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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

Lets run the FIPEY for a couple of pages and then disapear. I challenge you to join in on pain of being called a girl. (If you're a girl, i'll call you barbara striesand, ha!).



Look you NZ'er. Bust a MOVE! I hate a piss slurper like yourself that delays a game when ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS RETURN A MOVIE!!!!

Theres rudeness and then theres just plain stupidity but if all you have to do is open a file and veiw it and then have the common decencccccy to return THE FREAKING RETURN TURN!!!!!!!!!! DOOOOOOOOO ITTTTTTTTT!!!!!!


I return this thread to its eternal insipid idiocy.


PS OZ has spokeen...

PPS You are all girly wussy load-type wimmen folk compared to me.

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I feel invigorated! Come on people, we need to expand our beachhead and post, post, post in the Peng Thread on the CC5 forum. Quickly, people, or the opportunity will be lost. Now, my glorious Pengers, we stand on the verge of defeating the CC5 forum, our ancient oppressors. Download the demo, man the Thread and remember, the girls at home are watching!

We cannot be defeated!

We cannot be defeated!



I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve.


You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve.


[This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 11-05-2000).]

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This is a new and exciting time and you may earn your knighthood if you convert enough heathens but realize now, and this goes for the lot of you squires looking for the quick road to knighthood, you can say whatever you want in the heathen lands but you are not a knight until you have been declared such.

Now go out there and knock some heathen heads in!


I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve.


You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve.


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{Stumbles in over the trench wall, helmet and rifle in hand, filthy with the black earth of the CC5 land}

"Begging to report to the 'pool, details of sneak raid to the CC5 land"

Go ahead, brave and honourable soldier.

"Its dark sir, all black and khaki. Strange voices echo through the gloom. I heard a gefreiter dirtbag and someone called feature, I think they were mating, sir"

Hmmm {furrowed brow, hand on chin}

"Do we attack sir? I've still got half the platoon taking up positions there, Seenoochy, Peng and meeks are reporting back with the enemy's movements..."

I'm taking this news higher, soldier. This is serious, very serious indeed. Your unit will be mentioned in despatchs for this action.

{Officer turns and splashes off in the direction of higher authority}

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by *Captain Foobar*:

This is great.. All my men are green vampires...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Any complaints will be handled by the seasoned customer service personnel of The Old Firm in a swift and ruthless manner. Full satisfaction guranteed. They pride themselves in providing a service that is not of this world.

Have a nice day.



<a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a >

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 11-05-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

I feel invigorated! Come on people, we need to expand our beachhead and post, post, post in the Peng Thread on the CC5 forum. Quickly, people, or the opportunity will be lost. Now, my glorious Pengers, we stand on the verge of defeating the CC5 forum, our ancient oppressors. Download the demo, man the Thread and remember, the girls at home are watching!

We cannot be defeated!

We cannot be defeated!




I have seen an alternative universe, and it scares the bejeebers out of me!

Diferent colors, backwards technology (no quote button) and challenges to multiplay CC5! eek.gif

The horror!!!

I cannot play CC5! It interferes with my CMBO PBEM time!!!!!! eek.gif

please! PLEASE! I deplore you! Don't make me go back again! Let me stay here in the peace and tranquility of the cesspool!

Hell No! We wont go!


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Operation FIPEY

A total success, but we still have fighting to do. Germanboy, we need you, Chupacabra, we need you. The land of SSI and the principality of CC5 have been totally overrun by my bandit hordes. I declare my self Generalisimo and El Capitan of this new land and you are all my dirty cowboys (and pengs). You have aquited yourself well on the invasion. Now we merely have to secure the flanks and fight off the counterattacks. Death to the enemy. And more waffles for us please.

In other news.

I'm killing all of you, (and lewis). Although maybe i'm not killing Herr Oberst very much right now. But he smells, so sooner we get away from him the better.



"Someday... the whole world will know the wonder of my nipples."

[This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 11-05-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

My life is empty.


Oh very well to give meaning to your life I will grant you permission to send me a setup.


P.S.- Mace, are you saying you actually used to work for Jeff?

P.P.S.- Going to the GeeGees' on Tuesday? Might see you there.


Work is the curse of the drinking class.

I have nothing else to say. Ya, quote that you rat bastards.


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Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Police receive reports from members of public harassed by person(s) unknown lurking in sanitation system.


Officers investigate. Encounter hideous, deformed humanoid creature evidently malajusted to daylight.


Army called in. Explosives employed in clearance of entrance shaft.


On later examination, debris found to include smileys and hamsters. Recovered humanoid limb (right arm) found to be wasted bar pointing finger and middle finger. Muscle characteristics consistent with repeated, sporadic downward twitching action.


Soldiers devoured by giant mutant hamster. Entrance sealed pending further action in force.


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Chance Encouter II. Play it.

I had a funky-goodtime yesterday on this one. I needed some balm for my CM ego after the beatings I've received from various (and sundry) pool members. Play as the Germans, good times to be had.

that is all


Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally blathered by Seanachaipoo:

bla.. poo poo.. whine...


ya what ever…

I'm still waiting for the pbem you mouldy fish. *sigh* what does it realy take to get a pbem from you... I'm growing old waiting for it.

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Lorak I call upon you to scrive in the book of ages that Hiram son of Seanachai, squire apparent, knigget wannabe, toonicethathemakesitaninsult, has been royally buggered. I flung his head out back on the midden, as it would only bring dishonor if impaled out by the front door. Anyway, Total victory is Total Victory 89-11.

in other news what do we here of Sasquatchpoo? recently overheard from the front.

"Sar major!"( firmly glasping swagger stick)

Left-tenant SIR! (heels clomping into attention)

Roight then! We just received word that that bloody Morse fellow has parked his Tiger tank within lawn bowling distance of the crucial location. Send Smythe's squad and roust him out.

Begging the Left-tenant's pardon sir, but Smythe's squad is dead sir.

Williamson-Jones then, he'll do.

Dead Sir.

Tommy Thompkins'?

Not Dead, sir, but gibbering like a mad fool, sir.

Well then Sar major, who can we find to send jerry back where he came from?

Beggin the Left-tenant's pardon sir, there's only your 'eadquarter's unit, Sir.

Oh, Bugger it all, join me in a spot o tea then Sar-major.


Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise

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I'm not going to some foreign board. It's probably full of wogs who don't speak English. And the food always makes my tummy wobbly. And I bet they don't even have Watney's Red Barrel.

I'm staying right here, unless they have lots of tarts.




"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University

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Senility - Er, still waiting... Tick, tock, tick, tock.

Scrota - Your last tank sure looked funny scooting back and forth behind that house! Too bad it had two big guns pointing at it. Boom. Too bad your supporting infantry is already sissying out. Too bad I've still got another platoon to play with. All in all, too bad for you. I will soon be using your sternum for a backscratcher.

JDMorose - Artillery sure is fun to watch, isn't it? It's even more fun to watch when it's coming down on you, not me! Oh boy oh boy oh boy, is it ever fun to watch! I do hope you brought something more than armored cars to support your attack, yes? Well, tell 'em to stop hiding and come play! You can tell them I've got candy...

Shamfork - ...still doesn't see it coming. I love a good surprise, don't you?

Choco Taco - Nice of you to pull your tanks up in column like that. Means less tidying up after boomboom time.

SheepEater - ...also still doesn't see it coming. Once again, I love artillery.

Squirminjoy - You can sabotage the files all you want, but sooner or later, The Reckoning will come. Shortly following The Reckoning will be The Wailing, The Crying, and The Cold, Dark Place (Sit down, Bauhaus!).


Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by AggroMann:

This tread is huge and annoying.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Tsk, tsk. A curious observation for a marine biologist wannabe to make. There is a plethora of fascinating swamp life here to study, the very least of which (probably Meeks) has made a significantly greater contribution to CM than you, my boy.

Now, some helpful hints on your way to a GED: "Treads" are found on tanks. Tanks are found in CM. This is a "thread". Annoyances are found in threads. Congratulations- you have been discovered!

This "thread" used to be significantly larger until it imploded, of the sheer vacuum created by having sucked the joy, creativity, and spell-checkers from Your World. You will find, with the aid of counsellors, that the source of your own annoyance is having clicked on the link that takes you here. It is because of people like you, that McDonald's now has to put warning labels on coffee reminding people that it is "hot", and decent folk have to lock up their swimming pools and surround them with sandbags and security guards.

Remember that the time we spend here, is time we cannot spend dynamiting coral reefs for tasty abalone and the occasional whale feast, such as the tender young blue we had at our last convention. I remember Seanatchai leading a sing-song to its cries as, consumed alive with chopsticks, it bellowed for its mother. Haunting, though a bit salty.

Thanks for your contribution and come again soon!

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by AggroMann:

I am the living proof that anything can go to a US Highschool these days.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Why oh why is that every so often some lowlife comes unto this thread pronouncing some dribble as if we cared whether anyone thinks this thread is boring, ugly, or as stupid as they are.

Aggroman, I suggest going for a ride on a bicycle around the countryside. If you are really lucky you can find yourself some citizen soldier to ambush you with a mortar tube. Or maybe have a chat with Ambrose whatshisname in which you will discuss WW 2 history in expert fashion,particularly the contribution by Hamsters on Bikes to the early defensive successes of the Germans in Normandy.

Alternatively, bang your head against a wall for a while, until you start seeing those lovely stars. Shurely they are not boring and annoying. Yet alternatively, maybe now is the time to tell you that you have to grow up some day, and a sure sign of that is the realisation that the world around you is not fashioned according to your taste. See this thread as one piece of it.

You could also try and become a valuable member of society, and spend less time on this board. Or finally, if none of these catch your fancy, you could just bloody well bugger off, because we don't give a flying eff about your opinion. So there.



<a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a >

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 11-05-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bauhaus:

I sit, therefore, I am.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

you smell, therefore, you stink.

heres a penny, now go leave us alone.


<a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a >

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 11-05-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Speedy:

P.S.- Mace, are you saying you actually used to work for Jeff?

P.P.S.- Going to the GeeGees' on Tuesday? Might see you there.


Hey, another Aussie (South Australian no less, but I wont hold that against you)!?

In answer to your first question: No, I'm a public servant, I don't work for a living! But Jeff did employ me, yes! wink.gif

second question: I doubt it! First, I have numerous CMBO PBEM turns to process. Second, I have a wife who likes handing out chores (that dont get done, refer First reason), and third, IMHO a horse is something you put hay in one end, and extract Sh*t from the other. Occassionaly, the horse likes to run around an oval because it's otherwise bored sh*tless by a meaningless existance (much like our wonderful Seanachai), dreaming of a life it could of had if it was given hands rather than hoofs, and the intelligence to process a decent CMBO PBEM turn! smile.gif


[This message has been edited by Mace (edited 11-05-2000).]

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. . . and besides Acne-man, this thread is the only way some of us can keep up on the exploits of our cohorts while doing time in far flung locales without the benefit of our CM boxes (which is really all computers are good for these days arne't they?).

So bugger off you sorry excuse for a bottom belch. And now for an update:

Senilichai - hold the turn to avoid embarrassing him with the fact that he wouldn't return it until I am back in Sydney anyway.

bauhaus - on hold until I can plan a way to assault a vertical nipple in snow with half a dozen halftracks.

Peng - on hold until he is released into the general population once again.

Berli, Gerbiltoy, Boreiarty, Smelvis, Markymark and the rest of you mooks - just keeping score to see what order I need to humiliate you all in beginning Jan 2001.

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