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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PatBoone:

A lot of weird **** with a picture of some puppies in the middle.



I always thought Sneezy-train-boy was just a bit off for thinking your posts were twisted or required some special parsing. They always made perfect sense and were entirely clear and easy to understand. I'm going to have to rethink that now. You really are some kind of crazy frog nutcase, after all.


Slayer of the Original Cesspool Thread.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Pawbroon said Now either you're stupid or you do a good job at pretending.

Any way I am sorry for you... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I am sorry you feel that way Pawbroon. Several people have mailed me on the very subject and I feel I have not strayed to far from the truth. Sean. is very bright and some good humor is great, but is this other stuff really necessary?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von shrad:

Sorry for the rant but could not stand your pompous ways anymore NEWBIE!


Bull****, von shrad. You are just another self-anointed, lord high spokesman and representative of the rest of the board come to tell Seanachai just what in your less-than-humble opinion an ass he is. And if it wasn't Seniletea, it would be Peng, or Joe Shaw, or JD, or Berli, or who knows who else.

Pompous ass? Look in the mirror.


"I came to Casablanca for the waters."

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Guest Germanboy

Roighto – haven’t been here for a while. Just in case somebody cares, it is because you dimwits bore me to tears. Most of what is going on here is less interesting than the crusty stuff I find at the exits of my nasal passages when waking up with a bad cold. And before you start – no you have no right to be here if all you post are worthless and witless taunts, to even call them that. The world is not fair, nature has not created us equal, and let me tell you that your taunts suck rocks. Reading Kitty’s outbursts is more humorous than wading through this crap. Relativism has no place here von Shrad, and Seanachai can bloody well be The Keeper of the Thread, since when has it become public property anyway. So if you have an effing problem with that, I suggest you get into the van, rev it and go seek him out to slap him with a frozen trout/glove/nine-tailed cat and get on with a challenge to him. Or else take your sincere ‘I-have-been-here-longer-than-you’ snothaughtynosed attitude and shove it. Telling people they are witless newbies is fun. It gets them worked up and makes them blow the Chinese noodles they just got from the take-away because they are inept at cooking, even more so than taunting and playing CM, through their nose, leaving them look like fools. Imagining that makes me laugh, so it is good. Maybe some of them even choke, leaving the world infinitely better off. No really, most of what was posted here since I-don’t-care-to-remember leads me to the conclusion that my drill-sergeant arrived at when seeing us attempt to march in step for the first time: if your fathers had had more sense and pulled out in time, the world would be a better place now. Right he was, right I am now. As for the wannabe Scot – just post empty messages. I can read the drivel you write, but I don’t care to. Reminds me of why I don’t like Scots (who are only expelled Irish anyway, expelled because the Irish did not like them), and that I should go back to playing Scotland the Brave against the AI, killing the lot of them there. That would be nice. As for the rest of you lot, come back to post here only when you have:

a)two neurons to rub together

b)a command of the English language that at least looks like it one day may aspire to reach my level.

Otherwise, just sod off. Note: for you witless gits who will now come and point out grammar and spelling errors in this post, remember what Dan Quayle found out – if you don’t get it, it does not mean that it is wrong.

Now for my games.

Pushbroom is obviously incapable of understanding the English language as soon as its complexity rises above the level of Tinky Winky, Lala, Dipsy and Poh. Else it could just be that I made a mistake, but that is not really possible, seeing that I am not only more beautiful but also more intelligent than him (he is married to a Scot, I am single, case closed). In the unlikely event, I shall just correct it. I.e. we are still discussing when and what to start.

Berli is still smarting from the wasting he received in Fertile Ground (LQ). 93:7 – that was beautiful. I don’t understand why people still refer to him here anyway, I am clearly superior and more evil.

Goriarty’s troopers have finally found the Doughboys that were shooting him up for a while. My inept zook team has a new assignment waiting for them, clearing out bunkers on Okinawa, with arty support from the Marines, that should teach them. Two ways to die.

Ethan is still busy dishonouring Major Howard’s efforts at Pegasus Bridge. His troops die lots under the bombardment I inflict onto them, and the pile of dead and dying paras on my side of the bridge is bloodcurdling. Looks like he will singelhandedly lose operation Neptune. What a way to go down in the history books (note, for the more sensitive females who at one time or another entered this den, they may read herstory before going back to baking a cake.)

Peter believed that getting into Kommerscheidt is as easy as getting a hold of a sheep in Kiwiland. Now that he has seen that to not be the case he is resorting to arty, saviour of many a battle-plan turned sour. But since our troops are locked in Mortal Kombat, his guys are dying as fast as mine from the big calibre stuff. I am glad I bought subwoofers though. My neighbours are not.

Elvis has clearly lost it. He muttered about a counterattack (with what, your guys are dying by the bucket load) at some point or other. And the rest his troopers need. That seems to consist of him not returning a turn in a game he is clearly losing. I despise you Elvis. Bad bad King, go lie in the corner.

Jdmorse, of whom I will make lawyerschnitzel, if he ever cares to return the turn, makes me laugh. He is probably busy setting up lawsuits for the upcoming election desaster.

Seanachai, well at one time I thought he was winning. Then I did not receive a turn from him for a while. When I got it, I had a closer look, and it looks good for me. I will yet dismember him and feed his limbs to the Jackals that populate 12th SS. He seems to suffer from PTSD over the loss of his Churchill and Wasp.

Now my favourite, Meeks. I don’t get it. Starts an operation, and then buggers of for three months before even getting into turn 1. I have now offered to play Bastables in TF Rose, since it looks nice and interesting. If he turns me down, because he is too busy comparing reality and the game, TF Rose is up for grabs, first come first served. I’ll be buggered if I wait for Meeks to return from his Penguinshagging trip. I hope someone brings a polar bear along and it eats him.

Menschyboy is not having a good time helping his wife, so I am at a loss about the current state of our game.

Mark IV is thinking he has me on the run in Wyler. I dispelled that by killing one of his platoons of good soldiers for next to no loss of my own. My bloodthirsty troopers are now waiting to show him what they can do under the command of a capable CO, something his lads have yet to experience. But I am sure they look forward to observing it on my side.

Blousehouse and Peng can obviously not get enough of being kicked around by me. That suits me well, since I like winning. It makes me feel even more superior than I already am.

Joe - well I have only nice things to say to him, and the troopers he will hand over into POWship quite soon. 155mm arty is all I can say (note: when I use arty it is part of a superior and evil plan, when others do unto me, it shows they have no comprehension and skill).

If I forgot somebody, it is because they are either not in this thread, and it would be highly inappropriate to drag them in here, or it is because they are uninteresting pods. One day I shall show Croda where the hammer dangles, but not now.

That is all.



<a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a >

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

Germans - they come here, they shag our anteaters. (Angus Deaton)

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 11-21-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

Hiram, I don't know if your hotseat loss to me yesterday counts for anything because you were still high from the Eagles victory we witnessed together but the PBEM we still have going will leave you Elviscerated and left in a pool of your own waste.


We like to call the Pool of Waste "The Delaware River"

Sir Lorak, Please scribe thusly:

Elvis, King of South Philly has smited me with a *"big smitey thing" and I now acknowledge this loss before my poolmates. I don't know the score yet, but I'm sure its worth hours of belly-laughing on your part.

So, I can only hope that my next bout with Elvis will have me as green Polish and him as Veteran Germans. Be sure to give yourself plenty of Tigers and then drive them by some houses. I will email you with the "B" word every once in a while so you can block my email. What say you, Elvis??

*"Big Smitey Thing" - Created by MRPeng in original thread when describing how he was to beat Seanachai of Minesnowta fame. Patents pending, all rights reserved


Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


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True, Hiram has surrendered. Losing by a score of 88-12. Losing to a Allied Total Victory. Losing an Axis surrender. Damnit, just losing all around.

Lorak, you need to add 2 more wins to my win column please (3 if you want to count the Hiram hotseat game on Sunday).


What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy.

Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges

and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell

do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists

called "chrisl." Peng

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JDMorose is a lawyer. That is bad enough. What's worse is that he is, I am sure, a horrible cheating gamey bastard who found a way to hack PBEM games, the swine, since there is no other explanation for the current situation of our game. Oh, for shame. And of course now that BTS has acknowledged the inherant imbalance of defense scenarios, I feel on solid ground whining about that as well. On the bright side, since his band of jackals is responsible for the American legal system, there is surely some loophole in American tort law by which I can sue him for everything he's worth when I lose, which will be within five turns. Now go find some ambulances to chase.

Scrota is about to receive my probe. Yes, Bauhaus, you may probe Goata as well. Plenty of room in there for the both of us. His German people will shortly be doing a lot of 'mein bein'ing and 'kamerad!'ing. It will be glorious.

Boreiarty has set himself up for defeat on a custom designed Burlesquetingen (with whom I shall deal shortly) map. Ha! Ha! Ha! This ought to be fun.

Seanachachoociechacha has brought forward a wittew sissy tank for me to destroy. Yay! I shall finish dismembering him shortly. His vital organs shall go towards my quilt o' vital organs. Especially his pancreas. I need a good pancreas. Ooh, and how're your lymph nodes?

JShahahahahahahahahaaaaaaandorf is getting a damn good reaming. By me!!! He thought it would be a good idea to try to advance his men quite deep into my territory on a bocage map. Which means lots of me ambushing him. Perhaps you should have told your Fallschirmjaeger squad not to make so much noise, eh?

"Ach, Hans, wir sind so schneaky, ja?" "Ja, ja, die Amerikaner finden nie uns." "Magst du ein Wurst?" "Ja, gern." "Also, was ist dieser Ton? Es klingt wie ein kichernder Amerikaner." "Es gibt keine hier, du hast gerade Wurstangst." BLAM BLAM BLAM!

And now, on to Burlesquetinger! Yeah, I'm talking to you, chubsy-ubsy. Some say you are evil. Some say you like fire. Some say you have an odd growth on your neck which you should really have looked at. Well, some haven't yet met the forces of


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Send me a setup and taste the wrath of an elder god, simp!

PushBroom The above taunt applies to you as well, but more so, because you are French, and that just isn't right. So if you've got time between your busy schedule of simultaneously proclaiming your cultural superiority and aping styles and music that Americans thought were cool ten years ago, you might send me a setup. Try not to make it too Frenchy though, willya? I get these awful rashes.

I hate you all.

If I've forgotten anyone, it just means that I hate you more than the rest and the mere thought of your awful selves causes a viscous black mucous to jet from all of my orifices, quite incapacitating me until Time's gentle hands purge your foul memory from my mind.


Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.

[This message has been edited by Chupacabra (edited 11-21-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

..Big bloody snip... I have now offered to play Bastables in TF Rose, since it looks nice and interesting. If he turns me down, because he is too busy comparing reality and the game, TF Rose is up for grabs, first come first served. I’ll be buggered if I wait for Meeks to return from his Penguinshagging trip. I hope someone brings a polar bear along and it eats him.

.......Yet another big bloody snip....


If you want a whipping and noone else will give it too you I will put my hand up for the job.


Work is the curse of the drinking class.

I have nothing else to say. Ya, quote that you rat bastards.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

If I forgot somebody, it is because they are either not in this thread, and it would be highly inappropriate to drag them in here, or it is because they are uninteresting pods<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Or that they are beating you senseless as usual, you sad excuse for a semi-saxon. So glad to see that you retain your delusions on maneuver warfare. Maybe you should talk to Henri about it? He has a Book you know.

So glad that I decided to once again pursue my career in making Dead Things out of my opponents troops.

von shrew, Riddle me this: If a heavy, filthy, slime-ridden door is slammed in your face, how many cesspoolers do you think listens to your whining about it?



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Roborat:

Methinks that "Mr" nijism was sandbagging us with his initial hiram impersonation, his last post reveals his true colours, I am beginning to almost, maybe consider him tolerable in the pool.


Tolerable in the pool?, what kind of pantywaste crap is this!!! He's a friggin a journalist! A journalist in the pool, holy ****, and I thought the lawyers were bad enough. At least lawyers have a low cunning about them, sort of like those big, flea bitten, yellow-eyed Norway rats that manage to thrive almost any muck filled sewer. But now we've really hit rock bottom if scum-bag reporters are finding their way in here.


You waste of protoplasm. You miserable little talentless hack. Let me guess, people used to pull your underwear over your head and put "kick me" signs on your back in your grade school days. Your pretentious, journalistic sounding bull**** doesn't cut it here. Go write a romance novel.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by nijis:

Blah, Blah, Blah … Longwinded, pseudointellectual diarrhea … Blah, Blah, Blah … but I'm sure you exhibit in spades whatever regional characteristic of your hamlet is most distasteful to its neighbors … Blah, Blah …


If you want to call Croda the inbred son of two drunken, cross-eyed, donkey shagging crack whores, then belt it out like you got a pair, girly!! (And in defense of poor Croda, central PA really is a nice place. Shucks, some of the houses even have 'lectricity and indoor plumbing. Its not his fault that they consider getting hitched to a second cousin to be marrying outside the family).

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by nijis:

...an assertive armored thrust into your soft mushy bits. ...


What the hell is an " assertive armored thrust"? It sounds like something from a porno version of Camelot. Why your only redeeming factor is that your posting from a place where they like sheep even more than in New Zealand. BleeterNZ won’t feel so lonely now.

As far as the rest of you deviants go, What the hell is going on here!?! I'm gone for a long weekend, and the pool has imploded. First there is a lewis sighting. I think I need a dip in the sewage to cleanse myself of his stench. Why hasn't he been locked up in a cell with a bunch of large and angry syphilis infected convicts. Next is all this "wahhhh. the pool sucks. I'm going home." Well you can all kiss my boil speckled arse. Then to top it off, Von Sclong goes ballistic telling Kurtz-a-chai that he should play kissey face with pool newbies. WTF!!! I live for Senility's long winded lyrical semi-taunts. If anyone gets their wittle feelings hurt by sean-a-chiapet's post, they wouldn't last long here anyway.


'Gold is for the mistress - silver for the maid -

copper for the craftsman cunning at his trade.'

'Good!' said the Baron, sitting in his hall,

"But Iron - Cold Iron - is master of them all.'

[This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-21-2000).]

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"Tears are for the craven. Prayers are for the clown.

Halters for the silly neck that cannot keep a crown.

As my loss is grievous, so my hope is small,

For iron, cold iron, must be master of men all."

One can almost forgive England, if not Marlow, because of Kipling.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

Now my favourite, Meeks. I don’t get it. Starts an operation, and then buggers of for three months before even getting into turn 1. I have now offered to play Bastables in TF Rose, since it looks nice and interesting. If he turns me down, because he is too busy comparing reality and the game, TF Rose is up for grabs, first come first served. I’ll be buggered if I wait for Meeks to return from his Penguinshagging trip. I hope someone brings a polar bear along and it eats him.


If there is a polar bear at the SOUTH pole, it is going to be seriously confused, being at the wrong pole and all. Generally they hang about in my backyard, you know, the arctic, ie:north pole.


"With cat-like tread, Upon our prey we steal;

In silence dread, Our cautious way we feel." -G&S

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von shrad:

That's right you pompous ass. After reading enough of your absolute arrogant post to kill a small army...You shoot off your fat mouth like you own this thread. You own none of it newbie...You sir are an asshole, first class...You are so pathetic...The original idea for the kniggits was to establish a 'crazy ladder, so to speak. A way for others to test their skills and HAVE FUN...Its a game clown...Who the #$@^ made you God?

So in short, do as you said and leave until you feel this thread is worthy of you again and also take a good long look in the mirror. Do you see yourself as a lot of people here do? An Asshole!

Sorry for the rant but could not stand your pompous ways anymore NEWBIE!


Odd. I seem to have exactly the same effect on most of the clergy.

Only one point of order: Peng has already clearly stated that everything in this Thread belongs to him (including the above description of myself, which he'll probably frame), so of course I don't believe this Thread belongs to me.

Now, von shrad has had his say, and I have every reason to believe he doesn't intend to continue in the Kitty/Elvis vein, so I think only those who wish to pick up torches and pitchforks and help drive Seanachai from the village need to chime in! Otherwise, I suggest we go about enjoying this Thread, this little patch of weirdness, this Cesspool.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Roborat:

If there is a polar bear at the SOUTH pole, it is going to be seriously confused, being at the wrong pole and all. Generally they hang about in my backyard, you know, the arctic, ie:north pole.


Well if it isn't Roborat, Geoscience teacher par excellance coming to my rescue. Why thank you oh exalted one, finally proving that wherever you got your edukashun it is considered to be quite enough for the pupils to either know their basic fauna facts or read, obviously not both. Oh well, let me help you out then oh poor demented one. I said clearly that I hope somebody 'brings' a polar bear. This should imply to anybody with a rudimentary knowledge of ye olde English that I assume there is a need for it to be brought since (here getting into easier to understand trailer-park slang for the benefit of Roborat) it ain't there, buddy. I am a product of the German post-war education system and living proof that it stands head and shoulders above all others, if fed with intelligent students like me. No need to tell me obvious facts. Why don't you surprise me and tell me something I don't already know? BTW, if you want to feel like a fool now, that's quite okay with me, because you are one.

Now Geier, in my long-winded vitriole I totally forgot about him. Not a pod, despite those earlier assertions, more a nice chap, really. Bit weird in a Swedish sort of way, but I don't mind that. He is married to a Swede, and I keep losing on purpose, hoping that will keep him sweet and make him more amenable to the proposition of hooking me up with some buxom blonde wonderwoman from Goeteborg. But I don't tell him that, so he gets a bit full of himself. As Swedes are wanton to do.

Speedy -I'll think about it. Obviously my reputation protrudes me like my navel (to quote Markymark), and nobody more deserving has yet popped out of the primordeal slime to pick up the wretched gauntlet and get slapped around like the red-headed stepchildren that they are.

Not spell-checked for the benefit of nitpickers and Klabusterbeeren-eaters.



<a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a >

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

Germans - they come here, they shag our anteaters. (Angus Deaton)

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 11-21-2000).]

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Marabsolutedepths, I'm sorry my prose doesn't titillate you. But I've learned long ago that even the wellest-turned of phrases won't make every groundling in the house stomp his or her feet and hoot with delight. I'll try and arrange some entertainments that are more suited to your delicate sensibilities -- bear baiting, say, or Stone Cold Steve Austin shoving a chicken up Vince MacMahon's butt. As for the noble profession of journalism, well, it is journalists of a kind that you have to thank for your masturbatory material as you're sitting in the john dodging the overseer at whatever occupation you have that you are too ashamed to admit to on your profile. By journalists of a kind I mean nature photographers. Send me a set-up if you dare, or return to your sloppy reveries.


"I can't listen to music too often... It makes me want to say kind, stupid things, and pat the heads of people... But now you have to beat them on the head, beat them without mercy."

V. I. Lenin

[This message has been edited by nijis (edited 11-21-2000).]

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sgt. Spoot:

I think I speak for a great many newcomers to CM when I say, for the love of god does this post ever end!??!?!


Ah well, here we go again. Had to happen sooner or later. We are gone for a minute and the rabble comes in. I think I speak for a great many intelligent people when I say ‘For the love of God, why does Sgt. Spoot have to put his foot in his mouth again?’ So why don’t you go and debate the benefits of including horse-drawn transport with ASL Vet? Typical clueless newbie topic, and you would be much more productively employed there. You may come back when you either have something to say, some more posts and a persona, or on St. Nimmerleinstag, whichever happens first. In the meantime, feel free to ignore this thread (it is a thread, BTW not a post).

Have a nice day, and may a bucket of nails fall onto your head.



<a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a >

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

Those Sgt. Spoots - they come here, they shag our anteaters (Andreas)

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 11-21-2000).]

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Well, it's awfully nice to see that everyone hates each other again...as it was, and always shall be.

Just to throw more fire on the fire, or drop a match in your gas tank, if you prefer, I'll tell you who I hate today. And the winner is:


Peter, I'd very much like to slowly tear off your fingernails, soak your hands in battery acid, then paint the place where the nails used to be bright green. I will continue to do this until I have a bucket full of nails, at which time I will drop it on your bloody, sheep-sodding, lost-in-London, goat-porn-journalistic head! Go drink turpentine and smoke a stogie, you half-wit son of a toad's man-servant! And tell your grandmother that I'm going to beat her about the head with the stale cookies she likes to serve! Hit her in the hip with one of her oatmeal raisin cookies and she'll be in the hospital for months. HA HA! As for your favorite dog, I'm going to beat him to death with a duck. And if one duck won't do it, I'll use as many ducks as I have to in order to ensure that your dog is deader than the crusty white lumps he leaves on the neighbor's lawn!

As for the rest of you, don't drop idle challenges to me and saunter off, looking over your shoulder, hoping that I don't call your bluff. I heard both Berli-Q and DoichPediophile comment on showing me something. Well why don't you do this for me, if it doesn't strain you too damn much. Take your hand (no, I won't specify left or right, since that will undoubtedly have you talking amonst yourselves for the rest of the day) and reach down your pants. Yes, in the front. If you feel a recessed area and moisture, then go the hell away. If however you find some small protruding aparatus near the part of your underoos that gets all wet and yellow when you have to go potty, then send me a forking setup, and write your last letters home! I am in no mood for half-challenges today, mates. I am here for sheer bloodlust, and no man shall walk away from me after dropping a challenge!



- Senachai

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sgt. Spoot:

I think I speak for a great many newcomers <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You said the "n"-word. And we are not interested in hearing from any one, let alone a great many, so please take your amazed stare elsewhere. Also, FYI, the Thread has no end, at least not yet, since I did manage to add to it, and the beginning is lost in time and space, yet still echoes in eternity. Except if your French¤, which I sincerely hope you are not.

¤Kao Kao Bang!

That one is for you Paw, you git.



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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