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Open data, possibility to add new mods

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Guest Madmatt


Yeah, sometimes we even feed them but its not always a bad thing to keep um 'Hungry'! smile.gif

In regards to the copyright infringement issue, sure Hacking is fine its when you distribute the hack thats when you cross the line. Perhaps I didn't make that clear. Also those copyrights don't mean squat to those of us outside the US of A! wink.gif

Whatever the case, I fully believe that it is completely in the discretion of BTS and they have come out in this topic, and they said "NO".

Madmatt out....Hey give that contract lawyer another 10 lashes! He doesn't look mean enough! smile.gif

[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 11-16-99).]

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I say Yes.

Having read the arguments, I'd like to say that I respect BTS for their views and that I've gone from being a doubter to being certain that I will buy the game. I must agree, however, with braxen and the others that allowing mods would be a boon to gamers nad BTS, given that the cheating issue can be surmounted.

As many companies have found, one path to success is focusing on core competencies. For BTS, a core competency could be refining and improving the game engine of CM. No doubt, BTS brings mucho to the table in historical accuracy, but you guys don't have a monopoly in that arena. The grogs will sift any mod like wheat, and determine its value and playability. The rest of us will probably plug our noses when they plug theirs.

Besides, making, sharing and playing mods is fun, which keeps people occupied with CM and not some other clone or game designed to pirate BTS's market/audience.

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Guest Madmatt


What I meant is that it is far more difficult to pursue a Copyright infringement when it occurs outside of the original products country. For example, would Charles and Steve really pursue an infringement if some kid in Botswanna decides to pilfer CM? Maybe not, all in all we are both in agreement though and your point is well taken! smile.gif


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 11-16-99).]

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Guest KwazyDog

Hehe, Ill vote NO cause my gues is that there aint no way its gonna happen and hell, who dosnt like to be on the winning side wink.gif

[This message has been edited by KwazyDog (edited 11-16-99).]

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1) CCx, realred, realmen, realconfusing.

2) BTS will patch factual errors on evidence.

3) So, you want a nuclear-capable Tiger? Buy the wargamers construction kit (or whatever it's called) and make one.

4) there must be a way for PBEM players on each end (e.g., CRC checksums, MD4/5 hashes, etc.) to know that they're playing against someone who hasn't hacked the files.

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Guest Captain Foobar

I vote no.....I want to see this game as it is intended. Also,as this is an entirely new "genre" IMO,it makes it too easy for copycats to get there hands on this stuff.

I have not yet heard a single reason given why this would be necessary or even desired. If the reason was more compelling than "because I want to", there would probably be more positive feedback. But I respect that everyone has there own gaming prefs around here....

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I vote NO because..

I think BTS is making a superb effort to listen to our input and take into considration what we have to say. They seem to be going to great lenghts to ensure we have a realistic product -more so than anythin we've experienced thus far.

With that in mind, I believe that the final product will not leave us feeling we need mods any time soon - and based on their posts, I feel that they will be in a position to feed our desire for bloodletting should we ever become bored - maybe they have their own expansion ideas in mind :) ( hopefully - as I would like to see this kind of dedication in any modifications) If this is not the case then maybe further down the line it may be somethign to discuss

SSPL out

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No. I'd much rather have a consistent, well-researched game than one where everybody could just change whatever they thought would be cool. Anyway, at this point it would require a HUGE code revision, I am sure, which would push back the release date - and nobody wants that.

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I have noticed two arguements for that hold any water. Popularity-sales, and accuracy. The first contridicts the second. And the

grogs have direct access to mod central via this forum to argue their points. Yes, access to make changes for the fun of rolling your own is likely to be popular among a

certain element of player. This game was not designed for the bovine feces crowd. There are plenty of fun outlets for them. If they want feces in quality D3, I am sure copy cat games are sure follow. If not, then maybe

they can raise their standards of gaming fun and play CM. Anyone at all familiar with BTS via months watching and participating in the designer-player dialoge that has taken place

here, will have full confidance that reasonable consideration is given to

modifications placed before Steve and Charles.

This posting is written not of any necessity to bolster a wavering BTS, but to express appreciation for their intregrity in design concept, execution, and consideration for the player who wants their kind of wargame more than anything other gaming concept. These guys have made manifest that of which we have only dreamed.

Of course, no. You don't fix the unbroken. I think that at least in the US the favorite

enginering pastime is redesigning things that work well, so that they don't. We don't need dogs to stink up the tree with their own scent. That is just an ego trip. BTS is perfectly competent to judge necessary improvements. I like their scent; it is perfectly acceptable. Wannabe game designers, get the competance to start from

scratch yourself and do your own. The editor and dialogue with BTS will satisfy my ambitions.

Yes, the hackers will hack. But that is another game. And often a sorded one. If improvements are in order, a much better and easier remedy is available for those actually playing CM rather than other games having nothing to do with CM itself.

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