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Poll: What Resolution you playing in?

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I have to ask; what dictates the allowed resolution? Your video card or the monitor?

I want a new card but need some advise on which one. It needs to be PCI because I have integrated video.

By the way I am playing on a 8 meg card with 4 megs on the ati, so does that mean it is 12 megs of graphics acceleration?



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Von Shrad -

Allowed resolution is dictated by a number of things. First of all, some 3d cards are hard-limited to a certain resolution (such as the early Voodoo cards) because of their Z-Buffer. For example, my Voodoo1 can't run anything past 640x480 using Glide (although I can use 800x600 if the game allows Direct3D use). Newer cards are limited much higher. Also, you'll be limited by your 2d card and the refresh rate of your monitor. If your monitor can't go past 1024x, it doesn't matter if your video card can. However, with any decent monitor you'll reach the limit of the 3d card far before the monitor/2d card.

Whew! Well... the simple answer to the original question is, 640x480. To be honest, it's not real easy seeing a lot of units. On the other hand, my new Thinkpad should be arriving any day now and it has a 16MB card... so we should be seeing better resolutions soon!

Have a good one,




"We have the enemy surrounded. We are dug in and

have overwhelming numbers. But enemy airpower is

mauling us badly. We will have to withdraw."

-- Japanese infantry commander, SITREP, Burma

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Thanks Paladin.

I clicked on display and it showed way more than 800*600 in there. I switched it to 1600*1200 and it resized my desktop but in the game it only allows 800*600 because of my voodoo2 card.

Does this mean that my monitor can handle higher resolutions since it did indeed switch and offered many options. I surely hope so. That way only a new card is in order.

BTW, any suggestions on a good PCI card?

My specs are;

PII 450

128megs ram

ati integrated video 2d

8meg monster2 voodoo2 card

I dont have any AGP slots (my first computer) or I would go that way.

Also, if I get a decent card it will be a 2d/3d card wont it? I just disable the integrated one,right?

I wish I knew more about these darn machines!

Thanks again,


[This message has been edited by von shrad (edited 07-19-2000).]

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This is wierd.

Ive got a geforce 32 meg card

a 19 inch KDS avitron

running in 1152 res on the desktop, and I have never gotten a higher option available in the game.

Would i have to resize desktop to go to 1280 and above? one would think with my sys config there should be no problem in achieving the higher resolutions.

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You can get a pci version of the voodoo 3 which will allow higher res. But I would get a new motherboard with an agp slot. they arnt that expensive and then you could go for a tnt2 or geforce depending on how much $ you have left over.

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You need to delete the prefs file in the Combat Mission folder. This is what saves the config you're using. Otherwise, you need to set your desktop resolution to the maxium you want to play at to get more options. Do that before launching the game after deleting the prefs file.

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1152x870 - I'm one of those poor souls whose 3D card can do 1920x1440 but my monitor can't. Of course, the thing was only $500 almost two years ago and I got a brand new system (sans monitor) last year. Also, I've found that this is about the practical limit for a 17"... anything more and text gets too small to read.


Questions, comments, arguments, refutations, criticisms, and/or sea stories?

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von Shad -

As far as I know, you're limited to 800x600. Voodoo2's are limited there when using Glide, and to the best of my knowledge you can't decide what API you want to use in Combat Mission (it apparently autodetects your card at the first game.) I can run European Air War at 800x600 because it allows the use of Direct3D, but image quality suffers slightly...

If you resize your desktop, all of your 2d menus and such in the CM interface will be at that resolution, but since the game itself is rendered with the 3d card it won't affect it - they'll still be at 800x600.

If you're limited to a PCI card, then I believe that the Voodoo3 2000 and 3000 still come in PCI versions. They're very respectable, and shouldn't be too expensive. Plus, card like the GeForce2 won't show all that much more of an advance on a system like yours - your processor would act as a bottleneck, and the 3d card would be slowed down. That's not to say that FSAA wouldn't help, but I don't think it would justify spending the extra money on your current machine. Also, if you're on your first computer I'm not sure I'd recommend going for a new motherboard. However, if you're comfortable poking around in the rat's nest of wires inside, go for it! BTW, a Voodoo3 2000 or 3000 would take over 2d duties from your original 2d card, so far as I recall.

Good luck! Check http://www.pricewatch.com for excellent prices on 3d cards of all sorts.




"We have the enemy surrounded. We are dug in and

have overwhelming numbers. But enemy airpower is

mauling us badly. We will have to withdraw."

-- Japanese infantry commander, SITREP, Burma

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>running in 1152 res on the desktop, and I have never gotten a higher option available in the game.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes, you'd need to run your desktop at the res (or higher) that you want to run CM in. It's a Direct-X limitation. You can't run CM at 1280x960 while your desktop is at 1024x768. You *can*, however, do the reverse.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'm one of those poor souls whose 3D card can do 1920x1440 but my monitor can't.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, CM can only go up to 1600x1200 anyway.

BTW, I run CM on my Voodoo5 at 1024x768 with 4xFSAA. FSAA (along with the LOD tweak) really helps with the sparkling trees and shimmering building textures in CM. And it makes the buildings and AFVs seem much more solid. I wanted to run CM in 1280x960 using 4xFSAA, but unfortunately, the V5 isn't quite that powerful, especially when there's lots of smoke on the screen. Still a GREAT upgrade from my V2. Though there's no PCI version yet. frown.gif

I agree with KMHPaladin, the only real choice currently for PCI-only folk is the V3. There is supposedly a TNT2 Ultra in PCI form (Asus, I think), but I have no idea where to actually find the product.

- Chris

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von shrad - Guillemot makes a TNT2 M64 32Mb PCI card (supposedly for a little over US$100) called the Maxi Gamer Cougar PCI. It's advantage over a Voodoo 3 2000 would be the extra memory for textures. However I'm not sure what the performance difference would be between them. The TNT2 M64s are slightly slower versions of the TNT2s.



Depending on your motherboard you may have to change a switch/jumper, change a BIOS/CMOS setting or it may autodetect the PCI video card in your system and have that act as your primary display.

If you're thinking of upgrading your system in the near future (new system or new motherboard/CPU), you may want to hold off on making a video card purchase and just save the money.

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Thanks for all the help guys. I checked out Pricewatchers.com and noticed they have a V5 5500 in pci form available at the end of the month. I am wondering if maybe I might get it but dont want to make a foolish purchase. It is going for $267. That way if I do upgrade my Motherboard I will at least have a good card.

Or do agp cards work that much better?

Also, my comp. is a Hewlett Packard Pavillion. Can you still upgrade the motherboard on a manufactured system?

I am new to computers and dislike how quick things are outdated. Why cant the people making these damn things make products that acomplish their desired effect without making them obsolete? I want something I can plug in the back of it that will be cutting edge, not buy a new system every 2 years.

ok I'm done ranting.

Thanks again'


P.S. What do you people do with your old systems?

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On some name-brands you can upgrade the motherboard (preferably not from the system manufacturer since they'll charge 3 times what a good clone board would cost).

Your HP Pavilion may be upgradeable. The issue comes down to whether or not the case and back-plane are ATX standard or not. The power supplies usually are ATX, but sometimes they are customized for additional features (like powering external speakers, modem power-up, etc.). HP even uses ASUS motherboards in some of their Pavilions (though they're OEM-only versions). If you deal with a reputable local computer dealer they may be able to examine your system and determine which boards would mount in your system.

You may want to save your money and get an AGP version of the V5 5500. AGP has the advantage of higher bandwidth compared to PCI and this performance advantage will probably show up in CM (what the difference is in "real-world" performance, I'm not sure).

[This message has been edited by Schrullenhaft (edited 07-19-2000).]

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Hey, at lunch I changed the CM resolution to 1280x1078 from 1078x???, by throwing away the prefs file and changing the desktop resolution (otherwise it won't work), and I noticed that in the All or Nothing scenario, I could hear thunder, whereas I can't remember hearing thunder when playing that scenario at the lower reesolution. Am I supposed to see lightning too? confused.gif (God it looks good at that resolution...). eek.gif. But hey, I don't want to run my desktop at 1280x1078 frown.gif

I have a PIII 667/256 mb with a TNT2/32 bit card.


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So what do you guys 'in the know' think of this card?

Jaton Riva TNT2 M64; 32MB RAM; PCI interface; Hardware DVD; 128 bit Riva TNT2 M64 chipset;

Model #: Video 88 PCI P32 ...

Ever heard of it?

BTW, thanks for taking the time to help a computer illiterate person such as myself.

[This message has been edited by von shrad (edited 07-19-2000).]

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