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My most stupid move

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Ok, there are a lot of newbies on this forum, and many are intimidated by us old-timers using obscure words like assault and attack (not to mention handles like Oberstompinfuhrer...). The purpose of this thread is to show them that we are only human and that we can also make really big foulups -even bigger ones than theirs (we can do everything better, right?)

The only rule is that you have actually to have done it yourself, the AI doesn't count, and neither does your opponent, although I guess wie can be somewhat lenient for the latter, as long as you give us his name. OK, for a start, here is mine.

Since I began to play by email a couple of weeks ago, I have always had my infantry massacred whenever I do a massive assault, whereas my opponents can seemingly waltz right into my positions while picking their noses mad.gif . Whenever I try to fire smoke, it never appears, so after a while I say "when you gotta go you gotta go!" and I jump out of the trenches WW1-style and watch my men get mowed down faster than my lawn when my son is in a hurry to finish it eek.gif (I'm a lot slower).

Well, yesterday, during a pbem, it suddenly dawned on me (I'm sometimes a bit slow...) that some time ago, I had turned off the smoke in order to see bettr and forgotten to turn it back on! redface.gif

Of course this happened AFTER I had spent all my smoke and whatever smoke had been fired had long ago dissipated, my only source of smoke was my burning tanks BEHIND me, and just before I had to assault a fresh enemy entrenched company of infantry backed up by a Jumbo and two Hellcats, with two battered platoons that had just taken over 50% casualties when the previous assault exactly coincided with a massive artillery bombardment that prompted the first platoon to run back into the woods towards the other platoon holed up there, after which the grateful artillery massacred them with artillery treebursts. tongue.gif

Yes indeed, playing with invisible smoke is a real challenge, especially when you wait until it dissipates before you try to hide behind it.

Can anyone beat this? biggrin.gif


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Well, now you probably made a lot of gaming buddies out of it. You did a swell job of messaging their egos. Now it's payback! Just play dumb during the next game and watch them squirm when you appear out of that smokey haze they now call hell! wink.gif


"The Lieutenant brought his map out and the old woman pointed to the coastal town of Ravenoville........"

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I had two platoons ready to *assault* a victory flag. I assumed that enemy infantry were in the area,(it was a patch of woods).

I had two 5.5 inch spotters lay some arty down on the Victory flag in preparation for the attack. After a couple of turns of prep arty, I decided to move my spotters to a better spot. At the same time I galantly ordered my two platoons to charge the now damaged VF.

As my boys were charging in, I was surprised that the enemy had perfectly timed an arty srtike on my advancing infantry. Gee I thought, this guy predicted my assault, pretty clever of him. Half my guys were cut down or panicked. It was then that I realised that I hadn't cancelled my own 5.5 inch arty.

I had inadvertantly called fire on my troops.

I thought moving the spotters would cancel the arty mission. It hadn't.

[This message has been edited by iggi (edited 08-31-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Henri:

Can anyone beat this? biggrin.gif


When I started playing, I had my preferences set to not show all targets/paths. Inevitably, during a game I set a 150mm artillery fire mission in some woods I was attacking. Late at night, engrossed in the ACTION, I forgot about the impending arty. Yep, you guessed it, walked nearly a whole company of troops into the woods just in time to get plastered by my own artillery. eek.gif About 1/3 of my guys were casualties. mad.gif


"Belly to belly and everything's better" - Russian proverb ;)

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OK...I have another Arty story to tell. I made a scenario where the Amis have to cross two bridges into a well prepared German defense. Germans (me) have a couple of heavy arty spotters and I decide I can lay it down on the bridges to slow the Amis advance. First couple of rounds come in and land right on top of the Amis advance...FANTASTIC!

Turn ends, and I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy. Next turn starts and I am over on the other side of the map when I hear my arty coming...more dead Amis...NOT!

Clang...tank knocked out...what the?!? My own troops running into open ground...da%$ it! You guessed it, no LOS and those rockets go all over the damn map. Needless to say the Amis prevailed and marched right across those bridges.

Come ahead!


"Battle is not a terrifying ordeal to be endured. It is a magnificent experience wherein all the elements that have made man superior to the beasts are present: courage, self-sacrifice, loyalty, help to others, devotion to duty." - Patton

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MIDNIGHT MADNESS AT PRUM Spoiler Follows (I strongly recommend its play-- its a WBW scenario):














The mission begins with the Amis exhausted. They have a nice dug in position around a road into town... However there are two luscious ambush sites about 75m in front of them. I took the bait and moved my weary soldiers out of safe holes-- only to encounter the Krauts just beyond visibility (60m). It was a slaughter. I don't recommend it. Game Over.


"Two World Wars and One World Cup, do da, do da!"

--British Hooligan, sung to Camptown Races

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Midnight Madness is a killer. I just finished the scenario a couple of hours ago as a draw after losing all my armor, guns, tracks and 2/3's of my troops. I also left my foxholes but I retreated back into the town and fought a pitched battle for every building in the center. The Germans lost 20 vehicles but their remaining vehicles and troops methodically smashed the walls down around my squads. If the scenario went beyond 25 turns the rest of my depleted force would have been vaporized.


PS. One of the best scenarios I've seen.

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In the same vein in a PBEM I guessed that my opponent might be forming up for an assault in a small copse of woods even though I had not seen any troops in it. I targetted my last few 80mm mortar rounds (probably a turns worth) at the front of it just in case. The assault did not eventuate next turn but I forgot to cancel the mission as I intended. Curses all my ammo gone! I was furious with myself.

A few turns later the game petered out in a draw. When I checked out the final map there was a whole platoon hiding in the woods with a few casualties and suppression. My stupid 'mistake' had foiled my opponents last chance for victory.

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Hmm, stupidest thing...well, when I was first playing the Demo, I can't tell you how much time I spent moving troops right into the cover of those individual 'trees'. Didn't occur to me that the shaded area around the 'trees' was all similar terrain, and that the trees were just graphic indicators and there for immersion's sake.

Oh, and losing to Peng. They're still throwing filth on me in the Peng Challenge Thread(aka Cesspool).


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Hmm, stupidest thing...well, when I was first playing the Demo, I can't tell you how much time I spent moving troops right into the cover of those individual 'trees'. Didn't occur to me that the shaded area around the 'trees' was all similar terrain, and that the trees were just graphic indicators and there for immersion's sake.

Oh, and losing to Peng. They're still throwing filth on me in the Peng Challenge Thread(aka Cesspool).


Hehehe, did the same exact thing myself in the demo. Matter of fact, I almost didn't give the game a second chance due to I found it too tedious to move every single unit around 100's of objects. Can you believe I almost made the biggest mistake of my life!??... redface.gif


Thanks for Athskin!

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Well I was playing a PBEM game, my whole flank was on the verge of collasping but I was running out of HE in my tanks and the off table stuff was all used up. I was just rotating the map on view 4 to get a good overview when I noticed a single figure sitting in the far corner on my start line. Getting worried as to who it was, routed squad I didnt notice? out flanking enemy? I clicked on it. Turned out to be a mortar observer I had completely forgotten I'd bought, still sitting in his computer asigned start position.

Well I felt sick

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I was playing the first scenario in Wild Bills Cut Off Operation PBEM. I hade a Stug III on teh edge of some woods, and some American tanks were advancing towards his right. So, I decided to rotate him around to be facing straight on, so I pressed the ®otate button and pulled the line out towards his armor.

Next turn my estimable opponent asked me, "Why is that assault gun rushing towards me with his ass pointed at me?"

(Note to the slower amongst us: the ® key is for Reverse, not Rotate, which is the O key)

So, here is this assault gun racing across the open ground backwards straight into several American tanks.

Surprisingly enough, they actually managed to survive for a round. When they stopped to reverse back into forward, they took one up the tailpipe though.

Jeff Heidman

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Well i think i have the record for damage with 1 round of one's on artillery. I had an M10 and two hellcats grouped too close together so i could counter a panther and tiger in a pbem. About 300 meters away i had a barrage of 8" getting ready to come in , i knew there was a small chance of a short round hurting me , i wasn't thinking about an 8" air burst, well i lost all three TDs plus an priest that was about 70 meters away from them. Four of my AFVs knock out with one round of my on artillery , its got to be a record in messing up. BTW , i still won the scenario.

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In an email game my opponent had a Greyhound in a fairly sheltered position that was an annoyance. I saw that I could sneak some infantry up to it and take it out, so I did.

When I got there the Greyhound had moved out, but a full platoon was there instead. My platoon CO got creamed and a squad was all but wiped out.

The lesson... just because you see one unit in a location that seems quiet otherwise doesn't mean that's the only unit there. Recon first!!


"You know our standing orders. Out of ammo become a bunker, out of commission become a pillbox, out of time... become heroes." - The Beast

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis:

THE most stupidest thing I did was turn down a roll in the sack with the wife so I could finish a CM battle. I paid dearly for that one smile.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

something similar to me happened my wife was talking to me while I was playing CM and I was saying "uh huh" "interesting" "no kidding" then it was all quiet and I turned to my wife who was I was sure smoking like a arty smoke screen and said "tell me exactly what I just said, you have one minute" funny that, cuz thats how long a round take to watch in CM... *gulp*

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So what happen after your one minute was up? KABOOM!

Back to stupid moves, I had a small US armor force in a QB defending against a PzGrenadier force. I had managed to knock out all of the opposing forces vehicles and most of its heavy weapons, but I couldn't get a bead ot the dismounted troops hiding in the forest. Defending my VL's were 2 inf squads , .50 and .30 mg's with a half track. My armor was far away on a search and destroy. The missing Ger. inf had snuck to the edge of the forest closest to my VL's. 3 turns before the end of the scenario the PzGrenadiers charged out of cover and stomped my defenders with a human wave into the mud with no quarter given. My tanks? They were stuck in the mud and couldn't get back fast enough to cover my rear!

This was against the AI. and left me awed and humbled!

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While playtesting my own scenario, These Hills are Alive, I lost all my Tanks in my own Boobytraps!! Needless to say I lost! eek.gif


"Victory smiles upon those who anticipate the changes in the character of war, not upon those who wait to adapt themselves after they occur."

General Guilio Douhet


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WARNING! Spoiler for scenario "Drop to Destiny" follows:

















This is the mission where you start off and your troops are scattered all to hell (some sort of parachute mis-drop).

Anyways, roughly in the centre of the map is a nice big building with a victory location flag sticking out of it. So, as a dutiful commander, I quickly start rounding up the lads and sending them towards it. Sometime later (around about turn 15 or so) I realise that the victory location flag label "BOGUS", that is quite conspicuous being in bright red and all, actually means that its not a victory location at all. D'OH! Don't ask me why I thought "BOGUS" meant anything other than what it clearly means cause I have absolutely no idea. I was playing late at night so I'll use that as an excuse.

So I was forced to double-time the surviving troops over to the real victory location and just managed to grab it on the last turn. Minor Victory.

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