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Fionn - please keep posting your excellent AAR's!

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I very much enjoy your AAR's that you have posted at the Combat Mission HQ. I recently read the Sunken Lane AAR, and I thought that it was well-written and informative (not to mention quite a victory biggrin.gif). Your style of writing is also excellent; I am not an expert on military tactics by any stretch of the imagination, so I appreciate your "think-as-you-type" approach which allows the reader to see your rationale for different moves. I look forward to seeing the progress of your battle with the Cavalry!

Thanks again, and keep up the good work.




"We have the enemy surrounded. We are dug in and

have overwhelming numbers. But enemy airpower is

mauling us badly. We will have to withdraw."

-- Japanese infantry commander, SITREP, Burma

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What i would like to see is an AAR from John Kettler. Take a moment and do a search under his name and check out some of his latest posts.

One in particular is a response to a newbie's question on what to expect with the new game. Very well written.


The dead know only one thing - it is better to be alive

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On a parallel track I would like to say that being a tyro CM'r that I found quite interesting Mr.Kelly's treatment of the "Cut the Road to Marseille sp.?" scenario found on the CMHQ annex. I would very much like to see other scenarios dealt with in a similar light, that of how they can be used for training purposes. For me as a novice squad level player, the AAR's and scenario analyses make for a speedier grasp of the fundamentals of the CM approach to WWII combat. I also thank you sir...and everyone else who is contributing pertinant information towards our gaming pleasure smile.gif



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So, people seem to like the AARs ( I've received a lot of private emails from people about the Sunken Lane AAR) and like the analyses correct?

I didn't receive ANY feedback or comment about the scenario analyses so wasn't sure how people felt about them. So, guys, remember IF you want to see something becoming a weekly thing on CMHQ then you've GOT to tell Matt or I that you like it. Otherwise it is impossible for either of us to get motivated and spend a couple of hours a night typing stuff up/organising things.

The Cavalry AAR is an interesting example of how to conduct a retrograde movement and to trade space for time. It seems that a lot of people have trouble with retrograding in CM and so I thought it would be useful to post...

If Chris is willing to let our next game be posted then you'll see how to conduct a masterful defence agaisnt a careless attacker ( this time I was the careless attacker wink.gif ).

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Fionn - In researching this game, I ran across your AARs, especially the Sunken Lane one. It was extremely well-written, and one of my thoughts was that if a game can create this sort of tension and detail in description, that it must be fun to play. In no small part, this helped me decide to order it last evening.

So, I for one would love to see more!


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Kingfish - I'll look around for John's writing.

Randl - do you have any sort of link to that article? For the life of me, I can't find it...

Fionn - I absolutely enjoy them. As Scorpion says, they're suspenseful but also very informative and useful. I also prefer them over the first-person approach that some people take; I prefer your approach. I would love to see you put out a weekly AAR, or even more frequently if you could manage it wink.gif.




"We have the enemy surrounded. We are dug in and

have overwhelming numbers. But enemy airpower is

mauling us badly. We will have to withdraw."

-- Japanese infantry commander, SITREP, Burma

[This message has been edited by KMHPaladin (edited 07-21-2000).]

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I read 'em all.

Reading about the thought process of a "good" strategist can

only help.

That's how they learn in military academys, right? biggrin.gif

I find Especially those situations where I'd act completely

differently, very helpful and eye opening.

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Yes, I definitely look forward to reading AARs to see how different folks use their assets. They're both informative *and* entertaining! smile.gif

I assume the battle is over, and so we can freely talk about it? If not, then hopefully, I won't give away any spoilers. If it's not over, then STOP READING (especially Chris)!!!












Fionn, I was shocked that you didn't pick any AT pillboxes. I really thought you would. Giving your opponent something they *HAVE* to deal with instead of automatically attacking only the objectives can help greatly with whittling down his forces as well as wasting his time with ancillary threats. And no really big German tanks? Awwww ... wink.gif

I was also surprised at the low number of infantry you went with. Why do I get the feeling that we're going to see how well you can hold on by your fingernails? smile.gif

Did Chris choose his units or did the computer? If he chose, then is there any chance Chris might write a little bit about his force choices as well as his overall plan of attack?


- Chris (no, a different one)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KMHPaladin:

Randl - do you have any sort of link to that article? For the life of me, I can't find it...



My apologies sir, the scenario analysis is on the CMHQ main page, not the annex as I stated. It will be found on the Scenarios/Operations page. Cut the Road to Marseille is a conversion of an ASL scenario done by Berlichtingen with French and German analysis by Fionn.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KMHPaladin:

Randl - do you have any sort of link to that article? For the life of me, I can't find it...



My apologies sir, the scenario analysis is on the CMHQ main page, not the annex as I stated. It will be found on the Scenarios/Operations page. Cut the Road to Marseille is a conversion of an ASL scenario done by Berlichtingen with French and German analysis by Fionn.


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OK, sounds like the AARs are a hit anyways.

This Cavalry AAR is very interesting since I'm so outnumbered. If I had had more men then it wouldn't have been as nail-biting a game. In any case there is much to learn from watching the movies IMO.


A pillbox is a stationary defence, and as with all stationary defences once it is noticed it can be avoided by careful use of masking terrain.

I prefer my units to be mobile since that way an opponent can['t simply "avoid" one of my units by using some masking terrain. Mobility greatly increases the potency of a defensive unit and IMO it is better to buy 1 Panther than 2 pillboxes.

Chris chose his forces himself. Chris is actually away until Friday but when he gets back I'll ask if he wants to write anything. Initially we thought of doing individual AArs for each side but Chris is very busy so I decided to just go with a quick 1 page summary of the highlights for every 5 turns since it is a LONG game ( close to 40 turns).

As for holding on..

You're going to see how to recon properly, how to use masking terrain, how to maintain focus and cohesion from Chris' side.

On my side you'll see how to retrograde effectively, utilise great economy of force and ammunition, use masking terrain and fight while outnumbered.

Really by the 20th turn I knew I was in deep, deep, deep trouble as you'll see when you get that far.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

The Cavalry AAR is an interesting example of how to conduct a retrograde movement and to trade space for time. It seems that a lot of people have trouble with retrograding in CM and so I thought it would be useful to post...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As one who started a thread on the difficulties of executing a fighting retreat, followed by a successful turning of the tables on the PO thanks to advice from you and others on this forum, I find such articles extremely useful.

Another kind of realted article I would really like to see are pedagogical articles of the kind that one used to find in magazines like `Campaign`, or in books like `Tank tactics 1939-45`, I have an article in the latter of how to carry out an assault on a defended river line, and in the former one on how an advance recon group can open up a road crossing a bridge for a division following a few miles behind and in a hurry. Seems to me that CM is well adapted to this kind of article.

The idea is a bit like `case studies`. For example, one week, the `problem`could be posed, and the next week, the `solution`could be given. During the week, readers would post their own `solutions`, then the `professional`would post their own after the appointed time. If a week is too short, it could be a month like in the magazines.


[This message has been edited by Henri (edited 07-21-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

A pillbox is a stationary defence, and as with all stationary defences once it is noticed it can be avoided by careful use of masking terrain.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

True, but it can also effectively cut off a section of the battlefield, preventing it's use. And if the area covered by the AT gun is important enough to his overall plan, he'll have to deal with the pillbox. Either that or change his plan. Ruining other people's grand plan is *SO* much fun! smile.gif

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I prefer my units to be mobile since that way an opponent can['t simply "avoid" one of my units by using some masking terrain. Mobility greatly increases the potency of a defensive unit and IMO it is better to buy 1 Panther than 2 pillboxes.


Guess I'm just more of a static-defense kinda guy. smile.gif

BTW, Fionn, how long did it take Chris to realize that he lost a certain asset (your favorite, I believe wink.gif) very early in the game?

- Chris

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Fionn, please keep doing AAR's, I have read every one and enjoy them very much, you remind me of a teacher in how you explain things.

Thanks again for the AAR's they are great, I am looking forward to reading your latest one...

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Looking back at Fionn and Martin's Classic AAR, I just realized something. The map is oriented 90 degrees differently than the present QBs set themselves up as. As it is, the QB map is quite wide and allows the attacker to spread his forces out and attack towards a central objective area. But in the Classic AAR (which is what got me hooked on CM in the first place), Fionn was required to attack over a great distance. This allowed Martin to defend in depth and set up distinct ambush sites along Fionn's route of travel. I wonder if BTS would be open to changing how the QB maps are made (or make it into an option) to allow maps to be longer rather than wider?

This may be particularly good for Assault-type QBs where the attacker gets a good number more points than Attack QBs. The attacker would get more points to spend, but has to cover a much greater distance through enemy territory to reach the objectives.

As it is now, the attacker has the option of coming from multiple directions; almost surrounding the defender on 3 sides before any final assault.

Would anyone else like to see something like this? Would it give the defender too much of an advantage on very large maps? Would it take the attacker too long to move from one edge to the other? Is this currently possible, and I just completely missed it?

- Chris

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"True but you can can cut off important terrain" (paraphrase)

Agreed. However, we had selected moderate trees and moderate hills and so I was playing safe by not buying pillboxes. Limited LOS is death to static defences and, given moderate hills and moderate trees I didn't want to risk buying a pillbox when the DYO settings encouraged poor LOS so much.

Chris saw it in the movie too. He could hear the plane approaching and I think he got a sound contact to my 3.7cm FlaK. In any case he certainly knew that plane was dead when I got all happy about killing it so quickly and exulted in email wink.gif.


Currently DYOs rely on points balancing to create balanced games. If what you suggested went in then points balance wouldn't be enough any more IMO since terrain could definitely strongly favour the defender and you'd end up with some heavily unbalanced games.

All a defender would have to do is buy Jumbo 76s or KTs, arrange them in a line, forget about being flanked and simply blow your men to pieces as they advanced frontally. EVERY game would become one of attrition and not maneuvre. ( this would be very bad IMO).

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The CM Borg:

All are assimilated. Our work here is done



Now then,

Fionn, I'd more than happy to have my defense posted as well. I'm currently writing up some AAR comments for my attack against you. They should be getting posted soon. We've had some damn good and challenging battles.

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Guest KarlXII

Fionn, please keep writing those AAR's! I love them too. They kept my interest up while I was in Japan and unable to play the demo. Now I'm in Sweden and got the full version, MUCH better situation. BTW what happened to the "Going to town" scenario, the Alpha AAR classic?


Fire for effect!

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Deal wink.gif.

Oh, that reminds me.. It's time to send the setup for our next fight wink.gif.

Hey you know what, if you agree we could do an ongoing AAR of it? ( you know, where we do a turn and write the AAR that night and post it on CMHQ that evening.. So, Turn2 is played on the same night as turn 2 is posted on CMHQ. Same deal as the Alpha AAR. I always found that exciting wink.gif.

As for my attack ( or rather, dumb advance into the teeth of a tough defence wink.gif ). Yes, I think that it contains many lessons (I definitely have had a number of things I've overlooked punished and some good sense beaten back into me.

Ok, I'm off to get that turn back to you ( I've decided to fight on wink.gif ).

Alpha AAR battle. I'm still looking through zipdisks etc for the Alpha executable so that I can get the map. It "may" be lost but I remember seeing it a couple of months ago.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

if you agree we could do an ongoing AAR of it? ( you know, where we do a turn and write the AAR that night and post it on CMHQ that evening.. So, Turn2 is played on the same night as turn 2 is posted on CMHQ.


I'm all for that. Let's do it.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

As for my attack ( or rather, dumb advance into the teeth of a tough defence wink.gif ). Yes, I think that it contains many lessons (I definitely have had a number of things I've overlooked punished and some good sense beaten back into me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Such is the beauty of the CM system..You win some, you lose some.. smile.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Limited LOS is death to static defences and, given moderate hills and moderate trees I didn't want to risk buying a pillbox when the DYO settings encouraged poor LOS so much.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah, I have found myself desperately searching for a place to put a pillbox, but having to resort to sticking it in a less-than-ideal position on a couple of occasions.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>In any case he certainly knew that plane was dead when I got all happy about killing it so quickly and exulted in email wink.gif.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>All a defender would have to do is buy Jumbo 76s or KTs, arrange them in a line, forget about being flanked and simply blow your men to pieces as they advanced frontally.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Good point.

BTW, a good scenario to practice advancing in this type of scenario is 'Fire and Maneuver'. An excellent scenario!

Written by Fionn to Blackhorse:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Oh, that reminds me.. It's time to send the setup for our next fight<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hey, how about an armored meeting engagement?

- Chris

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>BTW, a good scenario to practice advancing in this type of scenario is 'Fire and Maneuver'. An excellent scenario!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As the author of Fire & Maneuver, I thank you Wolfe. That was it's intent. Fionn was the first person to play that scenario (besides me) and even he learned a few lessons from it.

I too look forward to Fionn and Chris' AAR, I am sure it will be riveting.


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Fionn - a nightly AAR would be wonderful, but the problem would be that you couldn't really say "I'm moving my units with the intention of..." unless you and Chris agreed not to look at each other's posts. Of course, if you guys could work around that, it'd be great.

Have a good one folks,




"We have the enemy surrounded. We are dug in and

have overwhelming numbers. But enemy airpower is

mauling us badly. We will have to withdraw."

-- Japanese infantry commander, SITREP, Burma

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