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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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Shabandandalorf sez: "Blah blah blah, look at me, I'm winning! Hi mom! Blah blah winning! Yay!" While his enthusiasm is admirable in the face of his obvious mental shortcomings, about the only thing he's winning is the Take Your Own Advice award.

JDMorose His "buy many German tanks, place them on the most barren, lifeless goddamn map I've ever seen, and point forwards" tactic is unsurprisingly bloody, but how effective it is remains to be seen. I've now lost one TD and about half a platoon in return for one Panther, 3 ACs, and what I can only assume is a fair amount of infantry. The numbers have favored me so far, but we'll have to see what happens next.

Scrota is hemhorraging units by the dozen. No more tanks, the infantry's making desperation runs into my MGs, and things are generally looking very, very bad for the Amis. Like, 'cut off your own nuts and swallow them so the other guy can't make you do it' bad.

Choco Taco Aren't weak spot penetrations fun? Aren't my zippy little Stuarts hard to shoot? Aren't you wondering when my re-enforcements are going to make their appearance?

SeanWayansachai About bloody time, mate. Now hurry up and die.


Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

But the idjit next door must be from one of those competency challenged states, like Illinois. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Bad mistake there oh tree hugger. You have insulted the home of one of the beta gods. You punishment is....

Playing berli in a scenario of evil design created by me..

Berli, sorry for volunteering you...but I want you to crush him, drive his remains into the ground, and sprinkle lime over the site. My choice of evilness....my modified Chance Encounter. I will send it to you this afternoon. Once you are done with this Canuck want-a-be, you shall be rewarded by beta testing my masterpiece of evilness...the attack on Fort du Roule.

Make me proud Berli...i want nothing to remain...

Back to testing I go...


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

mensch - Endgame is so much fun, isn't it?


ya since I'm winning.. man you got a few sandwiches short of a picknick, you stop breathing oxygen again??


Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

And no takers for the assault on Crodaburg? I'm appalled. 2 Squires step up before I conscript you. This will make a man of you faster than 2 whores and a bottle of Wild Turkey.


What is Crodaburg?


Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

What is Crodaburg?


Some people just can't keep up...

Crodaburg is my latest creation of death and destruction. When you were a kid, you never played small, 500pt QBs with you army men. You grabben everything in the house, and fought the war to end all wars. Welcome to Crodaburg!

A town on the edge of a cliff overlooks much of the surrounding landscape, and is an essential strategic point for both armies. The town is reportedly held by a group of top-notch SS troops who've had years to prepare their defenses.

The approach has 2 roads climbing the cliff face...1 to the left, and one to the right. Both are likely to be heavily guarded. The terrain at the base of the cliff is mostly open, leaving a wide field of fire for the defenders.

The American assault force is huge, armor and infantry. This town needs to be taken!

The map is quite small, but there will be fighting from the minute you press go on turn 1, and so should be pretty exciting. The only problem is that due to the number of forces on the map, it runs somewhat slow. I'm looking for a couple of people to playtest it and suggest any tweaks to ensure that it is even. I've been playing against the AI, but that isn't always a true test of balance.

Is anyone willing to Assault Crodaburg?



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

. . . the supposed female? . . . <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It appears that you have more an interest in playing with guys then with women, maybe that's your problem. You've gotten so used to boys you've forgotten how much fun it is to be with a woman . . . or perhaps you've not experienced that at all? I mean the name

"Germanboy" does kind of invoke lurid images of of gay fetishists dressed in shiny black latex and spanking each other with paddles while shouting, "You've been a bad little boy! Touch the monkey! Touch it!!"

I hate this sort of remark SO much. Why am I "supposed?" I don't refer to you as the "supposed male." Is this some kind of weird reverse penis envy you suffer from? I went through this for 2 years in Air Warrior. I found it really rude and insulting (and I still do) that certain people felt the need to make me prove to them that I was female, so I never always refused until their crap got so tiresome that I couldn't stand it. I made phone calls to people in the game, met some people in the game, and eventually worked as a staff member in the game; which required me to send a copy of my driver's liscence to them. Then Air Warrior came out with voice communication in the game which pretty much shut everyone (like you) up.

With all the extra BS you have to go through as a female who plays male-dominated games I can't see ANY reason that anyone would want to pose as a female. I've posed as a male in other games before and it was far more enjoyable. Can't recall a time that anyone ever asked me then, "Are you really a male?" Answer a male who asks, "Are you really a female?" with an affirmative response and you can pretty much bet the next thing he's going to say is, "Got a naked picture?" or some similar unwanted sexual remark. It gets REALLY annoying after a while, you know?

So, please refrain from questioning me in the future, ok? Mensch says you're pretty cool. Prove it. =P

What the hell difference does it make anyway?




ICQ 8273286


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

Some people just can't keep up...

Crodaburg is my latest creation of death and destruction.


I remember you writing about that before. Please email scenario to me. Hiram curious.


Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

On the issue of what you should now consider gifting Stuka, I think you're confusing the terms "webpage" and "smack".


Don't you go trying to smack me, kitty..I'm not into that kinky stuff.

Save it for the brylcream brigade, yes, they of the order of the wing-collar body shirt, crimpleen flares and brown suede shoes.

The very same ones who have crumbled so majestically into gooey piles of fawning lickspittles at the very mention of a hint of a possible sighting of a female in the thread.

I prefer my Martini's shaken, not stirred, and I flare a nostril at you all.......


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

[This message has been edited by Stuka (edited 11-07-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty:

It appears that you have more an interest in playing with guys then with women, maybe that's your problem. You've gotten so used to boys you've forgotten how much fun it is to be with a woman . . . or perhaps you've not experienced that at all? I mean the name

"Germanboy" does kind of invoke lurid images of of gay fetishists dressed in shiny black latex and spanking each other with paddles while shouting, "You've been a bad little boy! Touch the monkey! Touch it!!"

I hate this sort of remark SO much. Why am I "supposed?" I don't refer to you as the "supposed male." Is this some kind of weird reverse penis envy you suffer from? I went through this for 2 years in Air Warrior. I found it really rude and insulting (and I still do) that certain people felt the need to make me prove to them that I was female, so I never always refused until their crap got so tiresome that I couldn't stand it. I made phone calls to people in the game, met some people in the game, and eventually worked as a staff member in the game; which required me to send a copy of my driver's liscence to them. Then Air Warrior came out with voice communication in the game which pretty much shut everyone (like you) up.

With all the extra BS you have to go through as a female who plays male-dominated games I can't see ANY reason that anyone would want to pose as a female. I've posed as a male in other games before and it was far more enjoyable. Can't recall a time that anyone ever asked me then, "Are you really a male?" Answer a male who asks, "Are you really a female?" with an affirmative response and you can pretty much bet the next thing he's going to say is, "Got a naked picture?" or some similar unwanted sexual remark. It gets REALLY annoying after a while, you know?

So, please refrain from questioning me in the future, ok? Mensch says you're pretty cool. Prove it. =P

What the hell difference does it make anyway?




AAHHHH!!!!! An unwritten rule broken, smashed, rent asunder like the curtain to the temple! THERE IS NO 'SERIOUS' IN THE CESSPOOL!!! Ms. Kitty, you lovely feline warrior, you cannot be think skinned in here...the cess in the pool will eat right through thin hides. We are all quite happy to have your lurid and creative presence added to the hive. If I could, I'd suggest that you go back and leave only the first, exquisite paragraph of your last post. That's the type of man(DOH!) we want here in the pool. Decisive and derisive. We handle insults with more insults and a 1500pt ME in here. ILikeToTouchGermanBoys picks on your femality because he is a miserable sot who spends his days peering out between the blinds in his appartment to see what the real people are doing outside, where he dares not go. You are an easy target to him. My suggestion: make easy targets of his armor and then make mashed infantry and serve it to his captured tankers. You can't take offense in here. It spooks the hamsters. Let me suggest that you and Germanboy fight over the rights to a desolate plot of land known only as "Crodaburg!"

Hiram - I'll get it out to you.



[This message has been edited by Croda (edited 11-07-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

…and I flare a nostril at you all.......


damn you Stuka thats my gambit!! *flare nostrils* its my job you here now go back to your hole! ya the one you crawled out of.. btw. you 0.05W bulb I'm going to clobber you in our PBEM... I SMELL VICTORY!!!... *sniff, sniff*.. no thats you... damn boy did the Utilities cut off your water again!??


Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty:

Long but not very interesting ramble about how I was shabbily treated in the past


Well bugger me with a three-pronged pitchfork. Do I sense some political correctness outrage here? We can't have that.

Two points:

1. When the hell did this become the thread where anyone takes anything seriously? I call Peter a sheepshagger, something I would not do to Joe Bloggs on the Tube, believe me. I call you a supposed female. I call Kumbaya a nitwit and insinuate unpleasant things about Mensch's heritage. What was the problem again?

2. Did it ever enter your thought processes that it was actually aimed at all the guys challenging you and not at you?

3. (I promised two, but this just shows that you can not trust a German) If you have a selective humour switch for jokes vaguely relating to gender, as opposed to jokes about anything else, I suggest that is really your problem and not mine.

4. (they just keep coming) Before you even mention it, good taste, political correctness or decent treatment of man, rodent or woman was never a requirement for posting in this thread.

I could not care less whether you are female, male, hamster or a teenage mutant ninja turtle. All the same to me.

I also could not care less what kind of shabby treatment has been meted out to you by a bunch of morons and wankers in the past. I suggest you take it up with them, instead of assuming that I am as stupid as they are. As far as I am concerned you don't have to prove anything, except for a sense of humour that does not suddenly disappear over 'women's issues'.

So - feh!

Have a nice day.



<a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a >

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 11-07-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

Are there any other squires out there who currently aren't engaged in matches? I am keen to beat the snot out of you smile.gif



Yo, Pete. It so happens that I have a "Magnus Nasus" and have plenty of said snot to be beaten out of. (ouch - humor shouldn't hurt)

Want to do a scenario?


Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

Is anyone playing a game against Kitty? If not I would like to put a challenge out right now. Hell, even if someone is. It's time the inferior gender is taught a lesson and the bus driver is here to take her to school.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yep. Currently playing mensch, Chris, Lindan, Cyberfox, L. Tankersley, Warphead, Jagdcarcajou, Berli, and others. I guess I could start a game with you too. =)

Kitty. Send a setup file. Any type of game any side. Or if you would like to just send your surrender across you can do that too.

OK, check your mail in about 10 minutes for game. I'll surrender later. =)



ICQ 8273286


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

sqeek is much about all they can say but to a ferret squeek has many meanings.. like "hey thats my chew toy!" or "not tonight honey I got a headache". Other examples are "Jerry ahead 200m you can see his pointy head sticking out of the foxhole, you go around I'll sneek up on him and pee on his shoulder". The best advantage is the enemy does not know if the enemy ferret is not up for sex tonight or is wounded in the leg.


Well done, Menschy old bean!

Your most coherent post yet...Dangerously close to humour if I'm not mistaken.

A post such as this is proof positive of at least five neurons firing harmoniously together for a period of no less than than 0.5 nanoseconds, kudos to your therapist!


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

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blabbered by MeowMeow

It appears that you have more an interest in playing with guys then with women, maybe that's your problem. You've gotten so used to boys you've forgotten how much fun it is to be with a woman . . . or perhaps you've not experienced that at all? I mean the name

"Germanboy" does kind of invoke lurid images of of gay fetishists dressed in shiny black latex and spanking each other with paddles while shouting, "You've been a bad little boy! Touch the monkey! Touch it!!"


I kinda liked that sentence... you know I do remember something about PootNzer saying he got a buch a photos from Jailbaitboy a while back of him in some kinky black outfit with sealback straps..

ahhh but maybe I was mistaken by the posting of Scoonoochies experimenting with small fuzzy animal pics.

na ja what ever.. both had leather in it. biggrin.gif


Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty:

LOL I put the first paragraph in there for just that purpose. =)


I suggest doing it the other way round next time, BTW.

And I am certainly not going to fight you over Croda's mad concoction. I'd rather have a lobotomy performed on me with a rusty wire coat-hanger. Canned scenarios or nothing.



<a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a >

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 11-07-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Yo, Pete...Want to do a scenario?


Hiram, I will send Crodaburg to both you and SheepShagger to play with. I think you'll find it quite a hoot.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty:

Can't recall a time that anyone ever asked me then, "Are you really a male?" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's really one of the underlying themes of this particular thread. Other attributes frequently questioned here are intelligence, ability, morals, parentage, number of limbs/teeth, and species/phylum.

You started off on the right track, but... Croda has summed it up nicely, and I can only add in his defense that Germanboy is merely among the lowest and worst of us.

Any personal attribute that an unfortunate reveals here will be used against him for the rest of his CM life, and if he is a girl, I'm afraid that's fair game, though it should provide ample ammunition in reverse, as you've already demonstrated. Consider carefully before maintaining a presence on this particular thread; we've driven away far more men than women.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

…least five neurons firing harmoniously together for a period of no less than than 0.5 nanoseconds, kudos to your therapist!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ha! fool fortunatly my therapist is the same that treated you four years ago for that tree fetish you had... we still make jokes about how in New England there is not a virgin** tree to be found..heh.. ya..

**<h6>actually Stukas father nailed most of the trees in 69' but due to that poison Ivy incident, he went into early retirement. Fortunatly or unfortunatly that meant 14 years of tree growth that went unmolested till Stuka came into manhood.. or should I say Treehood</h6>

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Originally posted by Croda:

AAHHHH!!!!! An unwritten rule broken, smashed, rent asunder like the curtain to the temple!


THERE IS NO 'SERIOUS' IN THE CESSPOOL!!!Ms. Kitty, you lovely feline warrior, you cannot be think skinned in here...the cess in the pool will eat right through thin hides. We are all quite happy to have your lurid and creative presence added to the hive. If I could, I'd suggest that you go back and leave only the first, exquisite paragraph of your last post. That's the type of man(DOH!) we want here in the pool. Decisive and derisive.

LOL I put the first paragraph in there for just that purpose. =)


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Kitty wrote:

> I hate this sort of remark SO much.

Aagghh!! No more! We believe you!

Reminds me instantly of my lovely sort-of-ex-girlfriend ('sort-of' being that she wouldn't be 'ex' if we actually lived in the same country). I'm still not sure whether to love or loathe her when she gets on her hobby horse.

Croda wrote:

> he is a miserable sot who spends his days peering out between the blinds in his appartment to see what the real people are doing outside, where he dares not go.

I'm just cleaning the blinds! Look, I've got all my equipment out! Yes, I know it's not standard blinds-cleaning equipment, but it's very handy! Oh, you mean Andreas... forget I said that.

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A proper squire challenge requires some cunning, evil, sneaky, foul and monsterous map and unit choice that makes grown men retch and women pass out.

Not some slugging match for some boring hill somewhere.

Hiram Sedachu.. is that your name? It keep feeling I should wipe my nose after saying it and I think my co-workers keep wanting to say 'gezuntheid' and offer me cough lollies.

For goodness sake man. Are you really ready for the kind of pain i will provide you? Imagine pointy sticks on your private bits, privates standing on your pointy bits, sharpened tutles applied to the buttocks and viscious attack goldfish hosepipped into your lower colon to eat you from the insides out!

Hiram, I believe we have to beseach Berli for some kind of setup. Please, feel free to offer him a good servicing.

PeterNZ (love my new sig? I do)


"I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." George W Bush -Saginaw, Mich.,

Sept. 29, 2000

[This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 11-07-2000).]

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I have spoken to the 2nd in command of evilness. I will be sending him my creation of evil, with orders not to allow any of your troops to live. Never, ever insult the home of a beta God...Muah ha ha ha Evil creation to be sent to Berli this afternoon.


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