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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Oh, fine, Prison/USMC references. They're almost indistinguishable...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Much as I find Bullethead to be loathsome (artillerymen all are... being generally lower life forms), I must point out that you have insulted the sacred... that which is truly honorable and good... my beloved Corps. For that you insignificant cunuk wannabe, I must demand your head. I give you the option of sending it via second day air... as whatever method you deem suitable for severing it will be infinitly less painful than the method I have in mind.

I'm not one inclined to post single sentence responses but, you are evil!


I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve.


You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve.


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Just out taking a walk, waiting for Ser Hamsters to deliver my next Messainic Meeksian existential experience. I must say it is a mind altering event. The difference of observing Herr Meeks from up close and from afar is significant.

So the fairer sex has wandered in, eh? Good on them, Seems some of our denizens are either a tad more loathsome, or slicking back their hair with brylcream. Careful lads, from seeing what Miss Kitty and YK2 can dish out, you are at a severe disadvantage..as most of us with former wives can attest.

Nice to see alls right in here. A bit disorganized out there. No raison d'etre, no organizing principle...ahhh home, sublime and supine, esp if Reeks doesn't get it back soon it's nitey night for me.



Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise

[This message has been edited by jdmorse (edited 11-01-2000).]

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I am come forth, with mine own nipples placed into mine own ears, held there by mine own thumbs, torn off mine own hands by that which goes by the name I must speak.

Yes, Nyarlthotep to some, Asmodeus to others, the Black Goat of the Woods, the Foulest, Muirtep, Slayer of Alexander, He of the Mortal Wound, The Unspeakable, The Unmaker, His Immortal Unholiness, the Lord of Pitch and the Keeper of Pain, Berli has engineered mine own topplement.

A minor topplement, I can proudly say and a beautiful battle. We called forth a cease-fire and his men did hold the VL. I can be defeated. I have been defeated. I admit my master is Berli.


I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve.


You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve.


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Senility snatched his tattered, gray robe of Cesspool Kaanniggitthood off the slimey floor, threw it over his skrawny, shivering frame, and stormed petulantly out of the torture chamber. He failed in his attempt to slam the heavy door behind him, but after much effort managed to slowly, but silently, close it, and then settled for kicking it, although at the cost of a broken toenail.

"As if I wasn't already peckish enough after that so thoroughly unsatisfying demonstration," he cursed inwardly. "Why I made that eunuch rodent my Inquisitor I'll never know."

Then he limped to his mediation garden and flung his silver bell at the wall with all his strength. It fell short by half, tinkling on Zen stones. "An apt metaphor," he thought. But as he bent to pick it up for another try, he felt a presence behind him.

"Not now, Hiram, I'm not in the mood!"

"But my most detestable master, you have trained me to attend your every need when I hear the bell. I hear it, I enter, I see you in that position, I--"

"Silence, vile slave! Leave me. Go clean the seal stables, then throw yourself off the highest battlement."

"Yes, Foulest of the Low-born, I--"


Somewhat mollified by this petty harassment of a spineless lackey, but still feeling more than usually paranoid, Senility decided that it was again time to spy on his neighbors. With this thought, a new wave of fear coursed through his collapsed veins. Yes, he was afraid of the plotting of the others, but he was more afraid of the price he paid for knowledge. But it had been too long since he last scried so, torn between fears, he made his preparations.

Locking the door to the garden, he sacrificed a virgin gerbil and, with its blood, drew arcane symbols on the paving stones and his own body. Then he positioned himself carefully and intoned the summoning spell. Soon, a cloud of radiant darkness bloomed up before him, in the midst of which glowed a huge, orange Eye.

"Master of Evil, Great Girly-Thingums," quavered Senility, "I give you virgin gerbil blood. Grant me, O Dark Lord, the loan again of your senses, so that I may not be surprised by mine enemies."

The gerbil blood was absorbed by the cloud of darkness. Then a thunderous voice issued from the cloud: "We currently need all our senses to encompass the doom of that maggot Witch King. But we can grant you the power to send your own eyes and ears across the dimensions. The price is the same."

"But my Lord, my own feeble organs are fallable, not to mention diseased. I need the loan of yours," Senility whined.

"Take it or leave it, slave. But if you decline this offer, you'll never know what that interloper Bullethead is saying about you. He shall go far, that one. You should watch him."

Fear fought with fear in Senility's soul. He HAD to know, but the price.... Finally, he made his decision. "I accept," he whispered.

Instantly, a tendril extended from the black cloud and enveloped Senility's head. He shivered uncontrollably at its icy touch, as the voice from the darkness said, "Another dram of brain matter gone. Not much left in there, maybe enough for two or three more scyings. Then I shall claim your soul. Truly, you are aptly named, Senility."

Then the cloud of darkness was gone to a chorus of fading, evil laughter. In its place was a whirling elipsoid of blue and black light emitting the faint sound of rushing water. Senility recognized it as a modified Town Portal. As he gazed at it, it seemed to grow both bigger and louder. Then he realized this was because his eyes and ears had detached themselves from his head and were moving into the portal of their own volition.

The scene suddenly shifted. Senility was gazing down into the saloon of a brothel from a position in a corner, just below the ceiling. He saw Bullethead at the bar and overheard him tell a trollop:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The Cesspool was boring today. It appeared to be nothing but Senility and his lapdancing Hameekster taking turns dropping the soap in their long, hot shower together.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Senility sighed in rapture. "Oh, this is lovely," he murmered, "Prison references. I feel a disturbance in my loins, something I haven't felt in years. I must try to remember this imagery for my Inquisitor's next demonstration. Still, Bullethead is purported to be a master of artillery. We'll let it pass, for now..."

Hardly had the words left his lips, however, when Bullethead spun around and discharged a Chloroxthrower at Senility's vantage point. For an instant, Senility was amazed that Bullethead had detected his scrying, but then all was blotted out by searing agony as the disinfectant bit into his rotting flesh. As he choked on it, he heard the POP of the portal collapsing, then felt his disembodied organs smack onto the floor, his naked eyeballs rolling in a pool of Chlorox.

Now blinded and reeling from the pain, he still made out Bullethead's voice above the startled babble of brothel denizens:

"'We'll let it pass,' eh? I've passed better turds than you. You see now how the Evil One has betrayed you. He sent your mouth along as well. Barkeep! Toss this offal out with the other rubbish. I'm sure the rest of Senility, or one of his creatures, will come claim the parts eventually."

Back in the meditation garden, Senility writhed on the stones, unable to scream for help, seeing nothing, hearing only flies buzzing on the trash heap upon which his ears now lay.....



In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is strength, in water there is bacteria.

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Bullethead you have nothing to do but ask for change on the street for enough money to get in the cybercafe and spew such vommit (with chuckybits™).

Spoochie you git you left me out again like that locked child in the attic... you slom™ (pattenpending) I have the key and came under to see the newcommer Puddy-Tat.

btw you football head wheres my challange pbem... coward! frauen versteher, weich Ei!!! (hope you can read german if not... tough)

Puddy-Tat you'll have to use the same litter box Peeks uses... he was warned three times not to go in the garten... the ingreatfull git.

Frenchie you knocked out a few things with wheels and you think your winning... you overcooked bagguette! send the file back you hog.. and stop drooling on it, everytime you do that my computer starts to spark and shut down.... I am asuming that is drool on it... eeeww.. come to think of it you do spend alot of time in the washroom..


Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitty:

Why? You afraid I might steal some of your men? =)


Sheep, more likely.



Having sig problems

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 11-01-2000).]

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Hi-dee-ho neglecterinos!

After another seemingly endless world gallivant, I am now safely ensconced in my current digs in Oman for the next two months. Sadly, my accommodation does not include a computer capable of rendering me capable of delivering the bucket loads of Die-A-Lot NowÔ that several of you so richly deserve. To make matters worse, I am stuck using a piece of poo clone filled to the floppy drive with plenty of microsludge software at work and an interminably slow internet connection. That should make Berli happy and me ever so slightly sorry that I put the boot in rather often after he attempted to dribble his powerbook. I imagine it will take me ages to catch up on all of the goings on, but rest assured I will get through all the previous 50 pages and there will be payment in full for each and every slight of the lizard king. I'll be making a list for my return to Oz whereupon I will begin delivering your parcels of pain. Think of me as a sort of atheist-anarchist Santa who will visit several weeks later than the old crone, and who's gifts will cause more revulsion than that ghastly centrepiece you got from aunt Hettie which you are forced to trot out for her annual visit.

I hate you all, but I mean that in the best of possible ways.

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna:

I am the lizard king. They have sent me off to a strange country full of camels, telling me I was desperately needed there, just before the party season started. Now I am sad. The promises of new, better computers that lured me here all came to naught. I fell for them like the fool I am. But at least now I have an excuse not to play Germanboy, my evil vanquisher again. That was a nice scenario I made for him and Berli, and I am proud to see that he wasted Berli good.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Welcome back Goanna.



<a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a >

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 11-01-2000).]

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Andreas, is this a surrender file I hold? You couldn't even withdraw? I must say, the immovable object that is my defense has stopped cold the very resistable force that was Andreas's attack.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now has anybody wondered why Mr.Geeks did not gloat a bit more about his 98:2 win against me? I did, until I held the file in my hands today and proceeded to have a look at the map after the surrender. The interesting force make-up for his 600 point (I think) infantry defense against my infantry attack was one platoon Gerbiljaegers, one pillbox MG, one sIG15, and eight(!) LMG teams. Thanks muchos for that very creative force buying, I learned something new. Next time you propose to recreate the Somme, please do let me in on it too, so that I can plan for it as well. From now on it is going to be canned scenarios with you my dear boy.



<a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a >

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 11-01-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

Next time you propose to recreate the Somme, please do let me in on it too, so that I can plan for it as well.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Alas, that reference will be quite beyond Meeks' comprehension. His knowledge of military history is somewhat stunted, like the man itself. He has confessed to me privately that he thinks Chancellorville was Hitler's birthplace.

You will need to seize him gently by the pancreas and lead him to pictures of WWI to explain the reference. DON'T show him pictures of horses, they confuse him.

PS: I have another short CMless trip, back Friday, and then I'm going to find a scenario to send you. If you can lose to Meeks I can only surmise that you're getting worse.

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

I have another short CMless trip, back Friday, and then I'm going to find a scenario to send you. If you can lose to Meeks I can only surmise that you're getting worse.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well if I had known that Meeksy was into WW I re-enactment, I would have brought some heavy arty instead of the 3in peashooter and blasted him to bits. I am ever so slightly miffed about this, I must say.

Look forward to playing you with real soldiers, not the glider toyboys I had last time.



<a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a >

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 11-01-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Thick, turgid, the 10w40 weight of prose and meaning.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sit DOWN Blousehouse, I'm not sure if it was the Thick the Turgid or the 10w40 but ... well just sit down.


???????? Squeaks, do I need to slap that smile right off your face? Oops, I see YK2 already has.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna:

Hi-dee-ho neglecterinos!

After another seemingly endless world gallivant, I am now safely ensconced in my current digs in Oman for the next two months. Sadly, my accommodation does not include a computer capable of rendering me capable of delivering the bucket loads of Die-A-Lot NowÔ that several of you so richly deserve. To make matters worse, I am stuck using a piece of poo clone filled to the floppy drive with plenty of microsludge software at work and an interminably slow internet connection. That should make Berli happy and me ever so slightly sorry that I put the boot in rather often after he attempted to dribble his powerbook. I imagine it will take me ages to catch up on all of the goings on, but rest assured I will get through all the previous 50 pages and there will be payment in full for each and every slight of the lizard king. I'll be making a list for my return to Oz whereupon I will begin delivering your parcels of pain. Think of me as a sort of atheist-anarchist Santa who will visit several weeks later than the old crone, and who's gifts will cause more revulsion than that ghastly centrepiece you got from aunt Hettie which you are forced to trot out for her annual visit.

I hate you all, but I mean that in the best of possible ways.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh good God, I thought we got rid of the nipple sucking lizard lover. Is this the best story you could think of in the past few weeks.

My theory is, Joanna, you're in for the final phase of your surgery. No longer will you be a cross-dressing war gamer, but yet another female infiltrating the board. And I mean that in the best of terms, except in dear Joanna's case. Nobody touch him...her....it? He's....she's....it's all Berlickedabigones.

[This message has been edited by bauhaus (edited 11-01-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Hmmm... ankle biting... wonder if that would make Miss Kitty purr...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Croawdad - get on with it man. You sent a turn crowing about chaos. I finally found one little pocket of your vermin. A bunch of SMG squads in 28m visibility. True, they stung the first squad that found them, but those little buggers of yours are about to meet their maker. Elsewhere on the map, you are down yet another 75mm gun, and an SMG squad to boot. And your artymen must have learned their trade from those vile little frenchmen in Monty Python, because all I hear is "I shoot my shells in your general direction." Why, yes indeed, if you select a cardinal point on the compass and shoot that way, I guess you are technically correct. Not very effective, but technically correct.

Sheepster,have you:

a) fallen off the face of the earth, or

B) fallen down face-first in some vile London gutter after your drinking binge the other night, or

c) decided that you really can't win the battle, and are cowering in the darkest corner of some disreputable bar in London...

Send me my turns, and be quick about it...

Keep my mind focused on CM, otherwise, you have seen where it will wander when left to its own devices.

Hmm... devices...


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

{snip lots and lots of pseudo-Keltic persiflage mostly to do with why Gov. Jesse Ventura is really the reincarnation of Ossian the Bard and how, after a few mugs of Everclear the snowbound prairie of Minnysooota looks just like the ancestral peat bogs. Then again, most of the women in Minnysooota look like they've been buried in the ancestral peat bogs for a century or two}

...Professor Doktor Hamster X is lolling on the beaches in Tahiti, ....

{snip more abecedarian textualized Metamucil}

Who's for a bit of a sing-song, then? smile.gif


Let me just set the record straight on a few matters.

First, Professor Doktor Hamster X is not on vacation, lolling on Tahitian beaches, drinking/smoking the native intoxicants, and being fondled by numerous Gauguinesque beauties. That will come later. At the moment, he is heavily involved in the upcoming (sit down, Bauhaus!) U.S. elections. While the actual form and extent of his activities are confidential, the careful observer may be able to determine which candidate actually has a Hamster up his ass.

-- Mark"IamDirkDiggler"WahlbergIV continues to send me e-mails without files. While this is amusing in a stalkerish kind of way, it does not advance the state of our conflict.

-- jdmorse's e-mail address appears to have gone dead. Although I am all in favor of silencing the lawyer class, I am trying to get a turn to him. At this point, however, disappearing off the face of the earth may be to his advantage.

-- Andreas continues under the illusion that his men are not supposed to die. Please desist in this, as it is not healthy for someone of your fragile mental disposition.

-- Geier? Geier who? I know no one by that name, and if I did know him, I would never be involved in any PBEMs with him, and if I were playing him, I would certainly not be losing.

-- The Abyssiniancatbuggerer Formerly Known as Joe Shaw seems to be retreating to the safety and warmth of his camp fires. He will find little safety, but perhaps more warmth than he likes.

-- Caprifellator is about to die, a lot, now.

Lorak, you loathsome scribbler, please register my impending mutilation of Caprifellator at the earliest possible moment. Notice how I don't say "at your earliest convenience"; that's because I don't give a toss about your convenience. Just wanted to make that clear.





"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

-- jdmorse's e-mail address appears to have gone dead. Although I am all in favor of silencing the lawyer class, I am trying to get a turn to him. At this point, however, disappearing off the face of the earth may be to his advantage.


In a bit of a dementia related stupor this morning I believe I confused you and Meeks (*shudder*)Poor Meeks, he is still probably trying to load that turn I sent him. Things seem to be working now, email wise, not within my own sodden cranium. Unfortunetly, it seems to be a natural by product of the days of my lives (this and prior) as opposed to the ingestion of any substance. More's the pity.

As to our little tete a tete, a war of mauver it doesn't seem to be........

TTFN yerself



Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise

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While I was making berli look like a girl scout helping an old lady cross the street by sending Marky Mark IV the changed Chance Encounter....I was walking past the putrid dark sludge known as the cesspool, and heard the following:

"How about a little sing-song then?"

Only Ewe.....

Can make me bleat at night....

Only Ewe....

can make me feel so right....

Only Ewe...

and Ewe alone...

can fill me like you do....

You are my love...

the one and only...


As I watched...PeterNZer came out on the sludge, and lit himself and a sheep a cigarette....I couldn't take anymore...and went back to my evil changing of the beta scenarios...

Anyone want one of my evil creations?



Army of the Porcupine

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rune:

Anyone want one of my evil creations?


You want one of ours? I'll offer up the aforementioned Sheep Shagger (who made some comment in an email to me about depriving me of the sheep in the woods, ewwwwwwwwwe!). He's all yours for this low low special offer of "We'll give you $20 US to get him the heck out of here!"

Hey shandorfffffffffff: I hope you have the Enola Gay on it's way, because it may be the only way you can dig out all of my Elite sons of motherless death. "Like soldiers in the winter’s night with a vow to defend, no retreat, baby no surrender..."



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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

At the moment, he is heavily involved in the upcoming (sit down, Bauhaus!) U.S. elections. While the actual form and extent of his activities are confidential, the careful observer may be able to determine which candidate actually has a Hamster up his ass.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Seems clear to me from this that the Prof. is just another bleating heart liberal.



<a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a >

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 11-01-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

Let me just set the record straight on a few matters.

First, Professor Doktor Hamster X is not on vacation, lolling on Tahitian beaches, drinking/smoking the native intoxicants, and being fondled by numerous Gauguinesque beauties. That will come later. At the moment, he is heavily involved in the upcoming (sit down, Bauhaus!) U.S. elections. While the actual form and extent of his activities are confidential, the careful observer may be able to determine which candidate actually has a Hamster up his ass.

-- Mark"IamDirkDiggler"WahlbergIV continues to send me e-mails without files. While this is amusing in a stalkerish kind of way, it does not advance the state of our conflict.

-- jdmorse's e-mail address appears to have gone dead. Although I am all in favor of silencing the lawyer class, I am trying to get a turn to him. At this point, however, disappearing off the face of the earth may be to his advantage.

-- Andreas continues under the illusion that his men are not supposed to die. Please desist in this, as it is not healthy for someone of your fragile mental disposition.

-- Geier? Geier who? I know no one by that name, and if I did know him, I would never be involved in any PBEMs with him, and if I were playing him, I would certainly not be losing.

-- The Abyssiniancatbuggerer Formerly Known as Joe Shaw seems to be retreating to the safety and warmth of his camp fires. He will find little safety, but perhaps more warmth than he likes.

-- Caprifellator is about to die, a lot, now.

Lorak, you loathsome scribbler, please register my impending mutilation of Caprifellator at the earliest possible moment. Notice how I don't say "at your earliest convenience"; that's because I don't give a toss about your convenience. Just wanted to make that clear.



Hackup Aaaachoo-

You care to send me that set up file you've been so diligently studying for the past few weeks. Or are you scared after your last butt-kicking? Hmmmmm?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Snatchy dribbled:

Andreas/Chubacabra/and Ilk are drunk in London<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What the Heck is an Ilk? I've never been called one before, is it a promoted Squire? I certainly hope so afer a brilliant few turns recently against Meeks and Chupie.

All those awaiting files from me, please slowly count to 125,000. You should have them by the time you finish.

O, and bullethead. I think I hate you and I haven't even seen the file. It's clear your scnario is as craply balanced as my grandma on crack

And what's with stealing my Cheeky Monkey line Snatchy? Sheesh, first Andreas and now you! I can only take so much emulation before I am forced to admit you really do want to dress in leather shorts and serve me as your master, and that thought both revolts me and confuses me. Unless I can hire you out to Meeks perhaps hmm.

Thank you. Mind the sheep on the way out.


[This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 11-01-2000).]

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Oh, Andreas, whoa is the one who opens the can of whupass upon himself. You whine and complain about yet, if you for a moment thought about the logical fallacy you present, you would see the many flaws in your argument:

Point A: My massive number of LMGs. Well, sir, if you have ever played CM, I'm sure you would discover that the LMG team is almost but not quite as durable as a Tickle-Me-Elmo doll.

Point B: Custer. Not just a poor commander but a wretched excuse for a human being.

Point C: The Pillbox. Ahem, are you saying that fixed defenses are no longer a monument to the stupidity of man?

Point D: The 150mm IG. Yes, that was fun, wasn't it.

Point E: The Whole Bloody Weak Line Defense. You were quick to say, "Well, a strong line but he doesn't have anything behind it" yet you were quicker to give up and not try to breach it. If I had been faced with a defense such as this, I would have triumphed. I did not gloat as I felt as I felt that frankly, your pathetic play left nothing but a bad taste in my mouth.

Now take your nipples out of your ears and send me a scenario, you arse-end of a skink. I don't care which scenario.


I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve.


You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve.


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