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Before I start it seems everybody takes everything I say the wrong way...

If I say I like french fries you would probably say that im discriminating against potato wedges...

Now in my last post I made a fair comment on how I think german weaponry is superior to that of the allies... Granted I probably didn't word it too well, but hey! back off!

I am NOT A NAZI, I am just proud of my heritage so dont take anything I say to heart...People continue to punish me for one of my first posts about the Malmedy massacre,,, I have stated that I was sorry and I was outta line...

However I get these dip-****s who know nothing about me calling me a NAZI and a dumb-ass... I think that is far worse than anything I have written in the past on this forum...

Guten Abend.

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I agree that Germany deserved to lose the war... I mean they after-all threw the first punch...

All im saying is that I loved the way the SS fought and their equipment, AND NOT, what they did to civilians, prisoners etc...

And if anyone has any more comments on not writing stupid posts, BACK OFF! it aint your forum and if ya dont like it. DONT BLOODY REPLY TO IT...

CALM and in control. Hmmmmmmmmmmm

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Guest Zulu1

You say you made a fair comment that GERMAN weaponry was superior to that of the Allies.

A lot of people on this forum are very knowlegable about weapons of all sorts. And its unfounded comments like that that get the responses that you got.

SOME German weapons were better that that of the Allies. But a lot produced by the Allies were superior to anything the Germans produced, like;

B-17, B-24, Lancaster heavy bombers.

P-47, Typhoon, Stormakov (spelling?) ground attack aircraft

the atom bomb

M-1 Garand rifle

Iowa class battleships

any aircraft carrier

T-34 tank when it was introduced

Gato submarines in 1943

Allied destroyers (they along with long range aircraft wiped out the U-boats)

etc. etc. etc.

Where were the German weapons that were superior to these?

You came out of the gate with an attitude and have done little to change it IMHO.

Take the advice that has been given here many times. Read a lot of the posts in here. There is a wealth of information and links to much more. Use the search tool. Seek and you shall find.

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Guest Rommel22

I agree with you Peiper.

i know the feeling, people get to offended by every little thing like we are in communistic Russia here. Can't you people take jokes either???

Well not all German equipmet was superior though, but I understand what you are saying.

How about a MUAS. Bring on your freaking shermans or infantry.


Russian tactics as said by von Mellenthin "Bridge heads everywhere"

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Thanks ROMMEL22, finally someone who is realistic and understands...

Your comments are welcomed...



If you see a white plane it's American, if you see a black plane it's the RAF. If you see no planes at all it's the Luftwaffe." ---German soldier on the Western Front, 1944.

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Hey! "ZULU1" I can voice an opinion cant I...

Do I have your permission, do I, do I...

{sarcasm is for free}

And obviously my comments have livened this forum up a bit, otherwise why would so many people have replied to each one...




If you see a white plane it's American, if you see a black plane it's the RAF. If you see no planes at all it's the Luftwaffe." ---German soldier on the Western Front, 1944.

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See, I can take a joke. {THANKS PILLAR}

I didn't fly off the handle and say,,, OOOOOOOH! Pillar he is a COMMUNIST, kick him out,,, boooooo! hisssss!

Actually that was good pillar.



If you see a white plane it's American, if you see a black plane it's the RAF. If you see no planes at all it's the Luftwaffe." ---German soldier on the Western Front, 1944.

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Guest Rommel22

Peiper is innocent.

You old hogs in here, just take a joke will ya. I am not a Nazi either, but I am very supportive of the German mlitary today and ever. since prince Barbarosa who united all the Gemranic tribes and formed Germany.

Anyway, I think a person like Manstein or Rommel running the country at that time wouldn't of been bad. None of those guys believd in all the killing neither do I.

Try out a hetzer in the game. To me it's seems invicible in right hands. I had one hetzer eliminate 6 shermans and 2 other vehicles without it being killied. It does have a slow rate of fire, but I use infantry to draw of fire and it works. At ranges about 500+ rounds just bounce of the thng. Even a Churchill didn't score a hit, well it did but the rounds bounced off. And bam the churchill layed dead after the htzer fired it's round.

Other country I support is Russia. U.S and Brittian come last on my list. Germany and russia I think suffered the worst of the war. I support Russia as much as germany. Their tanks were nice piece of metal too. Those T-34 really wreaked havoc. And those ackward looking KV-2's were nice too. the way Russian soldiers fought fanatical when the Germans were 50km from Moscow is unbelieveble. When it the war was ending though the fanatical Russians were gone, becuase it wasn't worth it since the war was over anyway.

Well there you go. At least you can see i support some allied country on the same level as Germany.

here is a quote from a German soldier

"Most of us rather fight on the eastern front, where the fights are face to face.

The Americans use their AirForce for everything, rarely do I get to fight a american face to face."

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rommel22:

here is a quote from a German soldier

"Most of us rather fight on the eastern front, where the fights are face to face.

The Americans use their AirForce for everything, rarely do I get to fight a american face to face."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You know what a German bricklayer that I used to work with told me? He was in a machinegun company, and he said he and his buddies spent an entire day at the end of the war, running, running flat out from the Russians, looking for a U.S. or British unit to surrender to. They found one, which is why he and I were even able to have the conversation.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Guest Rommel22

well, maybe surrender to.

Everyone wanted to surrender to the Amis. Cuase Amis softies!!!

haha rihmes.


Russian tactics as said by von Mellenthin "Bridge heads everywhere"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rommel22:

Cuase Amis softies!!!

haha rihmes.


Not particularly well, but you seem happy. How's your ESL course going? Instructor treating you okay?


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Guest Rommel22


Not in Esl. Like I said I make mistakes in spelling and other crap. I just type fast and son't bother to go back and fix it. This is not school report or some crap like that. so it doesn't really matter. Deal with it.

and Americans were to soft.

That stupid nurenberg trial was a piece of crap too. they should of just shot those idiots without a freaking trial. it was no contest, they already knew they were guilty, what load of crap.

Like goering said, a poor axcuse for a trial.

he was right goering should of been killed on the spot, same with the other idiots.


Russian tactics as said by von Mellenthin "Bridge heads everywhere"

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I usually try to stay out of these kinda threads --- but damn, Seanachai, that was a good one!

And yr previous anecdote reminded me of something one of the volunteers at the VA hospital told me: Seems he had also been a "volunteer" in the Volksturm back in '45. He and three buddies went marching off to ambush some Americans, but instead ended up surrendering to the first Yankee they spotted. What did the "soft-hearted" Americans then do with these 15 yr old kids? Handed 'em over to the Russians!

Luckily for Gus, the Russians forgot to lock the door on the cattle-car he was being transported in, and he slipped out during the night, and ran like hell due West. Needless to say, he didn't surrender to anybody again after that...

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