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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

Now I think I'll go listen to some ABBA.


Can you hear the ducks, Fernando?

Can you hear their hideous quaking as it floats in from the dawn.

Should we fear the ducks, Fernando?

Or should we just ignor them in the hopes that they'll be gone.

Or should we run out screaming and chase the bastards off the lawn.

There was something in the air that night

the ducks took fright, Fernando

they were quacking there at you and me, it made me scream, Fernando

Now there's nothing else that we can do, expect clean up the guano.

I may have the words slightly wrong, but always happy to entertain the Old Firm.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Seanachai, that was just about the funniest thing I have had the pleasure of reading/singing on here to date. Bravo......

Much better than the Braveheart lyrics anyday.



"That's Mizz Chihuahua to you, buddy."

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Crudda get it right my little sweaty luv puppet its a bloody Churchhill! not a Cromwell you might as well say your puma is a TIGER.. scheesch... you must be wearing those super tight pink thongs.. cuz your brain is not working...

hmmm tight pink thongs... BRB.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

You gibbering little Canadian git, do you wish for Squire status, or not? If you're only showing up here to make mock, and be a bloody tourist, then fine. Someday I'll come to the Maritime and throw really ugly, cheap, and unappealing American beer cans all over your landscape, with little stencils on them reading: "this ugly sodding litter courtesy of Patboivin, look for me as a useless casual poster on the Peng Challenge Thread" with the battlefront URL in the lower right hand corner. Now, either type out in clear English, eh? or nasalized French, (the sound that should follow here, indicating a raised eyebrow and deprecating acquiescence, cannot actually be reproduced by a non-French), the statement: I am a resident of the North, the far North, North, which is perhaps the only compass point where true, real, and significant Men and Women call home, and I wish to become a Squire here in this, the Cesspool, and after suffering all manner of unseemly slights and abuse, assume my true place as a Knight of the Order of the Cesspool (with decoder ring, cool decals, International Taunting Rights, and T-Shirt that reads: "Seanachai Lost to Peng, and All I Have To Do Is Where This F'ing T-Shirt"). Now, Patboivin, WHY ARE YOU HERE?


Ah, senile Senachai is at it again. He keeps asking questions, when he wouldn't understand the answers. At least your inverterbrate's brain can remember who I am from one week to the next. That's a start.

I am only visiting for now, because I will be away again all next week, and I wanted to verify that there wasn't anything intelligent being posted on this thread.

My curiosity has been satisfied.

In one week two days, little inhabitant of Plutonia that you are (that would be the planet after Pluto and Charon for those who haven't kept up-to-date on their place in the universe), I will provide you with an opportunity of a lifetime, you will have a chance to be pulverized by my troops in an engagements. That could mean a total change perspectivefor you, little gnat, because I am sure your delusional self believes that you are better than the other droppings on this thread.

You will have a chance to meet your maker. Don't die of anticipation before the week is up, though...

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Gosh Meeks.. I never knew you cared.. in that case.. how about you be my man-baitch and wear this cute little rubber outfit i've got, pwhoa, i'll rent you out to Y2K and PawFrog then for their jollies.

JD Morse, you may be my sponsor, but I'm not going to accept a ceasefire! How were you going to make the request anyway? Send in a dog with a note around its neck? Everthing else seems to be cowering

Chupiemonkey, hehe.. mmm those Piats did a good job on that wooden bunker eh?

The rest of you can be sumarised by the words fire, flame, die, die, boom, bang, yawn, brmmm brrmm.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

Gosh Meeks.. I never knew you cared.. in that case.. how about you be my man-baitch and wear this cute little rubber outfit i've got, pwhoa, i'll rent you out to Y2K and PawFrog then for their jollies.


Ah, PeterNZer, would that making someone your "baitch" was so easy. No, rather I think you should send me a set-up, 1500 pts late in the war with random weather and random daylight. Meeting engagementish. Then we can see who will wear the rubber.

By the way, her name is YK2 you malodorous little pot of last year's flu. I can barely tolerate when idiots like you mangle people's names on purpose but when it is a result of your complete lack of intelligence, that makes me sick. What truly strikes me as odd is that I thought they spoke some form of English in your little backwater country. Now I realize the language has been as bastardized as the inhabitants. Well, no matter, I will still slit you from crotch to gizzard and wear your shrunken head as a medal.


Seen in the light of evolution, biology is, perhaps, intellectually the most satisfying and inspiring science. Without that light it becomes a pile of sundry facts—some of them interesting or curious but making no meaningful picture as a whole.

-Theodosius Dobzhansky, "Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Can you hear the ducks, Fernando?


I always thought the lyrics were

Can you touch my Love Commando™




"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University

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Gerbiltoy mewled in panic:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>it seems to me we have ourselves somebody so evil in the thread now, it makes me suspect he got a degree in Being Evil with 1st class honours from the Department of Evil Studies at Evil University (aka College named after a long and justifiably forgotten Earl at Oxbridge). It is Buckethead.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually, I attended Marine NCO school, with post-graduate studies at Baylor Law School. But you're right, I did graduate with honors from both. And 2% of the arty rounds now headed for the positions of your simpering excuse for an army are airburst leaflet shells. Please find my resume' enclosed.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>There is a distinct possibility that I will have to hand in the ring I took of Sauron and deliver myself upon his mercy. Of which I am sure there will be none. Damn you Buckethead.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And this after only 1 turn... True, TRPs are not limited by the setup area boundaries, but can be set up anywhere on the map. Still, being a gentleman, I refrained from placing any where I knew you would start your troops. So I really can't fathom what you're nattering about.

However, I must admit being a bit surprised by your force selection and deployments. They show me that you combine the tactical skills of Ambrose Burnside, the operational acumen of Achille Bazaine, and the strategic judgment of Francisco Solano Lopez, with the imagination of a Neandro-Liddite Grunt like Girly-Thingums. I'm given to wonder how it was that you ever managed to wrest the One Ring from him to begin with. Was it like playing a game of "Subic Bay Smile", where the winner was he who could keep a strait face longest? Yes, that must have been it. And you cheated by putting ice cubes in your mouth.



In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is strength, in water there is bacteria.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

I always thought the lyrics were

Can you touch my Love Commando™


Are you sure, I thought it was: Can you touch my but, Fernando"


"With cat-like tread, Upon our prey we steal;

In silence dread, Our cautious way we feel." -G&S

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

Seanachai, that was just about the funniest thing I have had the pleasure of reading/singing on here to date. Bravo......

Much better than the Braveheart lyrics anyday.



YK2 (who I affectionately like to call 'Mrs. Peel') and I have begun our combat. I have been...profligate, with some of His Majesty's property. A Bren carrier (yes, my opponents will point out that I have rather a passion for these sporty little cockroaches of the MG Carrier class) has been rather thoroughly terminated. Why mention such an insignificant loss, you might ask? Well, because this is only a 500 point game, on a small map (which is one of those horrible, narrow, 'corridor' maps, that make you feel like a rat running towards the far end in the hope of toasted cheese, rather than a nasty short, sharp shock.) But I shall rise above this rather depressing loss of the Bren carrier that was, after all, my favourite, and go on to teach it's slayer a lesson.

Now, that said, I shall translate the above into a form accessible to most of our recent posters:

Ha, (Distort Name Here), you call that a turn? While verbally abusing and belittling your innocent and long suffering family members, who wouldn't need to be brought into this taunt if I could think of anything more intriguing to say about you, let me just say that my troops are going to force you to contemplate an almost clinically disturbing and unnecessary degree of bodily funtions, most of which wouldn't make good copy even on local deviant sexual behaviour websites.

When my last round of perfectly executed tactics whose actual nature can't be revealed or discussed properly because describing the fortuitous nature of what occured despite my rather haphazard issuance of orders and almost complete lack of topographical awareness might undermine my reputation for being less than a lucky little wank, I will just say that your troops behaved in a manner that was consistent with comparing them to women, whom I actually have almost no experience with in any positive, life-affirming way, and therefore know that their behaviour would be consistent with the way your troops behaved, and in any case I'm still really bitter about having that chica at the bar the other night look at me like not only was my fly undone, but that it had taken her an overly long time to even notice and decide she was seriously unimpressed, so your troops reaction which I disparrage unmercifully must be like that of a woman, or girls, or codfish, about all of which I have about an equal understanding and take on.

Now, should my descent into this form of disparagement not make you feel sufficiently unmanly, might I just indicate that after a brief and abusive courtship I will engage you in a dysfunctional emotional and physical relationship, and, if not capable of entering into or consummating such myself, I will accuse you of same with other, equally disparaged members of this Thread. Finally, if all else fails, I will make reference to your known prediliction for liaisons with our animal brethren, this being, in truth, the least annoying and tedious thing I can accuse you of, as it is a long accepted practice to pair one's battle enemies with rather unfortunate sexual involvements with various species (except, of course, the Hedgehog, a totemic animal of rare power and amusement value, for, as everyone knows, the Hedgehog can never be buggered at all).

Finally, I will intersperse my formulaic boasting and put-downs with the occassional useage of inappropriate vulgarities and severly unfortunate expletives, recalling my days as, or, more likely, trying to imply time spent as a: soldier, construction worker, convict, drunken politician, or pimp.

So, In Your Face, YK2! Guess you know what I mean by that, girlie! When I get done turning your troopers into my own personal collection of mason jars filled with formeldahyde, urine, feces, sputum, and numinous fluids, I'm going to slap you all around the room and force you to make me breakfast while singing Country Western songs!

That last bit might not have come off quite right. I've not yet perfected the New Modern Technique of Perfect Taunting Everytime. Bear with me, all, while I sort this out. smile.gif


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally boasted by Buckethead:

I am so great - I am even better than each and every one of you and the tubes of my arty are much longer than yours. I am so full of myself that I make Peter_Sheepshagger look like a meek and humble person. I have more degrees than you have had hot lunches, and I only decided not to use totally gamey tactics because I did not feel like it. I am the best. You hear me?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, that does not need any comment, now does it?



Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 10-27-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>PawBroon, my Mad Froggie friend, Berli is not Evil because of his win/loss record, not Evil because of his manner of play, Berli is Evil by Nature. Now in my third battle against Berli, I've realized a real thing. Berli has played so much that any game he gives, any setup he takes, any choice he makes (no, goddamn it, this is not a song by Sting), is because: 1)It interests him. 2)It amuses him. 3)He has certain...theories, or qualities he wishes to evaluate.

The Evil Genius has never played me in anything like a 'normal' setup, where tactical ability would pound the newbie into the f'ing ground. He's always chosen to do what he Wishes to do, and winning actually seems to be secondary. Not unimportant, just not as important as Berli's other, unspecified agenda.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Very perceptive of you. Keep delving into the Darkness... try to understand it... embrace it... make it a part of you. I look forward to tormenting you for eternity.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Oh, and although he seems to regard Peng as 'Pond Scum', he seems to regard Peng as 'More Significant Pond Scum Than the Lifeforms I Haven't Yet Experimented On'. Peng, of course, constantly warns me that Berli is Evil, Vile, and Not To Be Trusted. It seems to be a kind of Anti-Symbiosis relationship that is every bit as binding as the other sort.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Actually, I rather like Peng... and Meeks (I enjoy his subtlety). You on the other hand are pond scum.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bullethead:

Speedy slowly got off his ass and sent me a turn for another race. This time I'm the Brits. The racers are only now assembled on the grid, however.


Sir, It has been over 24 hours since I sent my last file to you. Since you appear to have the time to post to this forum I suggest you get off your bloody ass and send it back!!


Work is the curse of the drinking class.

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To my PBEM bitc...er...opponents

The motherboard on my laptop has gone to the Great Taiwanese Assembly Facility In The Sky. Dell's sending out an engineer on Monday, so I won't be able to get turns out until then at the earliest.

Of course, I have my suspects as to who sabotaged my poor computer. Naturally it must be one of you poor wretches who are currently learning the meaning of pain from yours truly. Could it be...MORIARTY??!?!?? trying to conceal his horrendous ass-slide straight into Loserville??!??! No...too obvious.

Or is it... Dr. AchyBreakyHeart!!!?!?!?? the bloody Communist Luddite wrecker? No, he's too subtle to do the dirty work himself. It must be....

SCROTA!!!! Good God, man! It's not my fault you left your infantry in the buildings which my StuH was merrily blowing to pieces!!! It's not my fault you left your Sherman co-located with said buildings!!! It's not my fault you parked your howitzer carriage smack on top of a hill for my Panther to pick off!!! But no, I should have expected it from you. Take some responsibility for your own actions, man, stop blaming the world for your stupidity!!!

Bah, you best've wiped the hard drive too, else you're gonna get a hassle-of-dealing-with-tech-support-sized heap of smackdown come next week!!!


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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Meeksies you fetid little toejam salesman, the whole point of a nickname is to mutilate it and abuse it, even if it is an easy target like Y-another-frenchie.

work pressures prevent me from dissecting the minutiae of your character any further and so I shall send you a setup tonight full of torment and amusement.



<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Meeks wrote:

I no longer love Mensch but I am starting to feel a fire in my loins for PeterNZer<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

I may have the words slightly wrong, but always happy to entertain the Old Firm.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You're welcome. We felt it was almost as entertaining as playing CM against you. Which is saying a lot.

Andreas has been thoroghly indoctrinated into the music of Jan Johansson. Send me a note so that we might incorporate you too.



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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*News Flash* *News Flash*

The ineptly commanded army of mouse eared aryan superhamsters, the once vaunted force of ubergerbils, led around the battlefield by little hooks through their scrotums by the artist formally known as Mensch and hithertoo known as "?".

Have this day surrendered to the incredibly piss-weak set up forces of the army of Stook.

'Lesson here for the feeble minded.'

Never, never, never create a set up after consuming several pints of home made...err.. lemonade,.. yes, thats it, lemonade and then think that just because you are facing the mighty whermacht with all their uberjadgMKIVpanther type thingys, that 4 poxy M8 howitzers and NO bazookoids are a suitable anti armour deterent.

Unless, of course you are fighting Herr Mensch. In which case any old crap will do. Because the kniggett Mensch is as thick as two short poms nailed together between a piece of 4 X 2 and a railway sleeper.

The battle commenced with the usual probing infantry, 'pop' 'pop' 'bang' 'bang' yes, yes , we're all dead now run away quietly sort of kerfuffle.

Then ubergenius Mensch parks his Tiger on top of a hill for god and all the angels to see and proceeds to kill trees, uninhabited buildings, small schrubberies, dirt, one dopey M8 and the company dachshund, roger.

Not pausing to think why he hasn't seen any of my men (because we're all ******* ourselves wondering how to deal with the Tiger with no more than pop guns and disapproving glares), Albert Einstein Von Mensch decides it is right and proper to send the Tiger forward alone to edge hug its way around my extreme left flank. Fortune smiles upon the drunken and the Tiger crests a small wooded slope into a small ambush from the only M8 with a hollow charge shell,


One immobilised Tiger, the M8 dies but so what as nooow the action starts with a human wave assault across 500m of open ground by the gifted kniggett.

'Unhide' the troopers of Stook, who piss themselves laughing as they shoot seven shades of ****e out of the doomed Menschtruppen.

The next turn, he surrenders. What a YK2.



Casualties 67 (17 KIA)

54 captured

Vehicles 2 KO

Men OK 10

Score 22


Casualties 30 (8 KIA)

1 Mortar KO'd

Vehicles 2 KO

Men OK 132 {snigger}

Score 78


Mr Lorak, please rack one up for the Stookmeister.


Torture you? That...That's a good idea.

[This message has been edited by Stuka (edited 10-27-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

Tomorrow I will reveal (bauhaus, please... thanks Ethan) some interesting clues to the true identity of the entity known as Hiram Sedai. Have you noticed that I seem to totally ignore him?

Stay tuned,


...and I wait with baited breath. or is it breath that smells like bait? ewwww


Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

I always thought the lyrics were

Can you touch my Love Commando™


Which really only shows how little you know.

"Love Commando" never was an ABBA song, it was either Europe or Ace of Base. Two other great contributions from our talent-filled little country.



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

...and I wait with baited breath. or is it breath that smells like bait? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

We, The Old Firm, pride ourselves with our ability to kill anything and certainly anyone in Creation. Our CV contain some very interesting names I might add. There are, of course, some individuals we just don't touch. Mainly because no one can afford the fee involved but also because we always honor any agreements and contracts that we have signed, all of which has a subclause that forbids us to annihilate the contractor for as long as the contract is valid . Also we operate on a free market so obviously killing our main clients is a bit silly, if intriguing.

Now there are also some quid pro qous, some addendums, some Rules for this kind of thing. There are the few fortunate individuals who we cannot touch. One example would be Cain of course (an old mean git who likes Boyzone for the obvious reasons. Has a nice house though).

The first clue to Hiram Sedais True identity is: We (The Old Firm) are not allowed to touch him. Nor is there any power this side of Creation that can.

The purpose of this? Who knows? Who cares?

There are plenty of more interesting victims out there.

Sod off,



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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Dear mr. I have my hand in my pants SPUKA... as much as your touting and hooting on how you won this battle I must conclude or assume that

1) this is an outside game in a Soup er Bowl (sorry could not resist) and was never a personal challange posted in the Pool it was forced on me.. ya thats it I was forced to play your crummy army on crummy terms set by crummy rules.

2) Lorak I surrendered cus the month is up and getting presure from the head leader and other peons from the group cuz I'm too slow sending pbems, they can all bite me.. (sit down PENG) and if I didn't get the rounds finished by the end of month we or at least I get booted from the superbowl due to some (I won't name names) complaining Im slow.. I may be slow in thinking I may be slow in Love making (which is a good thing) hmmm... *drool* *slap* ok... I may be slow in my witty yet enjoyable responses to the bacteria born block heads here... so Mr.Spuka

as an official challange to you here in this forum no holds bars (although visiting them is ok) I slap your zit ridden face with my IRON GAUNTLET, ew damn now its full of puss and skin.. damn you thats going to cost you.

I'll set you up all right my boy, strap on your rubber suit and bring your cat-o-nine tails... the Wonderful hansom and extremly sex bomb Mensch is comming your way. Don't bother with the lipstick your not my type (put that lipstick away Senoochie your not my type either)

I'm sending you a quick battle and its quite big just to tick you off and make your machine crash everytime you try to load each pbem.

you'll be sitting in the ranks of Cruda.. dead, wounded and hiding from reality.

dying time is here and I got your headstone, bring your own bodybag otherwise I'm leaving you out to rot and dry in the wind before I stick you in a shallow grave.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 10-27-2000).]

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What a ridiculous night. Thursday, October 26th. Trick-or-Treat night in the Harrisburg Metropolitan Area (not that Harrisburg is all that Metropolitan, but that's another story). For those of you who haven't the fortune of living in the country that won the war we're all fighting, let me explain Trick-or-Treating. In celebration of an old Pagan Holiday - Halloween or All Hallows Eve - where people would dress up as scary things to scare away ghosts, children now-a-days will dress up as all sorts of crazy ****e and go door to door requesting or treat, else they will give you a trick. Well, no one does the nasty tricks any more, so you just give the cute kiddies some candy and they go on they're we (unless you're Peng, in which case you invite them in and...). Anyway, Halloween falls on October 31st (incidently, my birthday), yet around these parts the people are somewhat power hungry and feel the need to change the dates on Holidays...it's beyone me to say why.

So anyway, here's me last night sitting on my front porch, drinking a hard lemonade, eating peanut M&Ms, and giving out candy to all the little kids in the neighborhood, and what is going through my mind? Well trying to ascertain the best way to flank these Hitler Youth, naturally. How, if I had a Priest's 105 up on the hill to my right, I could nestle it down between a couple of houses and cover the entire street. A couple of machinge guns could have held this position for hours, just like they held shandorffffff for 20 turns. And then I thought about the visibility at night, and how it would play to my advantage against mensch-struate, and Hiram (who's all but beaten anyway), and Oberst, and Stuka. Then I took a gander at the kids passing trees and bushes and thought to myself about the benefits of good cover, and how using the cover provided to me would help me in my assault on Meeks' hills of death. Then I noticed children dressed as all sorts of creepy, underhanded things, and I recalled pouring that soda on Chupacabana's motherboard, and felt relieved that I'd have a little longer to formulate a plan to beat that little snot.

And then I thought about my sponsorship. And I realized that I had begun the epic struggle with jdmorse to see who gets to hump mom...and then a thought occured to me: "How did this sheep-shagging dullard get into the picture, and can he also ruin my master plan." 2 Squires for 1 sponsor? I shall have to take arms against this outsider and fire a pre-emptive strike to ensure that he is taken out of commission early.

PeterSheepShagger, I call you out! 2,000 pt ME, Large Hills, Heavy Trees, Rural Ground, Clear Dawn, June '45. You may pick your side, sir!

Beat Morse, beat SheepShagger, beat Stuka, and my journey towards the Dark Side will be complete. I certainly hope you enjoyed your visit with the musings of a mad man, on faux-Halloween.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

The first clue to Hiram Sedais True identity is: We (The Old Firm) are not allowed to touch him. Nor is there any power this side of Creation that can.

Sod off,


The profundity of that statement is miles over my head. I confess that I am relieved that I won't be touched by you and yours. Thank you and good day to you sir.

oh and please piss off and/or bugger off


From the outside looking in, the dialogue seems to emulate a preschooler arguing with a college professor regarding physics. Yes, I am the one with the propensity to finger paint in this situation.


Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


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