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Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

Sweden is boring

Geier is boring

this game is boring


I, on the other hand, find your complete lack of initiative and competence incredibly amusing. If you find it boring, why not, just as a suggestion, try to actually move toward the VL's? I mean, instead of doing the things you new zeelanders do when you find some sheep.

Or if everything is so boring, why not just send me your surrender and be done with it?

I have other games as I'm sure you have.

Now I think I'll go listen to some ABBA.



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chupacabra:




That is low even by your standards.

Let it be known that P1K Mk.II was broken by a completely witless and superfluous post by some exiled American who was so reviled at home that even N.Y.N.Y. did not want to have him anymore and sent him to England.



Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 10-26-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Crawdad:

A few updates for my fans:

The Peons of Crawdad are sweeping the land of all that is decent and righteous.

File by blessed file, all that is good in the world is laid to rest. Let me

please go into detail so that all of you who felt that kissing my ass was a bit

unnecessary, can see why you should get in line.

Herr Ovaries: Blimey, I see Old Glory flying! Could it be that you did

fumble your way towards a VL? Now ask yourself a couple of questions. 1) Can

you see me? and if not, 2)Would I leave a VL on the front line unattended?

Now multiply your answers by the 28m of visibility that you have, and you'll get

the total number of casualties that you'll take next turn for being insolent

enough to move your men to my side of the universe!


If you would stop peeking through your stubby, smelly fingers in fear during the

turn replay, you might, just might, see that I hold two VLs. Or perhaps you need

the venerable old horse Trigger to help you do your counting...

Ahh, pity he's dead, although in a turn or two I shall be sending more of your

hamstertruppen to meet him. Perhaps he can teach them to count, but that would

still be too late for you.

Now, as for your question, let me see if I can evaluate this one for you,

Monsieur Pinhead...

1) Can you see me?

Well, er, no, and in my book that type of logic statement evaluates to a zero,

0, nada, goose egg.

2) Would I leave a VL on the front line unattended?

Well, this is a mightily debatable point... In fact, what I should do is

open this to a 'pool-wide vote, but in the interests of time, and to forestall the

riotous laughter that would be sure to follow such a question addressed to the pool

at large, I will provide the answer for you.

No, and I am sure I am giving you far more credit than you deserve and that my

reputation in the pool will be tarnished for such a weak moment, but time is of the

essence. (BTW: Have you sent me your latest, cheesy turn squeezed out of that

miniscule assemblage of colon cells you call a brain yet?)

Here again, "No" means zero.

3) Now multiply your answers by the 28m of visibility that you have, and you'll

get the total number of casualties that you'll take next turn for being insolent

enough to move your men to my side of the universe!

Let's see, zero times zero times twenty-eight is... zero.

Why Crawdad, I am astounded!! You are correct for once in your miserable lifetime.

And, BTW, I am on your side of the universe, and from the quick look around, this place sucks.

Yessir, like a two-bit trollop with green teeth, shaggy hair, and a penchant for...

Oops, sorry 'bout that, I was saving the story about your mom for some time later.

Now send me that turn so I can trounce you quickly.


To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee...

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GermanPoppa Said

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Yes you're kicking my ass but can't you do it faster, o and see how i'm winning against you in at least one battle<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I could go faster.. But then.. ahh, the delicious screams wouldn't be so much fun would they? This attack is currently working, long may it do so, and I don't see any need to hurry it. I'm not even resorting to rushing my anti-tank units around to distract your fire. One by one your units break and I suffer few if any casualties. I have a feeling you're a sneaky evil bastard, (perhaps that is because you are a sneaky evil bastard, who, as chupacabra pointed out, is so low to have been booted from Germany AND Coventry), so I know if I rush it there will be trouble.

As for the defence game. Well that is a planned withdrawl! One unit obeyed, the others freaked out. Who would have thought a platoon and a couple of unmolested MGs over a few turns could fail to kill any englishmen.

Geier said

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I'm Swedish feel sorry for me<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well next time you plan a game, and you're on the defence you could try surprising the guy you're playing? At the moment I have the sneaky feeling most of your men are huddled there up on that hill and not placed in cunning ambushes nearby. But still, I will have to investigate that possibility, (hence the slow speed of the advance). After all, Sweden has been ambushing the world with aweful music for 30 years so it's best not to underestemate 'em.


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"I find this game boring because I can't see the enemy and I think he is over there but I am too chicken (or sheepish) to find out so I'll just creep forward in case he does something awful to me if I don't and I think that that is boring."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well when you put it that way...

There is this wonderful other game out where you can be invulnerable and get Really Big Gunz and blast the enemy away faster than a rat on crack. It's called Quake. Sounds like just the ticket for you. Either that, or stop putting amphetamine on your cornflakes.



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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Oberst, here's what I want you to do. Take the thumb and index finger of each hand and make a circle around your little pencil neck. Now remove your hands and reform the circle in front of you where you can see it. Take a good look at the diameter of that circle. It is roughly 7.5 cm, or 75mm, or the size of the explosive shells that will soon be shredding your infantry. Makes you want to run away, doesn't it? Makes you nervous, doesn't it? Go ahead and disappear back into the fog. "I couldn't find you to fight you" is a reasonable excuse, and one that you'll be mocked for in a lighthearted way, as opposed to the voracious verbal abuse you'll get after I trounce you.

And another thing...I think you may need to do some reschooling in England. Your math skills obviously need some polishing, and Chupacabana can count all the way to 1000! Jolly good show, Chup!



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Bubbles burst the still surface.

Ah, Meeks has returned.


Hot desert wind blows

Yet my warriors still stand.

Enough legal talk.


Cherry blossom time

Is over. There are Swedes to kill.

Die a lot, Geier.


They **** you up, my paratroops

They really mean to, yes they do.

They fill you with the lead they shoot

And add some mortars, just for you.

With apologies to Bassho and Philip Larkin or somefink.




"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University

[This message has been edited by Hakko Ichiu (edited 10-26-2000).]

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

They **** you up, my paratroops

They really mean to, yes they do.

They fill you with the lead they shoot

And add some mortars, just for you.

With apologies to Bassho and Philip Larkin or somefink.


As you should.

Conscripts they all are

rout-a-lot they do a lot

Crack I wish I had



Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 10-26-2000).]

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shandorffffffff is a fool

I will eat his liver

with a nice chianti

(and some fava beans)

Oberst is approaching

VL changes hands

open fire

PawBroon is real French

he is running away

history repeats itself

I'm losing very bad

All my tanks are dead

Hiram is my name

Isn't it great that Haiku doesn't lose any of it's impact even when the meter is all jacked up?



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Croda my squire. I am brooding in my tower......hmmmmmm should I send him a fair set up and see what he has, or finagle here and there and send him a slapdown, to show him as an impudent whelp. The answer shall be revealed this evening.

PeterPutz Truly I believe my tactical options are sadly diminishing. Of course this was an experimental game, but it bores me (of course I have yet to play your most recent turn) We can continue or go on to something actually challenging. Of course it is the Liege's responsibility to see to the nutriment and empowerment of his squires, so that when they step out on the battlefield to try to win their spurs they have the confidence to prevail. This, it goes without saying explains why you may actually be allowed to win. It does your self esteem so much good to let you think you actually topplemented me.

Of course a real game, without the forced gaminess and restrictions that we employ here, would perforce have a different outcome.

Now I do not expect you to publicly agree with this, after all we are nurturing your abilities, so it'll be our little secret.

JD, Esq.


Official 3000th poster to the original Peng thread and present at it's demise

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

shandorfffff: 10 turns remain, and you haven't really moved very far in. While you brag and rave about my men dying, the simple fact remains that your Hun host has only eliminated a few of my units, and those few units have held your Hun host at bay for what seems like light years now. If it takes you 6 turns to defeat 1 MG unit, how in bloody hell do you expect to beat the rest of my men and win this battle? And oh, that Sherman you like to talk about so much? He's not going backwards. And he doesn't need to go forwards. You will come to him. VL behind me + heathen Hun in front of me * Nothing but green between me and you = many, many dead Germans.



I don't understand this obsession you have with me destroying your forces faster. It seems almost that you are egging them on. 10 turns is PLENTY of time to dispatch you from the VLs I have my eyes on. Oh you may have 1 VL by the end of the game but I will have the other 5.

Good, keep that Sherman RIGHT there. I'll have my men pop by and say hello in a bit.


Your complete unorthidox style of play still suckers me in. I suppose after I play you enough all those silly little tactics you use will become second nature for me to counter and destroy. In the meantime stay where you are. My men are on the way.


HA! Yes, my men scurry like cockroaches! And do you recall how HARD it is to kill a cockroach?! Hmmm?! Go ahead and try and step on them. The will continue to scurry until they have infested your very back yard. As I said to you before, I hope your can of Raid is big enough!


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I sit comfy on my couch and ponder what is this for a life.. why am I here? what do I have to show for myself and why are my fish always swimming backwards?

Many things have come to mind but no solid answers, more questions come to me.... why is my tiger sitting there immobile by a forest? what did I do to deserve this? why can I smell the ronchy smell from sPuKa all the way from Oz? and what is up with him?

Spuka you are not skum you are not even those little chocolate bits left behind by the easterbunny, NOOO you you... you are the cheeze found between the clit of a 5000 year old mummified sex doll. If you managed to do anything is make me laugh hard.

you mummble about status... status, what is this... well for one you are about fourth from the bottom of the evolution chain.. sitting right between Mollosk herpies and Bacteria warts. may a flying Pellican with a bad case of the runs fly over you and excrete a foul 5 day old rotting fish on your head. nuf said.. by the way though those photos you sent were wild.. but one question how you hold that position while your girlfriend hangs from the celing lamp... I'm impressed, the second picture with the black and decker work horse.. speachless.

Now back to the other lower life forms in this room yes you..no not you peng sit down I was refering to Cruda.. yes my small hairless leperous friend... heres a tip. Try breathing this stuff the rest of us do.. its called oxygen.. it helps the brain work.. you loosing.. I just nailed your "super wonder weapon" that was to kill my Churchhill.. it lasted as long as a Fleas fart. your puma is hiding from every possible ally of fire and your troops siting in those houses are pansies, thats right mr. "I have not slept with a woman for five years, but it don't matter cuz I cant keep it up anyhow" (PeeBroom sit down) surrender and I promice I won't laugh.. ok much.

Peng the files on the way die lots now .. if we can ever find each other in this fog... good set up me boy.. wonderful.. where did you learn how to make Quick Battles.. sheesch! I think you been letting Gerbiltoy sit on your lap wispering sweet nothings into that hollow head of yours.

now if I forgot anyone Im not sorry.. bite me... no not you Senoochie sit down.

It strikes me funny, the more I play against you boobs the better I feel.. why you ask? well that my little kiddies is another story now all of you up to bed and sleep tight... no Heer Orbst you cant sleep in the same bed with Punzer hes complaining he's having trouble sitting down... off you go now, foosh foosh off now... and if your lucky daddy is going to tuck you in with this staplegun.



Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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so frenchie... taste those .50cals... heres a tip

geh nicht mit geschlossene Augen in Krieg

the master has spoken. if you can't understand.. hmm tough. muhahahaha (cue evil thunder and ominous dark clouds).


Der Kessel Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Cruuud-da, Seanachai the senile, & Meeky-boy,

Tonight you will have a reprieve from the carnage I will wrought upon you. My GF will be about and I have no known attack plan that can penetrate the defensive perimeter she will put down around my computer. Consider yourself lucky.

When she pulls up tent stakes and leaves later this weekend I will resume full operations against you. In the meantime I will be sending covert probe teams over the next few days to see if they can get a few files out. A dangerous mission but hopefully a few will get through.


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Jeff, I know that mission. Today is my wife's birthday. It is also (for some assinine central Pennsylvanian reason that I will never understand nor forgive) Trick-or-treat night. Why they can't do it on freaking Halloween night like the rest of the civilized world, I have no forking idea. But I'll be taking my daughter out tonight. So, no files from me tonight. And tomorrow is the local LAN party where we play UT and hurl surly insults at each other for 7 hours or so. Consider it Cesspool, live, raucus, and uncensored. What does this mean? It means that Saturday will be CM day, and ain't nobody gonna stop me!

Besides, after reading the last couple of posts by mensch, I feel kind of dirty...they rang of deep psychological trouble, a truly disturbed inner self...or perhaps just the insane rambling of a mad man who thinks that he owns the field because he has a Cromwell. OOOOOHHH!!! A bloody Cromwell!!!! Oh no! Head for the hills, Martha. Mensch has a Cromwell!! Let's run away before he gets us! He's so mean and nasty, and there's certainly no known way to blow up a damned Cromwell, is there? Oh wait! I thought of about 100. If it takes me more than 2, I'll be buggered. Bring it on, mensch. I don't fear your stinkin' Cromwell!



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

Cruuud-da, Seanachai the senile, & Meeky-boy,

Tonight you will have a reprieve from the carnage I will wrought upon you. My GF will be about...


Now seriously, could anyone keep reading this post after that statement or did you just break out laughing and hit the Reply w/ Qoute button just to stop looking at it. Jefe with a girlfriend evokes images of Kermit the Frog humping what appears to be Hello Kitty.

I have recently been informed that I, too, will be unable to send files to anyone today. Be happy that I got one round out yesterday, except to OGSF, who, being a decent CM player, actually requires me to use my noggin for more than just crushing walnuts and beer cans.

Well, everyone seems to have calmed down a bit, so I have no glaring target for my venom. To facilitate increased hatred and anger, I have instituted a new sig of such virulent evil that the half-witted population of the world will not be able to see straight afterward. A startling and not altogether unexpected benefit of such a sig is that it does not bother, in fact it is found charming, by the intelligent people of our fine planet. Those of you who do not speak or read English well enough to understand it ought to not care, as you probably cannot understand me. Those of you who speak English well enough and still cannot understand me ought to do the world a favor and take up deep-sea welding.

Croda, Croda, who couldn't get a clue if you stood in a clue field in clue mating season, dressed as a clue, and drenched with clue pheromones, you will soon see how according to plan my Frenchified movement really is.

And I want to take a moment to shame both Peng and Seanachai for not returning files. Seanachai is hoarding my final turn and victory in our snowy CM2 preview and Peng, obviously disgusted by Chupe's amateurish VL setup and troop selection, has not sent me a file either. I also have no Wormwood scenario with which to battle the cruel and insane Pawbroon for rights to the title, "Most Cruel and Insane Sonofabitch of the Peng Thread". Ah, to add another title to my growing list. Whoa, the carpal tunnel that is exhibited when I list my full accomplishments.

I no longer love Mensch but I am starting to feel a fire in my loins for PeterNZer.

Your servant,

He of the Complete Unorthodox Style of Play, Utter Master of the Whelp Croda, Slayer of Hamsters, Knigget of the First Order, Sir Meeks the Schismatic Hamster, Inquisitor of the Pool, Lord of the Bucket of Nails, Sponsor of the Witty and Petulant Roborat, Friend of the French, Institutor of the LoTR Monikers, Napoleon of the Pool, Scourge of the Moronic One-Line Posters, Whose Bitch is Shandorf and Whose Sword is Pure Disdain Itself.


Seen in the light of evolution, biology is, perhaps, intellectually the most satisfying and inspiring science. Without that light it becomes a pile of sundry facts—some of them interesting or curious but making no meaningful picture as a whole.

-Theodosius Dobzhansky, "Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution"

[This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 10-26-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

And YK2, don't take Meeks too seriously. He's only picking on you because you're a member of an inferior gender. I mean because he likes you, ya that's it!


Croda, Croda, Croda, come my little cherub, sit by me while I tell you a few things about the birds and the bees.

Firstly its sweet of you to feel protective towards me, but I can handle anything Mr seniority/superior throws my way, I got over the "picking on you" stage while in junior school so don't let it worry you.

Secondly and finally "INFERIOR GENDER"


You my sweet, are treading on dangerous territory, now you may go and think things over.

" But mistress, I was only being witty, what can I do to regain your respect"?

hmmmmmmmm now let me think young Croda.

Ahhhhhhh I know, Take the Chihuahua for a walk that should do it.



Meeks finally shows where he truly resembles a Hamster.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

...evokes images of Kermit the Frog humping what appears to be Hello Kitty.


Ahhh.. Meeks.

Only a lowly pervert like yourself imagines muppets performing deviant sexual acts. Was it something from your childhood? Were you "damaged" as a young lad? Did the other boys laugh when you had to take showers with them in gym class? What was it, man? We're here. Just talk to us.

Ya know, when you're alone with *gasp* a girl. Does she tells you that size doesn't matter? It's okay buddy *snicker*. I am sure lots of guys have your "problem". Really. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, a lot of them *grin* *snicker* *giggle*.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Your servant,

He of the Complete Unorthodox Style of Play, Utter Master of the Whelp Croda, Slayer of Hamsters, Knigget of the First Order, Sir Meeks the Schismatic Hamster, Inquisitor of the Pool, Lord of the Bucket of Nails, Sponsor of the Witty and Petulant Roborat, Friend of the French, Institutor of the LoTR Monikers, Napoleon of the Pool, Scourge of the Moronic One-Line Posters, Whose Bitch is Shandorf and Whose Sword is Pure Disdain Itself.


Well Sir Meeks, you're right, you certainly do have a very big ermmmmmmmm Title. Looks like I need a new sig.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

Well Sir Meeks, you're right, you certainly do have a very big ermmmmmmmm Title. Looks like I need a new sig.


My vote is for "YK2, or as the Pool knows her, Miss July in the Fabulous Females of the Peng Thread Calendar" or, better yet, "That's Mizz Chihuahua to you, buddy."

As to little Jefe's overly emotional reaction to my friendly ribbing, what can you do? I love you, Jefe, and I hope all works out with your mail-order bride, I really do.


Seen in the light of evolution, biology is, perhaps, intellectually the most satisfying and inspiring science. Without that light it becomes a pile of sundry facts—some of them interesting or curious but making no meaningful picture as a whole.

-Theodosius Dobzhansky, "Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution"

[This message has been edited by Elijah Meeks (edited 10-26-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

As to little Jefe's overly emotional reaction to my friendly ribbing, ....


Ha! If you even thought for second that your hollow barbs can penetrate the armor that I have built up after years of play ground madness, puberty, High School, and finally the whipped dog of some women, then you are GRAVELY mistaken.

My true self is so buried deep within for protection I don't even know myself anymore! Yes! I love it! Who am I? Huh? I don't know! What the hell! Who cares? Not me! Hell, ya!

So there! If you wanted to emotionally damage me you are YEARS late my pitiful friend! The damage is already done! tongue.gif


[This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 10-26-2000).]

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