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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

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Guest Big Time Software

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Too bad Cthulhu isn't going to be in the game. I'd love to have an "Easter Egg" where you have to combat some giant, slim drooling, multi tenticled thing from before time with a few tigers and some shermans. HAHAHAHAHAHA! We could all be reduced to gibering madmen! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

I mean more-so...

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.(stands at attention)...(salutes)

"good work,men!"


It is no disgrace to be defeated...It is a disgrace to be surprised.

-attr.to Fredrick the Great-

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Fantastic news guys, and the best of luck to you both in the release and sales figures. I am confident it will be a real winner for all of you at BTS and you will get your just rewards.

The movie answered my one nagging question. What was that flame from teh flamethrower going to look like coming out. i really like the jarring effects of shots (like the zook) the way you have tweaked them.

I'll probably play the movie at full volume about 20 times here at work today.

Goannas at work.

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Huzzah! Too bad I'll be away at training through the end of May. Don't supose it'll run on a laptop? smile.gif

Just watched the movie and its great. I just have one question why does that pill box burst into flames after that guy pees on it? smile.gif

[This message has been edited by Harold Jones (edited 03-28-2000).]

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Guest GriffinCheng


I would like to reserve any compliments and graditudes till I get CM on my hand or I don't have the vocabulary to expres myself. Nonetheless, I am very grateful to hear this!!!

Heck! Why everything great happens while I am sleeping? End of May? We have Vampire, Diablo ][, etc by then. Christmas is early again this year.

How should I spend the coming 60 day then? Suggestions?

Griffin @ work

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Guest GriffinCheng

Sounds like Y2K to me, Lee smile.gif

BTW, the credit card I used for making order would have expired by the time the game ships. BTS, how should I cancel my orders? I am going to order it again once I have the new number.

Griffin @ work

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That was awesome, to be VERY modest! (Just watched movie). I can definitely get my father to preorder now (He's almost sworn off computer games because he thinks they cause all problems in our system and require too much). In any case, I will swear to pay for any big time PC problems just to get the game! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif Well worth the wait by the looks of it!

Hey, one of the beginning shots shows what LOOKS like Brit. armor, but could be the 1st Pol. Amd. Heh heh... smile.gif


Sosabowski, 1st Pol. Abn.

Yes, I know my name is spelled wrong as a member!

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Jeez! Way to go guys. SURE! just release this thing at the same time that the other program I've drooled over for a year (B-17II) is scheduled to be released. This shows definate lack of consideration for the serious gamer smile.gif. However,


Maybe if I go to sleep NOW, I can get in enough zz's so I won't have to sleep in June :>.



[This message has been edited by kverdon (edited 03-28-2000).]

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Guest aaronb

I was going to put out a mild-mannered post, but - Outstanding! An ear-to-ear grin - all the little things like running animations just hit that sweet spot.

And just when I had given up finding new ways to do Last Defence! Did you know it takes a just over 20 rounds from the 88mm in the Tiger to blow the bridge?

And it looks slick enough to attract a general audience - if I didn't know better, I'd think the development team numbered almost twenty.

Luckily, I'll have been back from our largest trade show for a couple of weeks before my pre-order arrives. Plenty of time to clear my calendar.

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I've been sitting on the sidelines for quite awhile. I've lurked here enjoying the discussion and playing the demo against the AI and even a few PBEM games against a co-worker. Well, this good news has prompted me to register and 'come out of the CM closet'. I have had a pre-order in since early December but this is my first append. I felt you guys deserved a hearty "Congratulations!". I am in software development also, so I know what a relief it is to finally get to this point. I can't wait for my 'two' pre-ordered copies to show up on my doorstep - one for me and one for my co-worker smile.gif .

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Guest MantaRay

Charles and Steve,

I'll bet it is such a relief for you guys to be done(almost) and I hope you take a short well deserved vacation after it ships cause you guys need to stay healthy so you can keep up the good work. IP games and movie recorders are not that important.

We all appreciate the dedication you have shown to the game, but also being the first company to actually keep their word and not release a buggy game. You guys make the world a much better place to live in. biggrin.gif



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HURRAH !!! biggrin.gif

"Good shot private! But .. What ..Why are you crying ?"

"*Sob* It was such a nice looking Jagdpanther sir. I guess it was straight from the factory. Poor thing. *Sob*"

"Yeah son, war is hell."

Now i'm off to plan my vacation on the first weeks of june smile.gif.

Grtz S Bakker.

PS: BTS; lots of kuddos to you guys for not putting your baby on the cruel world of gaming (reviews?) until you were sure it could stand on it's own two feet.

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And to think I almost didn't check the board tonight. "Why bother? there's nothing happening, oh well I might as well check."

Imagine my suprise. Keep driving BTS, your well earned rest is near at hand!



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So the game will be released in late May. Woohoo!! How about this for timing. I've handed in my resignation at work and will leave May 19. I'll begin at my next job in August or something. Now I know what I´ll be doing this summer biggrin.gif!!!

(The resignation was not only because of CM smile.gif )


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