if you are interested.



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Andreas, the time Charles would need to spend on an expansion depends on what is IN the expansion.

If you read Charles's post CM wrap-up at ZD-net he mentioned how long the textures took to make. Charles doesn't make the textures, that is the artists job. he also doesn't make scenarios. So assuming that an expansion had new vehicles and new scenarios, much of the work would be offloaded on to other people (like KwazyDog for the textures).

In addition, Steve could be doing historical research right now for all the vehicle and TO&E data while Charles works on stuff for CM1 still.


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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by guachi:

Andreas, the time Charles would need to spend on an expansion depends on what is IN the expansion. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Uh yes, but the list of the above goes a bit beyond new scenarios and textures, especially the tiles take time, according to Madmatt. Don't know who does those though. I knew that about the textures, haven't read the ZD Net article. And for textures, Kawzydog can either work on a Crusader AA tank or a T-34/76. Unless they draft in more people some of the stuff will delay CM2. As a consumer, I am more interested in getting CM2 then in getting (interesting) expansions to CM1. YMMV.

At the end, it is their decision and their business risk.



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I was thinking more realistically, and not entertaining notions of things that BTS has said won't be put in until CM2 (like new tiles).

Perhaps, though, an expansion ISN'T necessary. CM1 has sold so well that BTS doesn't seem to NEED the money that would be generated by an expansion pack to fund CM2.

I know as a consumer I would rather have a T-34/76 than a Crusader AA.

An additional point BTS might consider is what kind of 'legs' CM1 has. How long can CM1 remain entertaining before fans start clamoring for CM2? (Even more than they are now smile.gif )


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One is that there is only so much any game engine can bear before it cracks under the strain and becomes buggy as hell.


So? Do what every other software company does when they have a great customer demand.

Hire more people

Hire a smart business man

Make lots o cash.

I mean, I envy this programmer, he has the possibiliy of make sure his kid's kid's kid's kid's don't have to pay for college.

He should:

1. Hire say five more C++ programmers to do engine work.

2. Hire two 3D DirectX or Glide Programmers for the eye candy. It's true that this game is not about eye candy, but think of the sales the game will make when the rich Starcraft and Quake III crowd starts throwing their money at BTS.

3. Hire one person to man this forum and keep in touch with what the CM community wants.

I don't want to hear about how tough this programming job is when he's pulling in the cash so fast that he runs out of copies of the game to sell. waaaaahh wahhh cry cry!

What do you think?

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So? Do what every other software company does when they have a great customer demand.

Hire more people

Hire a smart business man

Make lots o cash.

Hire more people. hmmm. I wonder who all those people listed in the credits of the manual are. Even BETTER than hired help as many of the folks in there were unpaid. smile.gif

Hire a smart business person. Hmmm. I guess Steve is an idiot.

He should:

1. Hire say five more C++ programmers to do engine work.

2. Hire two 3D DirectX or Glide Programmers for the eye candy. It's true that this game is not about eye candy, but think of the sales the game will make when the rich Starcraft and Quake III crowd starts throwing their money at BTS.

Seven programmers at 50K per year. I'm SURE Charles has that kind of money lying around.

3. Hire one person to man this forum and keep in touch with what the CM community wants.

I guess all that time Steve spent reading forum messages into the wee hours of the morning for the past two years was an illusion. I guess all those features added or changed because of forum and beta tester input was a mirage.

Hmmm. I guess the special thanks in the Credits of the manual was for all the times we washed Steve's Weasel and not for our input.

What do you think?

Wow. Before you came along I was lost in Plato's proverbial cave. I feel so enlightened now. Give me more of your wisdom. Please.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Flipper:

I personnaly am sick an tired of having to see corner's cut that keep a game from truly being outstanding just because some cheapskate refuse's and or keeping there cpu somewhere near below average an then you gotta here'm bitch about how slow it run's as well as what the game lack's as far as i'm concerned 128 mb should be minimum!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You're assuming that these "cheapskates" have a choice in the matter. Never heard of limited disposable income? Surely it makes commercial sense to have a game that's usable by as wide a range of systems as possible, rather than impose a kind of technological exclusivity that denies the game to gamers and the income from those sales to BTS.

I'm not sure what corners you imagine have been cut in order to make CM available to the great unwashed, but it <i/>is a truly outstanding game.

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sparky9292:

So? Do what every other software company does when they have a great customer demand.

Hire more people

Hire a smart business man

Make lots o cash.

What do you think?


Not meaning to be condescending, elitist, whatever, but quite frankly, I think you may not have been here very long, and maybe you want to read the BTS manifesto if you have not already. One of the things BTS prides themselves in is that they are not another software company. And Guachi is right on the money with most of what he says. What should they do, hire an MBA? That sure as hell would do lots for customer support (not).

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Posted by Guachi:

I was thinking more realistically, and not entertaining notions of things that BTS has said won't be put in until CM2 (like new tiles).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Guachi, I knew that and understood it from your post. My post was in specific reply to the list at the start here. I know there is some overlap, and there may even be tile overlap between CM1 and CM2. Still I don't expect a lot of the stuff to appear in CM1-expansion packs, after all, CM2 has to have something new, other than shiny Soviet tanks.



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