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and it doesn't count if they're flaming wrecks!

btw the german guy: is that how he's supposed to look like? i mean is it from a game?



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"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

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Old Bean,

I realize you're just a gamer with an enthusiasm for the German forces in WW2, but with that illustration, there may be other groups who think you are glorifying the Nazis.

(And just by looking at the graphic it wouldn't be too hard to form that opinion.)

One of these groups will be angry folks who hate Nazis, such as Jewish groups like the ADL, hate speech activists, etc. These people will want you to take down the site, will put you on lists, send you nasty email,etc.

The other group will be people who really do think the Nazis were great and should have won the war. These people will want to be your friends. (This is probably worse)

I don't think you want to hear from either, so I agree with the other advice from Marlo and CeeBee about the additional illustrations and the disclaimer.

Personally, I'd feel better about the graphic too if you made those changes. My mothers family came from the Ukraine, and a lot of them would still be there if the Nazis hadn't slaughtered them all.



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Yeah, the guy was made using a program called Canoma. If you look close you can see his SS dagger. Tomb Raider was made with Canoma, maybe I can have him cut Laura Croft's throat.......lol.

And yes, I have every intention of puting in a disclaimer, along with every flag from every country that fought in WWII.

[This message has been edited by Axis (edited 12-13-2000).]

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The only problem people could have, is, that the SS guy does not look to be Waffen SS. Either he is in dress detail on home leave, or, he is an SS camp guard (nobody in their right mind would wear that red/white arm patch in combat! No matter what their devotion!)

Other than the SS guy, I would have to say that everything else there is totally potential problem free.

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I don't think the issue is just the swastika... he's clearly in the SS, which in and of itself is offensive to a lot of folks. Dunno, personally if I found a site using that logo and didn't know anything about it, I'd most likely jump to conclusions about it myself.


Grand Poobah of the fresh fire of Heh.

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I agree with most of the posts but one topic has not been addressed that I find particularly ofensive. Could you tone down the big gun on the Brunbar. I feel inadequate when I see such a big weapon. Could you use a less offensive AFV like a PzIII.



" the recruits are salty,they are ready to eat their own guts and ask for seconds."

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"A less offensive AFV"?

Um, that was an actual AFV, and offensive as it was, it has every right to be included. You put the best of everything on a banner, which means your best tanks, soldiers, and air craft.

Putting a wimpy tank on the banner, coupled with a 60 year old from the Volksturm wouldn't be much of a poster. Although I do think that some people would be offended by the SS character. Change him to a battle-heartened soldier, add a disclaimer, and you'll do fine.

[This message has been edited by The Commissar (edited 12-13-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pedro:

I agree with most of the posts but one topic has not been addressed that I find particularly ofensive. Could you tone down the big gun on the Brunbar. I feel inadequate when I see such a big weapon. Could you use a less offensive AFV like a PzIII.



I like this newbie cool.gif


From the jshandorf

"Why don't we compare reality to the game like Bastables likes to do all the time?"

Mr T's reply

"Don't touch me FOO!"

"Yes that's right Jerry, RUN, Run for your little lives because Tommy's gotten close enough to assault mhahahahah."

Nizam al-Mulk, (Order of the realm) In speaking of his superb disregard of maneuver warfare, in the destruction of OGSF hamsters who then carried on to flee the battle in their own notion of maneuver warfare. Tally HO!

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If someone can't tell that this site is about

WWII gaming then they are an idiot. My first clue was probably the "Your world war II gaming source" written in fairly large letters underneath.

I say go with what you have planned. A disclaimer should do the rest. It's a damn shame that you even have to have one, but either your gonna get hate mail or fan mail from some Nazi nut.

It seems you can't do anything now a days without pissing off somebody somewhere. And if you say who cares your labled insensitive or worse.(Read up on Taco bell and the Taco Neck Syndrome Commercials if you really want a laugh) The world and especially the US has been pussified beyond belief but that is a whole other subject.

Good luck!


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My feedback (echoed by others here) is based on the SS character. The suggestion: replace him with a similar-sized figure of some grubby, roughened frontline soldier. This figure could be German, British, Soviet, whatever. That gives a proper "human" touch to the front page instead of it being a "cold" parade of equipment and uniforms.

[This message has been edited by Spook (edited 12-13-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mord:

If someone can't tell that this site is about

WWII gaming then they are an idiot.


One might respond that someone who can't tell that WWII gaming isn't all about Germany is an idiot as well.

I have to agree with other posters here that an SS trooper in dress uniform doesn't convey much of a sense of a combat game, but might well lead folks to another conclusion. A little balance might not hurt.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Guest Big Time Software

Yeah, what Seanachai said smile.gif

As a confirmed uniform nut... the SS guy is in parade dress. However, Waffen SS members never wore an armband. Honor guards did, but they were (I think) under Algemeine control. They also wore black uniforms, not field gray back when they were wearing the armbands (mostly pre-war). Also, the Iron Cross is a bit too big. Looks like a Knight's Cross, which was always worn around the neck. Other unform nitpicks withheld because the Brombar is so cool looking smile.gif

So my vote is to loose the stiff, non-combatant. I also agree with Spook. It would be a good idea to toss a non-Germanic thing in there unless your focus is strictly German based.


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Guest MantaRay

What is all the PC stuff about now. When people open the site, I would imagine it wont promote Nazism, so what's the big deal. What matters is the content, not the picture.



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Guest Big Time Software

Ray... I agree that being PC is not called for if the rest of the picture clearly doesn't support materials that even us non-PCers find objectionable. However, I think the gist of people's comments here is that the image is not only possibly contraversial (in a PC world), but it is also not really a good symbol for the intended audience because it is not "correct".

Pvt. Ryan... yes, I need sleep smile.gif Eyes saw the correct thing, brain decided to tell hands to type the wrong thing.


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I would like to thank everyone for their input. I must admit my anticipated response, was if the art itself was any good. I didn't consider the political question. When I made the soldier using Canoma, I was working off a WWII photograph, (and yes he was marching in one of those Nazi parades). I just wanted to get it right, never even thought about the arm band. The logo is about as biased as the name, "The Eagle's Nest" check your history books. It just made sense that the allies had nothing in common with "The Eagle's Nest", thus they are not represented in the logo. That is not to say, they are not represented on the site.

A list of games with either the box it shipped in, or a photograph is all you will see on my site. Patches, fixes, mods etc. I have afv's from just about every country on my site, including rare Japanese tanks. I'm still working on something to represent every countries flag, that participated in WWII.

I had sort of an important question for BTS, I don't know if your familiar, with the game Hidden and Dangerous. But in any event, its a game where you control a team from the SAS, and get sent on missions to kill Germans. I really liked the game immensely, but one thing I noticed about the game, they had flags with swastikas everywhere, they even went as far as putting painting and photographs of Hitler on the wall. I thought it just added to the realism. I'm pretty sure the makers are Brits, is there laws that govern the usage of swastikas in games or is it just designer preference? Just trying to be politically correct? If that is the case, it would be almost impossible to make a WWII based game and leave out the SS or other units of that nature.

Finally, a description of the logo in question. The background is a map of the Ardennes offensive aka Battle of the Bulge. The plane is an FW190 D-9 or "Dora". The big menacing thing is a Sturmtiger, I hope it is accurate.

I will drop the armband, but the dagger stays, if you pull the dagger out it says "Loyalty is my Honor".........hehe.


Be careful what you pretend to be, because in the end, you are what you pretend to be.

-Howard W. Campbell


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MantaRay:

What is all the PC stuff about now. When people open the site, I would imagine it wont promote Nazism, so what's the big deal. What matters is the content, not the picture.



Silly me. I assumed the picture _was_ content.

And by the way, since when is being careful about where you use a symbol like the swastika being PC?

PC is stupid worthless crap like saying womyn instead of women or herstory instead of history or calling all men rapists or saying that a university should throw out American History and teach Gay Latino Studies instead. And I have no patience for it at all.

_But_ treating people with respect, being kind to people who have had a rough time, calling people by the names that they want to be called, acting like a gentleman, not pissing people off just to see them get mad -- this is just civilized behavior, and has been for years.

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