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Common Vehicles in CM

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I'd like to open this up by saying, every forum needs a bunch of grognards to keep it from degenerating into a, "I think CM would be better if we did just what I want." With every new guy positing the same thing.

I remember BTS saying that they may add rare AFVs like the SturmTiger and Maus at a later date and I was wondering if this was the case? I was also wondering if they ever planned on adding noncombatant vehicles, (Trains, grounded planes, etc) and more building models? If BTS will not, is it possible that 3rd parties can (Not the AFVs, which require lots of stats and likely programming issues and maybe not the plain-jane noncombatant vehicles but at least the extra structures)?

Also, my search was inconclusive, will there be an expansion for CM or is it patches till CM2?

Oh, and how do you make a really good soufflé? smile.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Oh, and how do you make a really good soufflé? smile.gif


The key is to beat the egg white/sugar mixture until it holds stiff peaks.


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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Generally, advancements will be made as and when possible and appropriate, and time probably won't be spent doing extremely rare vehicles.

As for other scenery, anything that goes in really needs to be programmed in - you can't just throw in eye candy, because it's on the battlefield and it'll affect the battle.

Modifications are likely to be to their current extent - texture mods and such. Actual new classifications of object are up to BTS.

I doubt there will be any 'expansion' to CM. Bug fixes, and then it's onto CM2. Of course, you've got plenty of expansion in third-party maps - no shortage of those.

Soufflés are basically warm hair mousse.



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Scortchus -

The decision of which vehicles to include has been based on how common they were in the depicted armies during the depicted timespan. You'll even find that when you're setting up a Quick Battle, depending on the month and year you choose, certain vehicles will be unavailable. For example, you won't get a Jagdtiger or a Comet in July 1944.

PzKpfw III's will likely feature in (I think) CM4, which is projected to cover the early years of the war.



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While I understand the precepts behind your speculation, the priniciples behind these additions are basic. I do program (I say this because most people start things out saying they don't) and I know that if BTS has a structure in place that accepts new vehicles, which I assume it must as hand-creating it for the 100(?)+ vehicles in the game would be silly, there may be a possibility to accomplish this.

Don't misunderstand me by thinking I mean it is easy but I think it would be worthwhile. This structure would be necessarily complex for the AFVs, etc. as they need to take into account the myriad factors that CM is so loved for but they may not be so complex as to limit the addition of other, more novel objects (The wrecks and such that others have mentioned, for example).

As to the structures, as the basic ruleset is in place, their addition may be easier. I can see difficulties involving their implementation during quick-battles, possibly by the AI and another dozen niggling issues that I haven't noticed. However, even if they can only be implemented in a PBEM setting (Like assault boats) it would be the fan base working on it and not the precious resources of BTS.

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Well, keep in mind that this isn't an open source project. There are ways to add your own stuff, but they're not officially endorsed, and I doubt BTS will be accepting submissions for CM2. As has been recently discussed, vetting 3rd party submissions is effectively as time consuming as doing the work yourself. Furthermore, I doubt BTS will spend much time building structures to accept third-party additions. The best answer you're likely to get is, wait and see. =)



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Originally posted by David Aitken:


PzKpfw III's will likely feature in (I think) CM4, which is projected to cover the early years of the war.

Actually I'd expect to see them in CM2 since they were used on the eastern front.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

PzKpfw III's will likely feature in (I think) CM4, which is projected to cover the early years of the war.



CM 2 is Ostfront 41 - 45 right? If so PzKpfw III's should be included as they were in use in large numbers during Zitadelle & even into late 44.

Regards, John Waters


"Go for the eyes Boo, go for the eyes!!".

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You could always console yourself by whipping up a game with a few Jadgtigers. after all its not a huge mortar but 128mm guns are FUN!! After all remember the German proverb" Mickey tips his hat when the Tiger roars" and of course my creative addition the Ronson ignites when the Panther growls. Non Illegetimi carborundum!

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SF wrote:

> Actually I'd expect to see them in CM2

PzKpfw 1 wrote:

> CM 2 is Ostfront 41 - 45 right? If so PzKpfw III's should be included

Sorry, apparently part of my brain wasn't functioning when I made that post. I just thought "PzKpfw III... Poland... France... CM4" - but yes, they'll likely be in CM2 as well. =)



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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

SF wrote:

> Actually I'd expect to see them in CM2

PzKpfw 1 wrote:

> CM 2 is Ostfront 41 - 45 right? If so PzKpfw III's should be included

Sorry, apparently part of my brain wasn't functioning when I made that post. I just thought "PzKpfw III... Poland... France... CM4" - but yes, they'll likely be in CM2 as well. =)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not only that, but they should be all over CM3 as they were used in the Balkans and North Africa and even saw some service in Italy.


[This message has been edited by Michael emrys (edited 08-19-2000).]

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I had the opportunity to interact with Alex Garden, Ron Moravek and Curtis Terry at Relic Entertainment (Homeworld). They mentioned that Valve (Half-Life) was respected by the industry for one reason, that they understood that community was important.

I don't think BTS needs any help in developing a community, one look at this board proves that. All I ask is to think of how we would have expected Valve to react, a year ago, if we had said, "I think a multiplayer-only, player-oriented weapons-purchase based, terrorist/anti-terrorist game would be cool with the way Half-Life does things." We would think that Valve would say, "Do you realize the work that would take?" Valve didn't, though, and Counterstrike has spurred sales of HL immensely and improved its replayability beyond belief.

I don't ask that BTS commits the changes we want, just that they let us know what can be done and what can't, so that we can direct our effort toward commiting these changes. In this manner, we can develop CM in numerous ways and thereby take the best qualities of open-source software and combine them with the best qualities of tightly structured, serious design.

HL has an enormous community, partly because of the quality of the game, partly because Valve doesn't mind that the community tweak with the game a bit to produce varients.

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Elijah Meeks wrote:

> Valve didn't, though, and Counterstrike has spurred sales of HL immensely

What you're talking about is a game, not the facility to modify a game. I expect BTS will be putting all their efforts into making CM2 even better than CM, not allowing us to mess around with it.

I'm sure there will be scope for modification, as there currently is - but no-one, not even BTS, could currently tell you exactly what. Again, we'll all have to just wait and see!



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