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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

The question still remains...

is it "banannas are my business or is my business??


The answer remains the same Go check my URL then all will become apparent. wink.gif


"What about those other a**holes? Mark IV? jdmorose? OldGimpyStumpoFile? Yak2? PatBoone? Gerbilboy?"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF:

Weell it's nae tauntin', tha's fer cerrtain. There are some kanniggets around this place that seem tae think it's alright tae stick their wet heads in here, criticize the standard o' posts, and bugger off agin. Aye, Hakka Itchy Choo, Ah'm referrin' tae yoo. If'n ye not playin' an' tauntin' members o' the 'Pool, ye can sod off.


Now look here, you manky pseudo-Scots git, you pustulent, crypto-Glaswegian McAuslan wannabee: I don't take this kind of crap from gutter fouling, gutter licking (and it's usually the same gutter) gob****es who think they're Rangers supporters because they've seen a couple of Mike Myers skits and can type out "Ain't we the wee laddies, ah haw hey?" after a night downing over-chilled Newkie Brown in poncey, windowless brass-rail and fern joints that sell poppers over the bar but before they go home with a couple of interior designers who think that an unshaven, inebriated, several weeks unbathed systems engineer is a nice bit of rough.

I've scraped bits of regurgitated haggis off my shoe (and who keeps tossing the bloody diced carrots in there anyway?) that had more Celtic authenticity than you.

As to taunting, laddie, it's quality, not quantity that counts, and any one post I've made on this thread has more quality prose and poetry than you could hope to produce in a month of Sundays communing with the ghost of Bobby Burns. So put that in your sporran and smoke it.




"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University

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I think this thread should get the great paddy lock and Seanachio's should make a new one.

please don't tell me what you think, because your opinion has no balast with me.. maybe Mr. Pengs cuz he's so damn ugly thats about it.

If I give you all a nice shiny Quarter will you leave me alone?

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Well, thank you all very much for saying in your longwinded ways that it is advisable to read people's profiles and past posts, and not simply assume that they are male and/or literate -- two attributes which, though not linked to each other, I believe can be shown to be statistically characteristic of CM players on the whole. As for lurking, I assure you that it is the result of being busy slandering, blackmailing, and misleading people over the past year, and not for lack of a having a pair. As for you, Croda, I know nothing about Mechanicsburg, but I'm sure you exhibit in spades whatever regional characteristic of your hamlet is most distasteful to its neighbors. And you, YK2, assuming you have condescended to sent me a set-up, I shall have to answer it in an hour or two because I am currently goofing off at work.

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nijis....your wanker reply to Croda/YK2 is about as weak limp wristed fey and milktoast as they come. THAT is why you do not amount to cat spit. Not even a hairball.

Croda took pity on you (and I shall have words with him), he demonstrated out of kindness the bile, spleen and cahungas (sorry YK2...only literary, not literal....we know YOU have them!) that is required here. You got to wade back in here and call him the mysogistic lovechild of a blind ass and a sheeploving Kiwi sheepshagger. Not soem ohhhh my feelings are hurt.

Now go away (hint: If you do, you aren't worthy. - and yes we are selfcentered and egotistical and totally caught up in our own pretensions and delusions. that's why we are here. You DO NOT ask admittance. You tear it's freakin guts out, gnaw on the entrails, vomit out the residue and fart, scratching your privates (or a reasonable facsimile or substitute) and push back.

Now sod off, you are tiresome


The Lawyer's credo: Covering the earth like a plague of locusts - Mace

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by nijis:

...As for you, Croda, I know nothing about Mechanicsburg, but I'm sure you exhibit in spades whatever regional characteristic of your hamlet is most distasteful to its neighbors. ...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sir, I would like to beat you to death with a duck; grab it by it's neck and just flail away until you are dead. Afterwards the duck and I will crap on your corpse and laugh at you. Oh, I'm sorry, I need to explain. We here in Central Pennsylvania are Duck-Bludgeoners. We grab ducks by the neck and flail away at each other until the duck dies. In your case, you would cease to breathe before the duck, since most ducks are made of sterner stuff than you are. So, yes, you caught me. I am a Duck-bludgeoner. In spades even. If you find fault with that, then go sod off. I'm not interested. Nor am I interested in you rambling through your "Word of the Day List" every time you post. Go eat a broken glass and tinfoil sandwich, and be sure not to do too much chewing. You disgust me you horrid excuse for a man. Now do as jd says and either stand up for yourself in a manner to make me tremble (not likely) or go back to skulking in the shadows and touching women's undergarments in the clothing store.



[This message has been edited by Croda (edited 11-20-2000).]

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Another thing...The Mount Peng map is complete. I was pretty excited about it, until I came in today and read everybody's pissing and moaning about how jacked up the thread is and how it should be closed. Now I don't give a flying squirrel. Since it appears that the only Lord that will be crowned around here is LordFluffers (and crowned with a duck, nevertheless), the map matters about as much as a clubbed baby seal in the rain forest. If anyone wants to play it anyway, let me know.

[This message has been edited by Croda (edited 11-20-2000).]

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Sod off yerself, jdmorse. Your wrists hang limper than the empty balloon of skin that your testicle sack would be, had it descended. You're just jealous that a representative of the only profession more loathed than your own has cropped up here. Incidentally, you will get the complete dossier on Croda's love life once my underpaid stringers are done conducting interviews in fields, paddocks, ponds, poultry runs, aquariums, and petri dishes in both hemispheres. I assume Croda's late duck-related thread, which I have not fully had the chance to review, constitutes a challenge. He will be receiving a set-up shortly. So will you. I will henceforth refrain from posting until I have something pleasant to report -- i.e., the cooing of the grackles as they excise the eyes of your men's rotting corpses -- unless something comes up here to which I absolutely cannot fail to respond.

PS: I now have a sig, which you may feel free to ridicule.


"I can't listen to music too often... It makes me want to say kind, stupid things, and pat the heads of people... But now you have to beat them on the head, beat them without mercy."

V. I. Lenin

[This message has been edited by nijis (edited 11-20-2000).]

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Good. He's gone then. Cruud-da, kick his butt and make sure he doesn't drag his sorry ass back in here.

I grow weary of the pool. It sucks the life from me like a jabby, airheaded bimbo I must stuff food into just so I can have peace while she chews. It drains my essence and leaves me an empty husk.

In the meantime I will continue with the PBEMs I have but until some further time I am declining any new challenges. So if you wanted to play me.. go sit and spin.


[This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 11-20-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

Good. He's gone then. Cruud-da, kick his butt and make sure he doesn't drag his sorry ass back in here.

I grow weary of the pool. It sucks the life from me like a jabby, airheaded bimbo I must stuff food into just so I can have piece while she chews. It drains my essence and leaves me an empty husk.

In the meantime I will continue with the PBEMs I have but until some further time I am declining any new challenges. So if you wanted to play me.. go sit and spin.


Who wanted to play you? I didn't want to play you. Anyone else here want to play you? Let me look around. Nope, nobody here wants to play you. You must be hearing things with your bimbo.


Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


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Well I for one still enjoy the Mutha Beautiful Thread.

And I'd have to say that anything worth complaining about, has to have a shred of worth to it.

So instead of rolling over and letting the old girl die, fight for her! If the thread can't breathe, rip out a newby's lungs and transplant them. If the thread can't see, take out a newby's eye balls with a grapefruit spoon. If the thread can't defecate, slice her open and pull the dung out with your hands.

All of you old denizens of the 'Pool, instead of penning long anecdotal wanderings about how Generation X is doing everything wrong, get up and show them the way to taunt! I've seen Peng attack people like a rabid ferret the last week or so. Rage, Rage against the dying of the light.

I've tried, be it perhaps fruitless, to beat Anubis to death with a duck...a DUCK for crying out loud! Will I be the only one to show an emotion other than sorrow or apathy? Shall lowly Croda be the only freak with the petulence to post a message intended to maim the handicapped, to mock the blind, to feast in front of the starving?

I CALL YOU ALL OUT, oh creators of the 'Pool!! Show me some gumption before wandering off into the wasteland! Cart yourselves back in here and teach the young, or scare them the hell away! Make this again a place where none but the most stalwart newbie dare to tread. Tear out the living heart and pass it round the table for all to drink from.

And to the newbies, those who have come before me, and those who have shown up since: If you cannot muster hatred and anger and a voice to challenge the heavens every time that you post, then get lost! Kick dogs, throw midgets, eat the last frigging brownie and laugh about it with brownie pieces still making your mouth all chocolatey. Take a pen knife and carve out your cat's eye. Dammit just stop being boring and predictable! Hate your opponents. Hate yourself and take the anger out on the next poor sot to get in your way.

Heed these words my brothers (and adoptive sister). It will be this way, or no way. The fate of The Thread hangs in our hands.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

Still, it does have its positive side,(being female) mainly,you have me at my weakest point,PMT passed just over a week ago, so I am quite placid at the moment<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

In that case, I must say I certainly look forward to your posts in about 3 weeks time!

I'm sure they'll be most graphic in detailing the dismemberement of your male opponents, or at the least quite bitchy! wink.gif


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Who wanted to play you? I didn't want to play you. Anyone else here want to play you? Let me look around. Nope, nobody here wants to play you. You must be hearing things with your bimbo.


You know where to shove it Hiram. Just make sure you push aside the Gerbils to make way.

Regardless... I would crush you like a bug in a PBEM. In fact a slice of moldy cheese could probably put up more of a fight for life than your pathetic troops. So climb down off your horse you sorry excuse of a hominid and get in line to kiss my behind.


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Ahhhh Croda, you bring a tear to my and Mum's eye. Remember only lookies because ya lost (a few turns at most...does the words VT coming hold any meaning for you dogfaced boy?)

Well said at that. To the members of the Pool. Perhaps we have grown weary, or complacent, or in need of a bit of a walkabout. We have had, hamsters, heretics, kniggits and the like, but we have gotten away from our roots. We have gotten caught up in the form, and ignored the substance. Thus many old ones have faded, and new ones enter. But that is the way of life. And it is okay.

What I propose and urge is a return to the old days and ways. I say brothers and sisters, we are in the need for a REVIVAL....can I get an Amen! We need-uh to get back to the promised land-uh. To the LAND of milk and honey-uh. Are you with me Brothers and Sisters, can you feel the power-uh, the presence-uh, and the GLORY! Come forward, be healed, walk again. As Lazarus walked again, so will you...

No hamster society or foofoo feudal hierarchy....simply a bit of good old fashion anarchy. Eat what you kill. We should drop the accretion and tortured metaphors. Challenge, insult, fight and kill (repeat) what's so hard.

These are the basic tenets:

1. THIS IS A CHALLENGE THREAD, that is it's sole and legal purpose.

2. THIS IS A TAUNT THREAD, if you are looking for nicey nicey, go to Rugged Defense, Tournament House or post on the general forum. Do not expected to be welcomed or pampered. Do not expect to be given a game simply because you ask or even demand it. (attention ninnyjis.... not yet honeykins)



We have a chance to make this thread last. At least till Cesspoolnarock II. We also have the chance to see it become useless. It is what we make it. If I do not find interesting people to get to know, I shall go elsewhere. But for now let us see what together we can create.

Now Sod off ye sheepbuggers


The Lawyer's credo: Covering the earth like a plague of locusts - Mace

[This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-20-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

I'm so very self important, blah blah blah


No, Jeff. Telling me to kiss your butt just won't cut it any more. Its awfully convenient that you can't PBEM anyone right now because of your menstrual difficulties. Too bad you won't be be forced to put your money where your chancre covered mouth is.

Come to think of it, playing you would probably be a waste of my time and energy. I might even purposely give you a VL to make you feel warm and tingly. Then, Jeffrey, I would pounce on your hapless troups. Of the ten opponents I'm playing now, I just might beat one and then, Jeff...you are in so much trouble. Make that call to your rabbi and confess your sins.

If you could handle another opponent...

If only you had moved out of your parents house before you turned 40. If only you hadn't been caught having relations with the neighbor's pet cat. If If If

If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much.

Good thing your "dance card is full", huh Jeff??


Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


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Shut down the thread!?!?! Eh? What the hell happened to you bunch a' rowdies? One little cat-fight and the whole lot of ya thinks you have the right to call of the greatest form of human expression since the Dialogues? You bunch a' sissy sons-of-bitches (Especially you damn women and your, oooo, look at my tits, crap!).

That's it, I can't sugarcoat it any more. You lousy bunch of horse-raping morons need to realize that the only way you'll have any kind of enjoyable life is by posting more and more interesting things to this thread. What else compares to the level of taunting on the Peng Thread on a good day? What, MSNBC? Brian Williams can suck Hiram's monstrous cock, for all I care. You read any modern fiction these days? Not only can these hacks not write, but the stories they tell are the kind of donkey spunk I expect to find written on a bathroom wall. What's that, did you say music or movies or any other form of sold-out, mass-marketed sheeshagging midget toejam that exists out there? This, right here, is the ultimate form of intellectual entertainment. There are posts in here that show a creativity that's on par with Bach or Van Gogh.

And you know what? Not all of you sorry muddafuddas can do it. In fact, most of you are probably only able to post 1 interesting post a day. The problem is that the people who consistently post are the least qualified to consistently post. However, I don't think this means the Cesspool Eldars are the only ones who can post interesting things. In fact, I charge Hiram, OGSF, Roborat and Stuka as my successors. You four have each, at one point or another, posted interesting, insane and cruel ****e. If Peng, Berli, Seanachai, et al jumped ship, the four of you could still right it. I will be on a ship in the Arctic until February. When I come back, I expect a quality 'Pool, goddammit, or I will personally destroy every one of you, utterly.


Meeks is correct.

-Steve, of Big Time Software, creator of Combat Mission, Vicar of Peng on Earth.

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I'm sure glad you decided to stop sugar coating your diatribe, Mr. Meeks. I was having such difficulty with you beating around the bush and not saying what you mean. No, really.

Our PBEM will wait until you get back from the Masterbatory Excess you put yourself through on a monthly basis. you sick puppy

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

When I come back, I expect a quality 'Pool, goddammit, or I will personally destroy every one of you, utterly.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Meeks you unrepentant magnificent schismatic bastard, you think running off on a ship is going to save you from the dismembering that I have been applying to your Free and Happy French. You think taking off will allow my normal Alzheimer's state to eradicate all vestiges of your game with me. Think again bucko.

I was afraid there that you might inadvertently include me in your"spiritual descendants list" Whew, there is a god after all. So feast on PENGuin flesh, rocking on your boat, and know that the knife will be all that sharper upon your return.



If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much.Hiram

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Bauhaus (yes, you can stand up... only so I can knock you down again), you are the saddest excuse for a general this game has ever seen. How many games have we played now? 4,000? 5,000? In all those games, have you ever come close to winning (winning, not whining)? Are you getting close in our current battle? NO!!! Do the world a favor... don't pass on your genetic code... you are an embarrassment.

Croda, I have yet to see your gallant men across the field of honor. This leads me to believe that you, sir, are craven. Whimpering in a corner for fear of facing the forces of darkness.

Chupacabra, I'm am told that you are a worthy opponent... by Moriarty. Given the source, you may almost be capable of issuing coherent orders to your men. Feel free to do your best to prove that assumption wrong.

Germanboy, ah, what to say about Germanboy... you are such a pleasant and nice person smile.gif

Goanna, off in Oman... and good riddance

Hiram, picture this if you will.... a standard pool table with woods growing at one end (Hiram's). scattered about the center (in completely open ground) are assorted victory locations. I have captured all of these victory locations, but now must defend them with absolutely no cover. Has young Hiram thrown me off those VLs as just about anyone could... including Bauhaus? NO!!!! Again, out of the gene pool!

Mace, Oh, damn! We manage to get rid of Goanna, and another down under Pommie pops up. We really should look for a proper filtration system for The Pool

Meeks, about to be slapped down once again, he buggers of to Antarctica... likely bloody story

Moriarty, damn near as bad as Bauhaus. He at least almost won once... in 4,000 games

Pawbroon, he's French... that's almost insult enough. As I recall, our record is 3 draws. I offered to setup yet another game, but you said it was your turn... since then, I have heard nothing. Stop putting your Waterloo off.

Peng, Scum... no other word fits.

Anyone I failed to mention is probably so beneath my notice as to be insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

Rot in Hell, all of you


Dan Brown (Berlichtingen)

SS-Rauchmeister des Berlichtingischearmee


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Shut down the thread!?!?! Eh? What the hell happened to you bunch a' rowdies? One little cat-fight and the whole lot of ya thinks you have the right to call of the greatest form of human expression since the Dialogues? You bunch a' sissy sons-of-bitches (Especially you damn women and your, oooo, look at my tits, crap!).

That's it, I can't sugarcoat it any more. You lousy bunch of horse-raping morons need to realize that the only way you'll have any kind of enjoyable life is by posting more and more interesting things to this thread. What else compares to the level of taunting on the Peng Thread on a good day? What, MSNBC? Brian Williams can suck Hiram's monstrous cock, for all I care. You read any modern fiction these days? Not only can these hacks not write, but the stories they tell are the kind of donkey spunk I expect to find written on a bathroom wall. What's that, did you say music or movies or any other form of sold-out, mass-marketed sheeshagging midget toejam that exists out there? This, right here, is the ultimate form of intellectual entertainment. There are posts in here that show a creativity that's on par with Bach or Van Gogh.

And you know what? Not all of you sorry muddafuddas can do it. In fact, most of you are probably only able to post 1 interesting post a day. The problem is that the people who consistently post are the least qualified to consistently post. However, I don't think this means the Cesspool Eldars are the only ones who can post interesting things. In fact, I charge Hiram, OGSF, Roborat and Stuka as my successors. You four have each, at one point or another, posted interesting, insane and cruel ****e. If Peng, Berli, Seanachai, et al jumped ship, the four of you could still right it. I will be on a ship in the Arctic until February. When I come back, I expect a quality 'Pool, goddammit, or I will personally destroy every one of you, utterly.


the horse consented. it didn't say, "nay"


"I came to Casablanca for the waters."

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Berli, you left me off your list. I am sure it is because of my winning record against you. No offence taken.

Hiram, I don't know if your hotseat loss to me yesterday counts for anything because you were still high from the Eagles victory we witnessed together but the PBEM we still have going will leave you Elviscerated and left in a pool of your own waste.

Germangirl, once my troops decide they are no longer too tired to launch the counterattack I promised you will understand what it means to fight a battle at a high level of intelligence and brute force.

Meeks, looks like you split town just in time to save your butt from the shame that comes from losing to me.

Peng, my ole dead friend. I fear that if I don't get some help soon I may find myself on the wrong side of victory with you.


What do we do with a terrible liar? Well, Great liars we send into the clergy.

Good liars we groom for politics. Moderate liars we supply with sherrif's badges

and guns, and the bad liars, well, we make them heroin whores. So what the hell

do we do with the Terrible Liars? Well, it seems we turn them into physicists

called "chrisl." Peng

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gunny Bunny:

Just thought I would mention about the newly created newsgroup alt.games.combat-mission



Gun Bunny - Are you spamming the Peng Thread?? Did we ask for a commercial break from our sponsor?

Go away. Its people like you that make decent people wait in the cold at the stadium while game play is suspended. Shame on ya!!


Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


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