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flame throwers

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I also would be interested in this discussion.

I have seen flamethrowers used to some effect in defense, but they usually on get off one or two 'shots'.

On the attack, I find them too slow.

I have found that flamethrowers and flamethrower tanks are great on night attacks. Based on that, I would say that they seem to be more likely to make it into action if used against buildings, rather than pill-boxes. I'd rather have a heavy-tank for that. Or direct-assault by infantry from the side or from behind.




"The truly great thing is not to lose your nerve." --Unknown.

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On the attack i usually make'em hide some where and wait untill i soft'n up the defending force. then i bring over a tank or (faster well armored and or fast vehicles with high rates of fire ((ROF)) like mobile AAA) an armored car and embark the flame throwing SoB and escort him into a town/city behind pill boxes edge of woods etc and let him do his business...

that works good for me.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Blitzkrieg:

Lets hear your techniques generals... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Did a QB last night where technique never entered into the equation. I was given three wasps and a company of infantry to probe a town in hilly moderate wooded terrain. (400 points). Split squads approached the buildings. When they encountered resistance the Wasps moved up and burned them out. By the end of turn six 3/4's of the town was in flames. The Wasp is a very wicked weapon and seems to have a tendency to run amuck once the shooting starts. It almost seems to potent. It can stand off from a considerable distance and set three or four buildings on fire in one turn. It also is very fast and took out two armored cars in that same QB. Again, its almost too good. Kinda like a super weapon. Or maybe it was just one of those lucky QB's where nothing goes wrong.

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1) Whatever you can shoot, you can burn.

2) Whatever you can burn, you can burn lots.

3) Whatever you can burn lots, you can burn from multiple directions.

I think that pretty much sums up my attitude towards flamethrowers wink.gif


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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i woulden't say it was too power full... once you try to advance toward pill boxes and or defending tanks ... if your spotted you got no chance... <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Reno:

Did a QB last night where technique never entered into the equation. I was given three wasps and a company of infantry to probe a town in hilly moderate wooded terrain. (400 points). Split squads approached the buildings. When they encountered resistance the Wasps moved up and burned them out. By the end of turn six 3/4's of the town was in flames. The Wasp is a very wicked weapon and seems to have a tendency to run amuck once the shooting starts. It almost seems to potent. It can stand off from a considerable distance and set three or four buildings on fire in one turn. It also is very fast and took out two armored cars in that same QB. Again, its almost too good. Kinda like a super weapon. Or maybe it was just one of those lucky QB's where nothing goes wrong. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Had lot of success as Flamethrowers on defence, been able to toast lots of dudes and even blew a Sherman and few other light tanks without getting them blitzed. I agree with '82nd Airborne' hide then in woods or ruins and have a rifle squad for support. However, I have had Flamethrowers alone who have been able to route 2-3 squads if hidden well without close support BUT they did have flanking fire.

In response to 'Reno' I also played a QB with 3 Wasps and I was totally surprised how well they did. They pretty much won that QB by themselves. To say they are "too" good though is false. My oposition in that QB was light German Armour consisting of 3 SPW 250/1 and a SPW250/8 I think and a company of regular Army (Heer.) The terrain was deep snow and snowing. I proceeded to Flank the German light armour left of there superior position in the town I was attacking. The infantry had to either stay or go sorta thing so I ran them in (IN DEEP SNOW!!) Ouch!

No choice really but that enabled the Wasps to get in behind the SPW's and do their stuff. One bought it going after a Arty Spotter by a hidden MG42 another took out a house, SPW and made 3 squads run off before losing a guy and thus the ability to shoot so he bugged off. The third dude stayed around to Partay! He took out 2 SPW's and numerous infantry before running out of ammo. Then he did the most classic thing (or should I say I did) I ran the Wasp in to the remaining SPW and pushed him into a house LOL!!! The SPW was trapped or at least messed up. I thought I was super toast dude's the SPW 250/1 was corking the wasp at close range with his MG but surprising he did no damage or casualties. I think he ran outta ammo cause he stopped shooting. My infantry managed to finally slog into town and throw a grenade in and take the halftrack out as well as take and hold all of the remaining VP positions. It was a great battle, Total Victory but heavy Infantry casualties.

If the Germans forces had been different I doubt this scenario would have ever been so lucky for me and the Wasps. I don't recall seeing any Panzerschrecks or more than one MG42 so that made a difference I think.

In response to 'Tiger' your question was do Flamethrowers explode (like in Saving Private Ryan in the beginning when they storm Omaha beach.) I read in a earlier post that it is "No" because the fuel on the back is a mixture (thus the duel tanks.) The Flamethrower presses the trigger the two liquids mix and then ignite but are not ignitable alone, thus they need to mix. I suppose there is still a good chance the flamethrower could explode though but a bullet would have to pierce both tanks at the same time. Not sure if this is correct though, just my two cents plus what I read earlier. Seems logical though.


PS - Flamethrowers are pretty much useless on attack unless you can mount them and flank a position (my three cents and more I guess.)

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Guest Rex_Bellator

If you want to see flamethrowers work on the OFFENSE then cue the Churchill Crocodile!

With AT guns, Panzershrecks/Fausts just skidding off the heavy armour, you simply waddle up to within 100m (nice range!) machine guns and main gun blazing, then toast the surviving opposition.

It carries so much napalm that you have enough to flame every building (suspect or otherwise) in a whole village - and I often do. Great for spectacular screenshots at the game end. wink.gif

Please note - I cannot guarantee this strategy where any unit connected with the number '88' is present upon the field!

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I just finished a scenario where as part of my reinforcements I received 4 German FT squads. Since I was to counter-attack across 100m of open ground, I would have much preferred another plain old rifle platoon instead.

While the FT's look cool and it's fun watching the towering smoke from the fires that they start, IMO they show up too often and generally in situations where other troops types would be more appropriate.

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I'm playing a game agaisnt Herr Oberst where two flamethrower units saved my bacon.

Plan has been to rush my two panther forward and then hold a VL which is on a road surrounded by a few small woods. On the back of one Panther, two vet flamethrowers, the other has an MG on it.

They get their, unload their cargo, and then a zook comes into a building nearby! egad! Well the tanks are slow to respond, but not the flamethrowers who set the buiding on fire, kiling the zook and forcing a squad in their to bail, into the guns of my tanks biggrin.gif

I am using the FT to cover my flanks since they will keep all that nasty yanky infantry from getting too close to my tanks if any more appear. Works well.

And JD Morse is experiencing the joy of a night-time snowing battle where I have a Wasp, and he.. doesn't biggrin.gif


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Too lazy to read the manual, any way to save your action phase movies? This would be great for the time my opponent rushed 4 squads out some woods right into a Flampanzer. 2 squads fried, the rest broke. My flam gave pursuit and reached one just as one of my machine guns dropped him. At a certain camera angle it looked like the vehicle had just run him over.

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I've used FT a few times in city or village battles to clear the bad guys from rubble. Try to work the FT from one building to another until they can move into a building next to the enemy. I once flushed two whole rifle squads from the rubble of a collapsed large building with just one good FT blast. Be sure to have some fire support nearby to pick off the survivors as they flee.

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I like 'em too

but damn it.. playing JD morse my wasp was happily toasting some people when all of a sudden it just ran towards the enemy.. maybe it was spooked by nearby halftracks.. i dunno, it just went full tit, parked near a building and died to a hail of grenades and fausts *sniff*


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer:

...my wasp was happily toasting some people when all of a sudden it just ran towards the enemy..


That's kind of what I meant about the wasp having a tendency to run amuck once the shooting starts. In my case it was a sight to behold because it could do no wrong. But I feel your pain...really I do. smile.gif

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Speaking of Wasps..per the Encyclopedia of Weapons of World War Two, the only reference I have handy that even mentions them, the British wasp is supposed to have a crew of two and the Canadian wasp a crew of three. The QB I played had British Wasps but a crew of three. I think the third fellow was shooting a machine gun. Not a big deal but during the house to house fighting one of the crew was injured or killed and the Wasp immediately lost its ability to shoot, even though it had almost a full complement of ammo, two crew left, and could still race around the battlefield with the best of them. Why would one injured crew member prevent the Wasp from firing? The crew was OK..not shocked or anything. Any wasp experts out there?

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Try this-Use a little supression and fast track your flame in. Or sneak it in on a flank while diverting attention away from it. Use Halftrack or better yet a jeep biggrin.gif

Bt the time he's noticed (if at all) he's in place to start burnin'!


Hey look, the bleeding stopped. Uh oh. . .

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