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CPT Manieri!!!

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I just read your last post (concerning what is in the manual). Before I had opened the topic, I made a bet with myself; people are going to make fun of him for essentially no reason, its going to be an embarassing/meaningless conversation, etc. I was not disappointed. I thought I'd give you a little advice on how to relate in a board like this.

First, you have to realize, the board has deteriorated to the point that it is, in tone and mood, not that different from high school-its actually hard to believe that the average age is 38.06, isn't it? There are three definite social strata: the cool guys (Fion, Mad Matt, some others) the class clown (you), and the vast body of yesmen/sycophants, who will do what it takes to seem 'cool' to the two cool guys. Apparently, what it takes, is to humiliate you.

Second, you are the class clown. The masses will humiliate you for asking the same types of questions that other people ask, for trying to introduce new topics, for bringing up anything-not because your words necessarily deserve it (as I said, you ask questions that plenty of other people ask), but because that is the way high school works (you are sixteen? Perhaps this board is a good lesson for you-you NEVER escape high school). Even the cool guys will humiliate you now and then, because, that's what cool guys do.

Third, given these facts, the only real solution is to leave the board. The board is dead on the water right now. Perhaps it will revive once the game is released, I don't know. My advice to you is to let the kids play their games, monitor the board, but don't participate-you will NEVER be taken seriously (again, not because you don't deserve it, but because that is what cool guys and sycophants do) no matter what you say. I would advise, if you do continue to participate on the board, get a new name/user id. That is your only chance for respect.

Best wishes,


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Thank you Stephen for those enlightening insights. As one of those sycophants you mentioned I have to say that it's definitely not like high school. There is not much to say on this board anymore. Everybody is getting bored. Everybody is waiting for the gold demo. What there is left to do is killing some time, talking about more or less OT - things and doing some small talk. (Well some people prefer some flaming to keep them distracted). I never humiliated people just because it was "in" to do so. Not even in high school. Sometimes I post something, mostly joking, sometimes not.

Anyway I agree with you that the board is dead on the water - otherwise I wouldn't have bothered about your post.

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Stephen; that is bull****. I'm not one of the cool guys, sycophants or class clowns, and yet despite what I perceive as a slightly abrasive attitude on Captain Manieri's part (so what, I'm an abrasive asshole too), I take him seriously.

So, where does that leave your theory huh?



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Guest Madmatt

Wow! I must admit, I cringe at the thought of ever being considered one of the 'COOL GUYS!" eek.gif

Come on now, I started at least three threads with the word POO in it! rolleyes.gif

Personally, I don't think I have been different to Herr Captain anymore than my normal everyday wiseass off the cuff "You could choke on a Rooster for all I care" type personality would account for...

I wanna be a sychopant though! Thats sounds cool! biggrin.gif Do I get a big trunk and huge floppy ears too? confused.gif

Madmatt out...Just being me, people...Cope! wink.gif


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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I don't want to be a sycophant. I want to be a wellophant. rolleyes.gif

And as for Stephen Smith: Sorry you don't seem to have the ability to enjoy yourself, but feel free to take your own advice and leave.

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Stephen Smith,

I find your remarks unfounded and categorically unsound. Maybe this "logic" applies to you but I'm more inclined to think you are trolling for flames, If this were not the case you would have simply emailed Maneri with this plethora of worldy advice. There are numerous threads with interesting topics going on, although I do believe the quantity is immeasurable to 3 or more months ago. At any rate, just who are you to label and categorize everyone that posts on this forum? I think to say that most here are only "yes men" is absoultely ludicous. There are heated debates (debates being a keyword) in several areas, and bar a few most have intelligent dialog behind them. You comparison to high school is plainly absurd - high school was alot more lethal smile.gif Maneri put himself in the position he is in, Yet I do not disregard his posts as invalid just because they are his. I treat his posts individually and they are taken at face value, what I did find irratating was the incessant posting that he did when he first came on, and his inability to use the search feature. Consequently, he eventually backed off and I commend him on that. I think before you start handing out your words of wisdom maybe you should think about how they will be perceived yourself.



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So am I a "cool guy" a sycophants or a class clown?

I'm 14 so don't bitch at me about what high school is like. If this were even remotely like school I wouldn't make any effort and would probably be sent to see Steve and Charles every few minutes.

I come here everyday to get away from things. That's why I play wargames. I really love games where I get involved in it. That's why I'll play CM and the rest of the CM series.

And Captain Manieri: Don't change your user ID! Who cares what any people here think! I think we all come here to have fun and maybe learn a little and we shouldn't have to change anything. I've learned more here that any day in school.

Colin out...so things to say..


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look at us rally round the CAPT! isnt that way cool! in high school most us prob would turned away from the little guy ( i WAS THE LITTLE GUY - so i know) but here, he's now become our mascoT!

Capt its only you're method, i can choose to read or not read your posts, BUT YOU MUST BE WHO YOU ARE! if you irritate people, find out why and what, and work on it, but don't change who you are!! EVER!

and tho some of your q's are 'out there' (dogs?) i must admit you've acted as 'point man' and asked questions i wanted answers to, but didn't have the guts to ask!

so reload, keep your head down, but keep advancing!

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Well, that was an interesting attempt to psychoanalyze this board by their relation to one board clown. I would hardly believe that the majority of people are contributing solely in verbal servitude to flatter those certain 'coolies' aformentioned.

To say that Mr. Manieri should be forced to go into hiding and cover up his personality with that of a false one will not solve anything. It would be impossible, let alone degrading. He has to learn what is and is not to be said and done on a bulliten board, and indeed, he is learning. However, dealing with this manuel stuff, there was an entire long post of what we want in a manual a long time ago (mentioned by him in late December). What was discussed was that only technical details would be included, rather than a lot of flashy storytelling. It just appeared to the majority of the board that Capt_Manieri did not bother to look up the previous post and was just trying to discover already discussed information like he did so many times in the past. He cried wolf one to many times, and even though this time there was actually a wolf to be sought, the population of the board thought he was just blowing up more smoke.

Frankly, there were many things that Manieri said which were either pointless, or even outrageous which were not pointed out by the sycophantic members of this board. Given time he will effectively assimilate into this board. He has pointed out many good points, and has been noted for them. It is hard to break away from a first impression, but it doesn't take running away.

I would not use the high school analogy, it is crude and incorrect. I would rather substitute that of the 'older sibling' analogy. We may insult and jest about the poor guy, but, we don't hate him. We just get annoyed with him, just like any older sibling is with a younger one. Eventually the two will reach a point of understanding, as I have with my older brother, but, it takes time and effort.

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It's a frickin' message board. If you take things seriously that are said, then develop thicker skin. These are words that a select group of people read. If you actually take any of these things to heart, there's a problem. This is not being said to "offend" anybody, but, I could care less what 99% of you say or think about me. I'm still going to go home, spend time with my family and go about my everyday life without giving you guys (you guys being a generalization) a second thought. I would hope that would be the same for most everyone.

So, I would hope the Captain can take what people say to him in stride and go about his daily life without being scarred for life. I believe most of what is being said is said in jest, and not a personal attack on his character. Life is too short to hold grudges or get your feelings hurt over what a bunch of "strangers" think. Move on......live life......have fun!

[This message has been edited by bauhaus (edited 01-28-2000).]

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Oh hell Manieri has:

a) earned himself a lot of jesting by the way he appeared on this forum ( were you here when he first came on and refused to use search, continued asking meaningless questions or questions which had previously been answered many times or made claims refgarding his knowledge and then showed lack of knowledge about basic issues such as the Waffen SS ( no offence Manieri, just proving a statement). )

B) seems to understand its just some good-natured ribbing.. When he DOES have a question about game mechanics etc it is answered.. When he asks about stuff which people know won't be answered then a few jokes are made.

None of it was malicious, it was just a bit of fun ( unless you truly do think a post-feminist re-appraisal of Germaine Greer's works IS necessary in the manual wink.gif ).

As for there being "cool" people and others etc.. I'm sorry to say that says a LOT more about how YOU view the world than it says about how this board conducts itself.

I'd be quite amazed to be a "cool" person on the board since I surely amn't in real life wink.gif... And like I said before it says a lot more about how YOU view the world than about how this board is.. Remember that "you view the world as YOU are and not how it is" .. it is very true.

Manieri's reception was VERY much earned by the way in which he entered the board but he's toned down a lot now and so has the reaction to his posts. In another couple of weeks the reactions to his posts will die down entirely as all his howlers pass into memory.

It's all quite a natural process and so long as it's all light-hearted there isn't any problem.

In fact I'm QUITE sure Manieri understands this as I've noted his reaction to other threads in which people have ribbed him and noted that not only does he not get outrageously upset etc anymore he simply ignores the jests or accepts them in good humour.. It is PRECISELY that behaviour which is ensuring the rejoinders die down in number and ferocity.

As for why you felt the need to say this publicly... Well, I won't go there but I will say that if you just wanted to impart advice then you wouldn't be doing this publicly.

Lastly I'll say that Manieri is dealing with the board better than he did when he first came on and, in time, he will be accepted (so long as he remembers to search first... the manual was discussed in detail recently) since he's letting the jibes slide in a manner that befits them.

Major Tom's last paragraph is very true BTW... I think everyone (and I certainly include myself in this) gets exasperated when we see him ask a question we KNOW has already been answered in detail and we choose to vent a little by joking in response to his question... Quite a different thing to the unwarranted attacks you paint.

Ps. If you ARE going to label me it'd be nice to spell my name right Stephen Smith.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest John Pender

Congrats Capt Manieri,

Never mind "member status" you have been elevated to celebrity status smile.gif

Enjoy it but dont let it go to your head ok smile.gif

Remember what you have learned.

we think you are a good little **** smile.gif

Just kidding

Am I cool now?

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Guest Madmatt


Was I being insulted earlier when I was called a cool guy?!?

I thought he was being nice confused.gif....Hey somebody mention that book "Dutch" again!!!

Madmatt out...


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:

Was I being insulted earlier when I was called a cool guy?!?


I'm hoping I'm not misquoting you too much from another thread, but didn't you say something to the effect that being bald is cool?

If that's the case, based on your other posts (since I've never met you) You must be one of the coolest (not in the insulated cranium sense) people on this board. biggrin.gif

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This looks to me like a thread that should, and will, be closed quickly before a full scale flame war breaks out. But before it is closed I thought I'd say I agree that the captain has brought most of the abuse upon himself. It is well documented about his posting without searching first. But I think he has taken most of the ribbing like a man. He is smart enough to realize that most are in jest. These days I actually enjoy reading what the captain has to say, and I don't think he is the type to run away from this forum.

Again, I hope this thread is closed quickly. I would hate for a new, potential customer for Combat Mission, to read this thread and get the idea this forum is like all the other forums out there. I said this once before, this has been an excellent source of information, interesting stories, and charactors. I hope we all don't ruin it before the game is released.

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Guest Madmatt

Aha, but a distinction must be made there kind sir. I said being bald was itself COOL. However, being COOL and being a COOL GUY are much different. You can be a COOL GUY but not yourself be COOL. You can also be COOL but not a COOL GUY. I don't even want to venture into the realm of WAY COOL, REAL COOL, VERY COOL, or other derivatives of COOLNESS....You see it's all quite complex and is the reason for this request for clarification on my "COOL STATUS". United Nations Charter 1223.456.1131 Paragraph 4 subsection D clearly sets the precendent that "One may set definitions, requirements and prerequesites for status "COOL", but the party in question can NOT themselves apply said "COOL" status to their own persona/nation/state/pricipality or other legally recognized entity." biggrin.gif

Seems clear enough to me. I said that being bald was COOL, but I can't BY INTERNATIONAL LAW, decree myself as COOL. One of you will have to do it for me...Or not... wink.gif

AHHH nothing makes me smile more than totally throwing a pointless thread into utter confusion... wink.gif

Madmatt out...

People that DON'T leave sigs are COOL! smile.gif

It's all Fun and Games until Steve locks the thread down... biggrin.gif


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 01-28-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 01-28-2000).]

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Ah Matt you're in luck then.

I believe the illustrious Stephen Smith did, in a manner fully compliant with United Nations Charter 1223.456.1131 Paragraph 4 subsection D state that you are COOL.

Obviously his was only a nomination and not a legally binding finding so a secondement will be necessary which I, as another nominated "Cool guy" (as defined in 1223.456.1132 Paragraph 6 Subsection F ) I am unable to second your nomination but I do think that one of the "Sycophants" ( as defined in 1223.456.1132 Paragraph 5 Subsection C) should be able to nominate you and given their sycophantic nature and TOTAL inability to say no to anything I deem that nomination is inevitable.

Soon, soon you'll be an officially nominated and seconded "Cool Guy" and, following a lengthy tour of the forum and some making of promises you don't intend to keep, the election should confirm you as a "Cool Guy" able to make declarations which "Sycophants" will be legally bound to agree to.

It's just wonderful that Stephen had the insight and intelligence to nominate you for this position of supreme influence (what a load of crap eh? wink.gif )



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest Capt_Manieri

I'd like to say thanks for all the support/comments.

Incidently, I'm suprised to see that so many people have put so much input into this post. But, don't worry. I'm not going to go into hiding like the Nazis in South America.

I've mentioned this game a lot on my public access radio show...taken calls, and turned a lot of people in my area to it. The board the graphics, ect. Even though, I'm sure a lot of people in my area don't listen to the show (who wants to listen to a 16 year old kid with an annoying Brooklyn accent, talk about video games and stuff??) plenty of my friends have downloaded the Demo. They still call in and ask me at school as to when things are gonna be done and stuff. So, consequently, the reason I am here at he board for most of my day is because of the game and the relationship I've formed with all other CM fans.

Thanks everyone.

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Hi Cpt,

When I was your age in the 60's I was in a boarding school. No long hair, no bell bottoms, no radio allowed because we might listen to rock music and be corrupted!! All the above punishable by 6 cuts. Myself and a small group (3%? 5%?) of the kids in that school thought it was crazy and said so. We were outcasts. We did'nt have the vocabulary or the experience to voice our thoughts - just our gut instinct. The teacher corp (most of them not all) - came out of the waryears and to them everything was either black or white. We were EVIL - simple as that. Most of the kids agreed and made it clear to us (appy hippies) daily in a variety of interesting ways. One on one few of them would've dared to challenge us in debate (or otherwise smile.gif , but since they were the moral majority and we were freaks they were safe...

Ya get my drift.. I've got 4 kids - if any of them turn out to have your guts/thick skin - I'll be quite happy smile.gif

If you've got a question - ASK! If you want to say something - Say IT!!! If you irritate some of the guys! Tough! Keep going - You might just remind them of their youth - people's memories are so short... wink.gif

[This message has been edited by Johan Brittz (edited 01-28-2000).]

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Herr Smith,

I always considered myself the class clown of the forum... there isn't a subject that can't be made fun of wink.gif Madmatt also seems to be a class clown. Fionn, a COOL GUY? Fionn is the one that always has the answers. From my recollections of highschool, rather fuzzy now, that was not the trait of a COOL GUY.

BTW I rather like the idea of Capt_Manieri as forum Mascot smile.gif

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