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Ugh, guess I'll be leaving the board early...

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It's getting pretty sickening here... every new topic is "I got CM" or "CM in --insert state--" Ok, we're all happy you got the game... but if this is all the message board is going to be for awhile, I can do without it, starting now... I can understand the first couple guys posting (like GhostOne), but is every single person who gets it now going to start an "I got CM" thread?!? Hearing that you've got it serves fairly little purpose except to, wittingly or unwittingly, taunt those who are waiting... besides, you'd think the people who have it would be too busy playing to post "I got it"... sheesh...


In fighting and in everyday life you should be determined though calm. Meet the situation without tenseness yet not recklessly, your spirit settled yet unbiased. An elevated spirit is weak and a low spirit is weak. Do not let the enemy see your spirit. -- M.M.

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Testify!! Good point. I'm here waiting and I gotta hear all these guys saying how they got their copies...and at the same time taunting all of us who are still waiting. They got their copies and they feel like they have the right to tell me to shut up. This BBS is all I have for my fix right now, at least you guys have the game.

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I think it serves a couple of very good purposes:

1. It lets everyone else know that the game is actually hitting the doors after so long.

2. It lets people get some idea of where they might be on the delivery schedule.

3. It lets people who have been waiting for this for a very long time express their enthusiasm for finally having it in their hot little hands. This board, IMHO, is a community of (for the most part) friends who have a common interest. I can't imagine anything more natural than to let your friends know that you have exciting news about your common interest. "Gee Tony, I just heard that the Dallas Cowboys have signed this terrific new free agent cornerback who ..." or even "I say, Reginald old bean, mark it down on the record book, I've got a photo of the pink breasted jaberwocky at last." (OK, I got a little carried away on that one.)

So I don't mind in the least seeing these guys (and presumably gals) getting excited about getting that for which we all have been waiting. Good for them, and expect my post in the next day or two as well.

There'll be plenty of time for the inevitable minor bug reports or whines about this and that, let's enjoy the moment.



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Well, I'm not going to waste my time arguing about it or I'll be as guilty as all those who seem to feel the need to post their individual USPS experience... but I don't care how well labeled the threads are... my point was to ask why is it necessary that everyone who gets their copy must immediately start a new thread saying they have it?? Post to one of the existing threads and be done with it ... as it is, the first page of threads is almost entirely "I got it" or "CM landed in --location--" I just don't understand why this is necessary... when I get my copy tomorrow or Wednesday, you can be sure I'll be way too busy killing Shermans to worry about selfishly telling everyone that I got it... and that's my final word on this subject. wink.gif


In fighting and in everyday life you should be determined though calm. Meet the situation without tenseness yet not recklessly, your spirit settled yet unbiased. An elevated spirit is weak and a low spirit is weak. Do not let the enemy see your spirit. -- M.M.

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Mr. Shaw,

I think it is evident that the delivery schedule is non-existent or inconsistent. I mean, how could I, not recive a copy, being 155 miles away from the Distribution company, and having preordered in Nov. 99, while some guy who preordered in April 2000 recieves a copy on the West Coast?

I say there are serious inconsistancies here and nothing can be gained by telling people useless info.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Capt. Manieri:

Testify!! Good point. I'm here waiting and I gotta hear all these guys saying how they got their copies...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

More whining.

Manieri, if you'd have gotten you copy today we'd have never heard the end of it. You'd be out here posting GOT MY COPY!!! WOO!!!!


So get a grip. If this is the biggest "disappointment" you ever suffer in life well....what can I say.

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Captain, as I explained previously, there is no explaining the vagaries of the USPS. I don't know where you live, I don't know where your post office is nor do I know who your carrier is, but I do know that strange and unusual things CAN happen when the Postal Service gets their hands on the mail. They don't call it "Going Postal" for nothing you know.

When you say that there is no delivery schedule what are you saying? That BTS is lying about the schedule they set up? That the delivery company lied to BTS? That the USPS is lying about the delivery times of Priority Mail? Do we need to get Muldner and Scully on the case? Any of the above are possible but the game is clearly getting where it's supposed to get in roughly the time it's supposed to get there.

Or are you simply, as I suspect, upset that someone who shouldn't have, got the game before you did and you want to lash out and blame somebody ... anybody? C'mon pal, lighten up, I don't have it either and I'm closer and ordered earlier than some who have it. That's the way she goes sometimes. But I will survive until tommorow and trust me you will too ... unless you really do go driving after drinking that is smile.gif


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I'm simply saying that the USPS has inconsistancies. BTS isn't responsible. It's a weird thing. I have exams, work, my social life is on hold and as of now this game is all I have (or don't) If I could talk to you in real life, you'd see where I'm coming from. It's hard to express one's self by simply typing and leaving out vital communication elements that can be expressed in verbal conversation. Perhaps I'm not being articulate enough.

[This message has been edited by Capt. Manieri (edited 06-19-2000).]

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I think the west coast post offices do a better job. My brother and I order stuff through mail all the time and we always get it fast. Faster than we would expect.

I agree with Joe Shaw, it is kind of disrespectful given how BTS has been so responsive and honest.

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Guest MantaRay

And that Italian crack was just almost on par with some of Username, OBG, and MG's posts. I am Italian and I got it before you did, and I am 3,000 miles away Manieri. Maybe BTS just doesnt like YOU???? smile.gif



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I agree with Mr.Shaw 100 percent. The group postings do not bother me at all. I know nothing usefull is being stated. But what is being shown here is the enthusiasm everyone has for this great game. I also think BTS is wrong. Let us have our party for a little while longer.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MantaRay:

And that Italian crack was just almost on par with some of Username, OBG, and MG's posts. I am Italian and I got it before you did, and I am 3,000 miles away Manieri. Maybe BTS just doesnt like YOU???? smile.gif



God knows I don't Capt.

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Well, I got accomplished what needed to be accomplished... there is now a singular post to put all happy declarations of CM on. If the dialogue continues to spiral downward, I suggest you close this thread, Steve. (Although I won't know if he does or not since I should get my copy of CM tomorrow, and therefore won't be visiting the board 'til the weekend or so smile.gif And by that time, all this nastiness and gloating will be old news and most likely forgotten...)


In fighting and in everyday life you should be determined though calm. Meet the situation without tenseness yet not recklessly, your spirit settled yet unbiased. An elevated spirit is weak and a low spirit is weak. Do not let the enemy see your spirit. -- M.M.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Miyamoto Musashi:

...my point was to ask why is it necessary that everyone who gets their copy must immediately start a new thread saying they have it


Why does it have to be a "necessity" to post something on here about when and where someone finally got there game? Some people do things out of enjoyment rather than necessity.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Capt. Manieri:

In a few hours I'll have one TOO.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No you will not. I bet you will be THE LAST person to receive CM!



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Actually, I hope to claim the distinction of being the last person in North America to recieve their preorder... Gee do you think that a graduate career in scientific research makes you pessimistic and cynical? wink.gif


Walter R. Strapps

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