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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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Ah, yes, Choco-Pikachu, your file made it to my mailbox. Now if I can only figure out why the body of the attachment is "whatevermistresswants,mistressgets whatevermistresswants, mistressgets" repeated 300 times. Some sort of odd tele-Satanic ritual?

And you can't scare me with that awful clammor you call French 'poetry'. Give me Rilke or...don't! But for the love of god, not French!


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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Guest Germanboy

So I am not good enough for you then. Oh well. Guess it will be the trunk rolled in a carpet next time we take you somewhere. Preferrably somewhere with a steep cliff.



<a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a >

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 10-29-2000).]

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Who isn't good enough for who now?

Still no laptop, Squirmy, but I can still receive emails, yes?

Don't worry, as soon as the friendly geek comes and fixes my machine, you'll get your Son of Sam, or whatever godforsaken gamey map you've chosen. Or you could send it here, and I could taunt you via email.


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bullethead:

Geier Ain't it a pity when your FO blows his wad and fails to accomplish anything?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes, I'm quite done for. I have the VL, you haven't. I'm in a good position to hold it, you are in a bad position to take it.

My FO did what I wanted him to but that cannot possibly be enough against someone of your titanic skill. I wish my FO was as talented as yours.

I'm probably almost certainly doomed.

And you will live happily ever after.




"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>So true Dan.

[extremely longwinded and boring rant about just how pompous he really is]

Arsonistingen, knowing you that map will be Hellish and full of adverse condition.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually, it is just a city map... something quickbattles can't create.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>But beware, NOW is my turn to do the setup.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well then, what are you waiting for? The second coming of Christ? Can I look forward to a setup sometime before the new year?

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Well, now that Meeks has ticked me off most royally (arrrgh, a true pisser of a match, one Panther lost due to blind arty, another due to the drivers stupidity) I shall have to take out my vengeance on poor Sheepman and Crawdad.

PeterNZ - we continue to abuse each others troops, and on one flank, the sheer volume of arty he's dropping has the forest (and a few of my squads) looking like swiss cheese. Not to worry. I have a Priest, a Greyhound, and two FO's who have yet to even release their death and destruction.

Crawdad, who has been complaining about action for some time better have gotten it from his girly friend (was it really a female? Guess we'll never know...), because at the rate his troops are going, the action they are interested in is ending this battle ASAP so they can get to a nice comfortable prison camp courtesy of the Allies, and out from under their psychotic commanders reach.

We've bumped into each other three times so far, in this pea soup some call weather. The score:

Crawdad: minus two 75mm infantry guns, and one surrendered crew, another about to get munched.

Myself: down a few men. Not bad at all considering they are just the out-front-feelers.


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

[This message has been edited by Herr Oberst (edited 10-29-2000).]

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Quick Battle Reports:

Victory against Moriarty... His Squads last seen screaming in panic and streaming for the rear.

PeterNZ managed, with the obvious help of fith columnists, in burying my brave troops in a hypothermic blanket of death in the snow. Surrender put an end to the agony. An observation was made, if the game starts badly, it usually continues badly....yep.

Meeks is proving that he is a creature of the night, no wonder he does not show himself in the day, nor do mirors work with him either. Why is the ONE move I forget to 1/2 squad recon, is the one I stumble upon his men at 13m's! Well they did not suffer long. New plans are called for, hopefully involving a cruifix and wooden stake.

Hiramhas been transformed into a teaching tool, much like a dissected frog. Hakko and I in another nighttime slugfest are drawn up and toe to toe.

Finally Crodais learning that taking on an old dog means dealing with a junkyard dog. By the end of turn two he has lost 1 PzKw IV, 1 other tank id'd as Tiger but prob MkIV,and 1 SPW 250/8. He has another SPW 250/8 that is caught in open and prob toast next turn. I hold high ground that dominates 1/2 the board, control 1 VL outright, will add second VL shortly and am poised for the others. Not bad for the second turn. Ya see Croda, Meeksy and putzNZ put me in a bad mood. You are handy. Yer Mum now says she never really liked you anyway.


Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise

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I'm disappointed. Andreas is crumbling like a little Play-Doh man, Berli is too scared to send me new turns, Shandorf is falling for every trick in the book (I just sold him a slightly used Chargers QB and some oceanfront property in Lemuria), Croda is stumbling slowly into a vise, Peng is putting up what could be called a fight (If by fight you mean not a fight but rather Peng is being mugged), PeterNZer is dead but doesn't know it, Herr Oberst is dead and knows it only too well, JDMorse is running through the woods screaming about the Blair Witch and sobbing like a poorly paid actor, Seanachai won't send me turns and, most importantly, I have a map for the Battle Insane with dear Pawbroon and I have no troops. Who will give me troops? I don't really trust any of you but it's that or go into the khaki wearing world outside the Pool. Ech.


I've got far more annoying things than that up my sleeve.


You must wear awfully loose shirts to fit an oompah band up your sleeve.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Berli is too scared to send me new turns<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Interesting twist you guttless worm. I point out that you have been hiding in terror for several weeks, and now I'm the one who hasn't sent a file!? Send the file and take your beating like a man! What? You don't know how to take it ike a man? Get a manual you git... just send the file!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse:

Quick Battle Reports:

Victory against Moriarty... His Squads last seen screaming in panic and streaming for the rear.


Yes, sadly, yes. Lorak the Loathed do your duty and rack up another loss for me.

The Morse Forces, MFers for short, did indeed eke out a MINOR vic ... thanks to some outstanding work by my ATG crews, a stand-up effort (sit DOWN, Blousemouse) by the engineer platoon (you remember those Zippos, dontcha JD?) and an early ambush by my ninja infantry platoon.

All in all a well-fought game (on JD's part).


"Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?" — Oddball

"Crap." — Moriarty

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moriarty:

The Morse Forces, MFers for short, did indeed eke out a MINOR vic ... thanks to some outstanding work by my ATG crews, a stand-up effort (sit DOWN, Blousemouse) by the engineer platoon (you remember those Zippos, dontcha JD?) and an early ambush by my ninja infantry platoon<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I discovered that you cannot have a FO guarding prisioners at a VL .... CM on it's own changed that VL (well behind my lines and not anywhere near any of Moriary's forces) to a contested one by taking away a Major VL , otherwise we are looking at major vic. Oh well. Morie's AT acquitted themselves well, and the engineers were a pain, esp after we had to have our troops scrape the viscera from the hobnails as we finally marched over their lifeless bodies. At the end I believe he had all of one maybe two unpanicked troops heading for them thar hills.



Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise

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Guest Germanboy

Right then, an update on various games... Not going well there. Acknowledged Peng's ceasefore request. That should be a win for me I am sure.

Surrendered against Meeks after about 6 or 7 turns. Going up against his defences on this narrow map would only be slightly less bloody and interesting than the Somme, and I am not that much into WW I. I have decided to conserve the lifes of my men and try again at another place. I shall also have a word with HQ about the provision of tanks and engineers.

Surrendered/cease-fired against SquawBroom. No point going on there either, he bested me, the French bastard. Now I no longer feel sorry for the occupation.

Barely managed to win the (effectively) mirrored game against Peter_Sheepshagger. I beat him 88:12, he beat me 83:17. Aggregate 52.5:47:5. Call it a draw then. Was training anyway. Next time we do that on more challenging maps.

Blousehouse has finally showed me his surprise. As we all now, it is revolting, and I shall deal with it shortly.

Ethan continues to send half-squads across Pegasus Bridge, proving that the 2nd Ox and Bucks have more dash than brain. He sends them, I kill them, it sort of gets boring after a while.

Joe shot up one of my recon jeeps. I continue raining arty on him.

Senility has decided to dish out some of my own medicine onto me. But he still is facing a shortage of AFVs, men and dash on his part.

Elvis and me will go up to battle on a funny map with lots of paras on both sides, courtesy of WBW.

Goriarty and I have found us a nice place in what looks like the Huertgen Forest, and I am sure our AFVs will be of much use here, for our men to hang their tea kettles on the exhaust pipe while we slug it out throwing pine cones at each other.

Geier, well nothing happening there.

Err, that's it I think for the moment. So my win loss file needs adjusting please:


Thanks Lorak.



<a href="http://www.geocities.com/greg_mudry/sturm.html">Der Kessel</a >

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 10-30-2000).]

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Awright you punters! Thanks to the good people at Dell UK, LTD, I'm back in business. Those to whom I owe files will be getting them shortly. Please feel free to start worrying your rosary beads and notifying your next of kin.

Update -

I've sent files to Moriarty, Croda, Peter, Shandorf, DrA, JDMorse, Hakko, Seanachai, and Germanboy (whew). Do I owe anyone else a file? If so, pipe up!

My slugfest with Dr Alimanchego has ended in a draw. Many brave gerbils lie still amongst the snow drifts, and the survivors hunker down for the rest of the night amongst the burning buildings and patches of wood. God, that was bloody. God, that was bloody beautiful.


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

[This message has been edited by Chupacabra (edited 10-30-2000).]

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Below is the list of people I am beating, and people I detest.

PawBroon: Mon ami bizarre. He has a halftrack left. His infantry are giving up like highschool cheerleaders under the stands by the football field. I've got 3 SPs and an overstrength company of inf left. Au Revoir, monsiuer le Francais.

shandorfffff: Killing that Sherman hurt me, but you will get no surrender from me while I hold the high ground! Your lousy assault is slowly bleeding me to death, but I've got plenty of blood left.

IBrokeMyLaptopSoICouldFigureOutHowToBeatCroda: These next few turns will decide if I get back in the fight or not. I hope your break was nice, it's going to get ugly from here on in.

Meeks: While I hate you dearly, I cannot comment on our game since not a damn thing has happened. I knocked out your illplaced Sherman, you knocked out my ill-advanced scout Stug. I've slaughtered scout squads in the forest and dumped tons of arty on every likely position, you've not shown yourself. It is most disconcerting to advance on you this way...kind of eerie. I'm going to have to turn it up a notch. Looks like you're fighting a reverse slope tactic, you bastard...good thing I have loads of arty left.

Here-I-Am Shoot-Me: You appear to finally be attempting to advance your leaderless and armorless infantry into the demoralizing deathtrap that I have setup for you. I really hope those 5.5 inch arty rounds don't find you again. (oops, did I say that aloud?)

Herr Arrogant: Losing 2 75mm guns may be a big deal to you...but losing 2 of about 25 is no big deal to me. They were lambs to the slaughter, placed to determine your route of advance. While I admit that I'd hoped they'd do a bit more damage, they served their purpose. Come into my web said the spider...

The Routed French Playing Squire Formerly Known as Stuka: It is evident that my veteran conscript old men are beating the French out of your Green conscript young men. I hold the brothels. Come take them!

Mensch: You claim no quarter. That's very good. I intend to kill every single one of you.

jdmorose: How can you do this to your son! Mom's been cheating on you, HA HA! Our units arrive at the same place at the same time, mine cannot hit, yours cannot miss. I love those games. It's like playing Meeks. No matter, I will have the other 2 VLs in force, and it will take a backhoe to dig them out of there. And no, it wasn't a Tiger...it was a King Tiger!

PeterPeterSheepShagger: Scratch one Puma. My men are all arguing over who gets that kill, since about 18 tanks lit him up at once. You want to send anything else over that hill to try to retake MY VL?

So I'm certainly giving better than I'm taking. More death to be distributed tonight.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

IBrokeMyLaptopSoICouldFigureOutHowToBeatCroda: These next few turns will decide if I get back in the fight or not. I hope your break was nice, it's going to get ugly from here on in.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Bye, bye, Sherman 75. Boy, those things do burn right pretty. You're gonna take a beating, son.

Oh, and I don't usually comment on other people's games (mostly because I hate you all, and I don't give a damn whether you live or die), but I just couldn't help it:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>you knocked out my ill-advanced scout Stug. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Boy, better hope he doesn't get your assault Lynxes.

That is all.


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

[This message has been edited by Chupacabra (edited 10-30-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

Below is the list of people I am beating, and people I detest.

... lots of insignificant others...

Herr Arrogant: Losing 2 75mm guns may be a big deal to you...but losing 2 of about 25 is no big deal to me. They were lambs to the slaughter, placed to determine your route of advance. While I admit that I'd hoped they'd do a bit more damage, they served their purpose. Come into my web said the spider...

... more insignificant others...



I love pulling the legs off insects one-by-one, have ever since I was a little nipper...

Once all the legs are off, then you stir up a red ant nest and drop the poor legless insect by the entrance...

Crawdad, I shall leave you limbless here in the pool. Perhaps we will still be able to find a job for you here...

We could put you by the entrance of the pool, and call you Matt.

We could put you in a life preserver, floating in the pool to mark the deep end, and call you Bob.

We could use you as home plate in the annual Cesspool softball game.

So I guess you will still be useful after-all.

Oh, and to add to the total for this last turn.

Now Crawdad down three 75mm infantry guns, and one Puma.

Sights set on leg #5 for the coming turn. And when I finally do find your MLR, I have plenty of arty and mortars just begging for targets...


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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Well fellow Knigits of the Obtruce table I am back... yes after a somewhat of a bloody hard weekend keeping the wife calm and not going to the computer every five minutes it was,..öh fun. :P

so small update for the small minds here in the pool.

PrawnBroom: He has dispatched two of my awsome "Tiger" MG Jeeps.. oh well they only cost a few point... bummer about my M8.. it is now warming up the local area and the crew are digging for marshmellows to cook. aside from that little action on the side.. my troops are pulling a classic Russian tactic.. "human titalwave" seems to be working could backfire but who cares as long as Prawnie's flamethrower keeps shooting way over my troops heads.. I'm a smiling.

Girlyboy: battle on hold due to heavy consuming of grass and Beer. Actually beta testing a battle for a friend.. and it only takes Three hours to plot your moves! this map is not huge, this map is not large! this map is the god damn planet! but looks fun.

Krudda: Just waiting for my win as usual, hes dead he don't know it, just surrender like a good peon otherwise you won't last as long as a worms fart.

Stuckya: new battle on the way classic armour battle engagement no.. not Kursk but we'll try to shine as bright as it.

Pengkomon: well its foggy.. not much to report but the Pengster is making me chuckle by poping smoke in the fog... like I said Pookoman, your just pissing in the Ocean in hopes it swells to over come me... and stop that you making the water go all yellow... you should also go to the doctor about that green tinge it leaves.. that looks not healthy.

well that wraps it up you hasenkruddel

heres a penny now leave me alone.


Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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You took my Puma? You piece of rat filth! I was going to give that to my brother for his birthday! Now I will spill the goop that fills your eyeballs!

And ChumpaChange...do you really think that I'd but that Sherman out where you could get it if I didn't want you to blow it up? You are so naive.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

Blousehouse has finally showed me his surprise. As we all now, it is revolting, and I shall deal with it shortly.


It worked???? Haven't seen the movie yet. Well I'll be a goatmunch uncle!

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As it seems to be a time for game updates I might as well chip in. Of my current 2 games Vs fellow cesspoolers:

Bullethead - The crazy twisted racing game, I pretty much have this game wrapped up. My 'Speedy' Pumas are miles in front of his rusty old Daimlers. The only thing that can stop me now is his infantry, or his mines, or his jabos. Yep I pretty much have this one wrapped up.

OGSF - An interesting little low quality infantry game. OGSF seems to have caught Berlis firebug, he has already set three unoccupied buildings ablaze. I can't wait to shoot down his flamethrower fellows when they finish wasting their ammo.


Work is the curse of the drinking class.

[This message has been edited by Speedy (edited 10-30-2000).]

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The weekend comes and one finds better things to do with his life then post here and then I come to work monday morning and I find 4 more pages of endless drivel. Geeezus.

MY game updates:

Croda: You've lost. It is now just a matter of how badly you want to be beaten.

Meeks: You suck. I hate you. The next time we play I am buying so much flippin' arty I will blow your troops back into the stone age. I will burn down every square inch of forest so that your little rat troops with have no place to scurry to and hide. You sir are contemptible and vile.

Seanachai: I feel a lot of hot air coming from your way but I don't see any action. Do something, man! Or else I am just gonna blow up more houses.

Chuppy: Both of us have no freakin' idea where the other starts so I have a feeling we are going to run SMACK dab into each other within the first few turns. If I loose this one I am blaming Wild Bill.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Speedy said:

I am only in two games vs. my fellow poolers, my goodness I am a sad git, someone please help me <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ok! Ok! Don't grovel! I know you are hardly a man since you have only TWO games against your fellow pool members, therefore I am prepared to do battle with you and give you some shred of credibility by being able to describe a total of THREE game when you post. Yes, you won't even have to count them on your fingers, you can still use your limbs to count for another game yet, they don't call me Generous Mr PeterNZ for nothing now laddo.

So send me your destruction. Make it cunning so that I might chortle.


One of JD Morses sorta loyal squires

[This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 10-30-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Man, I just want to go home now and play CM! Perhaps I can fake leprousy and they'll send me home.


Hiram! You're alive! How goes it, lad, what is the status of OGSF's dismemberment? Your health is okay, things working out, and all?


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Woof, woof, arf, arf!!

What's that, Elvis? Peng is trapped in the abandoned mine, and needs ale and emergency medical treatment? Good job, boy! I'm off to the package store for a 12, and I'll pick up a copy of 'Worst Case Scenarios' on the way. Here's a biscuit, now go lift your leg on Bauhaus; the nasty little animal is doing altogether too well in our PBEM.

What kind of world is it where I beat Berli and Moriarity, and then lose to Bauhaus? What is this, Saturnalia?


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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