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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

Hey Stuka, you smell like poop. I'm gonna kick your butt.


Ahh Crude-D'oh, you are living proof of sustained drug and herbicide abuse having permanent hallucinogenic effects on the interpretive regions of your crania.

A short, clear, revisit to our current battle should shed some light on your situation.

In short, you are screwed.

My champion green frenchies have kicked the crap out of your Stug, your Wirble-thingey and that SP gun. I have lost......A Jeep!


So unless that jeep had a stonking great 150mm cannon, a snazzy 75mm in a pair of side mounted sponsons, 600mm of armour and a crew of 25, there is hardly a comparison to be made is there?

Even the ape-men of the Indes realise that infantry require support in the attack. Why then do you insist on sending your poor boys forward in single groups? Do you think that after the first 20 attempts using this techique that attempt number 21 will catch me by surprise? Sorry, old chap, but the French are more stupid than that and will continue to slaughter all that totters towards them.

FoW aside, I'm showing 85%-15% ( the 15% is you, by the way) and its only turn 20 of 50.

Surrender now, before the thanksgiving turkey turns nasty and gives you a good seeing to.


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

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Word in from Bes, for those who are interested, and they are no doubt as Few as they are Elect. His Hung-Rather-Not-Like-A-Morsiness was finally spotted in some vile lawyer bar across the street from a mildewed courthouse in the dreadful state of Washington, where he was plying the bailiffs with drink in an attempt to persuade them to demonstrate upon him some of the finer points of bondage. Bes successfully performed his little trick, and was pleased by the squeal of outrage that emerged from the assembled prosecutrices. He is now back on my mantlepiece, bringing prosperity to my household and vigor to my loins.


"I can't listen to music too often... It makes me want to say kind, stupid things, and pat the heads of people... But now you have to beat them on the head, beat them without mercy."

V. I. Lenin

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Oh, and you, Mr. OhGollyEtc. I apologize for earlier having mistaken the target of my assertive armored thrust for a specific point of soft and mushy weakness. I now recognize that your entire front can be so characterized.


"I can't listen to music too often... It makes me want to say kind, stupid things, and pat the heads of people... But now you have to beat them on the head, beat them without mercy."

V. I. Lenin

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by nijis:

Oh, and you, Mr. OhGollyEtc. I apologize for earlier having mistaken the target of my assertive armored thrust for a specific point of soft and mushy weakness. I now recognize that your entire front can be so characterized.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It was rather to my taste, Sir, that certain malcontents amongst my stout chappies should act as selfless sheilds for my main force. We were at a stand off, and someone with a pair needed to inject some life, I mean death, into the party. Obviously you were unqualified on that score, so I took the initiative. Early days yet, and as I suspected a liberal dose of beginners luck is helping you along.

An' noo fer a wee song....

Le' tha wind blow hee le' tha wind blow low,

O'er hill and dale we go,

All tha lassies sa' "Halloo!"

"Donald, where's yer troosers!"

Ya didnae thank Ah cud spak Anglash, did ye?


[This message has been edited by OGSF (edited 11-23-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

Your slime eel, forever nesting in your narwhal carcass, gnawing gently at your rotting innards,<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

OK, that could've been good, except that I still have no setup.

A pity, as tomorrow is Thanksgiving here, and while Swedes have little to be thankful FOR, other than not being an S.S.R. of some kind, one would think they'd take the day off anyway, for an intensive game with a representative of their biggest market for their native pornography and any stewardess with 2 Kroner to rub together.

Besides, there's three meters of snow outside your front door and don't lie and say there's not. I'll be at the beach with my inflatable waterproof wireless 2GHz laptop, like everyone in California, which is 2000 miles long and 300 yards wide, if you're interested.

Ummm... eels... surf's up, gotta go!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

I'll be at the beach with my inflatable waterproof wireless 2GHz laptop, like everyone in California, which is 2000 miles long and 300 yards wide, if you're interested.


See you there. And don't forget my T-shirt. (I vaguely recall there being one T-shirt/vote...)


Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.

[This message has been edited by chrisl (edited 11-23-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chrisl:

I vaguely recall there being one T-shirt/vote...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Offer good while supplies last. Void where prohibited. Some restrictions may apply. Offer not valid to employees of Mark IV, BTS, any lawyers, or anybody who has ever called me an a$$hole without supporting documentation.

What's that? Let's have a look at those... oh, ok... fine, send me the shipping address.

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OGSF! Quit pranching about in that silly sporren and kilt and send me a file! Goddammit! And make it a surrender file too, I've got you just where I want you and I believe it would be inhumane of me to kill you lots more.

I know it's winter there for you and the entrance to your burrow is probably frozen over, but do try your best...theres a good fellow.

Me? Why thanks for asking. Yes, its another balmy tropical day today, blue skies, 29C and my swimming pool is just.......perrrfect. Having a job that finishes at 3.30pm is rather good for putting in a few laps and topping up the old tan before sitting down to let you North American popsicles know how great my life is.

Freeze on, you Felch Queens!

Ahhh! *Lazes back with self contented, smug grin*


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

OK, that could've been good, except that I still have no setup. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Firstly, it is your turn to supply us with a setup. Secondly, 1.1 is out on monday or tuesday, giving us more options for creating a map lately to be filled with the corpses of your troops. And thirdly, it was good.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>A pity, as tomorrow is Thanksgiving here<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Another myth. There obviously can't be an official holiday called Thanksgiving. That would just be silly. Methinks it's only some network deal, what does Amerikans have to be thankful for? Thank the gods that we cannot elect a prez? Thank you jeezus for giving us a Patriots game to watch?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Besides, there's three meters of snow outside your front door<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If I had a front door you would be right. Here in the land of polar bears, clocks, ABBA, Volvo, blondes, chocolate, Alps and fjords, 3 meters of snow is par of the course for november, especially in the south.

You are certainly as well-informed as any Kalifornian I've come across.



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Boredwitharty:

Johan, if you're into the ladder thingy, feel free to post that game. Let's go with the new one.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

None of that ladder thingy stuff here. Cept for Loraks little ditty which serves the purpose in an excellent way. Alrighty then, do we not need a middle man for this venture then, seeing as we have a map but no troopsies? Or should we hold for The New and Improved version out on Monday? Maybe it allows us to use the map but purchase troopsies like a QB? I am as uneducated as ever.




"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

PawBroon wrote:

> I shall unleash Death, Pestilence, England and Failed Blue Tests on ye!!

Who needs TV?! We've got our very own CM soap opera. Will Croda run over PawBroon with a PzKpfw V(G) in a fit of jealous rage?And who nearly got Emma pregnant?

Find out next week!


That and the following:



My quoting was to the point, it's your posting Mace that wasn't up to what I wanted to quote. – PawBroon


Cor Blimey!!

Aitken you dim witted kilt bearer.

Are you having a crush on me all of sudden?

I mean, with Kitty I thought I might have to jump all of the wimmin in the Pool but with you there's a trend that I might be doing all of the Scots instead.

Beam me Up D...


And NO Bauhaus I didn't say SELF EXPLORATORY.

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Ok you lot. get your sorry arses out here and do some taunting, the bloody thread was just aboot to fall of the first page..

Crodaaaaaa, Seanachaicoo, Pawbroon, Mace, Germanboy, Meekssssssss ANYONEEEEEEE.


"What about those other a**holes? Mark IV? jdmorose? OldGimpyStumpoFile? Yak2? PatBoone? Gerbilboy?"

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PawBroon wrote:

> Are you having a crush on me all of sudden?

No, I've fancied you for a long time.

You also happen to be one of the most quotable CMers whose posts I have had the misfortune to read. Don't worry though, I'll only use this signature about twice and then change it to a lyric from The Cure. No hang on, I got a classic from a spammer the other day...


4. A "daily updated" anti bulk email list of terrorists and general anti-internet advertising extremists was used to rid our lists of those people who, in a cowardly and deliberate manner, attack all marketing people who choose to utilize the greatest marketing discovery of all time - DIRECT EMAIL.

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YK2 wrote:


Sorry, you got me instead.


4. A "daily updated" anti bulk email list of terrorists and general anti-internet advertising extremists was used to rid our lists of those people who, in a cowardly and deliberate manner, attack all marketing people who choose to utilize the greatest marketing discovery of all time - DIRECT EMAIL.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

You happen to be one of the most quotable CMers whose posts I have had the misfortune to read.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Being said in the Thread I wouldn't know what to make of that quite frankly...

Speaking of sigs.

Yours about the private beach was a killer.

Nearly made me think you Scots have a sense of humour really.


But reading your new sig as opposed to the exceptionally gifted one you had previously made my eyes water with your lack of judgement.

This said, the fact that it was from me has nothing to do whatsoever with my opinion about it...


And NO Bauhaus I didn't say SELF EXPLORATORY.

[This message has been edited by PawBroon (edited 11-23-2000).]

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PawBroon wrote:

> Yours about the private beach was a killer.

On topic too. Thank Cornelius Ryan.

> Nearly made me think you Scots have a sense of humour really.

What do you mean by that? Are you insulting my mother?


4. A "daily updated" anti bulk email list of terrorists and general anti-internet advertising extremists was used to rid our lists of those people who, in a cowardly and deliberate manner, attack all marketing people who choose to utilize the greatest marketing discovery of all time - DIRECT EMAIL.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

PawBroon wrote: Are you having a crush on me all of sudden?

Aitken Replied:

No, I've fancied you for a long time.


I knew it......... Keep your bloody hands off my man David Aitken, or I will, I will............ * takes a chill pill *

Have a nice evening David.


"What about those other a**holes? Mark IV? jdmorose? OldGimpyStumpoFile? Yak2? PatBoone? Gerbilboy?"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

On topic too. Thank Cornelius Ryan.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Are you actually saying that after going for each of us throat because of our outstanding record for Offtopicness, the only WW2 related thing you contributed was not even from you?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>What do you mean by that? Are you insulting my mother?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Never had much chance to know her in the first place.

Do you want me to insult her on broad principle that it might make it easier for you afterward?


And NO Bauhaus I didn't say SELF EXPLORATORY.

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YK2 wrote:

> * takes a chill pill *

You go around taking chill pills and giving people gold stars? Wow, does Marçel know you're a wide-o?

PawBroon wrote:

> the only WW2 related thing you contributed was not even from you?

My very existence is on-topic, as one who would only make sense in any way while dressed in khaki and crawling down the street with a rifle.

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Okay, how about this one.


'Wake up darling.'

'What is it dear.'

'Those awful Germans want fighting dear.'

'Not again. I killed three yesterday.'

'Here's your sandwiches and rifle. Try and not use the bayonet dear, you know what a mess it makes on the carpet.' <i>– Spike Milligan</i>

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moriarty:


Greetings, my good man. Two games to report, sir.

Topplement of Moriarty by Hiram.

Topplement of Bauhaus by Moriarty.


You fought a good game, Moriarty. You, sir are a gentleman. I know that complimenting is forbidden in this pool of ours, but I'm not your average poster. I smell better and sing quite well. I've been known to work and play well with others.


Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

You fought a good game, Moriarty. You, sir are a gentleman.


Thats my Kniggett, {Sniff} I'm so proud!

Stuka, my errant Squire from Down Under, I trust you'll also notice that I LOST!!!!


"I came to Casablanca for the waters."

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moriarty:

Topplement of Moriarty by Hiram.

Topplement of Bauhaus by Moriarty.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

50% well done, Moriarty. Have a nice velvety Macallan for the un-housing of Bau.

'Fraid you'll have to swish it about a bit, then spit it out, though, for the Hiram thing. But it's the flavor that counts, eh?

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